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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/11/2020 in all areas

  1. 14 points
    Well I must have been good this year as Mrs. Claus let me get a new air lift table for the shop. Out with old Harbor Freight and in with a Black Widow lift direct out of thd land of cheese.
  2. 10 points
    I picked up this 1970 Raider after work because the guy accepted my offer and I didn’t think he would. It looks to be pretty complete except for flywheel screen and battery. PO said it does run so I will be cleaning it up in the near future. It has a HH100 in it and I’m ok with that being that I’m also a Sears fan. I’m more familiar with Tecumseh anyways. Decals are surprisingly good so for now it will just be a good cleaning and yard work.
  3. 9 points
    As found and cleaned up. Appears to have been repainted in the past.
  4. 7 points
    Way too radical for me so not on my ToDo list but it's neat to look at. And LOTS more to look at here: https://www.ihcubcadet.com/threads/cub-chevy-283.8631/
  5. 7 points
    And let me guess... she had a NOS Senior Lever Steer in the back that was collecting dust and in the way and could @pullstart get it out of there for her? I’ll give you a free breakfast if you just make it go away...
  6. 5 points
    Having no shows to attend in 2020 stunk! But I still managed to get a couple shirts from the Wheel Horse Collectors Club.
  7. 5 points
    Serviced the snow crew, all set for old man winter.
  8. 5 points
    I'll remember that when you need me to open up the magic parts shed !
  9. 5 points
    Model number 61-08K803? 6=1976 1=garden tractor https://www.wheelhorseforum.com/search/?&q=61-08K803&type=downloads_file&search_and_or=or&sortby=relevancy 1977 B-80 8-Speed model 71-08K801 Garry
  10. 5 points
    All I have to type is WH and y’all are all going crazy! Waffle House. WH. Get your head outta the shed for a second!
  11. 5 points
    Oil, gear, hydro, tires, paint / no paint, patina, rust, round, square, short, long, black hood, shade of red, gas, diesel electric, alcohol/straight, additives/snake oil, etc............... We all have preferences based on our own experiences... Motors ain’t no different... I propose we agree that if it’s on a Wheel Horse it shall be deemed superior. Do I hear a second?
  12. 5 points
    Lots of those on the tractor pulling circuit. The local show I used to follow had a class with a few blown big blocks in it. Total waste of almost everything on the tractor trying to put that much power through a pair of 26x12x12 tires, but they tried and it was a great show.
  13. 5 points
    It'd take longer than Colossus.
  14. 5 points
    Waffle House, then northbound one more day!
  15. 5 points
    About my 1975 C-160. I'm the 2nd owner and have had it for at least 20 or its 45+ year life. Oil gets changed spring and fall every year I'v owned it. Spark plug and points swap-out has been at least 5 years...probably due now. Starter got a rebuild 7 or 8 years back...and I had to change the ingnition switch last summer. NEVER have I had the engine off the frame for overhaul or service of any sort. It is only now starting to puff a light blue cloud when sht down. To reiterate: KOHLER K341S...BEST ONE LUNGER EVER MADE.
  16. 5 points
    I second @daveoman1966 my c160 has the best engine ever made. I do like the Briggs though. I had a craftsman 17.5hp for 14 years and it never gave me any trouble.
  17. 5 points
    Unloaded on the way home, I’ve gotten between 16.5 mpg and 19.9 mpg, running near 80 mph the whole way! From Georgia to South Kentucky through the south end of the Appalachian mountains was where I achieved the best mileage! It must have a good load on the turbo to keep boost right in the sweet spot?
  18. 4 points
    I’ll take the cheese and trophy, Uncle Jim’s a curd enough for as all...
  19. 4 points
    Very nice Tom. Love mine too.
  20. 4 points
    Are RV's scarce enough that people are paying to have them delivered across the country? Good to see that Norman is doing good now that it has some Texas under the hood
  21. 4 points
    I hate to get all Captain Obvious on you here but it's apparently right around 100% or one to one
  22. 4 points
    Here we go again, @pullstart is on the road with an empty truck bed and encounters a owner. This could be the makings of another legendary horse rustling across multiple state lines. Standby for hot news updates!
  23. 4 points
    Probably just a coincidence that all of the trouble free engines I own are Kohlers!
  24. 4 points
    No way...!!! What are the odds of the @pullstart CEO stopping for waffles and running into a WH nut?
  25. 4 points
    The lady takin’ orders had a WH visor on. We can assume she loves red tractors.
  26. 4 points
    Removed the 48'' SD deck from the 312 today. Bottom looks clean, try never to cut wet or a damp lawn. Noticed a flat tire on the 520, removed and brought to a local tire shop, had a HD tube installed, total amount 15.00 for the tube and 10.00 for the labor, back home re install tire and wheel, weight and chain, go for a trail ride on the 312. Back inside and cranked up the big wood stove in basement.
