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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/15/2019 in Posts

  1. 8 points
    Over the next several months and into the winter I will be redoing my 520 that I bought back in April. My dad was a Wheel Horse dealer and this is exactly what I would have bought new from him at the time (1991) if a 20 yr old kid would have been able to afford it. My plan is to use the 42" recycler deck off of my C120 on the 520 this summer to determine what, if any mechanical issues it may have before tearing it down. I paid $800 for it in the condition seen in the pictures and everything on the tractor works, every light, every switch, everything. I've already torn down the 48" deck it came, had it blasted, and sent for powdercoat, and will spend the next few evenings updating this post with pictures of the parts I've redone so far and the replacement goodies that I'm cleaning out from dad's inventory! This will be mostly a cosmetic redo with no corners cut. The engine seems to run like a champ, doesn't smoke or use oil, and sounds great, so I don't think a rebuild will be needed. Stay tuned
  2. 7 points
  3. 7 points
  4. 6 points
    I'm here Cas. Been quite busy with spring maintenance, family activities, and physical therapy for a friend. When I started this thread, I never expected it would be so entertaining, informative, and captivating. Thank you all for sharing a part of your family history. And thanks to all that are participating and offering new challenges. I'll have to search through my tool box for something worthy.
  5. 6 points
    WAIT! You had me at garden plow! SOLD! well me an @WHX22 and @Achto and @prondzy and @Shynon and a few other plow dogs... Welcome to the forum! Great to have you aboard and with such a cool look to the past with your dad’s tractor and the vision to the future with your boys! I have a similar story with my dad and his 875 WH. We restored his about 5 years ago and there is a full write up on that in the restorations section. Each one of my kiddos has their own GT and we get to play on them and work them regularly. Yea, I started with one but like the guys have mentioned already, they are like potato chips, you can’t just have one! So...don’t say that we didn’t warn you about how addictive these can be! The one right in the middle of this picture is a 1982 C series tractor. I couldn’t stand the looks of these when I first saw them, now I not only like them, but I own one! I’ll be following along to see how this plays out...
  6. 6 points
    656, so it woulda been a Tecumseh when it was new. NOBODY would steal a teccy! I think a pack of hungry wolves wouldn’t steal a Tecumseh if ya wrapped it in bacon !!
  7. 5 points
    Old guy description will not work , us ole guys are all over the place up there . Hope you make it on Friday .
  8. 5 points
    Bacon? Bacon? ... I love me some bacon! 🥓 🥓 🥓
  9. 5 points
    I’m not from Indiana, but that doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate a good Hoosier! It’s time for the hood to be wet sanded. Slow and steady.... let the tools do the work... DON’T SCREW IT UP KEV!
  10. 5 points
    This thread sure does fly fast! Such cool stuff comes up, thanks guys! Kyle, I’ve got to toot my horn that, though way too slow, I guessed correctly before scrolling down for the answer on the swivels! I’d never seen a plastic one, at first I thought a bubbler for wine making, then I saw it up close and knew it was a swivel.
  11. 4 points
    The bike And this little RJ-58 which will be done
  12. 4 points
    Trolling Queenie fans. It's not only part of my name, I LIVE IT!!!
  13. 4 points
    If you're looking to sell, your best bet is to change all of the fluids, get it running & driving and put it up for sale. Restorations are for the love of the tractor, not for making money on a sale. You'll never get your time or $ back.
  14. 4 points
    Not shiny wheels but may fall into this category. My 702.
