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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/25/2021 in Posts

  1. 18 points
    A while back I ordered a banner for the back window of Norman, and the 13th Anniversary RedSquare banner... well I just opened the little box today. It’s too cold to apply Norman’s decal ya know. Found this decal in the box. I don’t recall ordering it. Or I’ve forgotten something again! Terry @Vinylguy You. Are. THE Man!
  2. 12 points
    I finally got around to installing a driveway gate with an opener. The main posts are 4' deep since the soil is sandy here the secondary's are 3' . So 50 bags of Fast Setting Concrete later . . .
  3. 8 points
  4. 8 points
    I had a push mower with a Tecky on it. Only used it once every comet sighting for trimming. I let the neighbor lady borrow it because her husband was gone all the time and was an idot. (purposely spelled that way) She mowed a little and stopped. Comes over to tell me something fell off. I go over and the carb had fallen off. It looked like a Harley. I put the carb back on. She mows a little more and stops. Next day she's out mowing again then stops for lunch. Comes back out and she can't get it started so she comes over again. I go over and pull the cord. The motor spins around on the deck! All the bolts that come from the bottom fell out! Yup a Harley!
  5. 8 points
    The one thing you don't know is the history of use. I seen the neighbor, that borrowed the other neighbors bx, jerking with a chain on some shrubs. The entire front of the machine was bouncing. I ask him what he was doing, and he said, "you can't hurt these things". He doesn't get to use any of my stuff!
  6. 7 points
    Some day when my wife notices this, I am going to have some 'splainin to do. This is the siding corner of our house. We have a couple of black squirrels that like to raid the bird feeders. They scrape out everything to get to what they want. I declared war. I got out my trusty Co2 powered BB pistol. Alas, I'm no Dan'l Boone ya know. I am going to tell her it was a bird. A cousin to the woodpecker.A Black Throated Plasticpecker!
  7. 7 points
    My go to bait for coon when I ran a trap line was as a youngster was cracklins. After the lard was pressed, the skins were fried and stored in the smoke house in burlap bags. They were eaten daily in lunches until they turned rancid, then were used for coon bait. BTW, I checked my trap line on my walk to grade school every day and carried a .22 cat rifle to dispatch the coon. The rifle was stored in the corner of the one room school while I was in class. I can still see and smell the the hog butcher days some 70+ years ago. Mother, Aunts, and Grandmother slicing fat on the skins in a checkerboard pattern, for lard pressing, scrubbing intestines for sausage casing on a wash board. Father, Uncles and Grandfather hoisting hogs for scalding and hair scraping. Cooking puddin meat and cracklins in the iron kettles over the wood fire. The butcher hogs were killed at the pen and dragged by horse to the butcher site. I always enjoyed the hog rides.
  8. 5 points
    Das bessere Wort ist "Misshandeln" anstelle von "vergewaltigen" oder "notzüchtigen", denke ich.
  9. 5 points
  10. 5 points
  11. 5 points
  12. 5 points
    Sold this one to build my new offroad Horse. Had a hopped up 11hp OHV and ran 28mph. It has since sold 2 more times. I spoke to the second buyer, asked if he rode it. He said ‘once was enough, I sold it.’ He bought it from the guy I sold it to- he told him ‘my daughter rode it twice, I rode it once. It’s dangerous, someone’s gonna get hurt on that thing. I don’t want it.” 🤣 IMG_1747.mp4
  13. 4 points
    I have been using the static method for timing Kohler points gap with great success and no need for buying a timing light. What does everyone else use? What extra benefit is there to using a timing light? The static method works when a engine is not running and that to me is a great feature.
  14. 4 points
    My 6.5 horse Predator will push snow as fast as I want all day. Put the bigger engine on the blower tractor and have fun.
  15. 4 points
    If I am doing static timing I use a 12 volt test light rather than a meter, the light grabs your attention better than a meter. Gapping the ignition points at .020 has always been the standard answer to how points should be set. That probably will get you into the ballpark where the engine will run, but with a bit of additional effort you can improve the engine’s power and performance. The Kohler engine manual in the Red Square files section covers two methods for setting the ignition timing, Static Timing and using a Timing Light. This manual is a relatively new manual and it overlooks the fact that many of our engines were built prior to the ACR (automatic compression release) camshaft. Earlier engines (mostly 1965 and earlier) had a Spark Advance camshaft that can not be timed using Static timing. At rest (and very low RPMs) the timing is retarded to fire slightly after TDC. The timing mark (SP) on your flywheel is at twenty degrees before top dead center but at rest the points on these engines break about ten degrees after top dead center. The only reliable way to check or set the timing on these engines is with a timing light. There are a couple ways to determine what camshaft you have. Presuming the camshaft in your engine is the one it was born with the data plate on the engine has a suffix that can tell you what camshaft was used. The table below will tell you the suffix applicable to your engine. The other way to determine what camshaft you have is to remove the cam gear cover and take a look. If you see a mechanism attached to the cam gear it is the ACR cam. The following engines have the spark advance camshaft; K-141, Suffix prior to “C” K-161, Suffix prior to “J” K-181, Suffix prior to “D” K-241, Suffix prior to “D”
  16. 4 points
  17. 4 points
    16hp has a 10 bolt head...
  18. 4 points
    No k181 is a small block. K341 is a Big Block
  19. 4 points
    Here's a few of the dust collectors I've created.
  20. 4 points
    Depends a little on the Engine. mostly i try to find the marks, than i use the multimeter setup and the timing light after to verify against while running.
  21. 4 points
    I bet that this crack was not happen from on one single use. if i took a closer look on the fract, i believe i see some dark spots they be cracked before and step by step further until that final crack happens. Mostly this machines be raped hard because they appears to be more then they are. That be „ little“ Tractors and they have their use but they no huge Mules. A result of such rapes can be seen here.
