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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/15/2021 in Posts

  1. 11 points
    Ted Gardner


    Just wanted to drop in and say hi. Joined a short while ago and have enjoyed looking around and reading many of the topics. Some of you guys sure like to yank on people's chains. All in good fun I see. I've had several wh's in the past and decided it was time to up grade from the box store junk.
  2. 10 points
    A Coopers jointer plane is a rather rare item to find today. I have had thousands of hand planes in my hand but only twice in my life held one. Been wanting to make a few but have not come around to it yet. Opportunity came to obtain one . It was in sad shape with missing chunks ,large cracked areas, incorrect iron and wedge from another plane. A metal plate had been installed on bottom to compensate and stop wear, a sacrilegious move as far as wood planes go. Restored its dignity and functionality by adding a new sole, fitted it with one of my prized 150 years old irons and a new wedge. She is back to service singing loudly as shavings go through it like butter.
  3. 10 points
    Rear light socket burned up bad from what I think was a bad LED light and took out the lights on the 312-8, so today I replaced both with these LED lights that I got on Amazon (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00VT85Q0G/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1). Got to use my new solder sleeves as well. This new assembly works great so far and is sealed and waterproof. I'm going to operate with these for a while and if no problems, probably change out the lights on the others. Also got THE book for Christmas. Great read of the history of these great machines.
  4. 8 points
    Barrel staves are beveled on the edges and ends are tapered from the center on each side. This was done by running stave by hand on jointers like this used upside down at an angle with heel up against a block or wall and toe of plane on a trestle or stand. Curiously enough this one from the marks and wear on it never had a stand but it was cantilevered on some type of special block on the heel. It will not be used that way here since my back is not very forgiving to leaning for long. It will be used on the vise as shown in photo. Part of family were also coopers. Although I did not inherit many of those tools I did inherit the knowledge on how to make barrels. Here is a photo of one recently completed many years ago as I was also building my bench.
  5. 7 points
    Cleaned out the muck and mire from the fuel system and fired up “Thirty Five” Thanks again for the tip off on this one @oldiron613 Rob!
  6. 6 points
    Just to be clear I am confused in the variance in price for the same bearing. I'm currently working on a Kohler K321 that had water intrusion and needs new main bearings. Part #235376-S. I have never had to replace main bearings on a Kohler in the past so I was in no way prepared for the sticker shock when I looked up the Kohler part. With out further ado here is a site with an average price for the bearing. Note: This price is for one bearing. https://www.sepw.com/parts/kohler-235376-s-bearing-ball/ Well.... after I stood back up and picked my jaw off from the floor the realization that Kohler most likely did not actually make these bearings hit me. And I was right!! The bearings were MRC 308s, sooo back to the computer to see what I could find for prices again. Here is were the real confusion set in. Price number one on the Jungle Site. $174 https://www.amazon.com/MRC-SKF-Radial-Groove-Bearing/dp/B08JVC7SXG/ref=sr_1_3?dchild=1&keywords=mrc+308s&qid=1610675424&sr=8-3 Price number 2 at Motion Industries $70 https://www.motionindustries.com/products/sku/00056807;origin=sayt Price Number 3 at MRO Supply $35 https://www.mrosupply.com/bearings/radial-ball-bearings/1132529_308s_mrc-bearing/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=PLA There were some lower priced used bearings on some sites as well as used ones at $60+. I settled in on the one from MRO Supply. I just have a hard time swallowing these price differences for the same bearing. I realize that every body has to eat but it seems that some wish to live on steak & lobster. It sure pays to shop around when you are looking for parts
  7. 6 points
    I’ve been doing quite a bit of trail riding lately...usually with the C105. But today I dragged out my “Frankenstein 657”. This one hasn’t seen much use since I hauled it to Maine for the meet and greet at Jim’s Wheel Horse Emporium @JCM . Four yanks and the Mag-8 was purring ! About halfway thru the ride it felt like the tractor seat was getting wobbly, sure enough BOTH 3/4 nuts holding the seat to the seat spring had come loose. No tools so finger tight would have to do till I got back and installed the lock washers (had a couple in-stock ) that I shoulda installed back when I built this one.
