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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/19/2019 in all areas

  1. 21 points
  2. 9 points
    At the request of a moderator, I'd like to shed some light on myself. I've been on different forums, including this one, for a bit. Never showed my face in really any forums but I feel like I should make a proper introduction. Yes, I am only 16. I try to help, but sometimes I dont really get it. Just be patient when you talk to me and we'll get along. Here's how I started in the tractor fever: I started in the hobby 4 years ago when my brother bought himself a John Deere 316. I looked for my own tractor for 2 years, when our neighbour dropped off my first tractor, a crappy MTD "power kraft", which started up my obsession over 2 years ago. I used that thing for a while before I got a Cub cadet, my first real garden tractor. While I owned that I bought a Cub Cadet 108 and a CC 1650 which were promptly sold and stripped for parts respectively. Over the winter of 2018 I sold it in frustration. I bought my JD 317, followed by my Burns which I got from the neighbor that had the Powr Kraft. I got my 140 for free, and now I have my snapper. The only wheel horse I've been able to own was my 414-8 which was my brother's. As of now, I'm in the process of getting 4 separate tractors running, which is definitely motivating me to work. Im a broke kid with a big imagination and plans for everything. I ain't making show tractors, just making em unique. Anyway, feel free to ask me anything.
  3. 6 points
  4. 5 points
    Was pretty excited to find these today!!!!!
  5. 5 points
    Picked up an RJ snowplow/ dozer blade yesterday that I was going to keep as it was without redoing! However, this morning when I looked at it again I decided to repaint it an put some new bolts on it! I have another one I use so I decided to put this on one of my other two RJ’s! This Plow had a new wear blade which included plow bolt type machine screws on the wearblade! Easier to make round holes than square ones for carriage bolts. paint is drying now and I will reassemble in the am!
  6. 5 points
    Hooked up the Cyclone and went leaf hunting with the C175-8. Grass was still tall and green got about 50%grass and leaf mix. It is a heavy thing when full of grass It pushes the 1-75 around a bit. Biggest disadvantage it is a noisy beast.
  7. 5 points
    I didn’t do anything to my Wheelhorses But I did Wheelhorse my truck again (new back window)
  8. 5 points
    I wasn't complaining Jonah @ZXT. Just seems funny for a 22yo to be called a senior. I don't know how it happened so fast, but this 26yo got stuck in this 76yo body.
  9. 4 points
    QA / QC crew was rigorous and thorough in their analysis last evening! Much hemming and hawing about who got to sit where... However, even the big kids and adults wanted in on the action! Overall very pleased with the design and results!!! Two modifications will be made based on beta testing: 1. link to the tractor will become fixed instead of pivoting at both the tractor and trailer. 2. Will replace original hard rubber tires with air filled...too much vibration... 26044E77-E5AD-4105-A65D-56DA1F7103AE.MOV
  10. 3 points
    So I got a free (I gave the guy $10 so I didn’t feel like I stole it) 72 Commando 800. It’s been well used but someone had been keeping up on its service for the most part. I got it running fairly easily with a new battery and fuel line/ filter. I need to replace the head gasket, clean the carb and a few other things. The drive belt was pretty shredded and there was a bit of noise when you let out the clutch. I pulled the belt guard off today and found the belt had been running under the clutch stop tab. I measured the old one and it’s an 82”. I had a decent used 82” backup belt for my C101 in the garage so I put it on. It’s better but it seems too long. The backside belt rides the top and bottom of the belt guard when the clutch is engaged. There’s little to no clearance between the guard and the backside of the belt. Everything I find says this takes the 5L820 belt. Does anyone have any ideas? The belt size is about the only thing that one of the PO’s didn’t write down with marker on this tractor. 😁We changed the trans oil today too. Eww. It was mega think latte looking stuff. My son noticed the stickers on the new brake band. 😲 I may take a ride up to Dombrowskis and show them some pictures to see if they remember this one.
  11. 3 points
    77 Economy Power King 2414 with home made FEL
  12. 3 points
    Looks like a later version of the Mow-Cycle.
  13. 2 points
  14. 2 points
    Pulled the engine in the 522Xi this afternoon. Good thing too. I needed to replace the coils but all four engine mount bolts were loose, oil drain fitting barely in the tube,filthy nasty inside on the front cover/fins. Going to get a good cleaning tomorrow and then start reassembly. While it’s down I’ll disconnect the “not so smart steer”. What a pain backing up something.
  15. 2 points
  16. 2 points
    I assume it’s an Android phone? I would think once you clicked “Click to chose files” it should give you the option to chose from your photo gallery, open the gallery and click on the pic you want and the rest of the process should be similar to how you previously did it. My phone is an Iphone so I might be way off, never owned an Android phone.
