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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/22/2018 in Posts

  1. 10 points
    Hey all! So, I got a Work Horse GT-1100 this past year, and she's relatively clean, but the motor smoked like a chimney. I also had a charger 12 that needed some love, so I decided to use its parts towards other projects. I am taking the k301 that was on the Charger and putting it on the GT-1100. I'm going to have to do some wiring, add a choke cable, re route the exhaust, and the main hurdle right now, is the charger was a hydro, and I need the drive pulley for an 8 speed, the Briggs is a 1" shaft motor so I couldnt steal the pulley from that. Toro wants $102, which is absolutley obnoxious. If anybody knows the pulley dimensions, or locally would like to sell me one cheap, it would be highly appreciated! Here's it mocked up in place! I'm not sure whether I want to paint the motor black or keep it red.
  2. 10 points
    Gotta love Michigan weather! Still have snow in the shade areas even though we are having beautiful sunny warm (relatively) days. Sun's been cooking the building eaves so the wasps wake up to...what...SNOW...!!! Little fellow didn't last too long...Nor did his buddies...
  3. 10 points
    Fiber needles? That's a new one on me! http://www.victor-victrola.com/Needles.htm http://forum.talkingmachine.info/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=1125 Never seen one and certainly would have never guessed what it was! Thanks guys!
  4. 9 points
    It is for cutting fiber needles for "old" victrola machines. Yes, i am that old!
  5. 8 points
    Ok, at 6 pm Mike decided it was a good time to fire up the C-175 and have the first round with winter storm Toby. The snow is HEAVY so it was time to clear the driveway the first time. The weather forcaster says in our area it will snow all night. And I was worried about the tire rim coming off the spindal. Glad to say SO FAR, SO GOOD its staying on Keeping fingers crossed on my end. Anyway heres a few pics of Mike doing his thing, that C-175 is a good machine and is sure earning its keep today. Suprising the power. I think more weight in the rear would be good to. Sometimes the tires "skip". Glenn
  6. 8 points
    If you clamp a piece of heavy steel to the item to be removed, ground an arc welder to the shaft it is on and burn a few rods at high amperage the current passing through the rust will cause it to heat (poor electrical conductivity). The rust will become powder and you can use some paraffin to aid the removal.
  7. 7 points
    Caleb is competing in his first Christian school convention this week. I competed in it as a kid years ago myself and very much enjoyed it. I have just finished judging the metal working and woodworking projects... The convention has about 140 different events that a teen can compete in including but not limited to arts and crafts, music, platform, athletics, photography, writing categories, etc. He started the day by competing in the physical fitness category. You have to do as many pull-ups, push-ups, and sit-ups in an allotted time. He had some tough competition and came in third but did 4 pull-ups, 41 push-ups, and 165 sit-ups. The most exciting thing for him was to have his second cousin Paul (a 20 year Navy veteran in the middle) there to watch him compete and cheer him on. Local circle buddies @Achto and @WHX14 and @Rp.wh hopefully will get to meet Paul this summer as he is home from the Navy as in retired. So, I’m hoping that we can get another WH fanatic as Paul likes all things mechanical! Jordan on the left was the winner with 22, 60, 257. It is his 3rd year in this competition and Caleb’s first. Paul set the record in Physical Fitness in 1995 and it still holds today! Then after lunch it was time to head for the track events. Caleb wore the shirt that Paul got when he was training for the EOD program in Florida back in 2003. He lined up for the 400meter run and dedicated it to Paul. He took off and was slightly behind the leader but by the time he hit the 200 meter mark he had taken a 5 stride lead. By the time he reached the finish line he had about a 7 second lead! He did Paul good with his first place finish overall in the 400 meter. He also entered in the arts category in pen and ink and drew this picture. For not being the artist of the family, I was proud of his work. He likely won’t place because of the quality of the first four places but I’m so glad that he learned from his art teacher so much. I can’t draw a good stick man. @WVHillbilly520H can appreciate this with his art skills. Tomorrow he has platform events both speech and music. More pics and details to follow...