  8. 6 points
    I do many things because the last four letters in American. ICAN
  9. 5 points
  10. 5 points
    Inexhaustible supply here all year around!
  11. 5 points
    Jimmy when you're at the perfume counter picking up supplies and there's a woman next to you purchasing the exact same scent do you tell her what you use it for ?
  12. 5 points
    Almost done with the first chain guard. Apreantly there is about 85ft or so of welding in a 10lb spool of mig wire, cause I'm out. I guess I'm on a 3hr break till I can get any more.
  13. 5 points
    Here’s a pic in case the video doesn’t work for everyone.
  14. 4 points
    You can run the WH pto assembly on a Predator 13,no problems
  15. 4 points
    Are you just sayin I’m accident prone people?
  16. 4 points
  17. 4 points
    Excuse me, but it’s an 857. I saved it from the snow today! It rolled up the hill nicely, with all original “Wheelhorse” tires!! The deck was kinda rotted in the front, and patched up. The motor spun over by hand. I just can’t believe the hood, and how nice it is! (Patina and all!) 1967? Ain’t it? The last number stands for the year it was made?
  18. 4 points
    Looks really nice, Ideal fire tinder, to get the stove going!
  19. 4 points
  20. 4 points
    Plowing or mowing A WH does it with ease She has what it takes!
  21. 4 points
    Maybe when @wallfish is done drilling holes, he can sharpen the 140 feet of screw edges?
  22. 4 points
    “Thirty Five” woke up From an unknown lengthy nap Long Live Pond Wheel Horse!
  23. 4 points
  24. 4 points
    Looking forward to see it move. Just throwing more $&!T against the wall. Since you plan to take it to the kid's ice fishing derby, it be cool to add a powered Ice auger attachment to run it around offering free holes? An attachment as unique as the machine. Pretty sure I have a hand crank ice auger, pulleys and a right angle gearbox to donate!
  25. 4 points
    Feeling the same way, if i find a great deal, i even get a kick! But i also know the feeling, paying something and then seeing it cheaper the next day
  26. 4 points
    Both of us around this ranch are frugal people. Trina more so than I. If the right tool/parts/item is at the right price we have no problem parting with our funds. We'd rather spend $200 on an item one time than spend $50 four times on cheaper versions. That said, I have a habit / hobby / complete obsession with finding the best price on something when I order online. Occasionally I do have a big win like you did with that bearing but usually I'll spend 40 minutes poking around to save only a few bucks. Practical? Not usually. But I do enjoy it. I kind of take it as a personal self challenge.
  27. 4 points
    Thanks for pulling me into this guys. Amsoil has this product specifically developed for the NV4500... I have run this for several years with good success. Make sure if you decide to go with their product that you don’t grab one of the 15 other gear lubes in Amsoil’s catalog that won’t work with the NV-4500. They are picky “eaters”. Good luck...
  28. 3 points
    What you have should be fine. If you go to an auto parts store you can tell them you want a 3 post for a 79 F150. Or old jeep.
  29. 3 points
    Yes it should work fine. Small engines really don't need a lot of current. You say you are replacing an original solenoid. Are the wires original too? Old wires will drop voltage and drive cranking amps up. Replace them too.
  30. 3 points
    Thank you. There would be no threads without the shop but then there could be no shop without the threads. Indeed the most important tool in my life. It was not the first bench built here but it is the one that was built in honor and memory of those who shared their knowledge with me and inspire me every day of my life.
  31. 3 points
    Besides a magnetic drain plug, I also place magnets on the oil filter. Some might say that is the job of the filter, but it prevents the filter from loading with the metallic particles and offers additional protection for very little money. HF has different shapes that can be used..
  32. 3 points
    Both are dangerous enough that some accident prone people should avoid using...just sayin.
