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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/14/2020 in Posts

  1. 11 points
  2. 8 points
  3. 6 points
    Anyone have any info on this machine, like when they were made? I'm assuming parts are going to be hard to find, but I think this was built by Moto-Mower. I keep picking up these off brands lol
  4. 5 points
    I just did mine with rods from Lowell. With the rods off, center the wheel push the seat forward and use a couple bar clamps to clamp the seat to the wheel to hold the wheel stationary in place. Set the rods as close to the originals as you can and install then just snug. Measure between the front of the wheel and the back of the wheel, they should be but might not be parallel. If any difference is small, adjust one of the rods to give abojt 1/8" of toe in. You may needto adjust both if the difference is larger. My old rods were really worn! I had almost a half inch toe out. Drives MUCH better now. By the way, unless there is zero wear in the axle bores, the spindles and your wheel bearings are perfect, the flanged bushing at the front of the steering shaft is perfect, there will be enough slop to make the whole excercise sorta pointless, but it feels good to be at a point that feels good.
  5. 5 points
    It actually went like this... it was missing a spindle or three, has been pretty iffy for a couple years. A bigger person comes over, we have to avoid letting them sit, etc. finally Mrs. P asked me to do something about it, so I picked it up and smashed it to pieces WWF style. ThereIFixedIt!
  6. 5 points
    Other than they are thirsty I would never say a bad word about them. Bought mine from a friend 19 years ago with around 400 hours and now around 900 with ZERO issues.Flawless 4 season machine. The 3 Kohler twins I have also consume fuel in the same manner. Keep em inside, dry & well maintained and they will keep you happy for a long time.
  7. 5 points
    There is plenty to see around Gettysburg, especially if you are a history buff. You won't be able to get into the fairgrounds until Thursday morning. Having said that, a lot is going to depend on whether or not this Covid vaccine gets into wide distribution, the virus gets under control, and restrictions are lifted. Pennsylvania has a Governor who likes to keep things shut down. I would look into hotel reservations with the option of cancellation without penalty. Being that I will be 71 by the time of the next show, and I am one of those with underlying medical issues, I personally won't be going unless I have been vaccinated. Even though I am very skeptical of how this virus is spread, I must for the sake of my health and my family, err on the side of caution.
  8. 5 points
  9. 5 points
  10. 5 points
    Cleaned and inspected the entire wiring harness, re-taped everything with high temp 3M automotive electrical tape. Installed the harness and added extra hold downs and wire ties where possible, just trying to tidy up a mess of wires. Added one of Glens' fuse holder covers. Absolute worst part about this whole build...... Also put on a piece of tin.
  11. 4 points
    Hello All - new here and to wheel horses. picked up a 520h yesterday with 42" SD deck and front mount blade. I believe it is a 1988, sticker shows 3120OEO1 - 15981. Overall it's pretty clean with 859 hours, AG rear tires, chrome hub caps. Attached some photos including first quick cut. I bought it off the second owner who is a wheel horse "trader" (if that is a thing). He has about 25 units on hand plus all sorts of attachments. Rare for my part of southern NJ, most were 3-6 hours away in the middle of PA or up in NY state. Did a quick cut of my front lawn and everything seems to be operating as it should for the most part. One observation i had is the hydro control will hold in place unless full throttle. If put in full throttle it had to be held there or it would fall back to about 75%. Maybe some form of adjustment is needed. After the cut I shut it down and started it back up a few minutes later to show my son, there was the slightest little but of black smoke for a split second (much less than my kawi spits out upon start up). This considered normal? The head lights work but nothing from the "test" button. Fuel gauge is accurate but others seems