  8. 7 points
    Thanks guys for the support It’s really fun here we’ve done a lot of stuff over the past few days.Today I am doing a speech,singing,and watching other people do there acts.
  9. 6 points
    Notice the iconic image of "Nipper" engraved on the arm of the cutter. Nipper was born in 1884 in Bristol, England, and died in September 1895.[1] He was a mixed-breed dog and probably part Jack Russell Terrier,[2] although some sources suggest that he was a Smooth Fox Terrier,[3] or "part Bull Terrier".[4] He was named Nipper because he would "nip" the backs of visitors' legs.[5] Nipper originally lived with his owner, Mark Henry Barraud, in the Prince's Theatre where Barraud was a scenery designer.[6] When Barraud died in 1887, his brothers Philip and Francis took care of the dog. Nipper himself died of natural causes in 1895 and was buried in Kingston upon Thames in Clarence Street, in a small park surrounded by magnolia trees. As time progressed the area was built upon, and a branch of Lloyds Bank now occupies the site. On the wall of the bank, just inside the entrance, a brass plaque commemorates the terrier that lies beneath the building.[7] On 10 March 2010, a small road near to the dog's resting place in Kingston upon Thames was named Nipper Alley in commemoration of this resident.[8] In 1898, three years after Nipper's death, Francis Barraud, his last owner and brother of his first owner, painted a picture of Nipper listening intently to a wind-up Edison-Bell cylinder phonograph. Thinking the Edison-Bell Company located in New Jersey, USA,[5] might find it useful, he presented it to James E. Hough, who promptly said, "Dogs don't listen to phonographs". On May 31, 1899, Barraud went to the Maiden Lane offices of The Gramophone Company with the intention of borrowing a brass horn to replace the original black horn on the painting. Manager William Barry Owen suggested that if the artist replaced the machine with a Berliner disc gramophone, that he would buy the painting. The image became the successful trademark of the Victor and HMV record labels, HMV music stores, and the Radio Corporation of America, after the acquisition of the Victor company in 1929. The trademark was registered by Berliner for use in the United States on July 10, 1900.[9] (See His Master's Voice for a complete history of the brands based on Nipper.) The slogan "His Master's Voice", along with the painting, was sold to The Gramophone Company for 100 pounds sterling - 50 pounds for the copyright and 50 pounds for the painting itself.[10] Francis Barraud said : "It is difficult to say how the idea came to me beyond the fact that it suddenly occurred to me that to have my dog listening to the phonograph, with an intelligent and rather puzzled expression, and call it 'His Master's Voice' would make an excellent subject. We had a phonograph and I often noticed how puzzled he was to make out where the voice came from. It certainly was the happiest thought I ever had."[11] The original oil painting hung in the EMI board room in Hayes, Middlesex, for many years. The iconic image of a mixed fox/bull terrier, Nipper, looking into a phonograph became an international symbol of quality and excellence for the Victor Talking Machine Company.[12] Nipper lives on through the brand names; he even appeared in ads on television with his "son", a puppy named Chipper who was added to the RCA family in 1991.[13] Real dogs continue to play the roles of Nipper and Chipper, but Chipper has to be replaced much more frequently, since his character is a puppy. Nipper continues to be the mascot of HMV stores in countries where the entertainment retailer has the rights to him. Both RCA Records and EMI have deemphasized Nipper in the global music market due to the fragmented ownership of the trademark. Victor Company of Japan (JVC) also uses the logo within Japan, which includes the "His Master's Voice" slogan. * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nipper
  10. 6 points
    “Repeat as needed” Too many times
  11. 6 points
    Agreed. In too many ways mediocrity has become the sad norm. If you never "fail" you cannot succeed! I've reached a point in my life in which I don't look at most of my non-successes as failures. I tried. It didn't work. So?? I learned something. I try again. Repeat as needed. .....
  12. 6 points
    By the end of the day yesterday we had about 14-15” of snow. Nothing a two stage snow cannon can’t handle though.