  33. 3 points
    Drain the trans and let's guess how much water is in it, I going with a 1 1/4 cups. Tractor looks nice shape
  34. 3 points
    Or get the extended warranty
  35. 3 points
    She might just say, " ME TOO! "
  36. 3 points
    Before doing anything with this motor, I figured I had to find out just what I was dealing with. I made myself an engine stand, complete with motor mounts. As with everything I do, it's going to need a little revamping if I ever want to put oil in this thing. Oh well, I'm use to that. I wanted to remove the shroud and flywheel to take a look at the points. That wasn't as easy as you might thing either, but I digress. There are no points. It has some sort of solid state module. That might be a bad thing. In the manual it shows some kind of ignition module mounted on top of the motor. (I took a screen shot of it, but as usual, I don't know how to find it. It's on a "clipboard" somewhere. I didn't know I had a clipboard) This motor doesn't show any signs of ever having something mounted on the top, as shown in the pictures. Is what I have, all I need? There is an on/off switch mounted in the shroud. One wire goes to case ground. Another wire (yellow arrow) comes out and goes?????? If I do need that other module, I hope it's available somewhere. If not, this thing is going to make a really interesting, albeit expensive, door stop.
  37. 3 points
    We can call it a fish fillet!
  38. 3 points
    Extremely useful Pull tug drag tow carry things Wheel Horse. Great tractors
  39. 3 points
    Most of you can find one... are starting north of 5k. I had been squirreling cash for quite a while before I started my search
  40. 3 points
    Bearings like anything else differ in price depending on where it's made, what it's made out of to how many hands it passes thru before you the end user gets his greasy paws on it. Then it's quality control (2 bearings from the same assembly line may be a few thousands different from each other ect.) I have found from working in the auto parts industry for 10 years and industrial maint. for 20 is the fact that the cheapest isn't always the worst and the most expensive isn't always the best. I would tend to spend more on say a Kohler engine bearing than on an outer PTO pulley bearing just because of the fact of how much work it will take to change.
  41. 3 points
    Sure, we know... Trina!
  42. 3 points
    Thanks! That's the one I was leaning towards; seemed I saw less "bad" about it than the others. If you've been running it for years, that's good enough for me. I'll order 5 quarts for it tomorrow. Thanks!
  43. 3 points
  44. 3 points
    I don't remember footboards, one way or another ?? I remember it had a cigarette lighter, which I thought was funny But my 877 has that too. Only other thing I remember was how good it popped wheelies
  45. 3 points
  46. 3 points
    <perk> Wood grain !?!?! Did someone say wood grain???
  47. 3 points
    Finish the chain guards tomorrow and some belt guides, wire the headlights and I think my list is done. It will be time to clean the garage and then dismantle this thing. I'm gonna clean,grind and paint before I ever head out the door with it. I'm not expecting any issues so I'm just going for it.
  48. 3 points
    That's not funny at ALL! LOL But if it should need timing, I have 4 or 5 prototype timing tools around here that just might work. This is what I would call the bottom. No way to mount anything there. This is the PTO side.I guess if you are going to mount it, this is where you do it. All kinds of weird looking things on this motor.This is the top, ( I guess ) Now THATS what I call a spark plug wire!
  49. 3 points
    We do the 5 gallon bucket trap but just sprinkle bird feed sunflower seeds to cover the water surface. It appears solid to them like the bucket 1/2 full of seed so they just hop right in. No spinning devices or trap doors or anything but a ramp. Works great for mice and chipmunks.
  50. 3 points
    SWEET MOTHER OF PEARL.....I found it Here's what the guy has in the listing You won't see this in many Craigslist ads, maybe ever. This is one of the most rare Wheel Horse tractors ever made. Estimates are that around 600 were ever made, and only 25 or so are known to exist in original condition. This is one of them. This has the 8HP Wisconsin AEN engine and what I believe is a Ford Model A transmission (or something very, very similar to it), with one Reverse and three forward gears. This item will be on display at a downsizing sale this weekend, Friday and Saturday April 29th and 30th at 67 Stull Run Ln, Grottoes, VA. You may feel free to make offers, but this price is based on rarity and condition so low ball offers will be quickly rejected Check out the horses this dude has in the background...some nice round hoods it appears.... Is this guy a member here??? ...if not we need to recruit him (I'll even pay for his supporter status for some seat time) and get him to bring his harem to the Big Show!!!
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