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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/18/2020 in Posts

  1. 10 points
    I'm currently at war with the moles in my yard again. I don't know how many pounds of grub killer that I dumped on my lawn this summer trying to make sure that the moles did not have any thing to eat. Plus I've been feeding the moles poison for about a month now. Traps are all but useless, so I devised this little treat for them. A C141 Mole killer. Let 'em suck on some carbon monoxide for a while. If this don't work the next step may be acetylene and an ignition source. Hee Hee Hee.
  2. 10 points
    Dad pulled out his horses and staged up a couple of pics in front of the corn field. I figured that you guys would enjoy these...
  3. 9 points
    Wishing you a Terry and Thank you for all your efforts that you do for our great hobby in making it possible to give our refurbs, restorations and custom's that finishing touch due to your talents. To you and yours have a wonderful day and stay safe.
  4. 8 points
    So, this kind of was destined to show up, I guess. My wife found it a while back and was trying to buy it for me for our anniversary, but I was already in the middle of helping @Bow_Extreme get a deal on it! Well, come to find out, he called looking to possible unload it. SOLD SOLD SOLD! The color is odd, but it adds character. I think it’ll stay. I’m thinking this might show up to Uncle Jim’s Plow day, snowblower engine and all to work the field!
  5. 8 points
  6. 8 points
    I got me a new 1054, but didn’t even drive it. While I was walking through the shop to open the door, I had my little buddy Rylee drive it around! Matt was surprised that she just hopped on in the mostly dark outside and drove it like a boss around back!
  7. 7 points
    N O S you say? Obviously very proud Refurbished will do today
  8. 7 points
    Autumn and the leaves will fall With my leaf blower I will have a ball.
  9. 6 points
    I told Dan I want a body count. I like to see them dead! I have nailed my share. Trouble is ya nail one the cousins move in! Juicy fruit gum I been told Jabel. Where the heck is my lawn roller Dan!
  10. 6 points
    I have an elderly little Briggs washing machine engine that smokes like a train.. I mix ATF/gas 50/50 and pipe it into the ground or let it run a little while in my shed.. no more pests.. Or anything else for that matter..
  11. 6 points
    So, the moles chew on the BB gum... blow a bubble...and that bubble lifts them out of the ground...then they float away like a hot-air baloon. Is that the plan.... he he he
  12. 6 points
    Cheap pink bubble gum, bazooka joe etc.. open put in the holes, moles love it and can't digest it
  13. 6 points
    Very Nice Very Nice... But the Haiku Police are giving you warning: 5 - 7 - 5 young man... See corrective notations above. Future violations will result in weekend wood chopping duties at @ebinmaine's place...
  14. 6 points
  15. 6 points
    All the others are turning their back to the Ugly Duckling.
  16. 5 points
    Leaves are already beginning to fall on some of my trees (oaks) not so many but enough to be .... unsightly. Not nearly enough to get out the Cyclone rake, but I still wanted to keep it the yard clean cause the grass is still nice & green. My D200 is set up for the Cyclone but otherwise just has a conventional 48" deck and since doubtful there is a mulching attachment for this old gal, I decided to make one. Scrounged around in the scrap pile and found a nice piece of sheet metal (part of an old file cabinet) First attempt wasnt so good but spotted a couple places I needed to improve, so made another and this one was a success!! -- a BIG success!! In the pic I was on the third pass, the first two passes was heavy with leaves and you can see that it made them go bye bye!! Well worth the small effort to bend up a piece of scrap metal and get results like this. Course as they begin to really start the heavy falling I'll have to mount the Cyclone Vacuum -- which will give the same results with even the heaviest leaf fall. That Cyclone is one fine piece of equipment (Got new camera and obviously didnt know how to copy pix into post - hope fixed now!!)
