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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/23/2020 in Posts

  1. 10 points
    This is an update on the 1967 500 special I was working on a few months ago. Well I ended up doing a lit more work than I thought I would and I did a fairly complete restore on it! There is a before and after pictures of it below. The only thing I’m not happy with is the overspray on the tires but I am planning to fix it soon, also one question I had for the community is about the steering wheel, I understand that the angled 3 prong wheel is a rare on but I’d like to get it looking like new again and I’m looking for tips and tricks on how to do that?
  2. 10 points
    Tried a new procedure on a restored late 60's dash panel. It's not powder coat and it's not painted. I think it turned out pretty good. Let me know what you think (the top part in particular). I have more of these to do.
  3. 10 points
    Carter model N resto... ...except for the seals, used most of the original hardware, didn't put a kit in it.
  4. 9 points
    Well I drove 8 hrs. Round trip to get this. I really need to redo my yard next spring and I’m thinking I’ll need a few truck loads of Loam. What better excuse to get my wife of 30yrs to agree to Wheel Horse #6. Anyway I was planning on putting the Kwik Way on the 520 but I have to say, as ugly as this 416-8 is, it is super solid. It runs great, and other than the copious surface rust it’s perfect! 600hrs. And zero leaks from the 8speed. FWIW I’ve always preferred 8-speeds. I’ll restore her early next year but had to test her out hauling wood!
  5. 8 points
    My wife has wanted a coke machine for quite a long time. Her grandfather had one for years and when times got tough, he sold it before she could speak up. I found this recently at a local auction and just today received the WEX key to open it up. Anyone ever worked on these things? @squonk? I blew out all the mouse nest, plugged it in after a brief wires inspection and it fired up. Well, no fire. That’s good with electric stuff! It started working! Heat is dumping out of the condenser and the inside is chilling! I need to work on getting the front lit up, then the change machine working (or bypass it), then work on the delivery of a soda bottle!
  6. 7 points
    Thank you everyone for the words of encouragement. They are truly appreciated and it feels good to just express one's thoughts to people who understand ones situation. Learning something new is always a good thing even if the circumstances around it are such as ours. Hopefully we can do it together for quite a while so she does not feel that her world is slipping away from her even faster.
  7. 6 points
    This got touched on in another post about something different so I figured it needed it's own spot. I discovered when I moved to central FL which is primarily cattle/horse country, that Florida and Texas have the largest populations of wild hogs that are very destructive to pastures and lawns. Because of they are a nuisance animal you can trap/shoot them whenever. They are definitely a nuisance at my place. We got this one in June These are some night shot a few days ago on my property We got this one via trap last Thursday This was last night's kill Here's the video NIght Vis_001.mp4
  8. 6 points
    The other night I flipped on the Discovery Channel and a commercial came on and it was a commercial in a commercial! You know like picture in a picture! I am so fed up with TV, seems like less show to watch and more advertising. And now commercial in a commercial??? If it wasn't for the wife and grand kids I would cut the cable. I find my self spending more and more time away from that time waster!
  9. 6 points
    The drive units are in. Now for the engine so I can get the jack shaft built. Next after that will be the linkages.
  10. 6 points
  11. 5 points
    Not sure, haven't had my first bite yet. I've heard different stories on big vs small, so I'll let you know. They are like un-neutered feral cats except way bigger and way more destructive. Hopefully you don't. I did not initially, but it seems that rain and other weather factors affect their travel. It's funny, in the northeast I used to see deer struck by cars along the road. Here you see pigs. I had an armadillo issue too. He decided to dig out an live underneath my shed causing multiple holes and actually affected the levelness. After MULTIPLE attempts at trapping, etc. I resorted to game cam footage of activity and sniped him one night. Problem solved after I dumped a cart full of sand in to refill and re-leveled the shed. We are pro keeping any animal or reptile (including certain snakes) if it does good and does not create an issue that is worse. The offending armadillo NICE sandhill cranes We have about 20 turkeys that hang around, been thinking about trying one of them for dinner We have night vision and a thermal imager out tonight, so we'll see
  12. 5 points
    I spend my viewing time with You-tube feeds. If I see Joe Namath say "it's free" one more time I'm gonna hurl! Mute button helps too!
  13. 5 points
    I anticipated eagle eye assistance on this one... According to Merriam Webster Dictionary: de·con·struc·tion·ism Kudos to @Ed Kennell for his inquisitive conjecture... Kudos to @ebinmaine for his in depth analysis and findings... The Haiku Police take no personal offense at the different findings. No court actions will be filed to contest anything. The Haiku Police remain fully funded. Carry on...
