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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/26/2020 in all areas

  1. 19 points
    Built this for the 2020 show and as you know no show! Got new skins and better rims for the front and have to install the side boards also. It went on the back burner when the show got canceled. Hydraulic bed and rock shaft lifts works too. Might use it to plow snow or fix up a grader blade?? Lengthened the frame 14 inches and used a 13HP predator engine. I had a Kohler 8 and it worked ok but I wanted more power. Used the 13. Real cool machine. There is a two way radiator fan under the seat were you can select it to put heat on your legs or blow on the engine. I named it the "essential worker" Might put it up for sale at the next years show, need to clear the way for the next build, will see.
  2. 10 points
    COVID has not shut down Alice’s Restaurant!!! A long-time Thanksgiving tradition continues... Enjoy! (No mask required while listening)
  3. 10 points
    Happy Thanksgiving to all. I hope you are graced with health and some shared time with family. We are having a small group of family over today. In spite of the small group I still choose to smoke up a 22lb turkey. Should be lots of left overs! I started my bird at midnight, at 225 degrees. It's starting to look purtty yummy. Meat temp is right in line to be ready for 11:00 meal time.
  4. 8 points
    I just want to take a minute to wish everyone here and their families a Happy Thanksgiving.God bless all of you.Just remember.....Tough times don't last.....Tough people do.
  5. 7 points
    Nothin special, just a working horse. 1973 14hp 8 speed.
  6. 7 points
    Traded one of my 520s for this super low hour 1986 417-8! It has the series II KT17. Runs like a top and looking forward to many years of work out of it, needs some cleaning up and a new seat. Oh and Happy Thanksgiving !
  7. 7 points
    Now that the tires are done, I'm leaving a day in 2026 open to witness the un-veiling!
  8. 7 points
  9. 6 points
    Spent this morning doing more cleaning an cut/buff on the hood. Got one wheel painted and mounted with a new tube. Waiting on a couple of things to arrive and then I can finally start the rebuilt K181. Not in a hurry, but it’s getting there.
  10. 6 points
    Vintage AC hand held tachometer:
  11. 6 points
    32 pages! Somewhere here, is there a tractor that is actually being worked on?
  12. 6 points
  13. 6 points
    Happy Thanksgiving all. Just one more thing to be thankful for is this forum and all the knowledge that's available here.
  14. 5 points
    I have made three repairs for what Onan calls "Hunting Problem" on 2 Wheel Horse model 520H tractors. I believe the engine is hunting due to carburetor fuel to engine is very lean. This causes the engine to slow down and before stopping the governor kicks in and speeds up engine. Now the engine is running faster that throttle setting and releases slowing engine down. Now the engine slows down and is about to stop again and then the cycle repeats. By adding full choke and making fuel mixture richer the hunting problem was reduced in my 3 cases. The Onan manual gives adjustment fixes for hunting. I have not tried these fixes because I was sure problem was in the carburetor. Fix number 1: The two 520H tractors I did this fix on both were 1996 models. The fix is to remove the idle mixture needle valve, clean and reinstall. On side of carburetor facing muffler there is 2 round metal disk that has been used to cover openings on carburetor side. A large one above a smaller one. DO NOT REMOVE UPPER LARGE ONE. Using a small nail or sharp object make a hole in middle of small disk and pry disk out. Using a small flat blade screwdriver remove idle valve, turn counter clockwise. I used carburetor cleaner with small red tube and sprayed valve opening several times to flush and clean opening. Clean needle valve and reinstall in hole, screw clockwise in all the way. Now turn valve out, counter clockwise, 2 turns. In my case 2 turns out gave idle about 1500 rpm. No need to replace small disk cover. This fixed hunting problem on 2 model 520H 1996 tractor. Fix number 2: After about 10 years and many mowing one of the 520H's the hunting problem returned. This time Fix number 1 did not fix problem. The following is how I fixed problem the second time. Leaving carburetor on intake manifold remove 4 screws on top of carburetor and 1 screw on front of carb holding choke linkage. Remove carb top casting with float assembly and needel valve. On front of carb, side facing headlights, there is a large nut that covers a carburetor jet. Remove large nut and jet. Use large flat blade screwdriver to remove jet. Using carburetor cleaner with spray tube spout place tube over each hole in carb body and spray several times. Most holes you will see spray exit somewhere else on carb. Do same for hole the jet was removed from. Remove all dirt in float gas well. Now using 40 psi air do the same for all holes. Reassemble float assembly. Note the top of needle valve fits in slot on float assembly. Replace top casting and 4 screws plus screw for choke linkage. Replace front jet. I used a round toothpick in jet hole to get jet started in threaded hole. Replace larged nut covering jet hole. When all back together hunting problem was fixed. My 520H had been over time harder to start. After fix starting was much better.
  15. 5 points
    Happy Thanksgiving! 🦃
  16. 5 points
    Happy Thanksgiving A Wheel Horse in the garage Turkey in oven
  17. 5 points
    The only body of water deep enough to try in... is the pool. I think I’d be exiled for a while!
  18. 5 points
    @Achto hoping mine is ready in time. Hoping everyone has a safe and Happy Thanksgiving.
