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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/22/2019 in all areas

  1. 11 points
    I tore down this mystery tractor that Richard bought, and Rylee thought the hood would look good on her tractor! There is quite the back story to this mystery machine, as I met the builder of it! He originally purpose built it to cross a river and mow the property on the other side! It had an 8 speed transmission when he had it, and his brother did the paint work.
  2. 8 points
    Here are a few random shots followed by the parade. Wild Bill outdid himself this year and received a round of well deserved applause at the end of the parade. Job well done Bill!
  3. 8 points
    I just love the heck out of my grandson Vincent and he is about to have a sister next month!! But anyway, here is a couple of pics of him. He helped me paint the inside of of my shed door with chalkboard paint so he can draw with side walk chalk while out to the shop, we also hung an old dry erase board for the same reason. Also a pic from Fathers day.
  4. 8 points
    Came with 3, there are 6, with a buncha’ parts already loaded...
  5. 7 points
    Huh. Another one showed up! Rylee wanted to find an RJ for $100 this morning. I told her it wouldn’t be likely. She mentioned she only had $105 to spend, maybe that would be enough. I chased this guy down, his son bought it yesterday and only wanted the engine. I asked what he’d have to get for the rest, he asked if I’d give $100.
  6. 7 points
    After a long day at the show... it's always nice to sit down to a quiet dinner outdoors at the historic Dobbin House, near the Gettysburg battlefields.
  7. 6 points
    Had a great time at the big show this year and got to talk to some great people. Can’t wait till next year!! Here are a few pictures I took... Thanks so much @wallfish for letting my cousin and I ride your bike ! Had and a full load on the way home, Gt14 in the truck, suburban, electro 12 and tub cart on the trailer. Sad to see the grounds so empty
  8. 6 points
    @pullstart I was sitting on the opposite side of the field from y'all and I tell you what, it seemed like every 30 minutes that 953 putted by with a little girl on it. Like someone else said, I think it got more seat time this weekend than it's had in years! It was fun to watch!
  9. 5 points
    Having fun at the Friday night cruise! BF189C5B-305C-4D24-9C1D-5EE85270AEAA.mov
  10. 5 points
    Got the ambition to move 11 Horses to a new spot in my yard today.Been wanting to move them since I bought the 24.9 acres of vacant land behind me last Fall.I started to put in a crusher run road to gain access to the new land and the Horses were lined up kinda in my way.Should have been a simple job,but as you all know,everything that can go wrong,did.Got the Clark forkiift stuck on my lawn while moving the first Horse.Burried it right up to the frame.Had to pull it out with my bulldozer.Really rutted up the back lawn.Good thing I have a pile of top soil left from another lawn repair job here.Ran out of propane with the forklift.Had to go to the next town and get the tank filled.Now the forklift runs like crap.Maybe plugged propane filter??Had to tow my spare Jeep Cherokee out of the way.Wouldn't start.Only good part of todays work here was the Squaw helped me by steering the tractors.Some quality time with her and she even complimented me on how I never screamed or hollered once.Good helper.Here's some pics before I hid the Horses away to their new resting spot.Tomorrow I'll be filling in ruts and raking.It never ends.Notice the vegetation growing on the seat in the last pic. Can't hardly grow grass here,but green stuff will grow on a tractor seat.
  11. 5 points
  12. 5 points
  13. 5 points
    Dang Jim, we can’t do that. Nobody could tell you and I apart!😂🤣😂
  14. 4 points
    A short video take from my running board on Thursday Afternoon during set up. If I would have know this would come out this good I would have taken more!
  15. 4 points
    Interesting Kevin. However........what’s all that in the background? Thought Jim and Dan stayed home?
  16. 4 points
    Ava and Kelly with Ava and Eston’s Rat rod tractor- very cool!
  17. 4 points
    It is a great time with great people and it’s not like a chore to me! Everyone is so friendly and I appreciate being able to share their pictures and tractors with you and everyone on the forum!
