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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/15/2021 in Posts

  1. 22 points
  2. 12 points
    Seen this on FB, I think it is so cool. Says Homemade $450 asking, I would consider but have no place to put it!
  3. 10 points
    The Horse ag implements I have used include, garden plows (8 inch and 12 inch ), 18 point drag harrow , 9 point cultivator and a wheel horse two pice mid and rear cultivator set, disc, and tiller. I have had the implements on RJ’s , round hoods, B-80s , 1054s and a 36 inch tiller on aC-121 and 314-8 tractor. The plowing of new soil works best with the bigger 1054 and 12 inch garden plow that was made for that model and other bigger tractors . The weight of this bigger plow helps it pull well and cut thrust the soil cleanly. The 8 inch plows for RJs and round hoods are a little different but work well on soil already broken or plowed before. A round hood with 7 or 8 hp has enough power to pull plow thru previously unplowed soil but it can be a little tough when more clay in soil. I have used the single disc (not the double like Achto discussed above). But they need many passes and I would use two concrete blocks for weight all the time. The 18 point drag harrow I owned was bought to use on a very clay type garden soil. I completely redid every part. We had one as kids but I bought one at 63 years old. Sold after two years as it would not really break up clay . I used concrete blocks on top and pulled with my 701 Round hood. I sold to a lady that used in her horse arena and she loved for dragging manure and straw! Th cultivators vary in type and application. I have a two piece mid and rear tiller set no I have used several times in a large garden . I will say it is not really a good cultivation system. I still own to put on a tractor for shows but not used in gardens. My favorite cultivator is Wheel Horse Brinly early Brinly type with nine tines. I used thee different sized points (Danish tines and WH long points) . I have three 10 pound weights I can place on this cultivator. I can clean out seven 60 foot rows in a garden in 5 to 20 minutes with this cultivator. Now for last five years I have used the Wheel Horse 36 inch tillers to till up my gardens. I used a c-121 and a 314-8 with two different tillers. They both worked the same Nd did an excellent job. When ground cover is on the garden the tiller make need a couple passes but the weeds and grass will dry up. so that’s about all the perspective I can give for the ag attachments like Jim suggested I do. Here are some pics. I did last year acquire a pretty complete set of early RJ attachments (but I had as a kid 55 years ago and used before). My brother David and I in pics 50 years apart!
  4. 9 points
    Made sure the C160 plow tractor and the 16 Auto with the blower are both fueled up, oil and hydro levels are good. Calling for 8 to 12 inches of snow over night. And this is only the first part of the storm, more coming Friday. Sounds as though I'll be getting some seat time this week.
  5. 8 points
    Did my first pass on drive from winter storm URI snow about 2:30 pm today. Wind chill freezing my finger tips through my gloves in 20 minutes! Falling about one inch an hour ! Not thick or heavy! Light and dry perfect for a snowblower but alas mine not hooked up now! IMG_1329.MOV IMG_1330.MOV
  6. 7 points
    Biggest part on my wishlist the end of the Covid thing, that the Big Show can definitely happen.
  7. 7 points
    Oh I've still got plenty of snow piled up around here, that's an picture from before that 15 inches we got a couple of weeks ago. I'm hoping I've got enough room for what's coming.
  8. 7 points
    You can have all of it! We got about 4 inches in total and it was 1F when i got up this morning. Warmed up to about 12, but we're having rolling blackouts.. Lots of people didn't prepare for it at all and are feeling it now. Here's some snowy Horse pictures for y'all! I had put bags over the seats before the snow started, but they're all gone! Animals must've stolen them for a nest.
  9. 7 points
    John @wallfish. you got kin in Norway?
  10. 7 points
    I think maybe I am my wifes hobby.
  11. 6 points
    I just want a 420LSE in pristine shape and a sickle mower. I better bring a big wallet!! Truthfully, I just want to have some face to face gab time with some friends. I'm sure that I will find some gotta have items while I'm there though.
  12. 6 points
    Going to get down to 22 tonight with a wind chill of 15 the only thing I need to do in the morning is make a pot of coffee . Ya'll stay safe up there.
