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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/23/2019 in all areas

  1. 18 points
    Well the family really had a great time! My husband really wasn’t wanting to go this year but after we finally arrived he meet a few of the guys! Wes, @dells68 ,Paul, Howard, Eric J. and even got to meet pullstart! I missed out on meeting pullstart but hope to see next year! Husband was dreading having to drive another five hours further to get the new family Horse! We made it with out trouble and picked it up, it’s a beautiful horse so we may have to go get it fixed so it doesn’t breed more horses! It’s bigger then the little suburbans!! Going to enjoy Nagra falls and then make our journey back home just want to thank everybody that puts on the show and all that great people we got to meet! Lane I didn’t forget you thanks for the hug!!!!!
  2. 17 points
    I’m so tired I can’t remember! I picked up a 603 from @Shynon, an Electro 12 from @Ed Kennell, and an 855 from @Jennifer. All excellent tractors. Got the Electro running in about 45min and Becca drove it in the cruise! I picked up a lot of other goodies including a plow, disc, and decks from @Jennifer, tires and weights from @Sparky, weights from @Ed Kennell, deck from @Buzz, a tombstone weight from @hcminis, goodies from @Vinylguy, also got a beautiful seat from @BOB ELLISON, and some parts I needed and several I probably didn’t!😂🤣😂! We had a ball meeting everyone and talking! Thank you everybody! I’ll post some good pics next week when I unload. Here are a couple of pics from when I had to stop at Hobby Lobby for the wife. i completely forgot about the sickle bar I got from @Lane Ranger. What else has my tired old mine forgotten?😂
  3. 15 points
    Another fantastic time! Great to see everyone. As usual my only regret is not having enough time to talk to more people. You will see in the following photos that I am not the only one who likes to smoke cigars....
  4. 11 points
    Nabbed this from @AMC RULES. Was great to meet Craig and many other fine people OH...Craig's wife makes the most awesome peanut butter cookies you will ever eat
  5. 10 points
    Had a great time at the big show this year and got to talk to some great people. Can’t wait till next year!! Here are a few pictures I took... Thanks so much @wallfish for letting my cousin and I ride your bike ! Had and a full load on the way home, Gt14 in the truck, suburban, electro 12 and tub cart on the trailer. Sad to see the grounds so empty
  6. 9 points
    This was my 9th WHCC show... by far the best one I have attended especially with the great weather we had every day of the show.
  7. 8 points
    Let’s see everyone’s big show purchases from this year. Pictures encouraged! Here are are a few things I bought suburban 551? Bought the factory replacement suburban hood from @hcminis for the suburban I bought. Thanks for going down on the price so much ! Also got some great nos parts from Dave @Wheel Horse Plethora thanks again Dave ! Got these awesome signs from @Vinylguy Also traded a round hood snowblower from @hcminis but don’t have any pictures of it.
  8. 8 points
    My two oldest sons and myself went to the big show this year, and we split the 750 mile {each way} trips into 2-1/2 hours stints. About 30 minutes prior to home, I was driving on route 33 at 10:20 pm going the speed limit (55mph) up a hill in a no passing zone. A truck was approaching from behind us, the driver merged into the left lane to pass just as he was top dead center of the hill there was an oncoming vehicle, we then seen these red lights begin to flash on the back of the truck as the {ambulance} driver cuts real close in front of us to avoid hitting the oncoming vehicle. Thank the Lord it was only a near miss and everyone is O.K.
  9. 7 points
    The number of folks from Red Square that I meet that is! I enjoyed meeting @JAinVA, @SPINJIM, @hcminis, @WildHorses, @WVHillbilly520H, and many others for the first time this year! It’s funny that you will be talking with someone and not even realize who they are for a few minutes. Thing is, everyone treats you like an old friend, even though you’ve just met! Can’t wait to meet more folks next year! Dang, I knew I was forgetting someone! Thanks for not rafting me out on our little attachment adventure there @Sparky. Nice meeting you and your son - didn’t mean to leave you out!!!!
  10. 7 points
    Thanks for your purchase of the brake lining. Every little sale helps to support the habit.
