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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/22/2021 in Posts

  1. 8 points
    (1) Cut the pin on EACH SIDE of the slot hitch and remove the hitch. (2) The pin is soft...drill a 1/8 center hole as deep as possible on the THIN side of the trans case, then open that drill hole to 5/8 dia...(3) Using a HARD round punch, punch that pin out thru the THICK side of the trans case.
  2. 6 points
    Millie's a runner!! She's done ... Mostly. Enough for the Owl's Head show. When we get back I'll do some refining to her. Needs a different belt guard. Electric work. Carb rebuild. Overall seems good. We'll get video tomorrow when it's light. Here's a few pics. The first three show the clamps I modified to hold one side of the engine to the frame. If anyone knows what they're called please tell me.
  3. 5 points
    The frames for the 300-400 and 500 series tractors are the same. The only difference is an extra pair of holes drilled for the 4 bolts that secure the steering block on 520 tractors with gear reduction steering. The mounting bolt locations for the single cylinder Kohler engines are what you are describing and are correct.
  4. 5 points
  5. 5 points


    Agreed... but in my usual fashion, an anecdote: Back in the day one of my friend's older brothers bought a brand new Datsun B-210 and raved about the MPG he was getting. My friend and I each night began to siphon more and more gasoline from his tank. His MPG went down down down. After a few months and numerous trips to the dealer later... We started putting gasoline BACK IN each night. At one point, he was getting about 50 MPG outta that little Datsun! Then, one night, we got BUSTED! He was fit to be tied, lemmee tellya!
  6. 5 points
    Got alot going on lately, but the deck is ready for testing. The large idler pulley will come out when I get an appropriate belt. The one on it is about two inches too long, so I added the idler as a stopgap. The idlers make moving this thing a breeze. It easily weighs 200lbs, and it can be moved around with a finger. Prolly won't fit under anything without a swept axle. A traditional WH adjustment bar would have been easier to get under any tractor, but that would have been rough considering the weight. Cut adjustments are 3 and 4 inches by moving the pins. 1/4 inch increments can be made anywhere in between by changing the spacers on the spindles.
  7. 4 points
    Starting to see some activity on the minerals. Over 300 pics in 5 days. Here are a few. Just noticed I caught BIGFOOT on this pic. Coyote
  8. 4 points
    Been pup proofing the decking area today ready for the anticipated new arrival. The original larch lap fencing died the death a while ago. Never got round to replacing it. This morning into Carlisle and got some lattice fencing. Fencing panels were 7ft long and just fitted in the Santa Fe with a foot sticking out the tailgate. Back home and replaced the posts that I'd removed. Then measured up and cut down the panels to height and length then fitted them. An off cut was made to fit one end to act as a removable gate. Four off cuts of scrap aluminium fastened to the posts made a slot for the gate/panel to slide into. There were two off cuts left over and these went to block a couple more escape routes. The scraps off the panels would just about fill a bucket. Nice and handy for lighting the stove. Waste not. Want not. Not bad for an afternoons work with the temperature in the low 80s. Just as well the decking is shady till late afternoon.
  9. 4 points
    After looking at the pics closer, I believe you are correct, That's a little disappointing, but not a deal breaker. Still looks like $50 worth of fun, that I will probably only have ~ $500 in when I'm done with it.
  10. 4 points
    Since Kevin and his kids are going to have to get up early to take the bus to school they can spend those early hours working on the bus/RV conversion
  11. 3 points
    It is red but not a WH. Beats moving around with an engine lift. Easier on me and faster.
  12. 3 points
    I finished the painting today!! The Toro Red really pops!! I hopefully will have the tractor finished as soon as we get back from vacation and/or get the decals in. We will also be color sanding when we get back. Also make sure you're wearing a respirator when painting its pretty important if you see what it caught in the filter! Coming together!!
  13. 3 points
    Drilling a couple holes in the casting the pin passes through down to the pin will allow you to get some penitrating oil directly to the pin.
  14. 3 points
    I started painting the black with the pneumatic paint gun!! I'm quite impressed with the quality since the only thing I have painted with in the past was a rattlecan. I need to let it dry for 4 hours so I can tape off the black and begin with the red!!
  15. 3 points
    Can you spot the wheelhorse?....
  16. 3 points
    I have a thing for them myself now.
  17. 3 points