to be hit or miss, lots of variation in RPM and Vacuum even tho all is running smoothly. I noticed the original owner moved the fuel filter to before the fuel pump and read that is a smart thing to do. While i don't have maintenance records, i see on the hydro filter that it was changed in April 2018 with 848 hours, so only about 11 hours of use in the last 2 years. I'm not surprised as I was told the original owner had a lot of equipment and the second owner only used it a few times this past summer when he had it. Here is my due diligence plan... tried to do some homework open to input from all of those that have a lot more knowledge than me: Now: 1. Seafoam / B12 treatment in fuel 2. Engine Oil / Filter change - Mobil Delvac Synthetic 5w40 w/ FleetGaurd 1220800 filter (current filter is black which tells me it's original Onan, but i can no longer find, appears FleetGaurd is also owned by Cummings) 3. Hydro Oil / Filter change - Mobil Delvac Syntheic 5w40 w/ _________________ (can someone provide the Onan part number?) 4. New spark plugs gapped to .025. RS17YX -or- RS14YC (??) 5. New fuel filter - any recommendations here? Found well reviewed ones with a magnet inside too. Replace one before Fuel Pump and considering adding one after due to how the Onan carbs are very sensitive to debris. 6. Replace air filter 7. Grease everything that needs to be (i believe there are 7 zerk fittings?) 8. Check belt condition and tension. Any references available for tension? 9. Check tires for proper inflation Before spring 1. Replace or sharpen blades - what are the highest lift blades used? 2. DIY mod for better engine cooling - anyone have photos of what they've done? 3. Clean up and treat some of the surface rust Thanks in advance for all advice! -RJ
  12. 4 points
    Did it couple years ago and just put new one on because old cheap one cracked... works like a charm... fuel filter between tank and bulb... As always, things go better with pics:
  13. 4 points
    You can locate the bulb anywhere. It's designed to pull fuel as well as push it unlike an electric pump. Mine is right up in front of the tower on the left side as that's where the existing fuel line was and it's very easy to access. Don't put it in a place you can't easy grab it. Couple of squeezes and it's ready to go.
  14. 4 points
    Inquiries answered Any topic imagined Red Square folk assist
  15. 4 points
  16. 4 points
    Thanks to @WHX24 for a set of seat springs that will get me up off the fender pan, it will help me see better where the front of the blower is. Before After Then it was on to the Raider 12 for some up grades. Added a full of wheel weights, a set of chains, and a tote to take the trash and recycling down the 1/4 mile driveway to the road.
  17. 3 points
    Toe in should steer easier...
  18. 3 points
    Broke chair roasting on an open fire... Wheel Horses resting in their stalls...
  19. 3 points
    Because you were already thinking of how hard do you pump it until it floods! And I already did it
  20. 3 points
    It probably wasn't even broke... he just wanted to see what was inside.... dang kids these days.... BTW what are you doing with an electric starter PULLSTART!
  21. 3 points
    Small Block Kohler Napa # 25-7320 .41" wide x 32.5" long Side angle 36 degrees Cross section HC41 Big Block Kohler Napa # 25-7345 .41" wide x 35.3" long side angle 37 degrees Cross section HC41
  22. 3 points
    Rylee’s “Screamin’ Jimmy” has an extra closer pedal...
  23. 3 points
    Metal 3D printing has been coming of age over the last few years. It is still very expensive both to start up and to run. There are a few metal production parts being 3D printed. It is possible to print in many metals. Some of the 3D printed metal parts cannot be made with any other method due to the part's geometry. Before I retired, I was talking with our CAD software supplier about metal 3D printing. I was thinking about having some coining details for my dies 3D printed. The advantage would be having the coin tool to net shape after printing. The only finishing needed would be polishing. The 3D printed price didn't compare favorably with conventionally machined.
  24. 3 points
    I don't know @pullstart , I may have to join Green tractor talk forum, these WH guys are waaaaayyyy above my IQ level.
