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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/10/2021 in Posts

  1. 16 points
    For Helping me out with a nice trio of horses. Was a great weekend and loved doing windshield time with ya. Cindy says yer the perfect house guest! He brought over a show Senior from Eastern MI.on Friday night. We then proceeded on Saturday to pick up a fine fine 855 and an even finer 520H FEL from @cschannuth from MO who gracious enough to meet us half way in IL for the score. Saved eight hours off our travel time Craig! Yes wished we could have hung out more and chewed the rag. 855 is up and running with not much effort & more on that and the other horses later. Throw in some pics you got @Pullhosen’s Pony Express when yer done with today's score.
  2. 12 points
    Reason for the name change y’all… well part of it. Mrs. P and I picked this Senior, a 1 bottom plow and a cultivator up from @gt-mtb a few weeks ago. He’s a great guy and helped us load it very carefully.
  3. 11 points
    Last year, I bought a 1973 14 Automatic, intending to put a snow blade on it. I picked up a blade at a bargain price ($60). I wasn't expecting to find wheel weights at a bargain price, especially for cast iron weights (if I could find them). so I picked up a set of NOS Wheel Horse plastic weights for $60. I didn't put them on, in the hope I'd eventually find metal weights. Last week I scored a pair of WH cast iron front wheel weights and they didn't cost me a dime. Saturday morning I had an appointment to pick up some metal grates from a guy about 20 miles away. He was asking $100, but over the phone, I got him to accept $50. 10:30 Friday night, I saw a Craigslist ad for a Toro snowplow and wheel weights, with an asking price of $50. The plow looked like it would fit a 200 series, so I'd have no use for it, but the weights looked like cast iron WH front wheel weights! It was too late to call the guy, so I emailed him. I didn't get a response till Saturday morning. I couldn't believe it, but they were still available. My luck continued, because he was available that morning, and his house was only about a mile detour from my route to pick up the grates. Picking them up, I saw that they were indeed WH weights. Even if I gave the plow away, I's still be getting the weights for a steal. I continued on and picked up the grates. I saw the guy had a few garden tractors, so I showed him the plow and weights I had bought 20 minutes earlier. He asked if I was interested in selling the plow. I asked him what it was worth to him. He said $50. Sold! He handed back the $50 I just gave him for the grates. So the weights ended up costing me only a one mile detour off my original route. Yesterday, I saw a Marketplace ad for an interesting set of homemade steel weights for $60. I picked them up today, giving the seller his asking price. If someone prices something fairly, I usually don't try to squeeze him on price. I really like them. They're well designed and constructed, being cut from 2 1/2 inch thick steel billets. They each weigh 46 pounds. I think $60 was a bargain. Today, I'm a happy guy.
  4. 10 points
    This 953 jumped in my truck today! Between 953’s, 1054’s and projects in between, this makes more than I need. But… 1 bottom plow, 54” snow/doze blade, disc, … @Alliemorgan it was great meeting you as well!
  5. 10 points
    Hello from the Mid Hudson Valley, Everybody... I was looking for a tractor for hauling out small to medium roots, haul some large wooden frames from a garage, and do some snow removal. After lurking around on all the familiar outlets like craigslist and facebook marketplace ( I have given up on eBay some time ago, except for parts) I settled in on Wheel Horse. There seems to be a fare basis of them around the NY, CT area. I picked up one from craigslist today, a 416-8 that undoubtedly been ridden hard and put away wet, but it runs, and it is paid for. The gent I bought it from makes a bit of a market in them and I ended up with an extra set of wheels, 55lb wheel weights, and some extra parts. I will go back for a mower deck, plow, and/or snowblower. Glad to be here and see you around... PJ
  6. 10 points
    Stopped to let the coffee out. sorry for the trick @19richie66, we were just housing a wondering stallion for a few weeks… that’s until Uncle Jim is ready to send it back my way! Yeah boys and girls, I’m calling dibs!
  7. 9 points
    During it’s stay, I set it to mingle with the other classics hoping for baby seniors to pop out.
  8. 8 points
    Soon as it hit Wisconsin Black Top, Uncle Jim was under da’ hood. Touchin’ and feelin’.
  9. 7 points
    I’ve no pics of me driving the FEL tractor towing him on the 855, but he was grinning just the same on that too!