    Discussions about politics, religion AND miles per gallon are best left alone.
  18. 3 points
    2 millionaires beat you into space with their Colossus' The news world will be setting up in your yard next week!
  19. 3 points
    That seems to happen a lot. But honestly, I hope it keeps on slipping for me.
  20. 3 points
    Best thing about some scores it the lit that comes with it. A decade???? What 50+ years later and we are still workin the snot out of them?!?!!?
  21. 3 points
    Sooo, are you really tractor heavy or just roof deficient?
  22. 3 points
    That's quite the paint booth you've got there!
  23. 3 points
    Will update this tonight. Got the rebuilt transmission back last Friday afternoon. We put it back in the car Tuesday. Had to wait until neew speedometer gear arrived to buttton it up. Was using the one out of the transmission I removed and it was twisted on the shaft. Took it out for a drive this evening just to get some miles on everything. Seems to be good except for these people making all kind of motions when I go by!
  24. 3 points
    And not even start it!
  25. 3 points
    My son bought 10 acres recently and has a nice one starting to develop. Needless to say, he is excited.
  26. 3 points
    For now this. Had this since the early 90s. When I got it I rebuilt the engine,c6 trans and transfer case. I got about 100,000 miles on it before carb issues caused me to park it. Time slipped away but here we go again..
  27. 3 points
    @ZXT 😁 I wondered how long before someone spotted those! 🤗 I couldn’t resist the temptation to take a couple of photos, knowing how much folks like to see them. I have too much respect for the Wheelhorse to put that amount of tongue weight on the poor thing, but it has moved, (Just to see if it would), a loaded twin axle close coupled hay trailer 12’ x 6’, (this one is 16’ x 7’) with a couple of 56lb weights sitting on the hood to stop it lifting. The three point lets me put as much tongue weight (for traction) as I need. As I live in the Cambridgeshire “Fens”, “Hills” are few and far between. p.s. No Horses were harmed during this post!
  28. 3 points
    Gave my mud mower a 3/8" body lift with some steel plate I had leftover. That's about the most I could go without buying new bolts, but it gives the 25x10 ATV tires just a little more clearance. While I had the fender off I gave it new LED taillights and wired a 4pin trailer plug (only wired the ground and running lights since I don't have a brake switch, yet). Looks pretty cool with my recently completed harbor freight trailer in tow.
  29. 3 points
    Amazing what 12 horses will do😃 Just think, in places like, India, Pakistan and China, a set up like this would probably be classed as “Road Legal”!!! 🤪 113 bales of hay on trailer.s
  30. 2 points
    An easy and nearly free mod to “fix” a flat gas hold up rod. I just pick the seat up, and the PVC tube falls over & holds the seat up. When I’m done gassing up, just tap the tube over, the fat part of the rod slides inside the tube & the seat falls down. It has lasted for years, and I think I actually like it better than a working gas rod.
  31. 2 points
    And Brakes not made for that speed.
  32. 2 points
    Here’s my C-121 Automatic with 3000 watt generator
  33. 2 points
    Soooooo, How many slide-outs will you be adding tp the RV portion?
  34. 2 points
    Let's talk a bit about batteries... First, www.batteryuniversity.com is an EXCELLENT resource for learning about all things battery and charging. Well worth a visit or a dozen. You can start at the beginning and read the plethora of articles but this is a good starting point: https://batteryuniversity.com/article/bu-403-charging-lead-acid A well charged battery should NEVER have a voltage much above let's just say 14.5 Volts when it is charging. IF the voltage is higher it means that the INTERNAL RESISTANCE of the battery has increased and is on it's way out the door. (OR you've got a VERY defective charging system dumping GOBS of current into the battery!) A GOOD, NEW battery will tend to 'clamp' the voltage at some level. As the system applies a charge to that battery, because it is 'clamping' the voltage, the CURRENT will increase. A well designed and properly functioning charging system should NEVER continue to increase charging CURRENT after the battery has reached full charge. In practice, the 'upper voltage limit' should be about 14.5 Volts approximately. So Greg's 13.7 V at FULL THROTTLE is fine, but ONLY IF the regulator has decreased it's charging CURRENT to an appropriate level to 'float' the battery at that voltage rather than CHARGE it ...
  35. 2 points
    BIGGG YAWNNNNNN... "I get so worn out watching Dan work!"
  36. 2 points
  37. 2 points
  38. 2 points
    Found some shade under the cherry tree in our yard, lit the BBQ and grabbed some beer. Primer on, top coat later if I don't drink too much! Note the family all basking in various locations, but no volunteers to paint ☹️
  39. 2 points
    More work on the HO layout for the museum yesterday. Got road bed down and the 'mainline' loop of track installed. Ran a train on it too . We will move it to the museum later this afternoon. I'll snap some pictures when it gets there. Next step will be the scenery.
  40. 2 points
    22,000 posts in 4 years! I'm sure you'd find SOMETHING to talk about!
  41. 2 points
    I will be starting my 875 project soon. Remember I picked one up because I wanted the deck. I put a steering wheel on it and 2 front tires. It needed an engine. Well I got an engine for it and will be swapping it out soon.
  42. 2 points
    Jim nice pic up. I miss my old Start/Gen`s. It`s the sound they make you start them. Enjoy.
  43. 2 points
    You are correct Sir. So update!! The military engine didn't work out because of a couple things. It has some sort of internal carb parts issues. The rope pulley is cracked and getting worse when run. Trina and I did a last minute swap from a '68 Raider 10 so she could have a drivable tractor at the show. It's a Tecumseh 10 horse.
  44. 2 points
    Nice load of logs for winter there.
  45. 2 points
    Mowed the back yard with the 312 with 42" deck. Got the 520 with 48 " deck out made one lap around the front yard and the deck spring broke. Went back got the C-120/180 with old 48" deck and finished to front yard. Pays to have backup equipment. Ordered a new spring should be here before I need to mow again.
  46. 2 points
    I happen to have one good used one and can better that ebay price. I also have a NEW double center pulley 106073, this one being new and a double would be a bit more. Both are excess to my needs. These are from a 48" side discharge deck. Message me if interested. Just to be absolutely certain that you are looking for the correct part numbers, tell us what cutting deck you have. MORE IMPORTANT than just replacing the pulleys, you must first determine WHY the belts are rubbing and wearing out the pulley! Post some pictures, perhaps we can help diagnose. You MAY have worn out spindles!
  47. 2 points
    With all the rain we've gotten lately, and a 50' willow tree that was pretty much gone. It fell over sometime Saturday night. A couple of days to cut and pile a lot of the branches and wisps got it somewhat down to size. And today I started burning the piles and cutting up the trunks and adding them to the fire. Tomorrow I'll continue cutting up what's left and I just might possibly have this all cleaned up by the weekend.
  48. 2 points
  49. 2 points
    I dunno Don ...my grandkids could do that in kindergartens with a box of crayons!
  50. 2 points
    Oh. I like word games. Cantankerous? Contagious? Coitus? Columbus? Oh wait, word clue "dust" must be Circus. It would be a Colossus achievement for me to guess it so quickly. 😁😁
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