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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/29/2020 in Posts

  1. 27 points
    Everyone wants a chance at it. Life doesn’t get much better.
  2. 11 points
    Put a little something together today: completely blasted, epoxy primed, baked on urethane finish, spray on bedliner (like you would find on a new truck, not a thick, rubbery type), powder coated all the brackets and lift carriage pieces , rebuilt all the spindle assemblies with new bearings, new blades, wheels, rollers, oem belt, correct decals, every piece of hardware was replaced . As close to new old stock as it's gonna get.
  3. 9 points
    Today is my wifes birthday. I bought her another new torque wrench. Well, she's torqued!
  4. 8 points
    https://www.thedrive.com/news/35030/fords-giant-turbine-semi-truck-big-red-is-lost-somewhere-in-the-american-southeast https://www.thedrive.com/news/37033/no-this-mid-engine-semi-truck-fused-with-a-ford-station-wagon-isnt-photoshop https://www.thedrive.com/news/38401/the-1955-gmc-luniverselle-was-a-front-wheel-drive-v8-van-ahead-of-its-time
  5. 8 points
    It's just starting to snow here but they are saying only 1"-2" And one pic of the Raider 10 ready to go.
  6. 8 points
    Just imagine trying to buy something from MY woman. no pink no purple no pastels no jewelry no perfume no makeup... She doesn't want me to spend more than $20 or $40. If she wants something that cheap she'll just go buy it. I'm telling you guys. My life is rough. ROUGH.
  7. 7 points
  8. 7 points
    Its definitely going to look better with all the twists. All of a sudden i want to laugh the villain laugh. Mwahahaha and hold the world for ransom for a MILLionnn dollars...... mwahahaha
  9. 6 points
    2nd verse, same as the 1st . That's what I did today in my "spare time"
  10. 6 points
    Some things a woman just wants to pick out for herself!
  11. 6 points
    @wallfish. @ebinmaine I'm doing the rest of them. Its easier to do it now and I have the steel. I have twist 4 and 5 bent already. Go big or go home right?
  12. 6 points
    As a matter of fact, there’s a pair of 8s on the bench, and I’ve never seen the inside of one. Know what that means! ...and don’t even get me started on those Predators😂 I cant reply to any mention of that word without stories about my love for them little 129.00 beasts. Seriously!
  13. 6 points
    I hear ya... all my workin years I was exposed to ETL (environmental testosterone levels) and still recovering. Please don't scrap it .... we got this here ...goes by the name of @Greentored who likes popping wheelies as well and can turn it into a beast. What you laughing about Green you know it's true! Don't underestimate the power of the force.....err... Kohle 8 HP! Making one out of a '61 foot rest would be too cool for old skool! Talk to Mr Wheelie @Achto ...knows a thing or three about hopping up Predators.....
  14. 5 points
    Year old fuel. It ran on what was left that was still halfway decent. Now all that's left is the stinky crap. Fill it up with fresh and try it. I've seen it before! And you probably got some glop in the carb bowl to boot.
  15. 5 points
    LOL! Sniffin' salts! Remember, this is Jim you're talking to!
  16. 5 points
    I must have been really naughty this year. Santa brought me a virus. Don't know if it was covid but then any symptom is Covid these days. Good news is a quick visit with my nutritionist and a heavy regimen of nutrients and herbs and I feel better than ever. No symptoms of any kind. Back in the shop trying to catch up. The Postal Service has been terrible this whole month so I hope they get caught up too. Thanks for your patience to any members who ordered from me. Your orders are coming and let me know if I've screwed anything up. Praying you all have a great 2021
  17. 5 points
    Imagine all you could do, if only you had.
  18. 5 points
    Here is all I got. 3 lumps of coal, 1 tangerine and 1 egg. A little Dino was in the egg...Thanks Mike. Last year I only got 2 lumps of coal and 1 orange.
  19. 5 points
    This GMC motorhome was front wheel drive and used the Toronado with 455 drive train. They kinda have a cult following today I think!
  20. 5 points
  21. 5 points
    I don't even know how to respond to this because CLEARLY you did the right thing
  22. 5 points
    Woke up to the sound of cars slithering past our house, we live on quite a hill. First decent snow fall we have had in years. It will probably all be gone by this afternoon lol. Mick
  23. 4 points
    Santa brought me a new mower this year. Can’t wait to try it out.
  24. 4 points
    New toy came today. Will make life easier next weekend fabbing up a new hydraulic pump bracket.
  25. 4 points
  26. 4 points
    Yes! But the time lapses don't come anywhere near the length of Eric's time lapses.
  27. 4 points
    Only one picture?. Check back in 6 months for the next Installment. Eric works in Super Slow-Motion.
  28. 4 points
    Got a chance to push some more snow with it this AM. Have I mentioned I am really starting to like this tractor? 20201228_155034.mp4
  29. 4 points
    None of the spray products will lay down flat on a decal. Take your old decal, lay it face down and clean off all the old adhesive using some type of wax and grease remover, rubbing alcohol, etc. Once it's clean and dry press it onto this transfer adhesive. When you remove it from the adhesive strip, the adhesive will stick to your decal and you're back in business.