  10. 7 points
    The BBT, her Mom and me and the dog spent some time in the forest today. We've been wanting to get a path made that creates a loop from one side of the acreage to the other. Today was the day. This'll give us better access for recreation like mountain biking or walking, snowshoeing etc. Also for pulling firewood. We both wanted to get it done in time for the upcoming Meet n Greet here in November. @Raposo @OldWorkHorse @Stepney @Bens vintage tractors and whoever else shows, you'll have some more room for exploring out there. Here's some pics that show various before and after shots of certain areas along with general scenery. Pretty tough to really see what was done without actually standing there because we only cut what we need to, to get through.
  11. 7 points
    The crank start is cool, it I found a spare rope start to make starting a little easier. I managed to get the hood raised enough to snap a picture of the engine serial number and change the spark plug. Then we had some drive time together.
  12. 6 points
    Only one in a long bed pick up! Kevin, we expect more of you.
  13. 6 points
    That mug on Uncle Jim’s neck sure did smile a lot this weekend!
  14. 6 points
    Lot's of general maintenance here today. Gaps set, all fluids changed, and she got all gussied up in the process. Will get that seat color matched to the wheels tomorrow when the rain stops... then, down the road it will go.
  15. 5 points
    I know there were some kits out there and lots of been posted about converting to wheel studs, but thought I would document with some pics while doing this today. I bought these lug nuts from Amazon. https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B07QNM3MXJ?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2_dt_b_product_details And 20 1 1/2" 7/16-20 fine thread grade 5 bolts from my local hardware store at 85 cent a pop. These bolts have a slight chamfer at the base of the head, so I chamfered the backside of the hubs so they would fit flush with some blue loctite added to keep them in place. I will let he pics speak for themselves.
  16. 5 points
    As many of you know, the South Mountain Fairgrounds is the home of the "Big Show", the annual Wheel Horse Collectors Club Show. A well organized event. For years I have seen ads on TV and on the web for the Apple Harvest Festival, and thought it would be fun to go. This first picture is where @buckrancher and I set up our canopies. The next picture is of the intersection of the drives near the back of the show taken from just in front of where @Ed Kennell usually sets up. This image is looking from the back of the grounds, up the road where @stevebo used to set up camp. Everything to the right is where we all park our trailers. The only redeeming thing about the whole show was that there were a few Wheel Horse on display. Given the chance to go to this $10 per person event again, I'll pass.
  17. 5 points
    On to the 855 @Bailey855 I is catching up to you on the '65s Kev kinda wanted to go out and get it running last nite but I was road burnt and just wanted to kick back. To honor him after I threw his sorry @$$ out this morning I tied into her. Popped off the fuel tank and cleaned it up. Took off the gonna leak bowl and put on a regular gas cock. Had a brand new 70 amp switch in her and a new shift boot ....thank you Craig..... but the wiring was nothing up to my par so rewired her quick and gas lines. The gas line was 1/4" aluminum pilot line Squonky @squonk with compression fittings! Replaced it all with rubber and a filter. Threw a battery in it and she fired right off with a little sniffing salts. Thing runs sweet as a .... family site @cschannuth..... even mowed a bit with her. I have no idea what I am gonna do with it I certainly don't need a mower. I can see it as a good tractor to throw the mid mount blade on and give that smoker 867 I got from @Shynon a rest. Very possible as a ride around at next year's show circuit.
  18. 5 points
    I got my bumper back on the 77 c160. This came on my 1974 but I removed it for my plow. I wasn't sure if the plow would work with it on so I put it in my storage garage and I hid it pretty good. Anyway this is on and I like it. I painted the front because it was starting to rust.
  19. 5 points
    I got out on the field this morning with around 15 other tractors. The weather was overcast most of the time but we still got a lot done. Everyone had traction issues from rain the night before. The limited slip #5073 worked well as I just didn’t have enough weight. I would love to get my dads 105 pounders in the future. Nothing broke except the right hub walked against the axle housing so have to pull that apart this week. Overall it was fun and I will do it again. Nice group of guys of which one is a member here. Sorry about the lack of pics. I don’t text and drive, might plow into the guy in front of you (no pun intended).
  20. 4 points
    I know it doesn't exactly meet the standard of "Horse hauler" but I'm pretty happy. This is the first time I've ever bought a new car ... For me. Had other new rides in past lives. This one's mine. Researched. Chosen. Found. Bought. 2022 Kia Soul XL. I bought a base model on purpose because the only options I even mildly desired were heated seats and mirrors which are part of a pricier model. I'll accessorize this one some. Plan is to keep it for 4 to 6 years and sell or trade depending on future market conditions.