  25. 3 points
    Use Rhino 3D for Painting and sketching and Repetier Host with Cura Engine for slicing on my selfmade „Prusa type“ Printer for Printing. Rhino, because i like it and i know difference between painted parts and reality on repetier is exact 0.76 correct. Factor. That Factor i had fixed implemented in Repetier Host what means all i draw is printed 1:1. Before i tried Google sketchup, but the correctur factor differs on each slicing process. As Firmware i use Marlin with lot‘s of changes. Max dimension is 380x380 x280mm i can use, but mirrorplate restricts them to 300 by 300mm and most parts are mostly smaller. Lots of 3 D printed Parts in my Prusa, all are made of PLA. This Printer still works now since 2 Years without any thermal Problems or troubles. Sometimes 3 or 4 Day‘s jobs are still done without problems. Printbed is a heated mirror, what sticks very great if preheated to 68 degC and PLA loosened itself at below 40 deg.C. So Parts can be picked without any force. I don‘t work with ABS or with higher temp material, because it‘s stinks too much and i use mine just for Rapid Prototyping things like Coil winders or i.eg. Quadcopters, they mostly had a very short lifetime on highspeed flights with video Googles thru forrest... 😎 The left one was a high speed test with 214 Km/h in result.... but it had just a lifetime of 5 min before it trashed on a Tree, what jumps to it quickly. 😂 I mostly print with high speed and lower quality, because i like fast results. I make several coils with different inner diameters different wires and different windings to find the perfect fit and the perfect windings on the Tecumseh H66 So i fixed or better rebuild my Charging Coil’s also for the 656 Wheelhorse to bring the Charging option back in Service. I use only PLA while in Rooms printing, because of nice Smell like a warm pancake and the lower Temps. When i had too much rests of PLA i make sometimes colormixing Toy‘s. Some things are out of thingiverse, some are self constructed, depending on. Most are Nice to look or great to play with. Some toy‘s are still in work, some are just a optical gadgets but the most works. Even my 3D Printer was 60% built by my first one, what is now retired. There are a lot of 3 D printers on the market, from cheap to high end and from Trash to „whow“ Machines. The Prusa is a good choice for starting, Joseph has improved his last machine much, so in my opinion it‘s a fantastic way to Start because you pay what you get or vice versa. A enclosure is highly recommended for each 3 D Printer to get quick better results without Warping and avoids dust from the Hardware. The biggest must in my experiences, is a well feeded Airstream in the enclosure for best results. Any free Airstream can trash your printresult very quick.
  26. 3 points
    When I worked at a new car/truck/heavy truck dealers body shop, we used Dupont Imron paints for industrial usage. Municipal trucks like dump truck bodies and plows were often specked out to use Imron when painting, It was super expensive but lasted. I remember that some of us didn't wear a paint mask using some of the other paints, but we always did when spraying Imron, because it was known to be extra hazardous. C-85
  27. 3 points
    Good summary, @Maynard. June isn't that far away and there are the holidays between now and then. I'm tempering my enthusiasm until I see how the infection rates track, the vaccine deployments progress, and where I land in the priority sequence to get vaccinated--years with my family outweigh a weekend at the show.
  28. 3 points
    This is typical of my grandsons creations - its a THREE stage! His chute deployment wasnt so successful and had a rather nasty 'touch down' Geez, if I were only 30-40 years younger, I think I could get into this...........
  29. 3 points
    No they won't. It 1978 the B series became just a lawn tractor and had different attachments. Yes, there is a snow blade for your tractor but I'd be very careful. The transmission won't take a beating like a Unidrive can.
  30. 3 points
    lol - get any of this - me ? heck no ! like many kids this kid has been fascinated with *things* - and construction / manufacture and transformation of things - since a very early age - especially mechanical things one year for Christmas at around 4-6 years old (?) he asked for vice grips and bungee cords one of his favorite shows since an early age was/is How It Is Made if I dropped him off at your place you might struggle to get rid of him
  31. 3 points
    This is about where I am with 3D printing but the science behind it and the results that can be had are absolutely fascinating and approaching infinite.
  32. 3 points
    I was told yesterday that they can 3D print powdered metal now to recreate steel objects! One object of topic was “shower head” mufflers on the old RJ’s and whatnot.
  33. 3 points
    Not sure what brand paint Howard used but I like it.
