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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/07/2019 in all areas

  1. 16 points
    We spent it smoking salmon and watching smoke rise...with a few cold ones.
  2. 14 points
    Warms my heart to see oldest grandson 7 at work on the first bench I built here over 30 years ago, using a plane made by his father. He graduated from the little bench on the right which I had also made for his father here. Looks like the lineage will continue. Really proud of him, and a great sense of satisfaction and accomplishment to me that I was able to pass on what was passed onto me.
  3. 12 points
    Addiction what addiction?
  4. 12 points
    There are a lot worse things to be doing with your time... plus, you can't take 'em with you, so...you better get 'em while the gettin' is good. You'll soon realize, you find the nicest people on a WHEEL-HORSE.
  5. 11 points
    Took a good long ride with my dad today...245 miles. Got up into northern Massachusetts, picked up the Mohawk Trail heading west towards New York. Stopped in Shelbourne Falls, checked out the river, then into North Adams where we headed south to Greylock Mountain. Rode to the top, great views! The Appalachian trail passes thru here, looked like a tough area to hike. It was nice to have a couple pistons pulling me up the mountain . Hiked to the top of the tower where you could see into Vermont or New York. From there we headed south to Pittsfield where we grabbed a quick lunch. Then we rode a section of Rt 20 known as Jacobs Ladder. Love getting out there with my dad, he’s 77 but nowhere near ready to give up his 2 wheeler. He no longer rides a “motorcycle”...his bike is classified as a scooter. But it’s no slouch! His Suzuki Bergman scooter has a 650cc twin, fuel injection, full digital dash and will top out at 110 MPH! Yep, 110 !
  6. 10 points
    Great thread idea Jim! For Trina and I it's definitely a multifaceted answer. We got into the brand about 2-1/2 years ago when we needed something that weighed more to pull a yard tractor around. Wheelhorse was recommended to me by one of the guys at my favorite local small engine repair place. Well I found one on CL for sale from @Stepney that later turned into Patriot horse. Then I found Redsquare and the rest we blame on all of you!! The friendly demeanor of the folks here is second to none. I communicate with people from all over who not only have a love of the brand... But also the same display of the common friendly personal nature. The moderators do a great job of keeping the attitude positive and predominantly free of negativity. The tractors themselves are extremely easy to repair and maintain. Rugged. Versatile. Prone to very few problems. Old school heavy duty American made. Just a great all around experience.
  7. 9 points
    I got this 310-8 as part of a deal a couple months ago. I had every intention of cleaning it up and listing it for sale. Well one thing led to another, as it always does. My wife drove it around the property to do some gardening and fell in love with it. It appears that this one is staying put for her. Was pretty rough when I got it. Some spare back tires off a parts tractor I had and changed changed the front spindles, put on 8 inch front tires. New battery and it fired right up. Changed all the fluids, tune up and some small repairs and it’s been a very reliable tractor for her. I’m surprised at how much power that 10 hp has. I spent some time buffing out the paint and it came out better than I thought. Still have some pto issues to work out to use the deck that came with it, which is solid with only minor surface rust. She named it pediddle because it has the headlight out, not sure if I want to fix it or just leave it alone
  8. 8 points
    Just an FYI to those who are coming out of state and plan on hanging out after hours of the show, bring mosquito spray! With DEET is best, the last couple years the mosquitos have been bad they will carry you away they are the size of birds!
  9. 8 points
    I’d never heard of Wheel Horse before last year. Once we got our first one and I realized what a stout little machine it was, I started to take a shine to it. Once I started to really dig and found out that they were made here in Indiana, that increased the cool factor for me. Then I learned how versatile these machines are. My mom used to be an out of print children’s book seller, and my aunt used to be an antique dealer, so I spent lots of time as a kid in antique malls and flea markets. I’ve always appreciated older items. Most items that have a history can’t be used, or used regularly, but these machines can be. For me it wasn’t a instant “Oh my goodness I have to have it it’s so cool!” Thing.... it was a snowball effect. The more I learned the more interested I became. Another big part was Red Square. If I had come here looking for information and not been met with the hospitality, knowledge, and patience that I was, I would’ve lost interest fairly quickly. It’s because of good folks like @stevasaurus, @ebinmaine, @pullstart, and many others that have been so generous with their time, knowledge, and parts that I’m still interested, and now, have the confidence to do what I need to to keep these beasts running.