  15. 4 points
    You may not realize it now but someday you will understand that you cannot go around expecting everyone to act or think the way you do. That will only set you up in life for disappointments and aggravation. Some of those that annoy you may simply have different objectives or perspective on things. Be patient and tolerant of others and their different ways or thinking. They may also not have the knowledge on a certain subject that you may have.They may in fact have knowledge or experience in something you do not. Rather than criticize try to respectfully enlighten them if the opportunity arises. It is easy sometimes if we are knowledgeable or experienced on a certain subject to be a bit impetuous and arrogant about it with our opinions and suggestions.I too been guilty of that too many times. Listen to people before you get the urge to speak, for when you are trying to speak you are not listening. I also was your age at one point and still remember some of the same way of thinking. Lucky for me I was always a young man surrounded by old men who showed patience and tolerance while cultivating the God given talents I had. Be mindful of that, for you may not be so lucky.
  16. 4 points
    Oh yeah... You'll fit in around here just fine.....
  17. 4 points
    I wish you well if its the right one for you. If you go the big show you may wish you had waited, just food for thought. Course you can always buy another or two or three or as many as you can carry home hi hi.
  18. 4 points
    Man. I get tore up by Wisconsin guys whilst I defend them in a Vikings forum!
  19. 4 points
    Now that is what happens when you get up early, troll on your phone for awhile and decide to post, not realizing that your son was the last one to post, using your phone with his account!!! However, we are both in agreement that Frank is looking good and we can’t wait to see the finished product. We need to do a more thorough “spit shine” on Comanche this summer as well...
  20. 4 points
    What color red is correct on a 1963 Wheel Horse? Well, it depends on who’s holding the brush! We had joked a while back on how to mix WH red and AC orange. I guess this is how!
  21. 4 points
  22. 3 points
    Bring your wallet , there will be things there that you will need to bring home.
  23. 3 points
    Have fun and enjoy the show is the proper etiquette. The first show is like data overload. They'll be so much to take in and meeting lots of friendly people that time passes way to quick, almost like time traveling. It's hard to explain but you'll see what I mean after you leave. Just make sure you get in the group pic too. They usually announce it over the loud speaker when it's time.
  24. 3 points
    You cannot bring a tractor to the big show and not take it off the truck !! They have a loading ramp close to the road to make loading and unloading easy.
  25. 3 points
    I’ll be the guy chasing after his wife and daughters on their red tractors! And chasing deals! Heck yeah I can multitask if I have to! I think! Someone watch my women for me, could ya?
  26. 3 points
    Not really old patina but old and black. HHHOOOWWWAAARRRDDD!!!
  27. 3 points
    If you see an old guy with red suspenders, give them a tug!
  28. 3 points
    What does it weigh?I have lots of foldable chairs that come in the bags.They are heavy and are a pain to put back in the holsters. I will be the old guy with the blue and white webbed lawn chairs.I would like to meet as many of the folks on here as I can. The few of you I have met in person have been a joy.
  29. 3 points
    Might? Duh! I've seen how you pack stuff. Always room to go up!
  30. 3 points
    Do those chairs have cup holders? Us seniors need our adult beverage!!
  31. 3 points
    Don't know about the track where you run, but most places would frown on using a foreign substance on the racing tires. Is clear coat a traction enhancer?
  32. 3 points
    If it still has the Kohler K341 the engine is sought after . if you can get the engine running even better. You will never get your time effort (unless your labor rate is less than $1/hour ) and money on parts back if you try to restore the tractor and then sell it.
  33. 3 points
    I might end up waiting for the show. Depending on how this one looks once I see it in person. I’m very big on maintenance. First thing I’ll do to this tractor is an oil change and grease everything up. Then I’ll start replacing parts that are worn. I’d like to have extra belts and other wear items like that laying around. I don’t plan on mowing with it but maybe. Regardless I’d like to get the deck and blades all up to spec. The snowblower as well. It always feels good to fix something up.
  34. 3 points
    Well we know you aint right! You shouldn't be categorizing yerself with the Squonk tho... That's having real low self esteem!
