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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/28/2019 in all areas

  1. 14 points
    Love it,Love it,Love it....
  2. 9 points
    You should see people in their mirror when youโ€™re coming up on them on the turnpike!
  3. 8 points
    Regardless of how much I try and say, I really have not the words to describe how I actually feel about this, nor do I still understand why I deserve this honor. John @wallfish gave me the RJ model he has been working on for so long, and has so fascinated all of us with its craftsmanship, vision,and dedication. Besides what it means as part of a hobby which is dear to me, as a woodworker for someone to dedicate so much of themselves into such an accomplishment and to then just give it to me, is not only an honor but also a testament to John's character, generosity and unselfishness.It is people like him that restores my faith in humankind. I say this not just because I am the lucky recipient of his generosity, but because those qualities are also evident to everyone that knows him by watching how generous and willing he is always in insisting that everyone uses his creations we know so well, his constant helping of everyone who needs it, and by giving tools to someone who need them such as in the case of Eric @ebinmaine and I am sure many others. Even though I followed closely the thread about the building of it , and I recognized what kind of talent and vision was at work, it is now that I have it in front of me that I realize that all my previous opinions of it were greatly underestimated. The scale, and sheer delicacy of this object defines what is possible by human hands. If one looks at John's hands they do not exactly look like the hands of a surgeon but they can certainly do equal work. I have steady hands but they shake and freeze when just trying to handle this little gem. I have promised John that it will never leave me or my family, and that we will take it back to the show every year that I or my family goes, so it can be displayed on John's table for everyone to enjoy, for something like this is meant to be shared by all and not just tucked away as someone's treasure. Also the first thing next year will be to take a photo of it inside John's hand so that can be displayed here at home with it. So again John from the inner parts of my soul I thank you and I will never forget the kindness and generosity from you, which is right up there with your talent.
  4. 7 points
    Snagged 5 of these from Terry @Vinylguy at the show ....put one to the test tonight. Iโ€™m happy to report that it functions correctly !
  5. 6 points
    Throwback Friday.... playing with the one that got me started in this mess of an addiction! Tink Tink....
  6. 6 points
    Small update.๐Ÿค–๐Ÿคž The PTO needed full overhaul. A wonder that it came loose without being destroyed. Thanks to the heat for it. New clutch stuff and bearings on the way. ๐Ÿ˜Ž Engine seems to be in ok condition. No noise and feels thight. However, i have inserted a new electric petrol pump. There were 2 from before and no one was original, so then it is possibly 4 pump that is in place. ๐Ÿ˜ Carburetor was quite bad, but think it is good as gold after a thorough cleansing. Looks like you can bend the chock lid inside if you are pulling to hard to run position. Hydrostat and hydraulics work, but i think wheels did not spin very fast. ๐Ÿ™‚ The oil that came from the transmission did not contain metal fragments which i could see with bare eye. And differential feels smooth. Ended up ordering a steering wheel from a JD400 garden tractor that i think is reasonably similar. This only has powered sevo / hydraulic valve on JD so hope it is a little worn after a lighter life .. Repkit on tour in case of + upgrade. A lot of work to dismantle mowerdeck without destroying something. Much rust between pan / frame. (thanks for thick steel..๐Ÿ˜) New upper spindle bearing on the way. Must try to fix the pulley wich crack. All tires need to change. If everything works after it is in place, then only the finish remains...๐Ÿ˜ต
  7. 6 points
    I came across this stuff at a closed dealer I thought I would share. Has anyone seen this stuff before??
  8. 6 points
    I always consult a professional before I even attempt to do something. I canโ€™t tell you how many youtube videos I watch.
  9. 6 points
    I too can also personally vouch for Johns generosity & kindness . For the past 5 or 6 years John has kindly taken time out to go the trouble of getting me the big show T shirts and send them to me here in UK . I cannot thank John enough for the kind act that he does for me and he has no idea how much it means to me to have him do this . John ,,I thank you from the bottom of my heart for what you do . Neil
  10. 5 points
    These wild raspberries are growing just across from the back barn, where the Horses are kept. They sure are tasty! We have a few other berry types on the property, but these are my favorite. Theyโ€™re good by themselves or as jam, but especially on a bowl of French Vanilla ice cream!
  11. 5 points
    So Kevin.... what is the total horse head count your up to now? Does this mean you need more kids for each tractor or more tractors for each kid??