  18. 4 points
    Thank you Richard, to let me be there on this Way. 🚜 Great Pic‘s, even the Parade looks like an event, you‘re remember for longer. But i know, the scene behind, is mostly much more Fun and pic‘s can‘t replace beeing there. I organized Over 14 Years every Year a meeting for Motorhomes. In top we had over 200 Vehicles on the Place, that are events you‘ll never forget. Pictures cannot grab, what such a event brings on new Friendships help, support and Fun for all who‘s beeing there. Hope that i can be there next Year.👍 Again thanks for you Support, that i can be a part of, even just in Pic‘s this year.
  19. 4 points
    Great way to start off the day! Thank you Richard!
  20. 4 points
    Them girls had a great time. You know you will be coming back again. Hope to make it again myself.👍
  21. 4 points
    Looks like a hell of a good time! Bunch of great looking tractors and some interesting customs! Thanks for all of the pictures - those of us at home really appreciate it.. I know uploading all of those is a chore!
  22. 4 points
    The smile on here faces will never be forgotten. A memory for life.
  23. 4 points
  24. 4 points
    Never a disappointment with the pictures. Not to mention the weather is perfect. Thank you!
  25. 3 points
    Let’s see everyone’s big show purchases from this year. Pictures encouraged! Here are are a few things I bought suburban 551? Bought the factory replacement suburban hood from @hcminis for the suburban I bought. Thanks for going down on the price so much ! Also got some great nos parts from Dave @Wheel Horse Plethora thanks again Dave ! Got these awesome signs from @Vinylguy Also traded a round hood snowblower from @hcminis but don’t have any pictures of it.
  26. 3 points
    I’m so tired I can’t remember! I picked up a 603 from @Shynon, an Electro 12 from @Ed Kennell, and an 855 from @Jennifer. All excellent tractors. Got the Electro running in about 45min and Becca drove it in the cruise! I picked up a lot of other goodies including a plow, disc, and decks from @Jennifer, tires and weights from @Sparky, weights from @Ed Kennell, deck from @Buzz, a tombstone weight from @hcminis, goodies from @Vinylguy, also got a beautiful seat from @BOB ELLISON, and some parts I needed and several I probably didn’t!😂🤣😂! We had a ball meeting everyone and talking! Thank you everybody! I’ll post some good pics next week when I unload. Here are a couple of pics from when I had to stop at Hobby Lobby for the wife. i completely forgot about the sickle bar I got from @Lane Ranger. What else has my tired old mine forgotten?😂
  27. 3 points
    I’m so sorry buddy! I think this year’s show and company was one of the best and then you have all of these troubles. We’ll say a prayer that you have smooth sailing the rest of the way.
  28. 3 points
    Sorry to hear that. Even with all that I know the look on the girls faces riding those tractors around was more than worth it!!
  29. 3 points
  30. 3 points
    Thank you @Mrs. Rules for sharing the pictures. Almost like being there. Jay
  31. 3 points
    I walked the grounds pretty thoroughly from 10 to about 1 on Friday and I swear I musta passed that thing about 50 times, just puttin' by.
  32. 3 points
  33. 3 points
    Jo and Wild Bill- Thank You both for all you do to set up and run the tractor parades! It is so much fun to learn more about the people in the parade and their tractors! Thank you!
  34. 3 points
    Sparky and Brad! Thank you!
  35. 3 points
    @Coulter Caleb we wish you were here! Have a great day, buddy!
  36. 3 points
  37. 3 points
    Thanks Dick. Great job on the photos. Safe trips home to all.
  38. 3 points
    Sorry I missed you Jeff. I was there Thur and Fri, but can't make it today. Have fun brother.
  39. 3 points
    Yeah I wanted to try and get that 953 from you and I would have gotten away with it if it weren’t for that pullstart and those meddling kids (Little Scooby Doo reference there).😁
  40. 3 points
  41. 3 points
  42. 3 points
  43. 3 points
  44. 3 points
  45. 3 points
  46. 2 points
  47. 2 points
    Great pics, Mrs. Rules! Thank you!!!
  48. 2 points
  49. 2 points
  50. 2 points
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