  27. 4 points
    Christmas yard art...
  28. 3 points
    my wife asked me earlier this week if i would be interested in restoring another tractor. today i was with her and she pulled into my buddies mower shop and told me to stay in the car. after 10 min they both came out and she says go with him to see what he has . showed me a charger 10 auto with 42 inch deck he had covered up outside looked great he got it from original owner that bought it new but don't know if it runs .also seen a c141 auto but was missing some parts body . then a c121 caught my eye all complete but the seat and seat springs are gone no big deal. i don't know about the auto's much and are they easy to fix and get parts. gear drive to me a piece of cake to do theses two auto's i looked at the transaxle covered in grease and oil .since they don't run hard telling if they any good. I am more partial to the gear drive. he going to dig around his place to see what else he has . this c121 there looking at i can't find a serial number tag on it no where any idea's the year ? the one pic is kinda fuzzy . the tires really decent shape been sitting in that spot for 5 years he says
  29. 3 points
    Well I guess I’ve gone a little deeper into this than anticipated. Any way I read a lot and the 121 I’m restoring had bad axle seals and break shaft seal. I watched a video on YouTube by VinsRj and said why not! Well here I am, everything except the seals seem perfect. Peace of mind!
  30. 3 points
    I know you guys are most likely tired of seeing this thing but I took advantage of the nice weather today and did a little more cleaning on the 857. Got the toothbrush out and got into some nooks and crannies. Put a little wax on it. Hand painted the " KOHLER USA ". Greased up all the moving parts of the plow. Looks better considering I still havent got to power wash it or been able to paint the wheels and front axle. Really love the decal set. Did I mention I am really starting to like this model more and more ?? Curious to see what this 8hp engine can do with Upstate NY winters snow.
  31. 3 points
    He put a seat cover on a golf cart seat for me and it looked perfect. Upholstery is an art form IMO. He had a 57 Chevy convertible in his shop when I was there and this car was pristine.Turqoise and white top/interior. You don't take a car like that to just anyone these days. I'm not even sure what that car would be worth but they say if the top goes down the value goes up.
  32. 3 points
    The seat has a seam at the top about 6 inches that needs sewn. Otherwise it is pretty damn nice.
  33. 3 points
    Looking good! The seat is worth the price of admission.
  34. 3 points
  35. 3 points
    Just put a Predator on my 656. It's ran perfect for 2 days now.
  36. 3 points
    Saw this today, heading up 65 towards Louisville... or up 69 out of Louisville. Can’t remember.
  37. 3 points
    New fuel line, filter and primer bubble... No leaks!!!
  38. 3 points
    1316 miles from Okeechobee to a town away’s last fill up. We’re home and averaged 17.1499 mpg at an average of 81-ish as often as possible. I’m proud of Old Norman!
  39. 3 points
    Renting an RV is in high enough demand that it can be profitable to rent it out... 6 days per month breaks even. Florida camping season is all winter, whereas we don’t camp until May or so.
  40. 3 points
  41. 3 points
    I know I hear from time to time about some of the things I do. I have not got that bad but have had thoughts. Like the one neighbor that had RC planes. Crashes most of the time. (he is really bad at it) He refereed to my stuff as junk. I ask him hows that flying thing working out? He walked away. Hey what ever turns you on, some folks like collecting baseball cards, I like tinkering with wheel horses. And if that is what I think it is in the picture, cub super garden tractor, those are pretty nice machines. Used a Kohler opposing 20HP magnum engine, shaft driven with CV joints, ring and pinion rear end, and power steering. Except for the plastics on the hood and side panels, just might have the 520 and xi on the ropes.
  42. 3 points
    Naahhhhh. I wouldn't make something like that go fast. I would make something like that pull heavy stuff. Camshaft with a nice tight lobe separation angle so it idles like it's loving life but low RPM
  43. 3 points
    That's with no camper right? If that's with a camper that's really good. Cummings drops to 14 as soon as you stuff a plug into the 7 pin. 24 with no camper.... 28 if Cindy's driving! What and no pic?!?!?!?
  44. 3 points
    I like to hit up Waffle House just for the hash browns
  45. 3 points
  46. 3 points
    Here's where Trina mounted the yoke she handmade for me: Got my treat and another present...
  47. 2 points
  48. 2 points
    I can tomorrow Sir. The bolt that holds them on is in the end.
  49. 2 points
  50. 2 points
    I’m partial to engines that run... correctly... consistently... without a lot of nonsense... My Kohler 10 meets that standard.
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