  12. 5 points
    Easy guys, Johns โ€œokโ€ but he ainโ€™t no super-hero. All these compliments are gonna go right to his head. Turns out building stuff with toothpicks is super easy, any knucklehead can do it. Case in point: hereโ€™s a few of my creations that I was able to do in a fraction of the time it took this Fish guy to complete ONE teeny-tiny tractor First picture is called โ€œPile-o-Sticksโ€. Itโ€™s a great way to break into the hobby of toothpick building, get your feet wet so to speak. The next picture is an arrow that will guide you thru life by always pointing you in the right (or left) direction. I get choked up when I see my name in toothpicks, can hardly type thru the tears of joy. Next youโ€™ll see an 8 sided stop sign with a simple โ€œSโ€in the middle ( not enough toothpicks for all the letters of a stop sign) Unfortunately my daughters cat destroyed my creations before I could pick which one of you I deemed worthy of gifting them to.
  13. 4 points
    Where were we before the show? 11? Plus 3, plus parts
  14. 4 points
    One more pic...what the heck. You all should see everyone slowing down to look as they drive past!!!
  15. 4 points
    Me thinks you broke the NYLON CAM # 5996, But, something caused that to happen. It MAY also be that the lock-down tab on the LEFT side is broken, causing the fricton contorl apparatus to fail. OR... or...or... it could be any one (or more) of several things. Also look under the tractor and see if the FRAME PLATE is broken where it bolts to the transmission. This is a repaired frame plate, but you'll know a broken plate when you see it...also very common.
  16. 4 points
    To sum up all of what has been printed here, one of GOD'S great commandments love your neighbor as yourself and it will be showed back to you.
  17. 4 points
    But on a serious note, Johns a first class stand up guy. All the nice stuff you guys said is true and Iโ€™ve seen it firsthand a time or two. Heโ€™ll drop whatever heโ€™s doing to help you out at any of the tractor shows he attends and I suspect that goes for everything else he does that not tractor related. Grabbed a couple pics at this years WH show, no idea whoโ€™s machine he is working on.
  18. 4 points
    EXACTLY. These were worth much more than money to me to give them away as gifts. My reward is your appreciation for them and the honor you guys feel to receive them. That's about your character not mine. Both of you are the right person for them. Trust me, I'm still an A hole but once in a while it's a nice feeling to do something for others. And don't stop now @Ed Kennell, I enjoy the ribbing and like to dish some out myself you old coot.
  19. 3 points
    These pictures are โ€œthe good ones,โ€ nobody wants to see my yard or garage! So, insurance is a joke. They were able to deny us because of a hand written line from a previous agent stating โ€œno sewer backupโ€. Our septic system is just fine, our sump pump died and the battery backup only lasted so long. Moral of the story: HAVE SEWER BACKUP PROTECTION, EVEN IF YOU DONโ€™T HAVE A SEWER CONNECTION. We picked up a new heat pump water heater today and I pulled an old 50 gallon (what Iโ€™ll call storage tank) out from the back barn. I built the 50 gallon water heater myself from raw components when I worked in the R&D lab. Because we have wood heat, the majority of the heat pump water heaterโ€™s โ€œheatโ€ source will still be wood. Cold water will flow into the storage tank, then into the heat pump. Both tanks will receive a side arm heat exchanger from the wood boiler and that loop will feed the coil on top of the furnace as well. The inlet of the storage tank will be teed into the outlet of the heat pump tank via mixing valve to prevent scalding. Additionally, the heat pump will act as an air conditioner and dehumidifier in the summer time. I will have to get a furnace still, but thanks to @WHX24โ€˜s wisdom, itโ€™ll be a high efficiency furnace as well in case I break my leg and canโ€™t toss wood in the boiler. yee haw!
  20. 3 points
    Yep.... empties out just fine. Job well done. ๐Ÿ‘
  21. 3 points
  22. 3 points
    Installed the 60" deck yesterday. Really impressed with how well it cuts. Even for having dull, rusty blades because I wanted to use it so bad I didn't sharpen them yet. I did grease it though. A few small growing pains so far. The 1/2 x 103" belt from PTO-Deck is too big. I had to drop down to a 1/2 x 101" and that seems to work OK. I can still get that to slip a little in the heavy grass. I think I may jump up to a 5/8" x 100" or 101". That should do the trick and the pulleys are big enough to support it. The 22hp predator really handles it well. I was surprised actually at how well it runs for a cheap Chinese engine. It definitely runs much better now that the oil is not full of gas from the vacuum fuel pump going bad. Now if only someone has a motion control pin for me. Mine is broke so I have to babysit the hydro lever as it drifts all around. I have a wanted thread BTW..... Wheel Horse C-161 Twin with Front End Swap & 60" Deck - Video is kinda crappy as I really needed 3 hands since I constantly have to adjust speed. I'll get better video later but you get the idea.