  13. 6 points
    There's a few pulleys on Ebay. Some cheap some not so cheap, but you know how Ebay is. I'd paint that engine Black, love those series of tractors. My grandparents bought one brand new back in they day, and they never used anything other than Wheel Horse. Probably explains why I love Wheel Horse so much lol Here is a pic of my grandma on it for it's first mowing.
  14. 6 points
    Good morning guys, an additional 12 inches on the driveway this morning, SUPER HEAVY. A few times had ti push with the blade up. Then back up and go aigain. I will be suprised if we get cleaned up, but so far so good. I took 2 pictures last night of the deck rails and seat with snow on top. I am ready for no snow......... Glenn
  15. 6 points
    Great job Caleb, keep up the good work!... And thank you for your service, Paul!
  16. 5 points
    Our Gramophone must have been an upgraded model, it had a metal needle.
  17. 5 points
    Ready to change “hats” and clothes at a moments notice. Clark Kent doesn’t have anything on Coulter Caleb!!!
  18. 5 points
    We are at the midpoint of the day and all is going well. Caleb is doing a very good job. In some of the categories, other entries have more experience and quality but I’m still proud of his hard work... Here he is competing in famous speech. He is reciting from memory “The declaration of War” given by FDR on December 8th, 1941. Caleb did a good job but had a couple of memory lapses but he finished strong and I was proud of his work. Next up was the Male solo. This is an area that you wouldn’t catch me attempting when I was 13 or today but he has a much better voice than I do... His voice hasn’t changed yet and so he can sing the really high notes which he did a great job at hitting. Then it was time for the male duet. He was able to sing with his buddy Reagan. They had a few shaky moments but overall delivered a good performance and Caleb’s high notes were the talk of the down time in between the next couple of performances. When I was his age, I was only brave enough to enter the woodworking category. I did very well with the projects that I entered but I’m so glad that he is willing to expand his horizons and enter in a variety of events.
  19. 5 points
    Woke up to 8 inches of snow yesterday -- woke up to "0" inches of snow today.....love that sunshine... I feel for you guys in Pa. NY. etc...but not enough to reach you...
  20. 4 points
    This will be the thread we use to post anything you would like to buy/sell or trade at the big show this year. If you are interested in an item you see, please use PM's to work out deals and details. HAPPY HORSE TRADING!!
  21. 4 points
    Thomas Edison's teachers said he was "too stupid to learn anything." He was fired from his first two jobs for being "non-productive." As an inventor, Edison made 1,000 unsuccessful attempts at inventing the light bulb. ... Edison replied, "I didn't fail 1,000 times, I discovered 1,000 unsuitable materials.
  22. 4 points
    Wanna look cool, go slicks 😎 Seriously though, those wheels look great. Cant go wrong with a set of 24-12x12 Carlisle All Trails. I love them but I only have grass here to deal with. No snow removal, plowing or fun stuff. Just grass.
  23. 4 points
    If you still need a lawnmower, you still have grass. If you still have grass, you have more land on which to build a Magic shed !!!! If you build it... they will come.... HAHAHAHAHAHA Herd animals Dell, remember?
  24. 4 points
    Ya tougher desicion than I thought. @dells68, I love ags, but like I said the JD already set up with ags and weights, so thinking going turf? Iam going bigger tires and have a slot and sleeve hitch for the 312 so idk. Finished wire cupping, cleaning and got 2 coats of primer on today.
  25. 4 points
    But he already has on them boots. Bet there’s some work clothes under that suit. Rip that suit off like Superman as he runs for the tractor.
  26. 4 points
    I have no intention of sticking my nose into your parenting Circle or whatever but you may want to have him change out of those fine clothes before you toss him in a furrow. C'mon Maw! It's clean mud! I promise!
  27. 4 points
    Hey Ken, I thought I was old, but I drew a blank on this one, and we even had a Victrola. Just how old must one be to remember this cutter?
