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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/02/2022 in Posts

  1. 14 points
    I know I haven’t been as active on RS since we have launched out in full time missions work fall of 2020. However, I still think this is the best GT site on the planet with a great group of guys. We had a wonderful Christmas holiday season as I hope that ya’ll did. It will likely be a busy first quarter of the year with trips scheduled to Gdańsk-Poland, Indiana, Texas, Ohio, Missouri, and back to Texas before April 1. I haven’t gotten much wrenching time recently but hopefully that will change for the month of April. For those of you that have been around here for awhile, you know that our family always does an annual Christmas Day Tractor pic. This year it was nearly 40 degrees and sunny—go figure for east central WI🤔. Hopefully, we will get to visit more of you in our travels across this great country of ours this year as we were able to do in 2021. The tractor in the background is Casey…it is a 1980 Case 224 repowered with a M16 single. It has been in our extended family for 35 years this summer and I got it back in 2001. It is now my daughters machine and it works well. Claudia and I are planning a sheetmetal refresh and paint this summer🤞🏻. My cousin (a Case expert) rebuilt a deck for Claudia two summers ago and it works great! Happy Holidays and a blessed new year to you all!
  2. 12 points
    Here’s a few side shots of mine. Love all the pictures.
  3. 10 points
    Well last night while scrolling Facebook I saw some pictures of stuff for sale on a local garden tractor page. I showed Alex all the different things this guy had for sale and he fell in love with this little Excello reel mower powered with a little cast iron Briggs and Stratton. It was kind of late but I sent the guy a message. He wasn’t really looking for much and told me to make him an offer. Alex gave me a number and the guy accepted. This morning we headed out early and met him at his barn and Alex purchased it with his own money. It all spins freely and looks to be complete. he tossed in a Hahn Rocket 20 for Aiden my older son that I’m hoping gets him back into the garage. here’s to hoping we can figure out our first reel mowers. I think they will be great additions to the boys small collection of stuff and to bring to shows with us. He also found a 36”rear discharge wheel horse deck and gave that to me. Nice morning for a drive with my boys.
  4. 10 points
    Well we got some heavy wet snow last night so it was time to put the 875 to work. Even without wheel weights and chains the snow was no match for this Wheel Horse. Automatic is the way to go when pushing snow. Last year I used 857 with weights and chains. As far as how the tractors went through the snow, I didn't notice much of a difference. Much easier with the automatic.
  5. 9 points
  6. 8 points
    You need a harmonic balancer ( bolt grip) puller. Puller bolts into the threaded holes on the pulley. A puller that grabs the edge of the pulley will break it.
  7. 7 points
    No snow yet, but finally got around to mounting and installing my triribs on my C101. also picked up a nice 42”SD last week from squonk.
  8. 7 points
  9. 6 points
    My last haul I got from auction 2 months ago. A load of Briggs motors, parts lawn ranger and Bush Hog T63
  10. 6 points
    Yes Jeffrey was adopted from the city pound just over a year ago. The picked him up off the street severely injured. He need surgery to close him all back up again. Here is his " side shot" showing off some of his scars. He is a great dog. Shhhhh he dosnt know he is adopted.
  11. 5 points
  12. 5 points
    Well there nobody can steel my faux antifreeze.
  13. 4 points
    And made a video. Holds 266 mowing at 77* ambient..its amazing how quickly the engine heat soaks on shutdown
  14. 4 points
    My ole 71 800 grAss cutter&74 12 auto about halfway there.
  15. 4 points
    Happy Happy Josh & say hello to the gang. Miss you guys at plow day!
  16. 4 points
    So it's not really a side shot. Today seems to be snow removal day, so Casper and I went out. I cut a path through the deep stuff on the left with my walk behind. That part didn't get cleared yesterday. The rest was only an inch or two deep,depending on how the wind blew, but it was still fun. All went without a hitch, except.... that little red light on top of the board...when it's covered with snow, it's just white. Kind-a looks like this . Get it? It's just white.
  17. 4 points
    Jim probably thinks Dan is to busy to work on more than one
  18. 4 points
    Yup. I think you should add an air filter. Splitting logs is not the cleanest of jobs.
  19. 4 points
    So I’ve made some progress on the homemade splitter. I’ve even managed to track down its original creator. It was apparently built in 79, and used all through the 90s. He ended up selling it and it pretty much dropped off the face of the earth until now. I ended up ripping a crappy MTD snowblower apart for the engine and mounted a generic China hydraulic pump to it. Surprisingly everything lined up perfectly. I need to clean the hydraulic tank and control module before I can start making up hoses, but I believe I’ll have a functional splitter soon.
  20. 3 points
    Spittin' snow... and that Honda's raring to go!
  21. 3 points
    Old and water in oil… Prop up front end and make sure all oil drains. There’s a hump in trans that keeps some oil in if not propped up… Put couple quarts of kerosene in there and run it around awhile. Change through all gears while driving. Drain again with front end propped up. or, just fill with 80-90 gear oil and run for awhile. Then drain again… Fill with 80-90 weight drain oil. May need to do twice… I’d change shift boot cover to keep water out… And,
  22. 3 points
    I would like to throw my Season's Greetings out there also for you and your family. Keep us in your thoughts and prayers and safe journeys to you and yours.
  23. 3 points
  24. 3 points
    @ebinmaine… Have @Pullstart build you one… old school bus, a few old Chevy pick ups, some WH parts and a winch or two… what else do you need and what could possibly go wrong…?
  25. 3 points
    Just some junk I picked up in the last six months. Some recoils and parts. Nice 1290 and check mark 6-12 Silvertown. 2021 wasn't bad year
  26. 3 points
    On another note, I REALLY appreciate the open mindedness here! All the off roaders do. To us it is similar to deer hunting- yes we hunt, but at the same time have the utmost love and respect for the animals as well. Doesn't make sense, but its truth.
