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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/17/2019 in all areas

  1. 10 points
    Finally got the 753 put back together today and everything hooked back up. Bought a new battery for it today, and went ahead and picked up a new drive belt and muffler while I was at the store. Since buying this tractor a few weeks ago I have replaced the fuel tank, completely rewired it, new throttle and choke cables, and a few other odds and ends. Was hoping to be able to get it out and go for a ride this evening, but my ramps to get it out of the shop were over at a friends house, and got talked into staying for dinner when I went over there to get them. But I did run it back and forth in the shop a few times, and all the gears seem to work smoothly.
  2. 9 points
    Always loved these Wheel Horse tractors, fond memories, especially of my grandfather. Picked this up today and can’t wait to refurbish it. Feedback welcome.
  3. 7 points
    Two more pieces to finish painting tomorrow and I can get this project finished up... I think.
  4. 6 points
    Brought home my second 416-8 in a month. Why didn`t you guys warn me about the "addiction"? Anyhow, where/who is a good supplier for blades and belts? Here`s a pic of #2. Has about same hrs, 1100ish, as first one.
  5. 6 points
    Here is a live link for the strausburg railroad (about 50 miles east of gettysburg). It's a live view of the weather. BTW, I am bringing a couple of nice days with me. See you guys Wednesday.
  6. 6 points
    Not much of a turnout this year and what was there got wet. The weather being suckasaurus certainly didn't help. Rain & cold. Did manage to break in the new toy hauler tho. Got four tractors in no problem & sure was nice getting for getting out of the rain. Our lineups. Warning very vicious guard dog on duty!
  7. 6 points
    This evening we put a new battery in Trina's first tractor. The 657 known as Pony. This is the one we did the full restoration on last year and it has the 8 horse Briggs engine in it. I replaced the positive cable with a better one and cleaned up a couple terminals and Trina added some felt for spacing in the battery tray. We haven't moved this tractor under its own power for seven or eight months. Put gas in. Set the choke. It turned over maybe two or three times? Started right up. It now lives in the portable garage/stable with the other Wheelhorses.
  8. 6 points
    It’s almost done. Cutting it close but it will be ready for the Big Show
  9. 5 points
    Old Fashion Amazon? Wow, what’s new fashion Jim?
  10. 5 points
    I always tell her stuff like that is for fixing the snowblower. Her alternative is to go buy herself a shovel so believe me, there's no complaints
  11. 4 points
    Just wondering if anybody from Red Square will be going to the Orange MA Tractor and Steam Engine Show on the 28th, 29th and 30th of this month. I'm told there will be a pretty good turn out of wheel horses this year. I plan to be there with 8 tractors. This is my recently finished C160.
  12. 4 points
    Don’t get left out! One of my favorite aspects of the Wheel Horse Collectors Club “Big Show” is the gathering of so many Red Square members. This year’s Red Square “Big Show” group photo will be taken on Friday, June 21 at 11:30am. If you have a “Team Scott” shirt please have it on for the photo, we all want Scotty to know we are thinking of him. The location is near the concession stand on the entrance drive (same as previous years). Stevasaurus, rmaynard, AMC-RULES and I will be coordinating the picture this year. Craig will do his magic with the camera and I will need your help putting names with faces. The photo will be published on Red Square and a second photo will have a number assigned to each person. If you are in the picture, please respond promptly by identifying yourself and others you know. You can use your Red Square screen name and/or your real name. As people respond with their names, I will be updating the list.
  13. 4 points
    Like Jim said, the weather was not the best but we still had a good time. Here's a few of my pic's. Our friend Dale doing an old dealer demonstration with his John Deere. Dale's JD is running at an idle, in gear while being supported in the air on 4 Coca-Cola bottles. This demonstration was to show how smooth JD's 2 cylinder engine was. If you look close there is a rope tied to the clutch handle and staked to the ground. This way if some thing would by chance go bad, the clutch would be disengaged if the tractor would roll forward. A light duty military flat truck. Some hit/miss engines. Cross cut saw. Some steamers. @WHX24 photo bombing a pic of the Port Huron. What a ham Always good to see young people involved. This young man is on his way to becoming a great black smith. A Fordson Major giving the eliminator a tug. Having a little fun in the Garden Tractor Mafia tent. With a two piece band plus the two ladies singing the party went on till late in the night.