  17. 5 points
    Josh, you tell Peacemaker Senior that he's got himself some calendar shots there
  18. 5 points
    Came across this tonight, thought it was pretty funny. https://youtu.be/uXFvygp1igM
  19. 4 points
    Took me some time to finish this project, but its done now. Picked it up at a garage sale this summer. I got this and a small 2 stroke snow blower for 40 bucks. Got them home and the Snapper snow blower started right up. I put new rubber paddles on it. See what it does when we get a little snow. The tiller needed the carb rebuilt. Then it was leaking a little gear oil from the seals on the left side of the tines. I had a heak of a time trying to remove it. had to take it to a friend who was a small engine mechanic for many years and he had a hard time too. Finally got it replaced. I tried to do the right side and it didnt seem to want to come out and wasnt leaking so I left it. Got it all painted with new decals and ready to sell it but not sure what its worth. I only see larger ones or smaller ones. None like this one. It has a 3.5hp Tecumseh, runs great. Almost makes me want to plant a garden !
  20. 4 points
    Instead of acetylene it looks like LP may work just as well.
  21. 4 points
    Using the little guy to haul the material for the yokes to the shop from the shed. Four wheel wagon is great for this as a flat bed to.
  22. 4 points
    Its been almost 13 months to the day but.........It's Finally Done! I will say that this one has been the most aggravating and yet satisfying project. As always it seems like I had a "Cast of Thousands" watching my back all the time. Folks who spotted problems that I didn't see (Tractorhead/Peter Lena) Folks who helped out when "Mr It Just Needs a Bigger Hammer" broke things (Ed Kennal/WHX24) And the folks who came up with better ideas, hints and unlimited humor and encouragement (EBINMAINE and PULLSTART to name a few) So take a look. I started out to make this a "user" but may have got a little carried away Bob (might have to finish that bathroom before the next one)
  23. 4 points
    Tough, the haiku cops In amongst the Redsquare crowd One must be mindful
  24. 4 points
    I hadn't seen that one before! Hilarious. Does the fact that I knew what a 111 was make me a nerd? "You mean 911?" No, I mean 928!
  25. 4 points
    Yeah... this might need some stencil paint and a white star...
  26. 4 points
    There was no one to film but this is the hill it had to climb up to the house. It’s a total beast.
  27. 4 points
    I believe i did a gently Fail.... no, non on the Above. While my Horse Actually is an Outsitter, i take Care with Fluid Film against Rust, iI had in the past great Results with that Stuff, but the last Bottle i got was announced with „reworked Mixture“. I hate it to read that, what normally meant‘s allway‘s „not the same stuff as before“ in my experience. So after i taked care last week, i used the new Bottle First time and because it‘s hardly rain in the nights, It was washed off and i see two day‘s later a light rust on the Surface. While i try to keep the Patina, i thinkered maybe it‘s a good idea, mix few dribbs of Red Paint with that Stuff to see what‘s happen. My hope was, it will be keep the Fluidfilm longer even on a night with strong Rain. The next day i use the Paint 1:10 mixed on the Hoodstand Trunk to see what‘s happen. no further Fresh rust occurs but it covers the Patina too strong. Yesterday i firstly gently removed the fresh brown rust on the Hood with a finegrinding fleece and after that i thinkering i use it to protect the Hood. I changed on later night the Mixture again more thinner with 1:50 one cl paint and 50 cl Fluidfilm. The result was a extrem transparency red, what seems not really be able to hide or cover the patina that‘s on the Surface. When i cam home i lurk what‘s happen with the mixture and it still was also transparency as fresh mixed, no divorce of the Fluidfilm or the Paint. I become brave and rolled the whole hood with that extreme thin mixture That‘s the Result for now... and a older Pict to compare i wonder that it was dry after 3 min. The Plow mount i also have painted with that Paint plain after cleanup, degrease and grounding needs the whole night and wasn‘t completely dry today in the Evening. i have headscratches, it normally seems impossible to cover that patina while applicate. 3 minutes later i have the above result.
