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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/14/2021 in Posts

  1. 9 points
    So.... I just got home with this. I been wanting to fix one up for my 9 yr old nephew. I need to do it in a hurry as I will be going in hospitol soon for my 3rd battle with cancer. You know the story. Was told it ran about a month or so ago. Not running now. I just got home with it so I haven't checked it out yet. Have never owned a Lawn Ranger before, and know nothing about them. Maybe you guys can tell me what I have here and any advice would be helpful as well. Seems to be complete with the exception of the seat. Going to need to pick one up somewhere.
  2. 9 points
    Down with hurt back, grass still grows, daughter number two got r done
  3. 9 points
    Another reason this thing isn't finished is because I keep adding to the pile of mods. Gonna make another flavor of hydro pedal. Not a perfect match but both will be red when this is finished, and no one should be offended if I keep it in my barn. Pedal is from a Kubota. Wish I could find a mid-90s left pedal. Would be a pretty close match.
  4. 7 points
    Turn it in until it snaps, then back it off a quarter!
  5. 7 points
    An electrical system will only flow the amount of current that the appliance (starter) will consume. If a starter draws 100 amps and the cables and connections are good, that's what comes out. The rest in a battery does nothing. If you have a 500 amp battery, a 100 amp starter and 50 amp cables, You cables become colorful fuses. Story is if your cables are original 1975 cables and you're spending the extra cash for a 500 amp battery, spend a little more on new cables. They may look good on the outside, but underneath the rubber/plastic they may be shot.
  6. 7 points
    No worries. You're good. In fact, it will likely make winter starting a lot easier. While you're in there messing with the electrical system it would be a great idea to replace and upgrade the cables and clean all your grounds.
  7. 7 points
    Do NOT use any sort of 'puller' on that Electric PTO...you WILL ruin it. (1) remove the 9/16 center bolt. Then follow the directions in this pic... When you put it back on, use the oroginal 9/16 bolt to 'draw' it onto the crankshaft. If you need parts...I have some...
  8. 6 points
    Thank you. Going to see the Dr today about my kidney cancer. I should know the game plan when I leave there today. My 2 other Dr's passed me off to this guy. This will be my 3rd time kicking cancers a$$.
  9. 6 points
    Unless you have drilled and taped your hubs and rims for a much larger lug bolt you should be looking at torque specs for a 7/16" -20 fine thread bolt. They are grade 5 so according to the torque chart that would be 41 ft/lb of torque.
  10. 6 points
    But just remember......"2 pieces is too tight "
  11. 5 points
    Put the spindles on Rebel like the look good with the red in the middle steers easier to
  12. 5 points
    Hand torque till it feels right
  13. 5 points
  14. 4 points
    Cold Cranking Amps of a battery is a bit like a well water pump, mine is rated at eight gallons per minute but if I open a faucet just a little I just get a little water. In general you can expect a 500 CCA battery to last much longer than a 300 CCA so you will get your money's worth out of it.
  15. 4 points
    Maybe not. But I keep antisieze on all of mine and they haven't come loose in 15 years on a couple- but don't require an impact whench to break loose either. I'd think 40 foot lbs would be plenty on a single unweighted wheel. If your tires are filled and you have 50lb wheel weights and duallies? I think a more important thing would be equal and even torque in any wheel. Since my tractor wheels are hub centric and never exceed 10 mph, I feel relatively safe with 40-50 foot lbs. Lug centric wheels on a highway is another story.
  16. 3 points
    Think applying mineral oil will bring this seat back?
  17. 3 points
    Or a whole new set of wheels for less I've never needed chains for these tires on mine. https://www.surpluscenter.com/Wheels/Wheel/Pneumatic-Wheels/15X5-00-6-Pair-of-Carlisle-XTRAC-Snowblower-Wheels-1-5708.axd
  18. 3 points
    This means three things: 1. You raised her right. 2. She is smarter, more dutiful, and more compassionate than 90% of the rest of her generation. 3. You have both earned and been gifted the hallowed right of proud papa!
  19. 3 points
    We took it to the drag strip once. Pulled the 1/4 mile trap at 45 mph!
  20. 3 points
    You can get batteries with car type poles, if that's what you want, in auto parts stores etc, like you are on to. The smaller car batteries that fit perfectly, are far superior to the lawn and garden stuff. I use high grade (if that's the right word) car batteries in my machines. I have zero issues in winter time and they last a much longer time, compared to the smaller LG ones. A tip if you want to get good stuff, and save some $$. Go to the car scrap yard. They often have piles of batteries, and you can often find almost new batteries that were installed just before the car crashed. Then you have a good "real" battery, for like 10-20 buck or so. Just a thought. You would also be able to find beefy cables there too, with the right battery terminals on. If CCA baffles you, then look at it this way. Water in a bucker 1 foot deep, and water in a bath tub 1 foot deep. Same pressure. All good. But when you start letting it out thru a 2" pipe, to turn your little watermill in the backyard, then the bucket gets emptied a whole lot faster.................... CCA= The volume behind the voltage. You could hook up the battery pack from a ferry if you wanted to, as long as it is 12 volt.
  21. 3 points
  22. 3 points
    She looked downright forlorn in the first picture. Out there in the rain by herself, and all. Very glad you adopted her to bring home!
  23. 3 points
    It found me. It should clean up nice. Can't wait to see it in the day light. Looks like you have to take the steering wheel off to take the hood off. Here I thought Wheel Horse made things easy to work on. Who designed that !!!
  24. 3 points
    We had a metal roof installed back in April and May. Still a bit of trim to be finished up but it was time to get the waste pile moved into he trailer so it can go to the transfer station this weekend. Gotta get cleaned up 'round here what with us having a Meet n Greet coming up!! So we used the Cinnamon Horse C160 and Trina's 867 Pigpen tractor to pull a couple trailers over by the pile. We sorted out the material by type and loaded up. Oh, and bonus dog pic.....