  30. 4 points
    Just make sure you ask permission first but also make sure you ask with the right language. "Excuse me could I take a look at your undercarriage?". Well. That could be taken a couple different ways.
  31. 4 points
    This is my You-Tube sight containing all of my Transmission videos. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0WxpigBM-CFt3jm0aCxvxw/videos
  32. 4 points
    Wouldn't it be easier just to order a new decal?
  33. 4 points
  34. 4 points
    Thanks for the reminder guys, I have a new (to me) box coming soon. My dad is retiring (master-tech certified auto-mechanic), and is bringing his tools home from the shop. Once that's done, he is sending his "home-use box" to me with all his duplicate tools. Need to clean out a spot for it (as well as the rest of the garage lol). EDIT: Also will be coming with a stand-up compressor and a vintage craftsman drill press (floor-model, not bench-mounted)
  35. 4 points
    She can order from Amazon, I can order from Amazon.
  36. 4 points
    Looks like “The Underminer’s” machine in the movie The Incredibles...
  37. 4 points
    Maybe she wanted a name-brand torque wrench and you got her one of those "cheaper" Chinese ones? There has to be something that you can point to as the issue.
  38. 4 points
    Care to share your choice of product on the under coating? Looks like it will hold up nice. I did the same thing on this 42" way before I started collecting. A daily mower. This one was standard powder coating but I did not do the under coating. It is holding up nice but the guy I had coat it used a color more orange than red. Can't complain for what it cost me.
  39. 4 points
    Several times "Chuck" bought parts from me who has a similar hobby. Here I am in his shop full of industrial tools and his Super Kart. If you need more speed (120mph) this could be for you. Although I would love to experience the thrill of karting I have no intentions of getting into the hobby.
  40. 4 points
    No need to ask twice! Made short work of the drive then did the pavements up and down hill. Performed admirably. It was a good shakedown for a brand new home built plow. Some details to attend to but very happy with first trial. Mick
  41. 4 points
  42. 4 points
    Hmm, maybe run it with 3 and see how it goes? Good enough may save a bunch of tedious work. Not good enough and you're back where you started anyway.
  43. 4 points
    @pfrederi @JoeM I shortened up the chains a couple links by using a ratchet strap to squeeze the tire. Worked great. Now we'll get The Paint Department some seat time and see how it does. I'd really like to leave the chains on year round because traction on wet ground and leaves has been an issue for her. Here's a before. Note the tire is not indented. And after. Note the contour next to the chains.
  44. 4 points
    Pocket chainsaw..... Great for bonsai tree fellers or general pruning. 4 inch bar and its a real chainsaw but in miniature. Mick
  45. 3 points
    Have you tried giving it some sniffin' salts to see if it will fire? Don't over do it with the sniffin' salts, just wanna check to see if it is a fuel issue. I had an issue with my walk behind blower, ran for a bit, shut it off & it wouldn't restart. Dried the plug off twice with a torch then drained the fuel out of the bowl to check for water & let fresh fuel in. Fired right up and ran good.
  46. 3 points
    Here’s my YouTube site, with tractor stuff, house and automotive projects as well. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqXdGf0GosvZApUtGzA6M9Q
  47. 3 points
    oh boy. Thah Boilah is warm, winter storm warning’s a brewin’, couple days left to hunt another deer, coke machine, transmissions and bathrooms.
  48. 3 points
    Great Pict for a Frontend Friday
  49. 3 points
    Yep ... that's @jimkemp's ad... Dan and I are thrilled he uses one of our creations for his ad! BTW he does build a nice stack!
  50. 3 points
    First off, the super chrome powder coat is the closest (so far) of all the powder coats. Not a 100% shine like real chrome, but it is not terrible either. But it depends a lot on the guys that puts it on. The process has to be precise to get the best "chrome" effect. Not all powder coat places master it. Ask for a sample they made them selves, and not just a factory color sheet. I opted for the silvering process, as I was not 100% satisfied with the super chrome. But had it not been for my stupid need to do things my way, I think many would have been satisfied with the super chrome. To me it looks like highly polished aluminum. Very nice, but not quite chrome. As for pics of the silvering, no sorry, didn't take any. Hindsight says dumbass :-). I will take some the next time I use it. But really, the youtube videos show it quite good. It is pretty easy to use, but as you mentioned, it doesn't cover anything up. It rather enhances imperfections. All chroming processes do. So if you want it to be smooth, you need the prep work to be smooth. This stuff works like this: You treat the item you want silvered, like any other high end paint job. Spray fillers, vet sanding etc, if you want it mirror smooth. And then finish it of with a high gloss black. The better that black sits, the better the end result. On that black, you use the silvering solutions as per the manual, until you have an even cover. easy to do, and don't take long. Now the item is silvered, but is is highly susceptible to the elements, and will scratch, yellow etc. like silver does. So you dry off, and cover it with a clear coat of the crystal clear type. That seals it inn, and you have that warmer glow silver look. If you want it to have a colder hue, like chrome, you put a tiny bit of purple die in the clear coat, and that filters the light so it looks like chrome. You can play with the mix to get the hue you like. This video shows the silvering process
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