  19. 5 points
    If your in a slow race with EB your way to far ahead. You'll have to take another ten years off to let EB catch up.
  20. 5 points
    I am very new to my model 312-8, but installing the down pressure link and the mower deck chain connections is much easier now that I made these!
  21. 5 points
    Man, did that bring back memories. I was a senior in high school when that came out. Dreading the draft myself, I decided to either join the Coast Guard or become a litter bug. The rest is history. Thanks for posting.
  22. 4 points
    After our meal today I let my nephews take a few rides on my C-145.
  23. 4 points
    Happy Thanksgiving I put my bird in the smoker last night after work 225*F pulled it off at 1am carved and in the crock pot. Boy it was good
  24. 4 points
    Maybe the pics it will be worth the discuss after.. 😂
  25. 4 points
    Just the two of us Roast beef stuffing squash Happy Thanksgiving
  26. 4 points
    Let us all be Thankful today that @ebinmaine’s “progress” on Colossus remains a constant in these changing times...
  27. 4 points
    Only took 20 years to get this far... yeah so, what's another 6!
  28. 4 points
    On a good note the spindle repair turned out great
  29. 4 points
    Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. So true
  30. 4 points
    Yes with some of these connectors. I get the 120amp so I can run 4ga cable. I also plan on having these on the battery so I can disconnect all power when the tractor is stored. Plus you could make it to where you can move a battery from one tractor to another just by unplugging it. https://powerwerx.com/anderson-sb-connectors-sb120-120amp?gclid=Cj0KCQiAwf39BRCCARIsALXWETwC63SphWrWbFYmzzn85CHL7EXaAgZ28UT2cWTwlmu6aVwNopffUNoaAurXEALw_wcB
  31. 4 points
    Have a wonderful day everyone and be safe.
  32. 3 points
    I have so much to be thankful for that every day should be thanksgiving day. We had a rather low-key celebration this year, just my wife and I and a widow who lives down the road. Looking forward to celebrating Covid Liberation Day once we have all been vaccinated.
  33. 3 points
    Linkage, steering and hood was tough. The linkage was the worse because I changed engines, had to channel the frame to accept the Predator engine. I must have tinkered a week on those rods. Just like the factory when you depress the brake it centers the hydro and there is a pull cable on the dash connected to the brake lock to park. The covers and such were all ready fabricated. The test run with the 8 hp just was lack luster. Looked nice and fit nice, I wanted to be able to full stroke the hydro and go. The 13 runs great and sounds like a Harley.
  34. 3 points
  35. 3 points
    Another Day one Step further, Ok today in the morning i thought how about a Plowshield „togo“ after Work i wen’t home and go immediately in the Shed and fireup the Bandsaw, than the Drill and later the Welder. i decided when i have a plowshield, than it has to work on my both horses. - no more no less and no compromises. So i fabed a Frontmount onto the Frontlifter to be able to switch the Plowshield on both machines as Backup. . it seems it fit‘s... And enough gap for the Swing is also. Time to weld a steelplate with 2 nuts on, to be able to do the same setup as with the 656 i copied on the 212. Not a brutforce built, but it should last. I hope the Rims for the 656 comes quicker than Snow. maybe i give it tomorrow a Paintjob on the Frontlifter - we will see. Additionally today a new Headgasket arrives, i bought by mistake. Tried to klick on Observe but accidentally hit the „Buy now“ button.. 😎 Curious what‘s happens first, Snow or the new Reartyres on the 656. However and whatever comes first - i be prepared.
  36. 3 points
  37. 3 points
    Sometimes you need to make a sacrifice in red to get things done
  38. 3 points
  39. 3 points
    Best Wishes from the Kennell family
  40. 3 points
  41. 3 points
    No turkey today Taking breakfast to Grandmas Trying to stay safe
  42. 3 points
    Same to you and yours! Craig
  43. 3 points
    At almost 70 years old. I don't know how much stick I got left in me. On a high note! I got the new fuel pump in for the C-141 yesterday. It runs perfect.
  44. 3 points
    Happy Thanksgiving. Be safe everyone
  45. 3 points
    Turkey I will gobble From the table I'll wobble So full I hobble
  46. 3 points
    A step in between, because the Rim‘s are still at sandblasting and after the Coater, i will be prepared if it snow‘s. Weather seems to be unsure after looking on Satellitepicts, so better to be prepared, but how without Tyres and Rims. Ha, there is another Horse in the Stable, that can be fitted. so cut few Steelparts, thinkering aaaaand buzzing it all together... should last for my needs. if i go in troubles with Snow, i can quickly attach a Wooden shield, better than plow by Hands.
  47. 3 points
    Looks to me like a Man-daid i usually wrap a cut in a shop rag and wrap with electrical tape until she stops bleeding so i can keep working.
  48. 3 points
    A few more of my favorites. 93 520 89 312 86 417
  49. 3 points
    I'm guessing this was taken around 1954. This must be the start of my interest in tractors. (I'm the one in shorts)
  50. 3 points
    I think he just wore all cotton and used high heat on the dryer spin cycle...
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