  11. 6 points
    @hcminis @Ed Kennell @Vinylguy @clintonnut @Buzz @squonk Unloaded a few of the new additions to my little hoard today. As always, it's the people who make up WHCC and that make the show the WONDERFUL event that it is. I'm so disappointed that it is already over...and really can't wait to meet up with you all again there next year. Words cannot express how much I appreciate my extended family. people truly are the best!!!
  12. 6 points
    Oh yeah! My son and I were lucky enough to each have a homemade Nutter-Butter and they were incredible! I’ll never be able to eat a factory made/store bought Nutter-Butter again.
  13. 6 points
    We told the girls just that, nobody was hurt, our animals are ok, things can be replaced. Happy Birthday, little miss!
  14. 5 points
    Here are a few random shots followed by the parade. Wild Bill outdid himself this year and received a round of well deserved applause at the end of the parade. Job well done Bill!
  15. 5 points
    Having fun at the Friday night cruise! BF189C5B-305C-4D24-9C1D-5EE85270AEAA.mov
  16. 5 points
    I haven't unloaded my stuff yet but got a seat, 417-A and a couple Kohlers from @Ed Kennell, a differential from @kthack657, a hydraulic pump from @dells68. tires from @RJ Hamner, a parts tractor from @Buzz. a nice sign from @Vinylguy, some parts from @rmaynard, an exhaust heat shield from @VinsRJ and a nice 120 volt generator from @WHX24 which @stevasaurus transported for him. The best thing I brought home was a lot of great memories of time spent with so many of you.
  17. 5 points
    Our trip is almost 700 miles one way, and there is almost always something that makes you think something divine was watching over you, but I have not had something that scary. GOD was with you. I'm getting to where I do not want to leave the "Man Cave". We did have a couple of idiots doing things that were not going to get them a head...but I can see them coming in my mirror and just let them go by.
  18. 5 points
  19. 4 points
    Mrs. Pullstart did the most picture taking, while I kept tractors running. @Wild Bill in VA thank you for trying to help before the parade! Jada’s “Barney Fife” 857 seemed to have lost it’s points. I could file them and that k181t would just purr for a good two minutes then it died again. Rylee’s battery died twice, Hot Wheels lost a fuse, Frank quit running in the Cruise night, his stack about fell off.... and all the tractors to tear apart! I pretty much lost my first 953 to my girls, especially Rylee. I heard fun stories, made new friends, saw old ones too! The pictures are quite random, including the smoked brakes, the trip to @roadapples‘ house, Rylee walking on her hands, and whatnot around the fair grounds... Now... for the ground to just dry out so I can in-stuck Norman and unload....
  20. 4 points
    Beware, there are a ton of photos coming up here..... We had a photo shoot with Frank before the show! I was so excited to take it into the field with the other tractors, Putt Putt had to be dragged along. There aught to be a good picture in here somewhere....
  21. 4 points
    Linda, You have done a great job capturing all the fun and interesting moments of the 21st Annual Wheel Horse Show ! When I first spotted you at the show my only thought was to get Linda to take pictures . Fridays parade was long as it took 4 and a half bottles of water for me to complete and you held up very well. Both you and I were not quite sure what Craig was doing when he took this picture, since I thought he was trying to get a photo of our knee caps. But now we can see the result as he got "Wheel Horse" that was on the round hood included in the picture ! That's ingenuity Craig ! Thank You Again Wild Bill in Richmond, VA
  22. 4 points
    I am happy that you enjoyed them, Bob- and @953 nut did too!! It was great to see you at the Big Show! And I really enjoyed learning more about how you make your awesome seat covers/seats- I didn't realize that you used marine grade vinyl and that there was the possibility that the 1 inch tufted pure white vinyl would ever be discontinued!
  23. 4 points
    @Mrs. Rules made some peanut butter cookies that @953 nutand I loved. The best I ever had.
  24. 4 points
    So I cannot list everything here... I basically bought a bunch of stuff
  25. 4 points
    Thank you, Sparky! Glad you liked them- they were baked just a few hours before we left for the Big Show!
  26. 4 points
    We’re home all, now cleanup time. Be safe everyone!
  27. 4 points
    I'm thinking I should see about visiting my sister, in Virginia, who I haven't seen for maybe 40yrs.