  13. 6 points
    I recently learned about different rear wheel offsets and now realize why the rear track width on Hoss was so wide. Quick (probably permanent ha) fix- flipped the hubs. Gonna need to switch to the smaller 5/8” lugs to clear one set screw, but otherwise think it’ll be fine. Track width is much better, Hoss looks better, and oughtta sit in the furrow and line the plow up better too. Anyone else tried this?
  14. 6 points
    Some more work in the crawlspace past week or so. Please don't beat me up too badly on the quality of my block work. I can do better in not such a confined space, honest! I'm a frugal SOB and these block are OLD SALVAGE and not all the exact same size. I had trouble cutting the old block for the small gaps at the end of the course, probably because they were so old, so I filled with foam. There was this opening in the foundation wall into the old 'well pit' alongside the house. The pit is underneath a concrete patio, that's what you see in the first pic below the backer board piece. The 'blackness' beyond is a 5x5x5 'bunker of doom'. I sealed the well head and abandoned the pit in prep for contractors coming to 'encapsulate' the crawlspace. Once the insulation is on the foundation walls no one will see my amateur masonry work. In spite of it's looks, it's not going anywhere in my lifetime! I framed above the replaced blocks to support the sill and joists that have been 'free hanging' for about 60 years. They had sagged a full 1" over the years. I don't know why the 'dead men' thought this was a good idea?! An interesting side note, for me at least, is that I used the very same trowels and tools that were probably used to build this foundation back in the mid-20s! All my Grand-FILs and FILs tools were left for me when we bought the home in the early 80s. The 'bow' in the framing that makes it look 'crooked' is mostly from the fish eye of the camera lens, but there might be a 'wee' bit of sag on the left side. Then I covered the framing with tile backer concrete board which I may spooge over with mortar if I can complete all the other jobs before March 3rd. If not, it "is what it is". SCARY for me! Some of the CINDER (not Concrete!) block was starting to crumble apart. I don't have any progress pics, but here is the end result. I supported the house best I could, chipped out the worst of the blocks, fearful for my life that the house would collapse on me, shoved in and mortared some NEW blocks in place, and parged the reapaired area with mortar. I had much more room to work in this area and it was actually easier than closing up that well pit. Next phase is to pour the footings for the support piers under the main beam... stay tuned for more fun! Same bat channel, same bat place! File this under "I'm too old for this 5h1t" !
  15. 6 points
    The C-161 is my ground engagement machine but they all get in on different chores.
  16. 6 points
    Like that front axle pneumatic suspension.
  17. 6 points
  18. 5 points
    Ok, I know this is probably a long shot due to Covid, but here goes: What do you have to sell/need/want for the Big Show IF it happens?
  19. 5 points
    I am optimistic that the show WILL go on. Guess I better get out in the barn and figure out what needs a new home.
  20. 5 points
    Hey Dad, this hood followed me. Can I keep it?
  21. 5 points
    Y’all ready for this? Wait for it... wait for it... I don’t really think I have anything I need to buy this year! I found most of it the last couple years of the show!
  22. 5 points
    You should be able to remove that little bit with the side discharge deck.
  23. 5 points
    Im sure anyone would be more than happy to let you come on up and play in it if you want! just drive safely.
  24. 5 points
    12 outside, feels like -3. The storm is almost to Michigan. When it gets here, I’ll start the Cadillac and let it warm up till the snow’s melting off and go clear snow
  25. 5 points
    Still stacked pretty high here, but it looks like this storm will pass to the North of me.
  26. 5 points
    For a minute I thought you were making up for the lack of seat time earlier in the season and cleaned your entire yard.
  27. 5 points
    You know it's getting fairly close to cold out when @pullstart Kevin and I are wearing long pants instead of shorts. 16 degrees when I left the house this morning and I'm wearing single layer wind pants.
  28. 5 points
    You southerners and your snow 😆 I plowed this morning in crocs and sweat pants.