  28. 3 points
    Had a day of dog sitting as SWMBO was off shopping. I met with the chairman of a local youth football team (soccer over there) to discuss hoe our community group might be able to help out with looking after their pitch which forms part of our project area. Also met with a neighbour to have a chat about what we were doing. Also did a few bits in the house toward the new back door project. Also took a team photo of my current machinery. Bit of a rush job but looks good.
  29. 3 points
    The trick will be getting it straight... May have to add some heat
  30. 3 points
    Happy Happy Terry! Don't drink it all away in one day! Terry's lighted corn boards!
  31. 3 points
    Richie your still a young buck ..... don't be looking at all those old people like me down in Florida.......LOL
  32. 3 points
    Nice commercial. They are interesting. My son's Father in law has a 911and my son has cleaned it for him. My son has a 2006 GTO with a LS2 V8 with 410 hp. He says that Porsche is more dangerous to drive because it is smooth you don't realize your speed. The GTO is great old stick you in the seat torque and power. Nice rides both of them.
  33. 3 points
    That's where the manual PTO engagement bracket goes, had to repair mine also
  34. 3 points
    could there may be a widely fract of a possibility, that they all are a little Snob‘s.. i like it.
  35. 3 points
    I kinda am liking i, I am also liking that garage with all them horses danggg!!
  36. 2 points
    Dear List Members, Many years ago my Dad acquired a spare transmission for his 1965 Wheel Horse 1045. I do not know if he took some of the gears out of it or not, but it is lying in the garage floor disassembled. We intend to hang onto the 1045 (it still runs), but I would like to make the transmission available, for free, to anyone willing to come to Knoxville, Tennessee to pick it up. Please contact me offline if you are interested. Best Regards, Dave Queener Dave at CumberlandModelEngineering dot com (865) 333-5712 (shop)
  37. 2 points
    I was thinking about this question tonight. What's the hardest thing to do on a WH, service/repair wise. And I really couldn't come up with anything that terrible. But then it hit me. There is one job, when executed incorrectly, will give a big owie, every time: Slide that sweet restored mower deck under the tractor, and grab that Tach-o-matic bar too soon... There it is, that's the job. When you slam that pointy part of the deck support between your hand and the frame. And that's it. That's the only bad job. That's why we love WH.
  38. 2 points
    Going to pick it up next weekend maybe I'll have to build a tractor around it just maybe....🗜
  39. 2 points
    Road trip! I could tell the wife I'm going to see her sister in Knoxville and pick up the parts and come back in one day.
  40. 2 points
    Tryed that and everything else Dave...spike traps are still my go to but I like Dan's method for a little side action seat time!
  41. 2 points
    Not in Florida anymore. Looking at old people in NC now
  42. 2 points
    Brought the gang out for some stretching, sun and exercise... cruised the hood for a bit, then tucked them away for the night...
  43. 2 points
    Haiku is much fun But cant compare to Wheel Horse Time to take a ride
  44. 2 points
    Probably they same reason your knees give out even though they a covered by your pants?
  45. 2 points
    Nice Eric.....you kept with the format....... 5 7 5 No Haiku POLICE chasing you down
  46. 2 points
    I am surprised that his machine hasn’t entered this thread yet. Poppy strives to be like this one some day!
  47. 2 points
    The power of a Kohler and Wheel Horse. A perfect match!
  48. 2 points
  49. 2 points
    Mine spend their time in the unheated workshop. Don't get the extremes of cold you lads get over in the U.S. Not had anything below -10c for a long time. All four tractors get started up at least once a month and maybe get a run out. Unleaded fuel and engines oil 10 - 40w. Tran's have EP90 in. Poison in loft in tamper proof box. BTW. Old photo'.
  50. 2 points
    My new storage area is directly beneath our bedroom. Its the first year of operation so I will find out how cold it gets in winter and if I need any heat in there. The steel door is in full sun from lunch time onwards so gets pretty hot to the touch, acting like a solar radiator. No mice as far as I know but that might change lol.
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