  17. 2 points
    My other found a turn of the century house that she fell in love with so we went for a drive, we made an offer which was countered. I declined the counter offer. Then come December my other points out to me that the house is still listed, she's obviously interested so a submit another offer several thousand below our first which the owner now accepts. The realtor wants to double end the sale by representing both the seller and buyer, I'm not particularly fond of realtors but the one who sold us out first house which we had purchased over the internet based on pictures and info posted. The house was three provinces east of our home, anyhow on my first load of stuff the realtor came over to introduce himself then proceeded to assist in offloading truck and trailer. So one the new purchase called Murray asking if he could represent us which he did, this meant the other realtor had to split the commission. I'm told that she became very unprofessional with Murray, so much that he filed a complaint with the realtors board. I was not aware of the issues taking place, then possession date arrived I make a phone call asking for the keys to the house and she tells me that she's busy and will not be able to meet up with me. I tell her that's fine we legally own the house now I'll just kick in the door then change the locks, she met me that Saturday morning on my arrival. No words exchanged just a passing of the keys. On another property we had purchased we had it for a year or so never moved in then we listed it with another realtor for a three month listing. It was an MLS listing with pictures online, well the pictures she ( Liz ) used were from when we had first purchased the property with a SOLD sticker across the front. I was aware she had used old images for the listing then as the three months is nearing a close I get a telephone call from Liz, I know how these calls go. I have a client interested would you extend the listing bla bla. This is when I tell her about the sign that was used on the MLS listing for the past three months, she had the gall to ask me why I hadn't informed her of the error. I simply told her this was not in my job description. We eventually sold the house privately. On another real estate deal we had listed a client from Vancouver came out to look the property over then submitted an offer with the realtor that never hit our desk. He told her no longer available then took her out to view another property which she had declined. I could sense there was something amiss with this realtor, after the listing expired most people are not aware there's a three month clause even thought no longer listed should you sell the property your on the hook for commission. This is Canadian real estate law. Anyhow the property he had taken the client to see was owned by the realitor himself, what a scum bag. I was desperate to sell, had a mortgage on a small ranch that I could handle but making the payments on a Super K backhoe was keeping me awake nights. After taking charge of the property sale had it sold within a week, and the scum realitor was no where able to claim any commission, he had worked the client on bad faith, I could have filed a report but figure there's no need as these crooks self destruct on their own. From the long winded rant you can see how I feel about realitors.
  18. 2 points
    Finally got a few minutes to pull the carb on the c161 hydro I bought last week. New fuel line will be here tomorrow. As you can see the carb is pretty dirty. Going to clean it all up really well and throw the bushings in just to get rid of the small slop in the throttle butterfly rod.
  19. 2 points
    Nice plot. Great pics too. I have seen several does here. Lots of corn and beans around me yet. I bowhunt over my plot. It is just 40' wide and 70' long with 2 pie pumpkin hills planted on one end. I learned from my neighbor, that Deer and Elk really like pumpkins. He raises Elk. I grow pumpkins in the gardens but have never left them out after the season. I have always given him the leftovers. I tried the pie pumpkins last year. I watched as the deer worked the plot. The waited until the pumpkins were a little over ripe and stomped on them and ate them all up. With the winter peas and radish and buckwheat mix I use, we have deer showing up here all winter too. And in case anyone was wondering? They do not bother my gardens. I tell my wife, "We must have enough other stuff here for them". Good Luck Hunting.
  20. 2 points
    the bearings are sealed on the , outside ( exposure ) side , with no seal on the inside of the spindle housing, allowing the zerk fitting to fill the chamber with grease and lubricate the bearing. having said that , it takes regular greasing to fill that chamber, and get in the bearing. when i recently replaced my bearings , i palm greased the bearings, to insure grease, and also pre filled the chamber to ensure there were no issues. i also use LUCAS RED AND TACKY GREASE , 550 drop point for zero grease run off. that noise you hear might be the spring tension IDLER PULLEY , known for failure and noise . they get sloppy and could be your issue. good luck with it , pete
  21. 2 points
    I feel you Bob, also don't believe that those expensive title searches you have to get mean a damn thing down the road, trust me. Like Elvis, integrity left the building along time ago.
  22. 2 points
    The tyres and rims are back from powder coating so I'm really happy with them. Now need to find front wheel rims to take a tri rib tyre and fit the new hubs I'm going to fit.
  23. 2 points
    I have a good replacement Idler Bar and a spring too. Also have used replacement 'nylon guides' . send me an email for details... I am: daveoman@windstream.net
  24. 2 points
  25. 2 points
    Napa PP204RR6 or better grade P204RR6 Prime Line # 704250
  26. 2 points
    We have several members your age and most of us started our mechanical obsession when we were your age or earlier. One thing we all have in common is a willingness to learn from each other and share the knowledge we have. Learning by doing is the best teacher, but asking questions before taking the plunge can save a lot of money and aggravation. When you get rolling on your projects be sure to post a thread on each one, we have been known to help each-other along the way with parts and hard to find stuff.
