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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/23/2018 in Posts

  1. 21 points
    I just wanted to thank everyone who has given of their time over the last few days to vet Emory's new 633 up and running. It was running when we first found it, but had a faulty tilitson updraft carb. Within a little while of purchasing the tractor @oldredrider was busy helping us work on the tractor. He had decided to spend more time in the show this year instead of working on tractors. Well, that changed once he saw we needed help. He gave us quite a bit of his time the last two days to get the tractor up and going. Thank you so much friend! So many people stepped forward to help out the last two days, many of them from right here. Vendors, passers by, and many who I can't remember names came to Emory's aid, whether it was loaning us tools (thanks @pullstart), giving time, pulling a carb gasket from their own stock, or just moral support and advice. To all of you I say thank you! Two young men, 23 and 16, reaffirmed my faith that this hobby will continue for many years. They stepped up and gave Emory a spark plug from their own parts. Below is a pic of Emory riding his tractor after just getting it going. I think his smile says it all - THANK YOU FRIENDS! Your kindness and generosity really prove their is no better group of people than Wheel Horse folks!
  2. 11 points
    First off I just wanted to thank all of you who I have talked to via pm’s, texts, phone calls and emails. I had a great time despite a little wet weather. It was just like home without the heat. Swapped some parts, stories and trading cards. @Vinylguy Terry’s cards were one of my favorite things here. It gave me a chance to get to meet those of you who frequent the forum and make it what it is. The Comfort Inn group kept me cracking up the more we hung out. I was so busy taking it in I didn’t even get half the pictures I wanted. Highlight of the show for me was meeting @stevasaurus, (who was the first person I ever interacted with on redsquare helping my dad with a transmission), @Aldon(my gt14 guru and build cohort) and meeting @PeacemakerJack and birthday boy @Coulter Caleb. It was a my privilege to finally get to meet and hang out with you guys. @WHX20 I hope you enjoy the nubbies. Great meeting you and @Achto. Too many people to list but I really enjoyed meeting everyone. Like a flash it’s gone and I am just soaking in pictures by everone else. Safe travels to all on the way home. @Racinbob, @rjg854, @stevebo, @squonk, @BOB ELLISON, @Tgtack, @dells68, @Lane Ranger, @fast88pu, @AMC RULES, @Mrs. Rules, @p38js....... I know Im forgetting people. Great seeing/meeting all of you. Terry and his Commando Wallfish and the “Wheel Horse Chopper” Racingbob giving Caleb the rundown on Bob’s fresh 854 buy until Calebs 854 gets there. Caleb on his “new” 854 HOOWWAARRRRRDDDDDD and the infamous mash pole. Finally got on it!👍 Meeting the legendary “Wild Bill” Steve, Chris and Karl on a stick Aldon and his hydraulic resivoir that he, myself and my son fabbed up over the phone. 😁
  3. 11 points
    The Wheel Horse Collectors Club and the staff of the 20th Annual WHCC Show did an outstanding job and provided us with an opportunity to gather and enjoy our hobby together.
  4. 10 points
    Somewhere in this picture is @pullstart Kevin. It really was a pleasure meeting you. He was hopping all over that place. He brought one truck, one tractor and a pull cart. He bought one tractor, then another and after these were taken, he went back and got another. I’ll post a picture of his ride after he gets back to the hotel with the fourth on it.
  5. 10 points
    The White Horse barn: There were lots of more things to see but I’ll let others share their pics and experiences too! I had a great time and very much enjoyed visiting with my new friends!
  6. 9 points
  7. 8 points
    Friendship pics
  8. 8 points
    “Big Wheels”—only difference between men and boys is the size of their toys!!!
  9. 8 points
    cruise night in the light rain 4E8F621A-D6C0-4574-BA08-84E112D09ED5.MOV 290CF6AD-9BE0-4C6B-A895-2D4FB19C06AD.MOV 633B6808-DB4D-44B1-9401-380E74528750.MOV
  10. 8 points
    @Wild Bill in VA ‘s fantastic Wheel Horses at the show! Checking out the Senior- and it is fantastic too!
  11. 8 points
    We're coming to get you! We used to be in a pit crew but got tossed for drinking and swearing too much not to mention our farts smelt like limburger cheese!
  12. 7 points
    It all started when I went to one of @WHX20's plow days and took one of his round hoods out for a spin,and thats when I was hooked.Then when we saw that 854 for sale I really wanted to have it Then dad said it was in NJ my heart sank to my feetbut dad said he'd look into shiping it and getting the money for it.So that gave me some hope of getting it Well then @WHX20 offered to ttake us to the BS in PA since his wife didn't want to go this year and @ACHTO didn't want to go at first.Since April we had wanted someone to take that 854 to the show two days before we left for the show @Sparky decided to take it to the show for me.Saved us time and money,thank you @Sparky!!!! He delivered it and it was great we only had to do a little clean up on the outside with gas,put a little bit of oil and gas in it and put a new battery in it and it started right up
  13. 7 points
    Had a great time at my very first Big Show outing...here is a sampling from my perspective. The Load made it! Jim unloading his Heritage machine Caleb on Grandpas 875 @buckrancher‘s Super C
  14. 7 points
    Had a little traffic delay on I-81 so took advantage of the opportunity to do a mirror shot. This is the 953 that Mike @Mike'sHorseBarn was good enough to sell me. Made it home safe and sound.