  25. 2 points
    So this past weekend, I had the honor of giving my 94 1/2 year old Dad a ride on the SL& WHNN RR. He had a blast! But… it was a chore for him to get on and off the adult seat in the main car… So… I started thinking (always leads to trouble) - why not build a wheelchair “lowboy” trailer and have it available for any folks - kids or adults - in a wheelchair… So it begins: Base is gonna be an old hitch flatbed I have. I’m thinking wheelchair on one side and seat for caregiver on other side. Will have wheels and can be towed solo or as part of the train… Latches will be on wheels and frame. Ratchet ties for redundancy… Some pics of concept and whole train… (white stool is just for concept of caregiver seat area) Initial thoughts welcome…
  26. 2 points
  27. 2 points
    D series are a blast to trail ride on. You can even stand up on one and stretch your legs!
  28. 2 points
    I had nothing to do with said Tecky. I cannot put a whammy on an engine over the phone!
  29. 2 points
    That was the first thing I did when I bolted it on. I dont know what it is about this tractor but I find myself joy riding on it ALOT
  30. 2 points
    I am in need of a new battery for my 1975 C 161. As most of you know these models have a rather huge, is size, batteries. My old battery is a 300 C.C.A. battery. I found a battery that fits the battery box perfectly that is a automotive battery that has 500 C.C.A. Question, will the added 200 C.C.A. cause any problems with the starter.?????? Thanks for your reply's in advance.....
  31. 2 points
    I think by using the CCA analogies above I’m going to play it safe and twin turbo my lawn mower…. Just in case.
  32. 2 points
    It sure will be! 💪
  33. 2 points
    No, but that's why you're awesome. Thems was some looooongg ramps ehh?
  34. 2 points
    Good analogy on the CCA Tom
  35. 2 points
    Oh I'm using that one from now on...
  36. 2 points
    It must have been a lot colder in November/December back then… Happy Birthday OldLineMan!
  37. 2 points
    What Eric said, the CCA of a battery is just what it is capable of, the starter or what ever it is powering determines the amount of amps it draws. Bigger CCA batteries just have to work easier the bigger they are. I always buy the largest CCA battery that will fit. Cleaning the connections will help it work easier as well. Randy
  38. 2 points
    I have a really old worn out impact that tightens up just right, absolutely no idea what it torques to, but I have used it for all my vehicles and tractors for years. No broken lugs, no missing wheels! If you are using a hand socket and ratchet, you can tighten pretty hard and be fine. A lot of us grew up working on things and you just develop a "feel" for what is the right amount of tightness. Of course, my Dad used to get on me that I didn't know my own strength and I have twisted a few bolts off in my day!! I just got a new brushless dewalt 1/2" impact and I suspect I'm gonna mess a couple of things up until I figure out the proper amount of kachunka chunks!! RAndy
  39. 2 points
    I was working on one of my trailers the other day and was thinking about your trailer and wondered if it was still working out. Glad it is!! If I had money and energy to build all the things I lay awake and think about, I would have a lot of crap!! I had a long enjoyable career as a autoglass/bodyman but I would have enjoyed being a fabricator! I enjoy all the stuff you post that you and Trina do, you guys are some hard workers!! Randy
  40. 2 points
    Thanks Don. She needed a good home. I do wish it had electric start though. The hand crank start is kicking my butt.
  41. 2 points
    Maybe Mick's a swan whisperer...
  42. 2 points
    80 lb-ft assumes that the threads on the lug nuts/studs/bolts are lightly lubricated - as in the way nuts and bolts are delivered from the factory. If you are adding things like anti-seize or oil to them, 40 to 50 lb-ft is better. Lubrication on threads increases the tension in the bolt or stud for a given amount of tightening torque - sometimes to the point of stud or bolt failure or wheel countersink damage. I spent my 40 year engineering career in the steel wheel industry learning trivia like this.
  43. 2 points
    The 60 inch deck is about 350lb, and it yanks it up like it's nothing. The weak part if there is such a thing is the center tower itself. Older 520s tend to have stress cracks around the bellcrank if it was used with a 60 inch deck. Adding weight way out on a leveraged blower might be asking alot, but I live in NC and wouldn't have a clue about one. We used to joke about setting one in a puddle with dish soap and blowing bubbles for a kid's birthday party but otherwise I'd never have the need for one.
  44. 2 points
    I noticed there is a hole in the dash above the key switch. Not sure what was or should be there. Not sure if the key switch is original. There is gas in the tank. I will drain it out and see if I can't get it to pop tomorrow. I'm happy with it, should be a fun little machine for him to cruise around on.
  45. 2 points
    Fixed a flooding carb, replaced a bad drive idler pulley and test drove. Lead test driver approves
  46. 2 points
    So this isn't perfect by no means, but I couldn't look at the gaping hole in the grille any longer. Maybe someday I will end up with the correct parts to fix it rite. A scrap piece of aluminum, an old emblem from a trash 312-8 hood a bit of paint and no more hole.
  47. 2 points
    You are actually further ahead to replace the fuse block with 3 sealed fuse holders. The sealed fuse holders come with leads.
  48. 1 point
  49. 1 point
    Happy Birthday Lane. You beat me to 70 years old by 5 days. Looks like you are enjoying your day.
  50. 1 point
    It will push pull as much as that drive can handle. A clean plate with a clean friction wheel grab pretty good and it's easier than man power alone so my vote is GO FOR IT! Not sure I'd want to be under a load of concrete going up hill but it should push pull it on flat ground. I was actually thinking of that a few years ago but figured it was just as easy to pull a trailer with a horse so never did it.
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