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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/25/2020 in all areas

  1. 8 points
    I think this would be so handy when you wish you had a third hand! On YouTube if interested.
  2. 8 points
    Kohler K90's leaky throttle valve was soldered, then filed to fit it's bore here today.
  3. 7 points
    This is a fantastic thread. I love all the pictures. I thought I would jump in with a few of my tractors working or being ridden by family members. Sorry that a couple pics are sideways/upside down. IMG_4618.MOV
  4. 6 points
    Reminder, cracks tend to spread until they hit a radius. Drill a small 1/8” hole at the end of each crack before repairs are made to prevent spreading, even after welding.
  5. 5 points
    I am very new to my model 312-8, but installing the down pressure link and the mower deck chain connections is much easier now that I made these!
  6. 5 points
    Traded one of my 520s for this super low hour 1986 417-8! It has the series II KT17. Runs like a top and looking forward to many years of work out of it, needs some cleaning up and a new seat. Oh and Happy Thanksgiving !
  7. 5 points
    Hello all, Kohler 16 fuel pump K.I.A. Carb full of rust... No fuel filter and this P.O.S. in its place... Cmon folks don't be this cheap or lazy, we are running old stuff here and are bound to find rust, dirt, water and "crap"... show your tractor some love! Ok... rant over Happy Thanksgiving and stay safe! Tony
  8. 5 points
    I'm guessing this was taken around 1954. This must be the start of my interest in tractors. (I'm the one in shorts)
  9. 5 points
    Amazing how the lack of a $2.00 maintenance item can cause so much trouble. Tony is right. As the old saying goes, 'an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure'.
  10. 5 points
    The kid plain farted trying to record intro made for good content. (True story... blooper intro at the end!)
  11. 5 points
  12. 5 points
    winter pic ? this is one of my favs - I think it is WV Hillbilly ( his snow blowing video is in the Wheel Horse Hall of Fame !)
  13. 5 points
  14. 5 points
    well... hhhmmm...you could just marry a WH... typically that ends the need for contraceptives...
  15. 4 points
    So this was a funny find! My wife got this photo of me at the age of 8 from my brother. Somehow my biological mom had this photo. I got taken from her at the age of 5. I was not adopted yet that would be the following year after this photo. I was in the foster care system. This is only my second most hated photo of myself ever! LOL There is one with me waring a vest with a bow tie floating out there I absolutely hate that photo. LOL
  16. 4 points
    Round square red black grey None short long metal plastic Wheel Horse hoods evolved
  17. 4 points
    Rode a lot when I was a kid. The bike I had the most fun with was the kawasaki kx80 big wheel. Jumped it, beat it, wrecked it, ran it, it took a ton of abuse, rode it every where I guess age 14 or 15 when I got it. First taste of freedom. It was still when you could ride around the woods without getting harassed. I still have my 86 honda fourtrax. Stuck it in storage at my parents for years, recently got it out again still starts on the 1st pull, letting my oldest ride it now.
  18. 4 points
    First pic is a reducer for the bottom pulley so I can use a woodruff key to anchor it. Second is a key way cut with 3 stacked cut off wheels for the upper pulley. Third. Here it is just slid together
  19. 4 points
    Snow fell yesterday Woods transformed to wonderland Today silent fog
  20. 4 points
    A few years ago I made a crate to hold our spirits in the camper. I make them out of cedar so that they can handle being left out side on occasion.Since then I usually get a request from a family member or a friend to have one customized for them. Some picture of the one that I made for our camper.
  21. 4 points
    Protection for us from an ugly mug???
  22. 4 points
    A few Snap-On oldies and Millers Falls hand drill in like new condition.
  23. 4 points
    Fresh snow falling and getting out of work early. Maybe just maybe catch one off guard today. Only 3 days left
  24. 4 points
    Here’s the end of my “favorites real” for now. I’m sure, more to come. A wonderful visit by the @PeacemakerJack crew, obtaining a real life a Ride Away Senior from a nice man named Ollie along with another Pond tractor, and the beginning of a sweet project!
  25. 4 points
    Pretty slow as far as deer movement. Got bored up in the stand today so installed a shelf.
  26. 4 points
    Raider 12 that started it all for me in the winter of 2010 . . . An original 552 A 1276 that I still have A rat rod created by Charlie that has been passed through the family and bought fun to several of us!
  27. 4 points
    Ha ha, that’s mine. Here’s a couple more and a little action shot of her coming out of the basement to get started on that heavy wet snow. I also added one of her in her summer shoes. Craig IMG_5963.mov
  28. 4 points
    Rylee wrenching, some good ole’ throwbacks, friends playing, Stefan opening his new crate, my niece “Washing the tractor ride”
  29. 4 points
    Uncle Jim’s this summer, and my first ride on a lever steer ever! Just look at @oldiron613 Rob’s expressions riding the McLean, among other awesome fun! es!
  30. 4 points
  31. 4 points
    Before and after pics of my first restoration 20 years ago.