  28. 4 points
    I didn't buy anything too big, mostly repair pieces. I grabbed a new gas cap, a new shifter boot from a booth in one of the back barns, got a new brake shoe from @rmaynard, a couple HY-2/3 shaft seals from @wheelhorseman, and what looks like an RM-327 deck (tags are missing) from @cafoose. The deck is going to be used mostly for parts. I'm going to clean the deck itself up, paint it nice, and slap the mounts and rotating assembly from my existing deck over. My dad grabbed a 42 inch RD deck from a guy who was caddy-corner to Lowell and Joette in the same barn. Not sure if he is on here or not.
  29. 4 points
    Who did you get that nifty mini bike from???? Nice load of goodies there.
  30. 4 points
    You know Mike that’s not such a bad idea. @857 horse did something similar with lanyards and badges. I’ve still got mine. We might want to think about that for next year. I’d be willing to help out👍.
  31. 4 points
    It was great meeting you and your boy Dell! And don’t worry, your secret is safe with me Maybe we should all wear one of those “Hello My Name Is XXX” stickers next year. I bet I walked right past all those guys you just mentioned this year except Jay with no idea who they were, and they wouldn’t recognize me.
  32. 4 points
    Glad to see that loader go to a good home @hcminis! It was really nice meeting you! Even if I didn’t know who you were at first😂🤣😂!
  33. 4 points
    Stevebo’s awesome Seniors!
  34. 4 points
    Well the past two years at the show we went to Gettysburg battlefield for tours on Wed and Wed night Italian night !! It is "becoming" a tradition.
  35. 4 points
    Hey Buddy, sorry to hear. Who did a trip has something to tell... even if it‘s worse... keep your Head up. i know it‘s not realy a consolation, but more important is, all of you are Well. Things can be repaired, but personal injury is more worse. Wish you a safe travel back home.
  36. 4 points
    Get some rest and remember you and your family are safe and unharmed the rest of the stuff is replaceable! It’s not great having to replace things but at least your family and you had a great time and are ok! Praying for you! We made it to Chris G’s in New York picked up the beautiful 702. Staying at camp grounds up by niagara Falls daughters birthday was today! Had great time at the show!
  37. 4 points
    We made it into OH and are parked at the Service Plaza for the night. All those sleeping trucks!
  38. 4 points
    Could Pullstart not get everything on his truck?
  39. 4 points
  40. 3 points
    The Wheel Horse Show parade is a "must have" event each year. It give a chance for the Wheel Horse owner to show their tractor off. To me it does not matter if the Wheel Horse is a museum quality restoration or tractor some young kid built with 3 different tires on it and a muffler off a mini bike ...... if the person is proud enough of their Wheel Horse to put it in the parade then I will talk to them about it. These were all great pictures of the Wheel Horse Show ! Wild Bill in Richmond, VA
  41. 3 points
    what happens at the wheel horse show stays at the wheel horse show
  42. 3 points
    Didn't get a Butter-Butter but @rmaynard made sure I got the first cookie bar!
  43. 3 points
    Not sure Richard, but he sure seems like a very nice guy. Best part, he lives down south just like me😂🤣.
  44. 3 points
    Richard: You were the energizer bunny this year at the Show! Thanks for the great parade of pictures !
  45. 3 points
    @pullstart I like to think that reassuring our kids when things start to go wrong is one of the most important things a dad can do. I don't even remember when I first started to say it, but my now-22-old daughter is very fond of reminding me of my words that "it's all part of the adventure". Sounds like you've got that part covered, good luck and have fun with the rest of your trip! And I'm sorry I didn't get to meet you at the show this year, maybe next year!
  46. 3 points
    Here's mine. A copy of a wheel horse branded loader i built for my 520
  47. 3 points
    Sorry to hear of your woes Kevin, like everyone else before me has stated, I'll pray the rest of your trip home is a safe one, with no more problems.
  48. 3 points
    Italian Village Wed. Night Either C.J's BBQ or Texas Roadie next night. Tailgate of Knowledge session at the motel Whatever we didn't do on Thurs night we do on Fri night China House giant buffet in Shamokin Dam on Sat. on the way home.
  49. 3 points
  50. 3 points
    Is that the only shirt Steve owns?
This leaderboard is set to New York/GMT-04:00

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