  10. 8 points
    I agree with cafoose, "the simplicity and ruggedness" but would also like to add the willingness of Wheel Horse to allow their rep's, that visited the dealers, to interact with them and respect the dealers opinions as to what could or needed to be done with the designs that ultimately made it into production. For instance the swept front axle was developed by a local dealer for his customers who wanted a large mid mount mower deck with the larger diameter front wheels/tires, but they rubbed at full turn. So Steve alleviated this via the swept forward axle. When the rep saw it they incorporated it into the design. This same dealer developed power steering for one of the models, the rep said, "No one would ever need power steering on a lawn and garden tractor" but next thing you know Wheel Horse requested that Steve make 50 units to be sold to them and eventually they began producing the units themselves. Then there is the bit about modifying these to our own liking, that gives them a personal appeal. Or the restoring to original, or a resto-mod or...
  11. 7 points
    This video explains the way I feel after mowing With my wheel horse. Is it just me? Every year they put on a great fireworks display at our lake. This was the end of a 35 minute show.
  12. 7 points
    I'mma lucky lucky man.... My chick has her own fleet...
  13. 7 points
    ..Because why not? People ask me why I need so many cars or tractors... I politely tell them that I've never felt that I needed a reason, and that each of my toys cost less than a single payment on one of their new "equivalents"!
  14. 7 points
    I have no idea what you guys are talking about ...
  15. 7 points
    For me , it is a way of reliving my childhood. I was 13 years old when my dad bought me a new 1973 10 hp 8 speed , the picture of it is on my avitar. I started my landscape business with that machine. I had 12 different attachments for that machine.In 1978 i needed a down payment to buy my first backhoe and the only way was to sell the wheelhorse. I sold it to someone in Massachusetts and cried for two weeks after that. I promised myself that when i could afford it , i would have one again , but as the years passed my Wheelhorse just became fond memories. Fast forward to 2012 and i found the brochures from that era on ebay ,so i bought them. I remembered all of those pictures from so long ago and how cool would it be to have some of those different models especially the D series . Then i joined the Red Square site and realized that these machines stopped being made a long time ago. For me , that is what causes the addiction . You cant go to a dealer and buy one , you have to find someone who is willing to sell you one. So the search began . First was the C-160 with mower. then came a couple of D series one of which my son restored to like new for his high school senior project. Then a real nice GT-14 ,a B-81 and an RJ_58 with lots of attachments for all of them.And finally as of last week a 1973 10 hp -8 speed with a 36" deck and dozer blade that i traveled 22 hours to get,,,,,,it is my new favorite , it looks and runs perfect. At this point i think i have all of the ones i ever wanted , but who knows. I mow with them and drive them around , they are well maintained and pampered. They live in a heated shop.I have loaders and excavators to move snow and soil with but sometimes it is fun to play with the wheelhorses knowing i dont have to wear them out so i can have them as long as i will be around.
  16. 7 points
    Washed & brushed out all of my Horses today, the McLean enjoyed a scrub down too . All ten of us are bursting with anticipation.
  17. 7 points
    Hang'n out here on RedSquare fuels the addiction
  18. 7 points
    Something to spend my time on, working on and with. They're really useful with all the different attachments. The real question is. .... why not, I could do a lot worse.
