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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/01/2021 in all areas

  1. 10 points
    Started wire brushing all the old wrong colour paint of with a view to painting in IH red. But I like the look so much I might leave it as is and just clear coat it.
  2. 9 points
    Thanks guys for supporting the site. Please pm me with your shipping info and I will get them boxed up. Thanks for playing along!
  3. 5 points
    Wait, what? I didn't win? I always win a door prize at the BIG SHOW. Seriously though, this was fun. I think that being a supporting member of the greatest tractor forum in the world is worth every dollar invested. As I have said many times before, if you are a member of this forum and say you can't afford to be a supporter, then you really can't afford to own a Wheel Horse. Keeping RedSquare afloat ensures that all of us have access to FREE manual downloads, pictures, parts no longer made by Toro/Wheel Horse, and lots more, particularly the banter and genuinely nice people.
  4. 5 points
    Could be a “Squonk” bustop cup in the future
  5. 5 points
    Don't forget my name, there @19richie66... I am now a supporter!!! Don
  6. 5 points
    Thanks again. Glad you like them. Finished 3 more yesterday.
  7. 4 points
    Just got this 58 rj, MAY have a shot at getting the original clinton engine (P O sold it years back to a friend), but probably a 50/50 shot so may have to get creative. was thinking full paint job, BUT. liking the ratty look from previous posts !!!!
  8. 4 points
    Yes he is ... .... I gotta show off these beauts again!
  9. 4 points
    Leaning towards selling house and buying one with a bigger garage !
  10. 4 points
    First winner is : #21 Slim67 Second winner is: #33 Steelman
  11. 4 points
    I needed something to drive back and forth to work and stumbled across it after a deal on a Scion XB fell through. Never regretted buying it. I always said it was bigger on the inside than on the outside. I always wanted to do an LS swap / rear wheel drive under one
  12. 4 points
    Had one similar but different. Let a bunch of 10yr olds destroy it though.
  13. 4 points
    I'm not one of those people. I don't through anything away. That's why there's just a path through my garage...
  14. 4 points
    Closest refrence photos of a manco that style i can find on web
  15. 4 points
    I rebuilt a mule drive with new pulleys and a fresh Toro belt and while it was off, hooked my winch up to take care of a dead tree. Also buzzed up some saplings while I was at it. The winch was awesome, great for controlling how the tree fell and then I used it to drag the trunk out. As for belts, I am DONE buying anything but genuine Toro belts. It's not worth trying to save a couple bucks buying aftermarket. Aramid/Kevlar belts are also junk- give me a stock Toro rubber belt and I guarantee you it will outlast any other belt.
  16. 3 points
    I know about the lift spring for the snow blower (#4629) because I put one on my dads workhorse and it helped tremendously but has anyone here ever made a set up for a sleeve hitch. I did just that this evening with a 8 inch 3/8 eye bolt, an old threaded connector and a century c-267 spring. It’s a quick way to help lift the plow for now and it turned out pretty good for a quick idea. I need to research springs a little more and may find a better combination but for now it’ll work. I see Brinly made one for Cub cadets in a video and that gave me the idea. I will post pics tomorrow but would like to see what you guys have done.
  17. 3 points
    Leave it alone is my vote….well maybe paint the rims linen beige or black.
  18. 3 points
    While this unit may in fact be 'weak', it's always good practice to measure the voltage AT THE STARTER with an ANALOG voltmeter (so you can see at a glance rather than wait for a digital display to update). This will pretty much tell you right away if there are deficiencies in the cabling to the starter (and the keyswitch / solenoid, etc). As a youngster not knowing any better I once replaced a perfectly good starter because of a bad ground cable. I learned that lesson over 50 years ago!
  19. 3 points
    Congrats to @slim67 and @steelman. A very big thanks to @19richie66 for your generosity.
  20. 3 points
    How do we know it's the generator that's the problem. What kind of shape are the starter switch, battery and cables in? How clean are the grounds? An 8 HP engine requires about 65 amps to crank. If it's only getting 30 it aint gonna crank. Clean all the spots on those mounting ears. On my engine test stand, with one generator I only got a click, cleaned the ears and away it went. Clean up those rusty posts too. You'd be surprised.
  21. 3 points
    I like my name in red...! Don
  22. 3 points
  23. 3 points
  24. 3 points
    My 520H's in their stables this morning:
  25. 3 points
    Not a 520 but I was up this morning putting the plow blade on the 875. So easy. After that I had to rearrange the garage to make things fit. Going to need to do it again once we get some snow. I also need to go get the belt that goes from the deck to the engine on the 500 Special.
  26. 3 points
    My path has since filled in.
  27. 3 points
    A bunch of 520 pics ??? Lets see 'em folks!
  28. 3 points
    My bride calls it "The Toaster". I had an '88 Isuzu Trooper before this. Another Toaster. Loved that truck!