  23. 3 points
    HaHaHa...I heard the same story when I was a kid, plus the one where the farmer's wife sees the daughter being chased by a farmhand. She yells "run to the barn, he can't corner you there". Great pictures.
  24. 3 points
    Uh Oh , 4 passengers = 500lb Looks like you were 153 lbs overloaded Kevin.
  25. 3 points
    Holy moly! That's impressive!!! Stacks and Carry-somes....it's all good! I bet he spent more time cogitating about and building that press than I did on my little tote! I like innovation!
  26. 3 points
    Thank you John for the kind words. You should not consider yourself or your work amateur. Actually I personally never qualify anyone as a professional or an amateur when it comes to describing anyone who is a craftsman. When you are able to create something with your hands from an image in your mind, it is a gift that one should feel blessed to have. Some of us have been lucky to be able to make a living while doing what we love and what is our passion, but in no way is an individual that does not do it for a living any less.Quite often the opposite is true. As a matter of fact the most talented individuals I ever known as woodworkers, did and do not do it for a living. Doing it as a job in fact most of the times our creativity is restricted by not only finances, time constraints, someone else's vision, or most likely all of them together. It is when none of that exists and the only factors involved are our minds, vision and the love for our craft, that then one gets lost in it and the result is greatness. I could have not said it better.
  27. 3 points
    This is one of the reasons I am so proud to be a part of the Wheel Horse community and a part of RedSquare...nothing here but a bunch of truly top-notch guys...hope to make the journey for next years show and meet many of you whom I already consider friends
  28. 3 points
    Yeah, just ask my wife how wonderful I am! She'll tell ya.
  29. 3 points
    @wallfish, Iโ€™m the goofball with the long grey goatee that you helped out with a step bit so my son could mount his deck. Iโ€™ve got to say that you are a true gentleman and friend to all of us on here. Thank you for all you do for so many!
  30. 3 points
    Hey Caz, @formariz That pin in the base will fit right into a hole in the bottom of the engine to keep the model from moving. Something I didn't show you was you can remove the rear little pin on the snow plow index section and the blade will swivel. I'll build the mounting brackets and lift link for ya and bring it to next years show since I couldn't finish it in time. Keep look'n around on it and you'll keep finding the little details.
  31. 3 points
    @Sparky LMFAO And thanks for getting a clear pic of my bald spot! Had no idea how big it was getting, until now.
  32. 2 points
    I've been on hiatus for a while. Finishing the new place and moving and getting my new shop lined out. Finally had time for a little project and thought I would share. Every time I went to mow down by the road and in the less groomed areas of my place, I would find logs, rocks and trash from those who don't cotton to "Don't mess with Texas." I would pick it up and try to hold on to it until the load got bigger than I could handle and then I would make a pile with the intention of picking up when I headed back to the shop. I usually forgot but got a "friendly" reminder from the war department. I looked around for a way to carry the debris and couldn't find anything I liked, nor wanted to pay for. I am planning a carry all for my JD2305. So I set out to design a Carry-Some for the C-121. The goal was to use only what I had on hand. So i gathered what 3/4 plywood I had and drew it out on my workbench. (Nice to have a melamine top that I can draw on and just wash it off) I cut three strips of 3/4 plywood for the receiver hitch tongue and glued them together. I then cut my first side piece. I then took another inventory and realized I needed to cut it down a little to have enough large pieces. Then time for a bunch of pocket holes. All joints glued with Titebond II. Dado'd a cross brace into the tongue to give lateral support Primer And finally paint. viola! Didn't have any Regal Red but had a quart of IH Red which looks just fine (Better then the C-121 for sure) Had a partial can of truck bed spray so I painted the inside with it (after the coat of red) Probably would have made it 8" on the bottom instead of 12" if I could have visualized it. A little worried about going down hills and bottoming out at the bottom. Oh well, just have to be careful! I am hoping this will be a handy tool for picking up debris and keeping the war department happy.