  21. 4 points
  22. 4 points
    Aaannnddd.... Then she wanted to go back out and clear some more.... So here's some more pictures of paths and also bonus mushrooms. We use certain areas or objects in the woods to describe where we're headed or what areas need attention/pruning etc. The first pic is what we call Split Rock.
  23. 4 points
    Well the previous owner of my RJ tried to help get me the original engine to this tractor. He had sold it a few years back (clinton) but was pretty sure the new owner was sitting on it still. As it turns out it had been sold again to someone else and no way to track it down. BUT as luck would have it he had a old Bolens Versamatic he was getting ready to get rid of, and it had a beat looking K-90..........soooooo, I saw it and thought thats perfect for my tractor......they look like they were ment to be togather. Its a rope start model, and of course the spec im sure is difrent, but, will certainly look good togather !!! At this point im pretty confident that the only finish this tractor is going to get is a WD40 wipe down ......once EVERYTHING is freed up, and I mean EVERYTHING LOL
  24. 4 points
    You let that Senior go to cheeseland…?!?!?!? Oh man… you better get in the witness protection program… no name change gonna protect you from the Michigan Mafia…. Serious need for you to reconsider your priorities young man…
  25. 4 points
    Got her in the shop now. Repacked a leaking sediment bowl and added a filter. Gas has got an odd milky color but starts first pull and runs better now.
  26. 4 points
    I can remember by who I was with. Not the same one I'm with now....
  27. 4 points
    Every year for who knows how long Trina's family has gotten together in the fall to apple pickin. Location depends on who's able to attend. This year we went to Brackett Orchards in Limington Maine. Great place. Here's some pics of the views from the farm.
  28. 4 points
    Been raining here so inside projects….. if I can get a little bit of sunshine later I can spray them.
  29. 4 points
    It’s a big one! 7x20”. Bought it super cheap! $2,500 2nd owner! My boss had it lol…. Few reasons for this mobile stable are one the location we stored them was on mud road, old farm and the mice where doing a lot of damage! 2nd we are trying to find a new place to live in the same town husband and I work…. The location has rules on out sheds and so forth that this was a way to thin the heard down and get around the restrictions!! 😂. The trailer isn’t an out shed and is able to be licensed! Sadly we have down sized many horses but have kept all the little one for sure! Lol. Even at 20’ the trailer wouldn’t hold our want to keep horses so he pondered it and that’s what he came up with!!! One more horse to find home for! Lots of parts and decks will be sorted out! Third but not least the horses are always loaded and ready for a show!!! In all it will hold 10 or 11 horses! 🤞🏻
  30. 4 points
    You get to watch that needle go back and forth when that Onan is hunting at idle. Kinda hypnotizing!
  31. 4 points
    I've switched to using my backpack leaf blower make to short work of removing that nasty old debris build up.
  32. 4 points
    Lynnmor! Your inspiration was priceless! I went to the junkbox to look for material to make a tip and couldn't have gotten luckier! The thread is 1/4-28. The very first thing that caught my eye was an old Chevy 396 pushrod. The hole in the end looked just right. Ground the ball end to a pointy shape. Had to kill the temper, there was no way I was gonna cut that with a hacksaw! Gotter red hot, cut the end off. Lo and behold, the INSIDE oil passage was already the CORRECT TAP SIZE! So I tapped it, and screwed it on. Looks like it was made for it! And in a way, it WAS! Took me all of 15 minutes! Next going to cast a magnet into a lead weight and make it tip-proof...
  33. 4 points
    Guess I should have expected this too! In the end it is a solid machine, just needs some TLC.
  34. 4 points
    I agree with @pacer and @ebinmaine it being so low mounted there was no leverage. So I had to take things into my own hands. I did some cutting , grinding and drilling. I hated to destroy someone's work of art but no one could identify it as an original part. And it works easy now just as the original one on my other c160 just a tad shorter. I still need to paint it but I'm happy. Thanks to everyone that replied to this.