  29. 5 points
    Wheel Horse clearing snow Fifteen below fingers froze Mustache snot-sickles
  30. 5 points
    K store is finally updated! Now all options are available under one listing. Simply pick your combo horse,wheel,finish.
  31. 5 points
    So a couple of days ago while plowing with my Electro on the street I broke the spindle in my front wheel. Now I am stuck with no steering and the ability to drive tractor to shop. After a couple of minutes pondering what to do I realize that I have a black hood under a tarp that I haven’t used for years. So after a bit of shoveling I was able to clear front wheel and remove all assembly with wheel. Then it was a simply transfer of the whole thing in one piece to the electro. I guess that the old black hood just became the resident donor tractor. I am glad now I never got rid of it.
  32. 5 points
    Went to a restaurant the the other day and the waitress was very durable.
  33. 4 points
    So I had to go into work early today, and it was snowing. About mid morning during a conference call, my Ring notification kept going off. When I had a moment to look, I was pleasantly surprised to see my wife plowing the driveway on the 312-8. I was able to snap this screen shot with my phone. Of course it started snowing again shortly after this pic and hasn't stopped since, but I am thankful for the work that she put in. I guess now I'll have to share snow plowing seat time as I do the grass cutting seat time.
  34. 4 points
    It’s a customers 63 riv, about to be torn down and painted. 401 nailhead powered!
  35. 4 points
    I heard a rumour that car shaped rig may be mildly powerful.
  36. 4 points
    These really work!! They have the for your feet also. i put them in a zip lock bag after use and can 2-3 plow sessions out of a pair/
  37. 4 points
    Your trailer is big enough for more than 1!
  38. 4 points
    I have C-120 auto and a Raider 10 I'll probably bring . Both have Tecumsehs and run and drive. And of course about 20 five gallon buckets of parts for the scavengers to dig thru.
  39. 4 points
    Back and front cleaned of all scrub plane marks and about up to final thickness. Cut off from board referencing how much it has been planed off so far. Cut off will be used next to make parts that go around oxen’s neck. They will me mortised and tenoned into your main body. Then finally it’s final shape will be cut.
  40. 4 points
    This display was in our local hardware store today. Its a tiny shop just like the one in the "Four candles" sketch. anyone over there heard of that? mick
  41. 4 points
    Pics needed for proof Snot-sickles are a very Rare phenomena
  42. 4 points
    Correct. The cultivator is typically used to keep the weeds down in between the rows of plants. Cultivating corn in the farming industry used to be a very common practice before herbicides took it's place. Now cultivating is typically only done to inject urea into the ground.
  43. 4 points
    Realized when I changed spindle from the Black hood to the Electro how much easier it was to deal with the Black hood's spindle since it uses a cotter pin rather than the snap ring. Same for removing wheel a cotter pin rather that a bolt. Used hitch pins on them now so removal is quick and easy without any tools needed.
  44. 4 points
    Tractors lined up with the blades and the chain ready to go out the door. We got basically sleet ice last night and the driveway is covered put salt on it last night put salt on it again this morning. Waiting for the next big round to head out of Texas. Most good comes out a Texas except for the storms they keep throwing at us !! @ZXT Thanx Jonah for helpin usins with our seat time! 4 to 5 more of the fluffy white stuff. I haven't had a good snow here in six years here at the Crib!
  45. 4 points
    Just send @jimkemp a message and he’ll fix you right up. They are very heavy duty and high-quality, especially for the price.
  46. 4 points
    Don’t you just hate it when the front wheel falls off? The spindle was worn and the C clip snap ring popped off, so out to the parts tractor I went. This was about five years ago.
  47. 4 points
    This is a very rare road traffic sign in the UK. I live on a recognised toad crossing and we open up the signs in February until May when the little devils try to cross the road.
  48. 4 points
    As long as she don’t throw you away in favor of a stamped cheaper newer model!
  49. 4 points
    My bad, I can't close this thread without a pic to show you the result of your help!
  50. 3 points
    Piercings now completed. More planing on back next for for final thickness and to clean up scrub plane marks. Starting to finalize what to carve on it.
This leaderboard is set to New York/GMT-05:00

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