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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/07/2020 in Files

  1. 1 point

    Version 1.0.0


    Replacement for: Transmission Gear Uni-Drive 1958-1982 SM HR #A-1392.pdf This is a 600 DPI scan of a very good copy of this manual. From what I can tell the content is identical to the file that includes the following on the rear cover "0482 Revision P/N 492-4004". Front cover changed only with the price going from 2.00 to 3.50. I have gone through it page by page and came to this conclusion. I have never seen an original of the aforementioned version, but I have seen two different scans of it. The words on the photos are very difficult to read on those scans. This scan is much improved in quality compared to those. And since the content appears identical (other than front and rear covers) I am uploading it for your pleasure. There are a few pages I had to scan several times to get a really good version Additional notes 6/16/2020 - after spending considerable time comparing the two, side by side, I have found a few pages of the 0482 revision that are different than this file. They are as follows: 1) Page 12. Point number 5 is missing. See service bulletin 23 for the missing info. 2) Pages 32 and 51. Does not have the "Note" mentioning that service bulletin 252 covers conversion from limited slip to 8-pinion differential. 3) Page 50. Does not have "Note" referring to service bulletins 174 and 273 discussing differential bolt changes. I would advise that all users of this manual should be aware of the information in service bulletins 55, 60, 76, 80, 252, 273, 369, 394a and 425. There are a few other service bulletins on trnasmission, but they seem to be either superseded or the information is covered in this manual. I am also very curious if owners of an original copy of the 0482 version can read the captions within photos. It is quite clear that the ortho-film exposures on that version were darker, and I suspect that even on an original, that some photo captions may be hard to read. On the earlier version the text it a bit harder to read because of the shorter exposure, but it is certainly readable, and there's no doubt this version is more useful. It is clear that the book was type set once, and that the changes are a matter of pasting in the comments and re-shooting the negatives. Edits were a LOT more work back then. Enough work in fact, that Wheel Horse increased the price from $2 to $3.50 after they made these changes! I am pleased to see folks are downloading this! My next project is to find a good original of the Sundstrand manual so I can


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