  28. 4 points
    Sure don't dress like a plow boy! Keep up the good work Caleb!
  29. 4 points
    They are 7 inch rims you can use 10.50 but depending on the brand (actual sizes differ between brands) they may look bulgy You need to measure the backset correctly. Lay a straight edge across the rim on the back side then measure down to the hub ring. most horses use 1-3/8"
  30. 4 points
    Jeff—that is awesome! Congrats on both those accomplishments at a young age! I feel like much of our society today has become so accepting of mediocrity that it has really stripped away the potential of our younger generation to strive for excellence. “Let’s give everyone a trophy” or “We don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings and so we won’t keep score” just doesn’t sit well with me. I’ve learned from my successes but I’ve also learned a lot from my failures. Well done Jeff on those early successes and striving hard for excellence. Thanks guys for the kind words and if Caleb can carve out a few free moments today in between his speech and music events, I’ll have him log in and comment himself. Otherwise, I’m sure he’ll do a write up after it is over on Friday evening or Saturday.
  31. 4 points
    My sister's husband enjoying the C-120 he got from me!
  32. 3 points
    Hello to my fellow wheel horse enthusiasts. I am brand new to the site. Over the past few years i have collected a few tractors. 9 to be exact. Up here in Canada, we don't see a lot of horses for sale. When I bought my first one, D180,14 years ago, I did not know what I had. I use it as a daily driver. Blow snow, multiple drive ways, cut grass, again multiple yards. Only in the last 4 years did I start my collection. 1960 suburban 400 w/e start. 1962 702. 1054. 1968 raider 9 6 speed. 1974 D200 fully loaded. my original 1975 D180 pretty plain. 1976 D 200 w/ loader. Another D200 w/o tags but fully loaded. 312 hydro. I have many very unique original accessories for each one. They are all original and in pretty good shape except my daily driver which I swapped the motor for a honda 20hp. Any way, my problem is with the D200 with no tag. My last purchase. I was using it to push snow when it stopped going forward. I could, and did back it into my garage and let it thaw out. The oil looked clean but thin, like hydralic. the hydro lift worked good as did reverse. I was a little rammy the next day and went back and forth on the directional control and it started working in both directions. I used it for the next several snow storms then it stopped going backward. i got my daily tractor and pulled it back and then drove it to my garage. I did release the hydro tran. to move it. Since than I have checked the linkage, changed the oil, and still nothing. I did read many posts referring to buying the sunstrand manual, and have seen the manual for sale. # 1/ is it reasonably easy to repair the pump. # 2/ are the parts available. Of the 3 D series i have, it is the only one that has given me an issue. I should mention that i'm not easy on them. The only reason I changed the motor was it started to smoke a little. i still have the complete motor,ready too rebuild. I consider myself mechanical enclined to build anything. My next project for wheel horse is a back hoe for the loader tractor.
  33. 3 points
    Hello from central Indiana! Well, I traded a pistol and $200 for a 314-8 with 309 hours and a rough c-100. I started the 314 tonight, but I’m not getting fuel to the pump, gummed up I assume. Didn’t have time to mess with the c-100. I’m pumped to be tinkering with something again. I used to mess around with small block chevys but I don’t have the garage space nor money for hot rods. I hope to restore the c-100 and work the hell out of the 314. I have a 1/2 acre food plot for deer that I haven’t been able to successfully get the ground worked up to make a decent seed bed. I ve be been using my craftsman lt1000 and a Wizard for working the food plot and mowing. The craftsman mows decent but that’s about it. Cant wait to get the 314 mowing!
  34. 3 points
    You need to check with @AMC RULES on how his magic shed works. Stack them 2 high. Big one on bottom of course .
  35. 3 points
  36. 3 points
    @953 nut.... Heckofanidea! My first couple thoughts were: What type of Penetrating oil are you using? How much patience have you used? or do you have? Definitely headed the right way with the heat but maybe just need more? Ok that's 3 thoughts, not a couple.