  14. 5 points
  15. 4 points
    I’ve got 3 loaders currently 2 of which are on 520h chassis. Wanted to see some more 520 loaders!! (my 3rd loader is on a 417-8)
  16. 4 points
  17. 4 points
    Care package came today from @pfrederi its the new seals for the charger 12 transmission. Hopefully can get it all done by this weekend. Thanks paul👍
  18. 4 points
    It’s not always bad being the cooker man! Sometimes I even get to run the hammer! Mommy is working a bit late tonight, so some steaks and a glass of red wine for her will be a good surprise!
  19. 4 points
    Replace the bolts. Here's one reason why: They fatigue over time.
  20. 4 points
    Way cool Zeek. How are they as far as table fare? Never had wild hog myself. Tough or gamy tasting? Planning a hog hunt to TX when I retire but may have to change that to FL. We had a bit of trouble with them here in WI once but orders to shoot on sight from the DNR cured that. Turned out a guy illlegally brought them here for a private fenced in hunt club but they got out and multiplied like horses!
  21. 4 points
    Going to pick up a couple wheel horses tonight with my pops. The mowers themselves aren't anything special or in great shape. the running mower has a 12hp kohler thats been spray painted with a rattle can. but has a 42" snow blower that works, just needs a new cable to turn the chute. it also comes with a 48" deck thats in pretty good shape. There is one small rust area that needs repaired. The other mower has a blown motor and missing its seat, but a c series tractor. It comes with a 42" deck that is in exceptional shape. It also comes with a bucket of spare pulleys and spindles and an extra attach a matic. I went halves with my pops as I wanted the snow blower. we are going to fix up and resell the rest. Pretty decent haul we felt like for 400 dollars.
  22. 4 points
    Yup, one of Terrys @Vinylguy Makes one like this: Look like this: He's got many different styles.
  23. 4 points
    I wish I could not relate to this lol
  24. 4 points
    Nice job on your 500. FYI, they are 1968, not 67. I redid mine but didn't attempt to keep it original. Kohler engine, different seat and quite a few other changes. Of course this isn't an original steering wheel. I use a plastic spray paint on the spokes and truck bed coating on the rim. It gives it a great feel and has been very durable. Did the same on my Suburban 400. I recommend Dupli-Color in the blue can. I did try out the same brand in the black can and didn't care for it. This stuff sprays better and covers imperfections without being too thick. For the tire rims I use 8"x11" cardstock and cut a radius, either 8" or 12" then tuck them under the rims. Then I cover the rest of the tire with newspaper to avoid any overspray.
  25. 4 points
    The combination that has worked well for us was that as the children (now grown and gone) reached age 12 they became responsible for planning and preparing one meal a week. Over time they got more ambitious and creative and all now do a lot of the cooking in their marriages. Since they've left home, I've become the grocery shopper and the prep chef (you know, the person on the cooking shows who prepares all the ingredients and puts them in nifty little bowls or lays them out on a board?)--my spouse has the plan and does the assembly. Like @ebinmaine, I'm also the cleanup person and the teamwork is quite successful. My motto for years has been "Any meal that someone else prepares is a great meal!"
  26. 4 points
    For years my wife did most of the cooking. About ten years ago, as an advisor for a youth group, I was asked to cook for one of our mission trips. Being willing to take on any of the needed jobs for the group agreed and spent the week cooking for 35 teenagers. Upon return from the trip my wife said if I could cook for 35 I could cook for two. Have been doing 90% of the since then. She loves having a man who can cook and some of her friends are jealous since their husbands hardly know which knob turns on the burners.
  27. 4 points
    That's what would save my little sweetheart from my cooking. Trina does literally 99.9999% of the cooking in our house not counting my boiled cowboy coffee. That is really the only thing I contribute that's been heated. She does all the cooking. I do all the cleanup. It's a very good symbiotic coupleship. @formariz you'll do just fine. I wish you and yours the best.
  28. 4 points
    Just seeing some of the woodwork you have created, It is clear you have the patients and ability to master this new cooking skill and become a patient loving caretaker. Best Wishes my friend.
