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  1. 12 points
    Yooboyz just watch for ya-selves.... @JCM @Stepney @OldWorkHorse @Oldskool @953 nutnut @Stormin @Lee1977 Do feel free to spread this around gratuitously.
  2. 11 points
    About 14 inches but we live on an exposed hill so you wind up with almost bare spots then drifts at about 30". Way to much to plow so first time in a couple years sinle stage on the Electro 16 did the job. That K341 was working...That thing sucks gas and she only has the small metal tank only holds a gallon and a half. had to refuel twice. Just finished clean up with the Charger 12 plow. Much faster and easier on the gas.
  3. 11 points
    Nearly 2 feet of snow. The C-160 gets the job done. Man is it cold out there!!!
  4. 10 points
    I got up at 3:30 am because I wanted to get the Penn-Dot banks along the highway before the traffic started. My 520-HC with the Ber-vac two-stage just grunted a little but took them out quickly. I did five driveways, mine and some neighbors. It only took me a total of about 7 hours including very little shoveling and some touching up with my 876 with a blade.
  5. 10 points
    We had about 8" on the ground when it turned to sleet about 7PM last night. Then changed back to snow and dumped about 4 more inches. I started plowing at 5AM and just finished at 11:30. Woohoo ...over 6 hours of seat time on the 520H. Five paved driveways, 400' of stone road and 1/4 mile of trails. 22F this morning, but a toasty 60F in the cab. The 520 didn't miss a beat, but the Onan did grunt a little when pushing through 12" deep with a 54" wide blade. Trail to the woods opened for the neighborhood walkers. My neighbors Troy w/ dual stage did a nice job, but slow.
  6. 10 points
  7. 9 points
    Only 9 inches but heavy, miserable stuff due to a lot of sleet. SAM_3223.MP4
  8. 9 points
    Last Snowfun i had in 2019 this year nothing until now but i be prepared...
  9. 8 points
    Like promised!!! I ment a raider 10 whit kohler 12: both need some cleaning up, But gone keep the patina!
  10. 8 points
    All we had was sleet with freezing rain on top of it yesterday then an inch or so of powder on top of that overnight, so I plowed early this morning and those OTRs did flawlessly without chains on the icy asphalt.
  11. 8 points
  12. 7 points
    Load up that horse and take a ride to Binghamton N.Y. !
  13. 7 points
    Here is a snowy view of the wife’s shed with my poor Rjs in the cold. What the heck at least she is happy .
  14. 7 points
    Ready but going to sleep now. Will get after it in the morning. Suppose to get 12-18” here and it is snowing at a good clip.
  15. 7 points
    So far we have only had a couple dusting and nothing stuck to the ground so I had to go to the vault an pull out an oldy-but-goody.
  16. 6 points
    5” or so of snow. The B80 did great!! I’m impressed!! Fuel sipper, that’s for sure!
  17. 6 points
    Well, that was quite the learning curve. My first winter with the C101, actually my first winter as a homeowner (in a long time) as well. Called for 8-12”, actually snowed 24”. When I went to bed it just started, so there was nothing to plow then. Woke up to the 24”. I “should” have plowed at 1am, and then 5 am, then it might have been manageable. But I still got some seat time after shoveling a path down the driveway.
  18. 6 points
    After 6 hours of seat time in the 520, I needed a walk. So I broke out the big shoes for a 2 hour trek.
  19. 6 points
    HOPE YOU ALL HAVE A GOOD SNOW DAY ! just looking and finding that , BINGHAMPTON NY, IS THE WINNER SO FAR AT 41 " OF SNOW ! , snow will end close to noon so maybe a couple of more inches , my snow is about a foot , with wind, and wind chill at 8 deg. have a god day out there , stay safe and be smart , pete
  20. 6 points
    We got about 3" of very heavy wet snow here. Everything was going fine until I got to the end of the drive and lost my steering! Crawled under to find the cotter pin on the steering shaft GONE... Did I screw up? I was just working on it last week and put a brand new pin in there. Dang it, I hate when the mind goes and I forget to cinch the cotter pin! The up side? for whatever reason, the three thrust shims on the end of the rod did not fall off! Only lost the pin.
  21. 6 points
  22. 6 points
    I am new here, and just bought a Wheel Horse last week. Someone has a broken axle on this forum, everybody in shock, i don't know how many times I broke a Tecumseh 5 speed trans, or blew the chain on chain driven mowers. Just love the quality of Wheel Horses already. So today i am going to pick up a second Wheel Horse: a 312-8 looking brand new whit a 1000 hours, original seat in new condition. 300$. I don't know if that is cheap or expensive in the US but here its cheap, and i am glad i found one. Cause here the don't see now value in those machines. I have seen plenty push mowers going for 300$.
  23. 6 points
    Thanks to you guys' help on another post, I got back up and running to clean my driveway and street. 20201216_202326.mp4
  24. 6 points
    Give me grass to mow any day. I hate cold....
  25. 5 points
    We have about 7" as of now here in Central Maryland.
  26. 5 points
    My 416-h (D) 10hp diesel 48inch plow. wheel weights all around. rare suitcase weight bracket.. Carlisle all Trac on the back and x Trac on the front.
  27. 5 points
    I've showed this before I'll show it again .... my favorite sno mover.... Wonder why I never got any complaints when I went to get @dclarke s choice chucker!?!?
  28. 5 points
    35-40 lbs ? Don't know about the exact weight of them but I run #40 roller chain on the fronts without any weight for steering traction.