  14. 4 points
    Dan putting the hammer down on the 30, his brother Tim on a MM & Ryan on his Super M. Tim & Ryan @Rp.wh put a little money in their pockets & a trophy for seconds. @Achto laid an egg! BTW Ryan's first time ever pulling! Sadly the rain put an end to the GT pulling on Sunday so never did get to hook up Dan's diesel Red Horse. Dan's 90 YO mom tractor sking! We did get some parades in. Saturday nite parade... dodging mud holes did not work and there were 12 of us ... the dirty dozen! Always a nice flea market at this show & scored this 301 for 40 clams. Figured a good block worth that. Had it running within the hour.
  15. 4 points
    Latest forecast is for rain on Thursday, clearing Friday and Saturday. High temp around 80. Good food and conversation both days. See y'all there. Jim
  16. 4 points
    That is a great question, I am hosting my first Meet & Greet in Southern Maine this Sept 7 and I guess It depends on how much area you have to add any other activities. I have a trail system that I am planning on a ride if anyone is interested, but not mandatory,no pressure to do anything at all just relax and have a great time with like minded people. I also have a Horseshoe pit set up that we have not used in 7 years but have refurbished them complete with the stakes painted with WH colors that being the top 3 inches of Regal Red and the rest canvas white Rustoleum colors left over from the c-120 wheel spruce up. also gas grille for anyone to use. I would also like to set up a table with any kind of WH literature that anyone would like to bring in addition to what I have. Could also do a pot luck type lunch for anyone to bring there own creation or do the basic burgers & dogs? Camping is also available for those that have a long ride home and that is why I have planned on a Saturday & Sunday event.Also plenty of local places to stay and dine within a 30 minute ride from the Meet.Significant others invited also. Hope this sheds some light for you, I am just winging it from here on in, stay tuned. Jim
  17. 4 points
    Not all the welds look beautiful, but something’s better than nothing! The aluminum has areas of excess WD40 from drilling all the holes and I didn’t get it quite clean enough to stay pretty. I’m welding as many seams as I can to prevent panels from warping too much. I figured out that I need to build provisions to side load a #4 tractor on the tail. I also determined that without a ditch or uneven ground to load from, they tractors should be winched up. I have a chainfall hoist and a come along that’ll be packed for hauling just in case.
  18. 4 points
    Well the drive belt snapped on my '96 314-8 so I ordered a new one and I oedered an aftermarket muffler so I can make a stack. Also all week I have been working on making a hitch with a 2" receiver. Finished that up on friday right before the belt snapped
  19. 3 points
    Appears the pine will be done for the show too Got the tires done and front axle mounted, Lift handle and pedal mounted. Just need exhaust and heat shield
  20. 3 points
    Ready to hit the road in the am!!
  21. 3 points
    you would be surprised by how much stuff you can jam into a garage in a box.
  22. 3 points
    Won’t be there physically, but will continue to hold Scotty and family in prayers...
  23. 3 points
    Yes that dog looks like a toughie!
  24. 3 points
    Clean up, make mess, repeat.
  25. 3 points
    I missed out on the picture last year because I was in the middle of closing a deal on a tractor. If those pesky buyers don't delay me this year , I'll be there. Jim
  26. 3 points
    During the restoration of my last two tractors I had to remove the rubber handle on the top of my implement lift arm. I have found an easy way to do this. Maybe some of you have done this but the best way to remove it is to put it in a boiling pot of water. Now you have to run this past the wife first but cleanup is easy!
  27. 3 points
    The GT275 was made from 1995 to 1998. Price was $4999, less deck, in 1998. They have a 17 hp Kawasaki engine on them. They were light duty garden tractors, but could handle a tiller, snow blade, snow blower and you could get a integral (sleeve) hitch for them. I pm'd you a service manual if you need one.
  28. 3 points
    I should easily make it there in time for my glamour shots
  29. 3 points
    The last fabrication on the rig is a piece to side load tractor #4. It’s all tacked up now time to pull it and put some beads on the top.