  22. 4 points
    We had a scrapyard nearby that had a mower section. Parts were cheap. There was a 200 series JD hood there and I got it for like 20 bucks. Advertised it for $200. Phone rang off the hook. Lady called in a panic. She just busted the hood on her tractor and had to fix it before her husband got home!
  23. 4 points
    Brings back great memories. Here is some of the family working on one on top of oxen cart as it was typically done.
  24. 4 points
    Good one! I bet if the hood was latched more securely, it wouldn’t have broken!
  25. 4 points
  26. 4 points
    dennis, john deer's , were really durable , that was many years ago , another thing that you refer to is neighbor beating up stuff, with out letting someone bowering anything , I can size them up by the neglect on their own equipment. basically , would not let someone put out my garbage can , do not understand the mentality , to beat the hell out of anything , and then add neglect to that, pete
  27. 4 points
    All: Here is a couple of shots of the 854 8 speed and Dad's 702 together out on the lawn..... and of the 702 parts tractor I call "The closest living relative" that resides in the basement. Bill
  28. 4 points
    Thank you! It’s very far behind being updated....there are roughly 70 in the barns now LoL....we are all nuts right? Ha Ha
  29. 4 points
    I drove for an hour and 20 minutes cutting muddy ruts in the lawn. I figured I did enough damage and she would soon be waking up. Parked out of the wind and she slept another 40 minutes sitting there! Her mother (my sister in law) was “due” to deliver her little sister yesterday, so she’s all kinds of rambunctious when she’s moving... but I’m the only person who can get her to nap regularly. I took advantage of the passing time and recorded an ASMR video. Rhythms and noises, some visuals, repeat.
  30. 4 points
    S T R E T C H, now my little sporty can haul the soccer team.(before and after photos) Although it may now look like a mini-van I have a component in mind that will once again make it look like a hot rod. BTW I added a mini tower to attach a tow chain
  31. 4 points
    Thank you. I would never and I mean NEVER have attempted this without the support of the fine fellows on Red Square. Every step of the way was paved with the advice of experienced and skilled people good enough to lend their time to some ne'er do well in England. You gave me the confidence to take on what is quite a major project for a back street mechanic like me. My grandfather taught me the basics of engine repair when I was perhaps five or six years old. My hands would fit where his huge paws would not so I became his apprentice. I hope he is looking down on me and thinking he didn't do too bad a job after all. Mick
  32. 4 points
    Don't know why I typed 30 thou, fingers like cows teats lol. Finished off the carb and other bits this morning and it was time for the moment of truth. Got everything set and double checked.... Looks like I'm not as stupid as my wife thinks I am lol. Mick
  33. 3 points
  34. 3 points
    I plow three Michigan driveways with a K 241 on my C 105. Plenty of power...
  35. 3 points
    The posts are 6" wide. The primary holes are 18" wide x 4' deep. I got the calculations from Sakrete. General rule is hole is 1/3 pole height and 3x post diameter. I'm in sandy soil so I followed theirs and gate manufacturers recommendations. I suspect that's why you see so many sagging gates. My gate is 16' wide which is kind of long and my primary posts are 6' high. I did the opposite side the same incase I ever decided to change the swing side. If I was just installing fence, that is overkill except for corner king posts. Gates are a different story. I attached with these brackets and screws. They were about $2.50 at a farm supply store. I needed 8. Same here. Nobody is coming out for a four post pour that would be cost effective. Plus it didn't fit my time frame to dig four holes that deep, keep the water out and buy all the 2x4's to support all four at the same time. I'm like you all, I'm busy and had to spread it out over a few weeks since I work part-time everyday now. That gave me time to get the gate number sign done and get the tree thing ordered and get the opener shipped.
  36. 3 points
    One nice thing about the timing light. If our engine is running like poo, you can stick a timing light on and see if the timing is off (worn points maybe) before taking anything apart. It may also show erratic spark
  37. 3 points
    Yep!! 30 percent engineering, 70 percent "nut behind the wheel".
  38. 3 points
    Is there really a point to do it with a timing gun if one cannot adjust it with engine running? How much more precise does it need to be it than with the multimeter? It just seems like a source for frustration with the constant checking after turning engine off and on.
  39. 3 points
  40. 3 points
    One of my fondest memories! We cooked laundry tubs of sausage the next day. Took all day or more! Good times! Great eating! Stuff very few get to experience now days! Their loss...
  41. 3 points
    We took a tally, there are 26 in the barn plus a backhoe outside, 4 are other brands. 70? Woo hoo!
  42. 3 points
  43. 3 points
    The lady in red has it right... fill up the neighbor’s path so he can’t back out!
  44. 3 points
    The flying figure would be my choice.
  45. 3 points
    Now that's some sleuth work even Watson would be proud of!
  46. 3 points
    The older I get, the more I become a sun worshiper!! My bones hurt in the cold!! Randy
  47. 3 points
    Part of the deck lift is there. 1960 used the rear hitch as part of the deck lift mechanism. Like 953 stated there's the add on bracket for towing on there too which was used because of the deck lift parts using the typical hitch. Looks to be a 550, the shiny dot to the right of the steering shaft is the key start
  48. 3 points
    This wheel stander became a round hood seen in my frist video
  49. 3 points
    Maybe I should put an ornament on it. It will make the hood look smaller. I dont have a horse, of coarse.
  50. 3 points
    Tractor Ride nap! The sugar snow is wet and heavy and the 1/2 mile long trail in the field that I plowed last week is drifted shut. We tore up the yard for an hour and now she’s sleeping to the simple idle of the Wisconsin AEN.
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