  29. 5 points
    Yes sir an Onan with a deuce or a tall single, unfortunately (🤔) I did not get to use mine this round, but you may have seen my pics/vids before. @ebinmaine, So I couldn't find my long down pressure bar for my snow plow that I made up a year or so ago, so to get the slushed ice off the pavement I improvised by hanging 80# of suitcase weights on the moldboard is think it did ok. 20201217_150629.mp4
  30. 5 points
    Right over the wood pile! SAM_3227.MP4
  31. 5 points
  32. 5 points
    I had some starting issues with my B-80 yesterday. I think I need to check out points and maybe replace points and condenser which have not been replaced for several years. I had good spark and yet no fire in the motor. I cleaned the center carb needle, bowl and changed the spark plug. Still a no go so I decided to reconfigure my snowplow plan for this season. Ao I had my snowplow all set up on the B-80 and decided to change it to my backup 854 Wheel Horse that I used last year. I put my B-80's snowplow on the 854 but had to change the rear 3/4 inch hitch rod to the inner position used for short frame tractors. I also had the short solid lift on the B-80 and I changed to the long solid lift piece on the 854 setup. Took about an hour 0but it is done and ready for the next snowfall.
  33. 5 points
    When did Conan leave the night shows and head to the weather?
  34. 5 points
    I finished off the current version of my air compressor. Its been in the family for 60 plus years with different configurations. The pump itself was off a 1920 White truck, for the air brakes. Its self lubricated, and used the trucks cooling system to cool the pump. I remember it first being mounted to a frame mounted on a spare tire. It still used the original diaphram unloader. My father and I remounted the frame onto legs, and put a small tank under the frame as a reservoir. Later we switched it over to a propane tank for a reservoir. About 30 years ago I changed it to a pressure switch/contactor to control the compressor, and added the copper piping to act as a radiator, with gravity circulation. After I retired I started looking qt the compressor a d decided I wasn't as smart as I thought I was 30 years ago and decided that the compressor needed some love for it's 100th birthday. But I wanted to keep some of the history of the compressor, memories of working with my father. So I added extra cooling pipe, and made the pipe into a belt guard as well. New wiring, air filter, added circulation pump, put on correct width belt, added an overpressure relief valve, and new high pressure piping, an FLR. I used black pipe for the water cooling and air side, seemed to respect the age of the pump. Probably cost me more in parts than a new compressor would have, but whatever. Actually it turned out to be a nice quiet running compressor, you have to respect those old time engineers, they really built stuff to last.
  35. 5 points
  36. 5 points
    Hey I never claimed to be! The cold has never bothered me. When I was a kid, the first snow we had enough to run the snowmobiles, I'd be out there at 4am riding before school started (it was a contest to who got out first) in little more than a hooded sweatshirt! That and working in a meat cooler for years has made me resistant to the cold. I love seat time out in the snow no matter the machine I'm on!
  37. 5 points
    Made a quick belt guard for the big blower and chained up the plow tractor. 16-24” predicted here.
  38. 4 points
    Steering all fixed. Just got done plowing the 'slush ruts' out of the private road. Waiting to cool down before putting her up for the night. Need to find something to keep the snow freezing to the plow.
  39. 4 points
  40. 4 points
    Cas...put the wife in her shed, and bring the RJ's in the house.
  41. 4 points
    Kinda forgot I started this thread to document the life of an addict. Geez, have bought, sold, traded and flipped a bunch since last posting here. Today, scored this for less than the local going price folks want just for that big boy 16hp. Ags used for 2 years, then tractor was parked when they bought a new one. Has compression, trans turns, shifters work!
  42. 4 points
    My last comment in thread, I just wanted to say my opinion and experiences are mine and I am NOT trying to force them on anyone, we all like what we like, and if we ALL liked ALL the same things/brands/sports teams ect (other than Wheel Horse in this instance), then this world would be very DULL and BORING and I believe we can call agree on that, and I will end on that note nothing further needs to be said on my part.
  43. 4 points
    As of right now 9:30am we have 10”...it’s still snowing but lighter and should be done in 3 hours.
  44. 4 points
    Still waiting... Not enough to bother... She sleeps...
  45. 4 points
    I don't. I have a paved driveway and like to get right down to the pavement. There is a wear bar on the bottom of the blade that can be replaced, so I'm not worried about wearing out the blade.
  46. 4 points
    Just a thought could you put a spacer under the two mounts that the tachomatic bolts to under the axle and give you another 1/4 in clearance
  47. 4 points
    17 degrees wind at 16mph Wind chill at 5. You will not see any pictures of me until tomorrow!!!
  48. 4 points
    Well I’m ready, just need to add a bit-o-gas in the tank of this RJ and hang the plow
  49. 3 points
    I’ve told this story somewhere in here before but my respect for the 212 Predator comes from a mini-bike my brother bought from a farm store. It has the Predator in it. I’m super picky and anal with my stuff. To say my brother is the opposite of that is an understatement. He’s had that mini-bike for over ten years and it’s never, NEVER had an oil change. It drives me absolutely nuts but it still starts and runs flawlessly. Because of that, when I picked up a clean 606 roller a few years ago it was a no brainer for me to use the $99 Predator my dad had sitting on a shelf in his basement. It’s one of my main workhorses and has power to spare, even with the over sized pulley I installed on the engine. With regard to the PTO, I run my WH 3500W generator off this tractor and that puts a lot of axial load on the PTO with no issue. And the 6.5 horses of hemi handles the generator easily. it’s a good engine at any price. At $99 it’s a great engine. Before anyone gets aggravated with me, I love my Kohlers, Briggs, amd Onans too. Haha
  50. 3 points
    A friend of mine helped me with these homemade hot rods. Sold a couple still have 2 but the kids have long since out grown them.
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