  34. 3 points
  35. 3 points
  36. 3 points
    Got stage 1 of our bedroom/bath remodel done. Ripped the closet and linnen cabinet out of the spare bedroom and moved the door. Pulled the old, stained ceiling tile down, replaced it with new, and installed new carpet tiles. Finished upthis several days of work by moving our bedroom furnature into the freshened up room today.. Step 2 will be doing the same thing to the second bedroom. Step 3 will be moving the bathroom wall a foot, and a complete rearrangement of the bathroom fixtures.
  37. 3 points
    I expect to see that senior in person!!
  38. 3 points
    I have until June to find a toy hauler!
  39. 3 points
    Looking forward to the show. Hope to see some old friends and meet some new ones this year.
  40. 3 points
    I got the snow plow mounted on the Raider 10 a couple days ago. Then I got the bright idea the parking spots in front of my house needed the gravel freshened up. First, I loosened the gravel with my C-120 and a cultivator. Then I dozed it into a pile for processing with the raider. Fortunately, I had the common sense to get some pictures. I was surprised with how high the tractor climbed up the pile. My dad was out, so I had him get an action shot too. I'll be sifting the pile then putting everything back down layered: dirt, pea gravel, large gravel. These are the piles of how far I've gotten so far. I wouldn't have even considered a project like this before I had my horses to help me out!
  41. 3 points
    Do not force the hi/low shifter. You can bend or break the fork. Let the lubrication do it's thing and just wiggle that shifter once in a while.
  42. 2 points
    Does any Schedule or planing exist for the 2021 Big Show? Planing my holiday‘s ahead, would need it. thanks Stefan
  43. 2 points
    I must admit, I was worried I’d put the chair through the subfloor of the dining room!
  44. 2 points
    Some good reading here fellas! I've always been the somewhat self sufficient one, at least with home and vehicle repairs, hunting for meat, etc... and, oh, it would be a bad idea to break into my home, shop, vehicle, or try to harm family or myself That means even more these days with the way this world is getting. Last year with purchase of a weekend getaway/flip property, I tried gardening, learned a ton, had some success, and was also glad there was a grocery store in town haha. Unfortunately not there enough to have chickens, goats, etc... Just working every day to being as self reliant, independent, off the grid, and prepared as I can be. The current events have kicked that goal up a notch.... Guys like us should do just fine if the stuff hits the fan
  45. 2 points
    @rmaynard, i hope that dang Covid itself will be in quarantine soon. I understand your fear and thoughts and i respect it, but i also hope the best. It‘s time we get our life back, and can fight that Virus out of our Life. Even my Plan‘s stay or drops with that results in the next month‘s. Actually we have again a fully Lockdown here, no idea of how long it will be happen. On thursday last week we do a test, even so my mom, that we can see us after one year again. 😷😢 because she like to see us. That Virus changed our all life's dramatically in a Way, nobody can imagine before. But i be in best hope, all turns to good and this meeting will happen.
  46. 2 points
    I don't have a stamping set. If the motor runs when I'm done, the type # would be GregorBuilt
  47. 2 points
    me also lol but EB - you (and your better half / shop foreman) are young at heart ... big kids in grown up attire
  48. 2 points
    Well now that I know it can happen to engines other than Kohler I am SUPER confused, as I've probably removed 20 Kohler flywheels, but 1000 Briggs, Tekky, Predator, etc... Yeah yeah, I know what a puller is, but have never had an issue with backing the nut off flush, a small prybar behind the flywheel, a small amount of force, and a good pop or two with a 'normal size' hammer. Was actually more concerned with the comments I might receive than actually fixing the issue
  49. 2 points
    Did some thrashing the past few days! Wheels painted, cylinder head cooling shroud and correct SG bracket, SG brushes and belt, temporary dash, (til I hear back from Glen) throttle cable, stack, etc... Tonight was it’s maiden voyage to the other side of the neighborhood and the ol girl did great. Still some minors to sort out but she’s doing well. Such a fun machine!
  50. 2 points
    When you drain the fluids from the trans, be sure to jack up the front of the tractor so that the fluid will get over the hump in the middle of the trans case. Jim
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