  35. 3 points
    @953 nut that looks awesome! I can’t wait! My son is gonna go crazy. We have a 4 wheeler and a dune buggy and he would pick the tractor every time. Sometimes we just drive around town on our tractor. He loves it! @troutbum63 that’s very good advice. I’m not into trying to rip people off when they’re selling something. I was gonna offer him $500 and not go more then $600. If he doesn’t take the offer I’ll look for another one or save my money for the show. Thank you
  36. 3 points
    Take one with you and try ACE Hardware or the Big Box lumber store of your choice. They all have hardware selection (most are from Hillman) that will include this type of fastener.
  37. 3 points
    I thought the same thing. I was hoping it’s the same as the 10 horse that’s on the tractor now. I love spare parts.
  38. 3 points
    FINALLY got my loader tractor YIPPEEEE.......and it's the right color RED.......LOL
  39. 3 points
    Whatchu talkin’ bout, Willis?
  40. 3 points
    Don't get too worried about it Dick. He's probably got those newfangled High flexibility tie rods. Anyways, the faster you go the straighter the wheels are. Or so I'm told....
  41. 3 points
    Here ya go Kevin. I like the weathered look with black wheels, but white can look nice too!
  42. 3 points
    Since it was private property and he donated much to Museum there was not a problem. It is however not the right thing to do. I have here many artifacts that I brought over that I should not have. These things should always be left in their place of origin. With the exception of family heirlooms I have instructions that upon my death they are returned back there and donated to the proper entity. I have there some incredible items some rather large such as antique horse wagon used by my father in law and his father, that when he passes will go on a permanent loan to the national museum. They were given to me but I will never go to live there again neither will my children ,so when they pass that is where they will be so it's preserved for all future generations.
  43. 3 points
    @LengerichKA88 Since you are into wine making i think you will appreciate this. This is the screw from the old wine press in my in laws house. Dated 1772. It is carved from one entire tree trunk and about 25 feet long.
  44. 3 points
    Hate is a strong word, I would reconsider posting it the way you did twice in your opening statement. Those people you “hate” are all members here. At 16 years old you don’t know it all. Heck, at 53 years old I don’t know it all. Listen to what has been posted here, maybe read what @formariz wrote a couple times. We have 19,521 members, you can’t possibly expect them to all agree with you. We have the purists who want everything original, we have the custom builders who purposely want mismatched parts on their creations to make it just the way they want, we have the guys who do what they have to to keep a machine in service to get the snow cleared and the grass mowed and we have folks who just love the social aspect of the forum. Image how boring this public forum would be if we all simply agreed on everything and never had an intelligent debate. It would soon lose membership and fade away.
  45. 3 points
    If you are going to get upset about people's responses to your comments or posts you may be in for a rough ride. After all many times we post something because we want to hear different opinions or suggestions. If it is only to hear someone agree with us that may not necessarily be a good thing. I too sometimes was a little taken aback by certain comments to my opinions or suggestions, however thinking about them for a while I realized that there was validity to some or much of what was said. Don't be so quick in your judgement. I have been here for a while so my next statements may sound a little biased but there is a lot of not only knowledge but more importantly life experience here. Respectfully my suggestion is to partially quote what was said to me earlier in my life "Look, Listen and....."
  46. 2 points
    I wanted to thank all of you for your help! i got the mower deck on and off with ease! Just got to find new blades and belts for it. I am sure one of my local mower places will be able to help! Next stop, finding a shifting knob and fresh decals!
  47. 2 points
    Why do I get the feeling that I will be at home and lost in the crowd at the same time?
  48. 2 points
    911 what's your emergency..... I'd like to report a robbery on the other end of town from @prondzy's house... send everyone there. Mike, that came out so awesome!! I can't wait to see it.
  49. 2 points
    Everywhere but England apparently Stormin Norman is going to have to change his name to Sunny... Something or other.
  50. 2 points
    Gentleman, you are all correct but the cigar goes to @Mows4three! I can’t speak to how they work, as I had to open them to take a picture. Im sure there is a reason I got them on clearance, I thought it might just be different enough to throw you guys off. May have been too have handed with the punny hints 😂
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