  33. 2 points
    Hello, all. Some time ago, I did some dealing with a fellow I know, and wound up with a nearly NOS (I say nearly, because it was on a pallet until last year, when he dismounted it then left it to rot in his yard) K-301 Kohler. It's a blue engine, with a large oval gas tank and rope start. Mag ignition. It runs like a dream. Of course, I picked it up for my WH fleet. From what I gather the crank will work fine, and when time comes I'll add a starter motor and the right oil pan. My question of concern, will the bearings be fine with a WH pto clutch? I know many other engines have issues with the thrust from a mechanical PTO. It seems to me the K's all used the same crank bearings, and should be fine .. but I don't want to hurt this thing.
  34. 2 points
    Wow! That sounds pretty dang good. I expected it to sound a lot different, but I guess they respond differently to a small single cylinder engine than they do to a big block!
  35. 2 points
    Yessss!!! Soundslike music to my ears!!
  36. 2 points
    The K/M series had ball bearings supporting the crank.You are good to go!
  37. 2 points
    They probably pack them with all points they sell. When the points in a distributor are replaced the lubrication is used on the lobes of the distributor cam. Kohler doesn't provide them with their points.
  38. 2 points
    Looking pretty much like they both got a workout.
  39. 2 points
  40. 2 points
    What size chains? I might have a few sets I'd get rid of for the price of a flat rate shipping box.
  41. 2 points
    Looking forward to seeing every one! I've got one tractor to paint this weekend & two more to get out of hibernation then I think I'll be ready. Is any body bringing any signs or banners to hang on the building? Some signage would be cool too.
  42. 2 points
    Iโ€™m sure there is a most efficient delta T that they operate. If the max temperature rise is 50 degrees and someone wants their t-stat at 70, I can see how it would struggle. Even so, with the wood heat itโ€™ll rarely ever operate below 60. I remember 10 years ago when they were testing the heat pumps in the electric lab, it was the best job to have because the lab was low 60โ€™s when the gas lab was 80 and muggy!
  43. 2 points
  44. 2 points
    Is anyone going to the Menges Mills (PA) show? Here is the show information... July 12, 13 and 14, 2019 LOCATION: White Rose Motorcycle Club Hillclimb, 5252 Hillclimb Road, Spring Grove, PA 17362 (near Jefferson) July 11th is a set-up day for club members only to prepare buildings and grounds. Set-up for flea market, equipment, and exhibits will begin the morning of July 12th. Preview of the show begins at noon on Friday, July 12th Feature tractor - OLIVER Parking: $3.00 per vehicle. Friday & Saturday parking tickets can be used again Sunday Friday supper special - Roast Beef - beginning at 5:00 p.m. On stage - Friday, July 12th - 7:00 p.m. - "Brush Fire " On stage - Saturday, July 13th - 7:00 p.m. - "Dry Run " On stage - Sunday, July 14th - 1:30 p.m. - "Spring Grove Alumni Chorus" Menges Mills Historic Horse, Steam and Gas Show - July 12,13 and 14, 2019 . WHITE ROSE MOTORCYCLE CLUB GPS address: 5252 Hillclimb Road, Spring Grove, PA No pets or alcoholic beverages allowed on grounds.
  45. 2 points
    Fascinating. Its how good people still are. Glenn
  46. 2 points
    That is a beautiful model for sure. Is there a thread on it around here somewhere? I saw it for the first time in a picture from the big show a few days ago and I genuinely thought that it might have been a dealer model or something of the sorts - I had no idea that it was made by a member here. Wallfish, that is some amazing craftsmanship. There is nothing amateur about it.
  47. 2 points
    Yup! Thatโ€™s me. Boy, I must leave a scar that never goes away!!!๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚. Not too many people admit that they know me!๐Ÿ˜
  48. 2 points
    How lucky we are to have John as a friend. I too will bring mine to the show for him to display. Still speechless VINYLGUY
  49. 2 points
    I like my Onans but for anvil toughness and simplicity I vote for the 16 horse Kohler.I have one that has over 1400 hours on it.It was used commercially and received only minimal maintenance.It uses a little oil but still runs like a champ.You could rebuild 2 Kohlers for less than 1 Onan.JMHO.
  50. 2 points
    Here are a few pics of the 3 tractors we picked up and our other goodies. Kind of looks like I had a thing for weights this year!
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