  29. 3 points
    Look at us on page 520! Which reminds me… I should see if the float needle for my 520 is close yet. I got the new rocker arms for the 607 on after last week’s incident. Seems okay now, gonna start it this afternoon. The new ones are a little bigger but they still fit, and they are thicker so they should be stronger. I’m glad I did that little modification to the cylinder head. I took about 0.030” off and the compression is much better, I could do more but I thought that was too much. Anyway, it should be good and strong for pulling and plowing. Now I just gotta get the $$$ to finish the tranny. About $200 for all new bearings and seals.
  30. 3 points
    Been off work for 5 days doing chores and cleaning and chores and tasks and…you get the idea. Decided to take a cruise in the woods as a reward for all of the above . The trails here used to be 6-7 feet wide from all the tractors and especially the quads that kept the growth tamed. Well nobody rides them anymore and in some spots they are completely gone now. I stopped at the water crossing unsure if I should venture thru…of course I went for it! Good thing I had a tractor with Ags cause that water was deep! Took a video as well, not sure if it’ll work for you all to view it or not. IMG_2396.MOV
  31. 3 points
    Same can happen if you have water in your compressor and do not use a water-seperator when filling you tires with just air.
  32. 3 points
    Stripped the underside of my deck down to bare metal, ready to apply the POR-15 treatment... And added the stiffener / safety bar to the discharge chute. That's one of the 'through bolts' from my old boiler that I replaced several years ago. I knew there was a reason I saved them! (Hi, my name's Jeff and I'm a hoarder!) Note that the back apron had been bent down at some point by previous owner mis-treatment. Before I welded the bar I set up a jig to spread the apron out for more clearance. It was still real close and it would hit every now and then if I accidentally backed into a fence post with the wheel (which I would do fairly often because I try to get the deck under the fence to minimize weed whacking). My hope is that the stiffener will cure that problem. (HA! with my luck I'll bend the bar!) I hope it doesn't catch too much grass and clog the chute! @Ed Kennell Thanks for the photo reminder! I forgot I wanted to do this until I saw your post of your deck sunbathing with tanning oil slathered on!
  33. 3 points
    Also have something I’m working on. Hmm…..
  34. 3 points
    they’re actually foam handle grips patterned to look like wood… nevertheless comfy… I fixed the front flat, lubed everything up, rides perfectly… I kinda like the seat and handlebar design… may put on a dress and drive it…! Now there’s a visual…
  35. 2 points
    Loaded up! Hope to see someone else there representing Wheel Horse
  36. 2 points
    My Horses......... My New Ford LGT-16D 3-cyl Diesel
  37. 2 points
    Let me re phrase that .... I have a very bad sickness...... Yes ..... I save unwanted tractors and bring them back to life. and now that Im retired its getting worse.
  38. 2 points
    Manual section if it isn't a bad ground /connection issue..(also does engine turn freely???)
  39. 2 points
    I directly put power to it. Cause the cables are indeed in bad shape.
  40. 2 points
    Fun stuff!!! Congrats to the winners!!!
  41. 2 points
    Found a hose I forgot I had, so here is how it will be mounted.
  42. 2 points
    Strage out of the handful of 520's I have had, I hardly got any pic's After before The old shaker that went north on a trade. It was a good runner.
  43. 2 points
    I'm waiting with worms in my mouth!
  44. 2 points
    It really is insane, I had the fortune of growing up in a fairly well to do area, and the things we have found at our local transfer station have been astonishing. I don't think my parents ever purchased a bike, all came from there, we've gotten prehung doors, garage door openers, chainsaws and leafblowers, more nice chairs than you can count, not to mention just all the cool antiquey stuff. A lot of times it is either a quick fix, or more often than not a side effect of user error. My favorite was one time after a big storm blew through we found a brand new chainsaw in the box. Tree guys were backed right up for house calls, so our assumption was Joe Homeowner decided to get himself a chainsaw and take care of his fallen tree himself. We took the chainsaw out of the box and it clearly had been used for all of 30 seconds and the chain fell off on them. Must have scared the poor bastard cause they packed it right back up and dropped it off at the dump.
  45. 2 points
    hey there, Jim, there's a reason to keep stuff you just don't know yet when it's going to become useful again, but it does! Especially when you decide you've kept it to long enough and decide to get rid of it. "Bam" a little later, you think, I sure could have used that.
  46. 2 points
    You related to @Achto ?!?!?
  47. 2 points
    @19richie66 @Jeff-C175 I have an uncle who's been in country/rock bands most of his life. His space/cargo needs aren't real heavy but take up alot of large rectangular area. He bought a new Element awhile back. Loved it. He joked about the shape... "It looks like the box it came in!" I've been a fan of that box shape myself. I need a new commuter car. Within a week or two I should have a new Kia Soul here.
  48. 2 points
    Hose routing will be simple.
  49. 2 points
    This is one of those times I wish a machine could talk. That old horse looks like it would have one hell of a story to tell.
  50. 2 points
    You and the Dino tooling down the street on them together.....now there's a visual ! Put some cards on the spokes! Bet the saw works perfectly too!
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