  27. 3 points
    @Snoopy11 hit the nail on the head. The benefit of having an automotive style bearing insert is probably more helpful than the strength of a billet. When these little engines are abused (or run low on oil) the big end of the rod gets hot due to lack of lube, the aluminum galls and welds itself to the crank, and thats what snaps the rod. That alone is the weak point nearly every time, on every small engine. Fix that issue, and these things are very hard to blow up. You guys will have to check in in a couple months- I bought a 20.5hp (the big boy 46ci) pressure lube Briggs opposed vertical engine, and after months of searching, found a horizontal pressure lube side cover, oil pump and pan. The search continued for a set of used billet rods, and I ended up scoring a set, plus a billet flywheel, STRONG factory 28ci Briggs single pistons (this was a trick I was not aware of) and a pretty healthy custom ground cam. This will be a 30hp, 7000rpm screaming oppy, and likely pretty much bomb proof.
  28. 3 points
    There's nothing like having a "Big Johnson" ( or TWO ) when you need to do some heavy moving!
  29. 3 points
    Looks like you was chasing a leprechaun and got a bit of his gold!!!! Nice!!!
  30. 3 points
  31. 3 points
    @Docwheelhorse , could not agree more , nothing like an empty road , road test , do that to heat up a gear oil change , and the flushing after word, usually bring a small tool kit , carb cleaner, test light , to get after any issues. pete
  32. 2 points
    Working on the Bronco 14 today. Purchased a used working electric PTO to install. Removed the duct tape my father in law installed when he removed the PTO and discovered this. key appears to be bent up and the back edge is rounded. Can someone provide me the size I need to purchase to replace this and can I get it at TSC? Also any good advice on getting the drive belt pulley off. Thanks Don
  33. 2 points
    Long time lurker on the forum, first time posting. My dad passed away last June. We’ve had this 1989 312-8 in the family since new. Passed down from my grandfather to my dad. I brought it to my house, over the winter, and tuning it up. I know my dad kept the oil changed in it, frequently. Well, he must’ve not worried to much with the transmission oil. It’s a manual 8 speed. I pulled the dipstick on it and it was pretty cruddy. Had some build up on it. I decided to drain oil and this is what came out 😳. It’s ran fine the last couple times I mowed moms grass. What can use to flush all this out with? Just gear oil (the type manual recommends)? Or is there some type of detergent that I could use? Or is the trans toast?!? This tractor means the world to me! Thanks for any help!!
  34. 2 points
    This was F/B for a while now, so I sent him a message. This with the commando should keep me busy till spring. It is really dirty but that is what you get when you mow. Looks like this was only a mower its whole life. I hope you enjoy the picks.
  35. 2 points
    Thank you Uncle Jim for the trip down memory lane in pictures—many wonderful times! Hopefully I’ll be able to make another one soon🤞🏻 Steve—we certainly miss you too and hope to connect with you again in the near future. You all are certainly in our thoughts and prayers❤️🙏🏻
  36. 2 points
    Not familiar with Toro, but I am a strong believer in the blue belts - they seem to last forever. I get mine at a bearing supply business.
  37. 2 points
    There’s a few in my stable that need some wrenches and lovin’ too. Let’s hope that happens this year!
  38. 2 points
    No pic attached, but not real sure I wanna see that! No worries, mum's the word, I won't tell !
  39. 2 points
    Yep, most of these guys are running literally the bone stock engine that came on the machine, and amazingly they hold up quite well. The big inch/big power builds are coming from engine heads like me who dont know how to leave anything alone haha, and the guys who want to 'bomb' big hills and run through nasty mud that requires a lot of power and tire speed to get through. Andy from Ohio kicked a lot of tail with a 212 on an old Sears, it was piped and jetted only. Sean (Redzz02) took the same machine and dominated the King of Trimmers enduro this past year. My buddy 'Bare' has a similar setup on a Sears custom, and I cant keep up with him in the trails, but if we hit some big hills or nasty mud, that Briggs opposed will grunt right on through it.
  40. 2 points
    I've been using a Gunk brand gallon kit. Just bought a Berryman's. Haven't tried it yet. I've had a fair tone of medium gray. Never any darker. Comes right off in just a few minutes of careful machine wire brushing combined with some hand work with steel or brass brushes.
  41. 2 points
    Betcha 953 nut will like that. They are a favorite of mine. Almost more than a nice roundy. Just something about the tall seat and the drive ability, stock HY and a stout worker.
  42. 2 points
    Looks like it’s going to be the year of the 953/1054.
  43. 2 points
    Most of us find that Regal Red from Rust-oleum is about as close as you will find in a rattle can. International Harvester red is also a good choice.
  44. 2 points
    This may be of help… may not… No apparent definitive answer to your ageless question…
  45. 2 points
  46. 2 points
    Oops. I just checked @Maxwell-8 location. He is in Belgium. The horizontal shaft late 60's Commando 7 won't be as rare there as they are here.
  47. 2 points
  48. 2 points
    I use a mixture of 50:50 Acetone/trans fluid on the exterior and inside bowl. Spray it on let it sit for a few min.Go over it with a brass wire brush and then a Scotch Bright pad. This one was painted,I like them bare metal.
  49. 2 points
    Love those little 8hp engines , real workers.
  50. 2 points
    Fixed my low AC voltage issue on the M18.....the magnets were broken and missing...and completely unglued...Runs at correct AC current now to the regulator !!!! I have never had this issue before with any of my 50 or so Wheel Horses...But apparently Its a common Kohler thing...Oh well ,,,,easy fix !!
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