  19. 6 points
    Good Sunday Evening, So... those that know me know that Wheel Horse comes first but that the old Sears tractors WITH BRIGGS POWER is my second and specifically the SS14, 15 and 16 with the giant cast iron one lunger. Well @sparky saw an SS15 for sale on FB and sent me a link. A full day of sometimes painful back and forth finally resulted in me trading a GT1600 for it along with a non running Commando 8. I got up early today, rolled out the GT1600, pulled the tins and cleaned out the mice, flushed fuel system and carb and put in a new battery. Other guy was in rush so I told him if he wants it that bad to drive to me. He was 2 1/2 hrs away. Well he showed up and the tractor was missing all sorts of parts and he "forgot" mowing deck and so on. I gave him $20 for gas and said sorry you didnt hold up your end and deals off. He left and realised he screwed up. In the end I started up my GT and drove it around and said huh... forced into cleaning it up and getting it running and now Im gonna use it instead of leaving it parked! Sorry for the long story... Tony
  20. 6 points
    I prefer just twistin the throttle and magically ending up on the top-o-the-mountain
  21. 6 points
    Oh boy only 1 day of work this week, its gonna be a long one
  22. 6 points
    I had never heard of a Wheelhorse until some one gave my son a rough 312-8 about 15 years ago. We got it running and delegated it to the farm to mow trails for hunting season. Fast forward and 5 years ago my son was buying his first house. I had learned how tough the tractor was so I restored it for him. The restoration let to this site, which is a great wholesome addiction in itself. I grew up on tractors at the farm and worked in a Ford tractor shop during high school. There as the show newbie I was delegated all the GT repairs. You would think I would have at least one Ford Gt, but in my youth I disliked how complicated it seemed to work on them, especially to someone who was learning how to do things. I don't have the room for large tractors, so garden tractors began to fill (and fuel) the hobby.There not many around Texas, so the search is an addiction in it's self. As I began to buy a few other older brand tractors I too have re-gained a huge appreciation for the simplicity of our Wheelhorses. I say "our Wheelhorses" because we are just caretakers. They will out live us and move on to please others' green pastures.
  23. 6 points
    Ok , it’s not a tractor but it’s patriotic
  24. 6 points
    I just turned 60 a few months ago and I'm thinking of retiring in 5 years or so. I'm considering getting a few acres in Perry County, PA and spending time playing with my horses. As you can see I have plenty of projects to keep me out of trouble and I enjoy working on them because of the simplicity, parts and attachment interchange, ruggedness, and most of all they're lots of fun
  25. 6 points
    I’m one of the few “ one and done” folks on RS...my C 105 does everything I need...but I have come close...so close...so...um...maybe... To paraphrase Red Green: I’m a single owner, I can change, if I have to, I guess...
  26. 6 points
    A day late, but here is mine. pretty and patriotic, but also a hard worker.
  27. 5 points
    A picture is worth a thousand words... @Wildhorse check it out!!!
  28. 5 points
    Loaded up 1/2 dozen horses for Portage Show. will finish loading other essentials tomorrow. hope to you all there!
  29. 5 points
    Dad bought his first wheel horse in 1973, a 12 AUTO then about 1976 he bought the D200 to do the garden work since the Case was down for a repair, probably a flat tire, I remember it sitting for years with one since dad didn't farm anymore at that point. The twenty as we called it never mowed grass only garden work, plow disk, cultivate and snow and dirt work with the front blade. In around 86 Dad traded the 12 AUTO in on a 417-8. The 12 needed work and wasn't running. He actually used the Case 800 with the bush hog to mow the yard becuase it was so high just before doing the trade. Thrn in 94 my brother bought his first house and bought a 416-8 with the Onan. I fell in love with that onan sound. When I bought my house I bought the p.o. Toro 1200 HMR rear engine rider becuase I didn't think I could afford a wheel horse. Bought my first wheel horse about a year later for $ 50.00, a 74 C120 AUTO, with out a deck. Scrounged around till I found a deck, then a snow plow and then a snow blower that was for a much older wheel horse and adapted to fit. Problem was that every time I tried to use it, it would break. Then I was forced to lay in the snow and try and swap back over to the plow. I thought wouldn't it be nice to have a tractor for both, so no need to switch in the middle of the storm. So I bought my second horse a 75 C120 AUTO with hydro lift. It had problems and didn't run right, then it started to knock. Sounded like a rod from down in the oil pan. So I swapped parts between the 2 to improve my first tractor and drove the 2nd tractor around back of the house to park it and just as I stopped where I wanted it the rod left loose. I left it sit for a while. I then committed to rebuild the motor when the wife told me we could by a new tractor. I walked into the dealership and bought a 99 314-8 with a 42 RD deck. Would have loved to have bought a 416-H but had quit making them in 97. So then I had 3 tractors. Working for an oil company doing heating and air I was always on the look out at customers house for another wheel horse. I rescued several that way. Once I found craigslist it was all over. Then I found redsquare and that I guess sealed the deal from you all encouragement LOL I inherited my dad's D200 and his 417-8. Several years ago I found an auction listing with a 73 12 AUTO. I had to go and lucky for me the Little guy's show got rained out that day, so I went. Of course the tractor was the last thing sold and I payed more then I wanted, but I brought it home. One owner and in real nice original condition eric j
  30. 5 points
    But I’m pretty much out of indoor storage space Eric! Or I might get more. Probably could squeeze in one or two more though 😜
  31. 5 points
    Here’s a”Cute” side shot 😂
  32. 5 points
  33. 5 points
    Craig, have to agree whole-heartily
  34. 5 points
  35. 5 points
    Because they are so GOOD!