  37. 3 points
    cleans up good doesn’t he? But make no mistake about it, that kid will climb into the furrows and stay there most of the day if you keep him in fuel on a good running “steed”
  38. 3 points
    This year's pullers. Almost ready for the season.
  39. 3 points
    First time I ran into the left hand thread wheel bolts was on one of the cars listed on that bolt head. Drove me nuts being all of 13 at the time and not knowing that was how they used to make them. IH used to mark all their bolts like that too. I agree with it being sad that 2 of the initials being gone now. They were both great cars. I have 3 of the DeSoto's 2 for parts and 1 almost complete that I've driven. Even at almost 70 years old its a smooth ride and that Fluid Drive shifts so you can barely feel it.
  40. 3 points
  41. 3 points
    This grunt and his Stallion moved a foot of white cold wet stuff this morning, Northeast PA. OORAH! Still prefer green grass.
  42. 3 points
  43. 3 points
    Go get ‘em Caleb! 👍👍
  44. 3 points
    Looks more like this. This is my 1076, I REPLACED THE SEAT I SWEAR lol I never took any pictures of it other than the night I brought it home lol
  45. 3 points
    Here are some links I found. Interesting reading. http://www.rust-oleum.eu/769_780_metal_primer https://www.fastenal.com/products/details/67019 Randy
  46. 3 points
    Very nice! I wonder if there is any other brand of GT that get's such respectful attention? One thing that I feel I must add, I ran an autobody shop for 16 years and I've fought insidious rust for over 45 yrs. There are many choices, and I suspect some better, but I know many far worse, than Rustoleum Damp-proof 769. That "769" is what to look for. I've seen it last for over 20 years over wire brushed steel with NO top coat and CONTINUOUSLY outdoors. I'm impressed! Many other "primers" can't come close unless ALL the rust is removed and that can't be done with a wire brush alone, and seldom with anything mechanical unless acid metal preps are also used. Another step to try to include! I just hate for anyone to go through all this effort to create a fine restoration and then have it fail a few years later. Think of rust as cancer and use all means to stop it! Again, I'm sure there are others, but Rustoleum 769 has done well for me. I have an old wheelbarrow and other parts to prove it! I'm not trying to support Rustoleum but I am trying to express that cheap cans of "Primer" aren't equal. Not at all! Rust persists even when visibly removed. Then only metal preps will remove the last bit. Now that could be in metal preps or in etching primers (and 769 has none! But still works somehow...) but the point is if all isn't removed it will return. I've seen repairs that I'VE done and seen rust grow with a life-like root system that mimicked a plant root system! A spot that I had sanded and that had been primed over and coated with multiple coats of paint! That grew like a root system! How did it grow when I thought ALL traces of rust was gone! Google "rust 769" if interested. Or "rust primer" for other choices. You will still find 769 but others as well. Some might even be better! Point is, use a primer that has proven good rust resistance on these precious Wheel Horses!
  47. 3 points
    Caleb is a fine young man, look forward to meting him one day.
  48. 3 points
    Here's a video my wife took for me today ,cab is highly recommended. 20180321_121909.mp4
  49. 2 points
    W.W.Graiger should have a pulley the same size as yours with 1 1/8" ID.
  50. 2 points
    Josh, Yes sir I can, Caleb drew that very good job well done. I hope he does well overall through out the competition, other than the 3 years art in highschool the 2 best things I earned in my school career was 1) in eight grade all WV students were required to take WV history then near the end of year/class take a test and at least 2 or more of the highest scoring students from each of the 55 counties got to go to the state capital to be "knighted" as a "Knight of the Golden Horseshoe" I myself being one of the few in 1985, 2) in 12th grade during Vo-Tech won the local and regional VICA auto mechanics competition going on to state and placing in the top 10 (computer engine management was becoming the latest thing and our teacher wasn't up to date) but anyways good memories, hopefully Caleb utilizes all of these moments for his future endeavors,(don't mean to hi-jack your post or toot my own horn), Jeff.
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