  15. 7 points
    I appreciate the accolades for grabbbing the 854 but it was really no big deal. It literally added only 30 minutes to my trip. As a bonus there was a great spot for breakfast on the side road to get the 854! The look on Caleb’s face and the mega-bear hug he gave me when we met up in the shows parking lot were all the payment I needed!!
  16. 7 points
    Customs: Loved huge Clevis on the back Cucumber! @giddyap‘s custom was super cool
  17. 7 points
    @JPWH Caleb ran around and collected a bunch of them for you! I wish we could’ve met you in person—maybe someday. It was a fun experience for sure!
  18. 7 points
    Just imagine what we would have done if @Coulter Caleb would’ve been over there instead of sitting on a log dreaming about his soon to arrive 854... 9:41am 9:51am 9:56am 10:06am! Dan’s already looking for another horse to strip!!!
  19. 6 points
    Just got done cleaning this up this 8 hp kohler and put a fresh coat of paint on it. Went to the auto parts store bought a can of Dupli-Color red high heat. To me I think this is the closest to the red that I can find.
  20. 6 points
    Terry @Vinylguy Thank you for all the work and money you spent with these beautiful cards. I finely have a face and real name for all the guys I communicate with on RedSquare. Without you and your skills at making the beautiful decals for our tractors we'd all be driving ( No Names)
  21. 6 points
    I can attest to those limburger cheese farts left hanging in the air... around the Buckrancher's Thursday night camp fire. Whew...what a crew, for sure!
  22. 6 points
    Was only a demonstration of what can happen if you don't pay your protection fee's to the Garden Tractor Mafia.
  23. 6 points
    Where there's a will there's a way
  24. 6 points
    Terry your cards were the "BOMB" you are the best! Thank you
  25. 6 points
    Round hoods @Racinbob picked up this one—nice machine it was great to hang out with @pullstart and see his work on Putt-Putt
  26. 6 points
    Red Square members getting ready for Friday’s 2018 group picture!
  27. 5 points
  28. 5 points
    Here are a few shots of this year's parade, @Mrs. Rules will be along with more. As usual "Wild Bill" did a great job running the parade and interviewing the participants.
  29. 5 points
    And there were four
  30. 5 points
    It was great getting to meet a few folks face to face. Especially Ritchie and his wife. Been quite the journey following along with the Skirtles build. It was great meeting Josh/ @PeacemakerJack as well. He posted one of my favorite show moment pics in your GT14 thread. I wish I could recall what I thought was so humorous but capturing that moment with us both on our project tractors was nice and I snagged a screen shot and saved it to my photos.
  31. 5 points
    Caleb was all over the place swapping cards. I could tell he had a blast.
  32. 5 points
    @Sparky & son, @AMC RULES, @DOC in Kentucky & @roadapples
  33. 5 points
    Raffle mania! We were all hoping our tickets would be called by. @Wild Bill in VA ! Congratulations to @rmaynard & @DOC in Kentucky on your wins!
  34. 5 points
    Tables of parts for sale or swap If you can’t find your Wheel Horse part here—you may not find it...
  35. 5 points
    @PeacemakerJack & @Coulter Caleb at Dining pavilion
  36. 5 points
    Terry @Vinylguy and his new excellent classic!
  37. 5 points
    A truly wonderful gathering, and the benefit of renewing acquaintances and making new ones. Not to mention PARTS and TRACTORS galore WHCC
  38. 5 points
    If you are at the show and you are looking for the TGTACK card, I am up the first road to the left under the pine trees. Look for the restored 1276. There are 10 people who need my card! Sparky Turnnleft Pfrederi TravlinDave JPWH Roadapples Fast88pu Rob R Giddyap Spinjim
  39. 5 points
    Tomorrow was an interesting day...we were excited looking forward to the arrival of Caleb’s new 854. It was raining off and on when we woke up but the morning was pretty decent weatherwise. We had fun parting the 656 (documented elsewhere), trading more cards, and shopping for stuff we needed. Dan and I spent time late morning walking around checking out some of the cool rides... some wildly unusual some more traditional The best was hooking up with friends like Jeff @WVHillbilly520H for the first time in person. Watching the parade was cool and here Aldon is waiting in line to tell us about his tractor. We ended the night with a “cruising to the REALLY oldies” time lapping the inner circle of the campground in the rain. It was a blast seeing, hearing, and driving the vintage machines splashing through the big puddles all around the circle! I even pulled out Dad’s 875 out and took a couple laps. @Coulter Caleb drove until they told him it was time to be done! Another great day at the Big Show
  40. 5 points
    that's great I had a similar situation a few weeks ago with a trashed commando 8, I showed up with my toolbox the dudes kinda grinned and laughed as they watched within 15 minutes it was stripped and loaded of the parts I wanted in the truck. the one dude look changed fast it was more of wow he is serious and knew what to do, it was fun after that I got the tour of property unfortunately nothing else to pick but made some more connections for future
  41. 5 points
    Thank You @WHX20 for trading my cards for me, and thank to Terry @Vinylguy for a great idea.
  42. 4 points
    Jim, you're a friend, moderator and guardian angel of RedSquare now. Rest in Peace my friend, and always keep 'em laughing.
  43. 4 points
    My setup at the big show!
  44. 4 points
  45. 4 points
    @Coulter Caleb I am grateful and owe you a lunch or something. Jay
  46. 4 points
    @AMC RULES & @roadapples!
  47. 4 points
  48. 4 points
    Lining up for the ice cream social!
  49. 4 points
    @Shynon it was great meeting your card. 👍 Jim was a busy man.
  50. 4 points
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