  36. 4 points
    Sexy side continued in to Sunday
  37. 4 points
    The highs are a tad high than I would like but will not complain. Hopefully you are lnot ike are real weatherman Dan and are allowed to be wrong! This calls for a few pics from last year... Mike being a bad ass... Mike & Dad not being bad asses when the wind blew!
  38. 4 points
    Glad you got to spend time with your dad. I miss mine all the time but we did do a lot of fishing when we had the chance. Spend all the time you can while you still have him. Looks like a fun trip that both of you went on.
  39. 4 points
    Well, Norman’s in the shop. By suggestion of a few diesel performance professionals, it sounds like the slave cylinder / throwout bearing has failed. Since the transmission needs to be removed, I ordered a South Bend 375 hp / 750 lb-ft clutch kit with flywheel included. It will arrive Monday via UPS and with any luck, I’ll be on the road to Portage, WI on Wednesday night! let the wrenching (fun?) begin! There’s a great breeze flowing through the barns tonight, but if for any reason I get too hot and sticky, I can close it up and flip the switch for the A/C. Woo hoo
  40. 4 points
    Got the plow hitch and trailer hitch on "Big Oly" Finally put the fuel pump block off plate I got from Kirk Engines on the C-160 before mowing. cleaned the deck and noticed all the black hair hanging under the C so a power wash was next.
  41. 4 points
    As you may know I just put up a new Harbor Freight shed over the holiday: I started filling it up and I'm already out of room!
  42. 4 points
    Watching while sipping. Nothing better than that.
  43. 4 points
    See that Don? Kyle is always thinking..... And actually he's got a really good idea that would be very helpful to you because if you get another building you'll have less grass. Less mowing. Less work. Less seat time. Wait a minute ... that might not be the best.
  44. 4 points
    Our no name Hank hauled the Freedom Barge for us.
  45. 4 points
    It started in my childhood, my dad had a ‘79 C101 (still has it!) and it was tougher than nails!! And quite easy to work on.
  46. 4 points
    There like potato chips, you cant have just one. Or at least my addictive personality doesn't allow for that. It's a great hobby and sometimes even a chore, but all the same enjoyable.
  47. 4 points
    Here's mine with Terrys great decals.
  48. 4 points
  49. 4 points
    Well said Eric. I think you nailed it.
  50. 4 points
    Thank you, Sparky! The pillow almost faked me out- almost thought there were 3 cats cat napping on the sofa! Surprisingly (or maybe not?) cats were all over Catskill! As we got off the Thruway and were driving by the Hospital, Craig said- 'I think that's a cat!' and turned around and sure enough it was! (Selene the purple cat, below.) So began the surprise of the cats at different locations along the route to Main Street! ("Cat Mappin'' below shows the locations of all the cats!) We parked the truck and a real cat was sitting there welcoming us - and almost every business there had some sort of cat in their windows!
This leaderboard is set to New York/GMT-04:00

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