  27. 2 points
  28. 2 points
    You have a 1981 GT-2500 with an 11 HP Briggs and 8 speed transmission.
  29. 1 point
    NOS 420 LSE......borrowed from a local dealer.
  30. 1 point
    I would like to thank everyone for your help. C- 195 gear reduction steering project is complete. It's unbelievable how much easier it turns. 😆
  31. 1 point
    If you look in the manuals section and find the right manual the belt sizes are usually listed there without having to download the manual itself.
  32. 1 point
    Thanks for all the support, guys. I'm trying to get into some basic metalworking, making muffler shrouds, sheilds, and all that jazz. Might start making a whole bunch of brand specific parts that are rarer, like WH belt guards and muffler shrouds.
  33. 1 point
    Youre wise to do some 'preventive' maintenance -- especially if you have never went into your deck. If the bearing fails and is not caught quickly it can mangle the shaft and/or the housing. I would think that is the bearing you would use, they arent really all that expensive. Prowling the bay I found 10 of them for less than buying them one at a time -- 2-3$ apiece IIRC.... I get a ziploc bag and a paint paddle and start scooping that old grease out of the cavity - its usually a HUGE mass of it, and then with a roll of paper towels finish the clean-up ---- Ahhhh! Sooo much better!!
  34. 1 point
    Having had to deal with many realtors on short fused moves (Multiple PCS moves in 28 years) I ranked them right down with Used car salesmen and lawyers. Final move was to NEPA (Marcellous Shale gas) and met land men. They moved Real estate, Used car sales and lawyers up one notch....
  35. 1 point
    Remember pumps push better then suck! So mount it as low and close to the tank As possible. I ran a new wire directly from the pump to the + battery post with an inline 3 amp fuse. .
  36. 1 point
    While it’s torn down check the crank too. 95% of all my rebuilds the cranks are out of round and typically off by several thousands. its cheap insurance of 75.00 to get it turned. Then you are done for another 30 years of service. Like squonk said the cylinder is likely out of round and needs to be bored. Get it done right once.
  37. 1 point
    I'm straddling the line between summer and winter. Plow on one tractor, mower deck still on the other.
  38. 1 point
    I just can encourage youself, to continoue your Way, it sounds correct to me. your plan to build things unique, sounds maybe amitionated, but that all is a learning curve that never ends. I don‘t care how old a person is, it depends on what he has solved allready. Even with over 50 i am still able to learn things, they can be made simpler or easier or even better. learning is a process, that never stops, if you do, your‘e fail. Somethings will be a success, with some things you‘re fail, also that is a normal thing. But however it goes, you can allway’s take a lot of knowledge out of both. Knowledge can‘t be purchased or found, and nobody is fallen as professional out of heaven, it has to be learned from success or fail or from experienced. Somethings can be calculated or compared with existing things, but as Material improves and also your skills improved, you be a most wanted Guy to several Companies. Continue you're Way as you did 👍 Aaaah forgotten: you know, nothing was happen here without Picts.. 😂
  39. 1 point
    Excellent introduction Mudrig. I enjoy seeing the younger generation showing interest in something other than video games. I'm looking forward to seeing more of your unique creations.
  40. 1 point
    Truckers of the past were professionals & drivers dedicated to safety first & foremost on the road. Not so much today. Drugs, texting, making phone calls, and all other distractions today has pushed safety from the forefront of their minds, and many are nowhere the professional drivers of year past. It is nothing uncommon to see big rigs rolling along at 70 MPH, or faster, swaying, or weaving, back & forth from past the fog line to over the center line for miles and miles. I either back off to let them get out of my way, or pass them and place distance between myself & them. I have also had them begin crossing the center line moving into my lane when the truck is barely past me with a 53 foot trailer moving over fast. It pays to be attentive at all times on the roadway. Glad no one was hurt. Everything can be replaced, except life!
  41. 1 point
    Separate pieces , should come out
  42. 1 point
  43. 1 point
  44. 1 point
    Pull them out. When they go it’s like a grenade thrown into a tank. I remove them on all my rebuilds. After 40 years I never had anyone said that the engine vibrated any more or less.
  45. 1 point
  46. 1 point
    Actually it was told to me buy another person trying to sell one of his models that was a 1993. The price is 500.00 670 hours on it looks good?
  47. 1 point
    Welcome! Now ... nobody mentioning anything about just replacing the bearings..? If your housings haven't rotted beyond repair, replacing the ball bearings on all 3 spindles shouldn't cost much more than 30.00 and take half of an afternoon's work. I've never had a Cxx1 series but I'm sure they are the same. Try and find the model number on the deck shell and we can find you parts easily.
  48. 1 point
    Yes I do! Gruesome wallflower, goes by the name @wallfish....its a pity date of course
  49. 1 point
    Headlight bezels perhaps? Jeff.
  50. 1 point
    Brand new 0 hours
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