  32. 4 points
    I've been here a while, posted some and READ a WHOLE LOT! But I've not seen the phrase "W-H contraceptives"! At first that somewhat bothered me because I think we need all the W-Hs we can get! So many reasons that I don't need to go into here! But I understand that all things need care, feeding and indeed some space and we all need to be responsible for everything we adopt or create but there is an individual limit for each of us that we can accommodate. So, I get that, it's just that "contraceptive" somehow sounded harsh to me. I've chatted enough so to get to the point. I'm adding to space and improving space all the time but if "things" get ahead of me, where do we, well, I, get "W-H contraceptives"? Having been on this forum for some time I felt stupid to ask here so I asked elsewhere first but all I got was weird looks... And perhaps sometime, but another topic, we could all share where and how to get more "storage space".
  33. 4 points
  34. 3 points
    Looking for pictures, memories and stories for the above , bought, sold, traded or even just a list of those owned with make, model and year. I will start it off with these and add as I find more. 2007 Suzuki DR-Z400S , Patti's 2008 Polaris Sportsman 500, 1995 ski-doo formula z and a 1999 formula dlx.
  35. 3 points
    That’s me on the CT70 on the left about 45 years ago. My little brother is on the 50 in the middle. One time I was riding that thing at the river with only a pair of shorts and tennis shoes on jumping water brakes and I came down on a large rock that caused the front tire to go out from underneath me and it threw me into a barbed wire fence. I ended up with 114 stitches. Everybody was furious with me because I didn’t have on any clothes or a helmet. Lucky for me dad grew up on motorcycles and loved them so as soon as the stitches were out I was right back on it. That’s him on his Indian on the left about 75 years ago. I’ve had several different used motorcycles throughout the years off and on. The last one was the Honda XR650L which was a ton of fun. Our poor mans UTV is our 2002 EZ GO that I put a lift kit on. I also replaced the 9 HP Subaru with a 20 HP Honda. Like a dune buggy, it will go anywhere
  36. 3 points
    I respect your choice of burgers. However I will continue to be a carnivore.
  37. 3 points
    A few more of my favorites. 93 520 89 312 86 417
  38. 3 points
    Seems you may need that around yer kid.....
  39. 3 points
    ATLTF is a forum for guys like you. I can't afford to get hurt doing some of the things I've seen these guys do. Trail riding and water crossings would be ok but forget hills and mud. One hurts me flipping and the other hurts trying to get it unstuck. It's fun watching you younger guys though.
  40. 3 points
    One of the local grocers offers fuel discount tickets with X amount of groceries purchased. They are typically in the 10-20 cents off per gallon range, and for only 20 gallons. Once in a while, they offer bigger discounts like a sale. Well, I stacked enough to get $1.10 per gallon knocked off!
  41. 3 points
    Havent added to this thread in awhile. The ol 654 is holding up wonderfully! I did do a pulley swap, as a gps confirmed 28mph is just too much on the trails. Got her down to a solid 17-18mph now, which is still plenty. The new adjustable wheelie bar has kept her from landing on top of me again and works great for climbing hills without that fear. Had her out last Friday and the shop security camera caught me again Anybody else still enjoying some trail cruises?
  42. 3 points
    Any anything Resembling anything I want my trophy now
  43. 3 points
    The Haiku Police have indeed been lax in enforcement of the typically rigid 5-7-5 standards of this ongoing thread... Given the heightened National angst about, well... everything, The Haiku Police have retreated to a position of “Meh...” regarding such matters... They are however, monitoring all such infractions for future investigations should the Haiku Winds shift to favor such action... In the meantime, anyone posting anything resembling anything will be given a trophy...
  44. 3 points
    Well guys I think I'm going to make it out alive from COVID. 10 straight days of fever, stuffed head, headache, no taste, no smell, no appetite, ridiculous cough. Spent 2 nights wondering if I should go to the hospital because I couldn't catch my breath. Absolute miserable stuff. Two days of no fever now and I'm feeling pretty normal again. Lungs still aren't 100% so when I try to do too much they let me know. Wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy, let alone my horse buddies! Stay safe out there everyone!
  45. 3 points
    What you have there is the rectifier panel for a 3 AMP DC Alternator system and yes there is one fuse and two diodes. I suggest that you get familiar with the system and specifically learn what not to do. Those parts are very hard to find. Also before you take magneto out and change anything learn about it. Those engines are extremely finicky as to timing as most familiar with them can tell you. Never put power from switch into that rectifier. Look through the literature provided here .
  46. 3 points
    Hey EB. True story. I dreamed that Colossus was complete! It was weird... waking up going “did I really see that?”
  47. 3 points
    Getting “Filly” running for Rylee’s birthday, horsing around, hauling deers, doing some demonstrations at our drive by tractor show and @tom2p’s favorite! Jane hauling a big load on the couch!
  48. 3 points
  49. 3 points
  50. 3 points
    Oh boy. There’s a few. Here’s a few from 2018, when the collecting thing got real.
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