  35. 3 points
    @Andy N.'s post, which included the classic, " the PO told me that he bought it 6 months ago to use it as a mower, but never liked the way it cut..." only to find the blades upside down reminded me of my old neighbors. They were great friends, but man did they torture their equipment. A few of their stories: I hear the missus out mowing, and then hear Braaaaaaaapppppppppp. I looked out my window a bit later as I could hear their Craftsman tractor struggling to find their entire back yard was covered in dirt crop circles. She must've hit something and bent the blade, and kept going. The whole backyard was torn up. Like an entire 1/4 acre. Another time, I'm working in the driveway, and the mister is driving that Craftsman down the road towards my house. I wasn't really looking, but something sounded odd. I looked up from my work as he pulls into my driveway for help and saw he was dragging the front tires down the street. The left tire was turning left and the right tire was turning right. The story goes, he drove up a tree stump and bent the tie rod. When that Craftsman finally died, he asked if he could borrow my crappy Husky I had at the time to mow. I just kinda looked at him, not sure of what to say and I could tell he knew the answer was, "No. Freakin'. Way!" I'd rather mow his lawn for him than lose my tractor. Great neighbors, terrible with lawn equipment. Anyone else have stories of wacky neighbors torturing their tractors?
  36. 3 points
    These were all tractors that participated in the tractor pull on Saturday afternoon, I have videos up on my YouTube channel of the pull and various other activities throughout the weekend.
  37. 3 points
    Gotta say, if somethin is so dead that stuff grows out of it like mushrooms, Daddy aint eatin it! I don't even like mushrooms of any kind! I did a fun little survival and evasion course for Uncle Sam when I was younger and dare I say dumber. We had to eat what we could find for seven days, and I ate stuff that still causes nausea all these years later. I have no problems foraging and cleaning whatever critter I was lucky enough to harvest. ...but shrooms? Nope, y'all can have them.
  38. 3 points
    That may be a blessing… I’ve seen the gene pool in @Pullhosen’s Pony Express’s barn…
  39. 3 points
    This whole weekend was nothing but yard work. Hauling firewood to the shed, and mulching up leaves with the deck. Probably only have 1-2 more uses out of the deck this season before I have to put the blower on the machine and give the deck a nice coating of oil for the winter. Should be interesting wrestling the blower onto the machine. I’ve only ever had to take it off.
  40. 3 points
    WOW! When they're raking it in like that makes one wonder why they even put up with us there.
  41. 3 points
  42. 3 points
    I sold 95% of what I had at the hospital as they were duplicates of what I had at home. Also sold all of my HVAC stuff outside of my automotive gauges. Still got a lot. Sockets deElegance Std wrenches Metric wrenches Special wrenches Tool bag that stays in the truck. Road sockets And finally. It looks like a short guy with funny clothes went through my pliers and electrical drawers!
  43. 3 points
    Agree Kev, front attachment never has max weight on the rears. You never see pullers going down the track backwards. As pullers know, the elevation of the tractor attachment point also controls the weight in the rear tires and influences traction. High rear attachment point creating a wheelie puts 100% of the tractor weight on the rears. Low rear attachment puts more weight on the fronts and less on the rears. Of course, all this has nothing to do with the forward/reverse torque output of the 1100 tranny.
  44. 3 points
    Had the same build up on my 418-C when I got it. that stuff was so thick it wouldn't allow the motion controller to move all the way forward. Mine had acorns and mouse nesting material as well as clippings in it, gald you only had grass.
  45. 3 points
    Nice score. Sometimes deals fall right in your lap when you least expect it. I just picked up these for $75 yesterday, they will be bolted to the inside of the rear wheels. They weigh 15 lbs each, so 30 per side.
  46. 3 points
    Just wipe it with a rag that has clean oil on it . Patina like that can never be replicated .
  47. 3 points
  48. 3 points
    Before and after degreasing pressure wash side shots!
  49. 3 points
    When I picked up the 417-A last weekend, the PO told me that he bought it 6 months ago to use it as a mower, but never liked the way it cut so he decided to sell it. I think I found the issue. Grass was really wet from the rain today and it was getting dark out, so I'll mow with it tomorrow on the 418-A now that the deck is cleaned and the blades are sharpened and installed correctly. Engine compression on the KT17QS is excellent. IMG_0722.mp4
  50. 3 points
    Finally got it done. I tried to get it started for the first time in 3 years and I turned the key and nothing. So I had to get the ohm meter out to find the problem. I decided to use the amp gage to see if it was charging and sure enough it was dead. I had another gage from my 74 c160 that was working ok before I changed it to a voltage gage. Well this time after about 2 seconds it fired up and runs great. And I decided to install the only seat i kept and made. Everything works and no more rust except for a few bolts I reused. Im very happy with my C160's.
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