  30. 3 points
    Truck bed holds one? You driving a VW Rabbit? I bet I could still toss a few in one of those! (Yes, I’m laughing in my shop, all by myself!)
  31. 3 points
    Will definetly check out the Main Meet & Greet.The stack is temperary i have a stainless one i hope to get on before the show.Will post pictures.Still not all back to gether but close inough to bring to show.
  32. 3 points
    I have 25" diameter tires on my 312-8. I cut 2" channel to put under the front of the fender pan a and a short piece of 4" channel with a 5/16" plate to box it and place it under the bracket that is bolted to the top of the transmission. The seat pan is raised 1 3/4". As you can see I have a few other thing going on back there. The spacer is welded in with the receiver hitch that also supports off the top of the transmission.
  33. 3 points
    No problem, buy a used pot from the thrift store and do the job while she is at the hair dresser!
  34. 3 points
    I’d like to see more of that exhaust stack with the hood popped, please!
  35. 3 points
    I'll be rolling with the Magnum16 Lil Mule 2.0
  36. 2 points
    That's where it's headed; the big stuff goes in the bed. Can't wait!
  37. 2 points
    Hopefully I can unload all these NOS parts and buy more tractors...…….,good thing I got the extended cab!
  38. 2 points
    quick update, tracked just everything down. mostly everything is painted, still need to paint the hood, trans, gas tank and then ready for reassembly. thanks again to alot folks here for parts! wait til you see the custom decals Terry made for it!
  39. 2 points
    Ah man, not that thing again. I'll fill the oil in it to the top of dipstick fill tube and watch the smoke show after you start it.
  40. 2 points
    Thanks gentlemen. First tractor has yet to get the deck back on as fabbing in some pieces that were rusted out. Second one came ready to mow, well almost. Amazing how some people fix stuff. Anyhow, it was hard for me to get used to hearing an engine run as opposed to my old box store mower that the blades turned at 40K rpm! Yeah, I got some iffy belts/blades and dolly wheels that will need replaced I am VERY pleased with these twin girls! Maybe triplets next month?
  41. 2 points
    The addiction is incurable but we are here for your support! I now have 5 others more. So until the next one better make some room! Nice looking tractor! Enjoy! Belts l go to orielys . Ebay for blades
  42. 2 points
    I just recently had that happen. I drilled some extra holes in my trailer to use as tie downs and I'll be darned if I wished I had a couple more when I went to tie down everything as I loaded.
  43. 2 points
    I packed my friends trailer today and I’ll fill my truck bed up on Wednesday.
  44. 2 points
    I’m just the delivery boy today. This is a 425 I bought at the auction on behalf of my father inlaw’s co worker. Their shop has helped me so much, I figured I could repay the favor. It’s got water (coolant?) in the oil and he found that out after bidding closed, but we were bound to pay for it. It runs good, hopefully it’s a simple repair and not too much damage was done.
  45. 2 points
    I will be there........wranglings included.!!!!!! But not to obvious
  46. 2 points
    One meet and greet I went to was an organized plow day in the farmer’s field across the street. It seems there were some side deals in the parking lot, some food, plenty of tractor talk, plenty of stories and lies too
  47. 2 points
    Norman’s getting ready for the haul this year.... still getting ready! The empty picture is right now. I’m leaving in 3 mornings, have to pick up and deliver an auction purchase in the morning, we have two days of trips to the big city for gymnastics and my weekly golf league in the middle too!
  48. 2 points
    I used to bake the brass cylinder liner for my RC model boats in the oven when I was prepping my race engines. My wife frowned upon that for some reason. Was easier to do when she was not in the house...….
  49. 2 points
    Here's the organ donor I picked up several weeks ago. It ran real good when I picked it up but I figured prior to removing the engine I would go through it and check everything. The intake valve was ticking so that brought on the investigation. It came with receipts for a rebuild and still has some cross hatch in the cylinder. Not bad for a 20 year old rebuild. After a quick valve adjustment, a carbon cleaning and a static timing on the ignition she runs like a top.
  50. 2 points
    Thanks @19richie66 I've been thinking about having some machined, but can't beat these for $24.50 Zach Kerber is an interesting garden tractor parts and pulling parts site! He also has Throttle shaft bushings $4.75 and other carb parts at a semi reasonable price.
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