  29. 3 points
    I been fortunate all my life to have a wife who despite having a full time career , always cooked and did the household chores for all of us everyday. Sadly for her though, her condition is deteriorating faster than anticipated or expected specially now being a bit restricted with her freedom of travel. Although I am always here to help her with all I can, it is time that I learn the cooking part of it so I can not only help her with it now but more importantly being able to do it when she no longer can. It was met with some resistance, and it was a sensitive thing to bring up since losing her independence is worse than anything else she is going through. We however came to the agreement that is is time to do it, so everyday I am now an apprentice cook for dinner with her guiding my every step, and actually being very patient and good about it. At first I could see her hiding a few tears as we started but now she seems to actually be enjoying the process. I actually am enjoying learning this new skill despite the reason I am doing it. Hopefully we can just do it together for many years to come.
  30. 3 points
    What could be better for the launch party day? The adults get their Mai Tai, the kids get vanilla, oldsckool says "hold my beer and watch this". Do you think it would crab walk if you reverse one and forward the other?
  31. 3 points
  32. 3 points
    I was just curious. You could use them to spin a cocktail mixer and an ice cream machine
  33. 3 points
    No cable. No antenna. No paid subscription. Trina and I watch a movie maybe every month or two. (Can you imagine HER sitting that long???) We do use youtube. Shut the damn thing off and enjoy life. Quietly.
  34. 3 points
    Wait... You're gonna get us in trouble... not supposed to post stuff about politics... Oh, you meant tv...
  35. 3 points
    Record Fast forward Repeat!
  36. 3 points
    Haven't had cable tv for few years... Digital antennae in the attic picks up about 25 - 30 channels, which we don't watch anyways... Have not "watched TV" in years... tuned in election night for about 10 minutes... that was enough.
  37. 3 points
    I am hoping to have this ready for a Christmas present. I think I failed to mention that. It’s exciting to find things that she’ll appreciate, without going to the store looking for useless or thoughtless things.
  38. 3 points
    Good on you Caz, I do all our cooking so I know its pretty easy as long as you plan things a little. I do the shopping too so I know ill have the ingredients I need. Its just a case if you taking some of the load from her, not taking over. Sounds like she is accepting of your kindness too, despite it feeling a little strange fir her. All our best wishes to you both my friend. Xx
  39. 3 points
    Just for giggles... My 520 parked in/under the Mahindra's FEL what do you all think?
  40. 3 points
    thought you guys might like to see the FEL @elliot ness built a few years ago. My brother in Kansas purchased it and then it found it's way to me in NE Ohio a few years ago. My father in law helped me get it onto a different 520. It's held up really well. I added the tiller for counter weight and then welded a pole for some old workout weights and a crate. Thank you @elliot ness! Well done.
  41. 3 points
    love wood can't have enough wood when I watch a remodeling show and they paint good wood - I close my eyes ... sometimes get angry lol even knotty pine and same when they paint masonry ... ughhhh
  42. 3 points
    But also most amount of rubber in contact for "bite"... Your set may better be explained as a narrower tire has better traction in less than ideal snow/muddy conditions where you would rather not float on said surface but "dig" into it ... A tiny technical aspect vs a blanket statement ... Now back to regularly scheduled programming... 😉
  43. 3 points
    Many a true word spoken in jest.
  44. 3 points
    In case you hadn't gathered by the speed that I do projects I don't think fast is a huge issue for me.
  45. 3 points
    The engine has the double pulley. The pulleys on the hydro units are 1 in differant in hieght
  46. 3 points
    The wheels and tires are in the car. They'll be dropped off to be mounted and fluid filled.
  47. 3 points
    I should have added to my previous comment that it is great the two of you can work together to solve this dilemma.
  48. 3 points
    That is fantastic! One question: Do you know a guy who can sharpen your kitchen knives?
  49. 3 points
    When I first married, my wife and I were both attending full time higher education so my parents offered us to stay with them through our education. Both my mother and her mother were there at that time so I told my loving wife that she had access to the two best cooks in the world and perhaps she could rub elbows. So she did! But alas nothing rubbed off. We later separated for lots of reasons besides decent meals... One of my sons recently commented that she still hadn't learned how to cook, 40 years later! No matter how great the soil you just can't grow anything if the seed won't sprout! My youngest son always enjoyed cooking with me and is now the executive chef in the largest local restaurant. So there is hope where there is interest! From your obvious interest and from what I've seen of your posts you will do well indeed! If there's anything I can help with you are always welcome to reach out. I did rub elbows with both my Mother and Grandmother! Some of it DID rub off! Today there is SO much online and SO far beyond anything I was exposed to in my younger years!
  50. 3 points
    Finally finished some of my fuel filter brackets. Now I only need 4 more.
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