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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/11/2018 in Posts

  1. 19 points
    It’s a beautiful country…get to know it…what an amazing place More people live in New York City than in 40 of the 50 states. The word “Pennsylvania” is misspelled on the Liberty Bell. There is enough water in Lake Superior to cover all of North and South America in one foot of liquid. There's a town in Washington with treetop bridges made specifically to help squirrels cross the street In 1872, Russia sold Alaska to the Unites States for about 2 cents per acre... It would take you more than 400 years to spend a night in all of Las Vegas's hotel rooms. Western Michigan is home to a giant lavender labyrinth so big you can see it on Google Earth. There’s an island full of wild monkeys off the coast of South Carolina called Morgan Island, and it's not open to humans. There's enough concrete in the Hoover Dam to build a two-lane highway from San Francisco to New York City. Arizona and Hawaii are now the only states that don't observe daylight savings time. Boston has the worst drivers out of the nation's 200 largest cities. Kansas City has the best drivers. Kansas produces enough wheat each year to feed everyone in the world for about two weeks. Oregon's Crater Lake is deep enough to cover six Statues of Liberty stacked on top of each other. The Empire State building has its own zip code. The Library of Congress contains approximately 838 miles of bookshelves—long enough to stretch from Houston to Chicago. At 46 letters, Massachusetts’s Lake Chargoggagoggmanchauggagoggcha ubunagungamaugg has the longest place name in the U.S. (even though it's based on a joke). In 1922, a man built a house and all his furniture entirely out of 100,000 newspapers. The structure still stands today in Rockport, Massachusetts. The entire Denver International Airport is twice the size of Manhattan. In 1893, an amendment was proposed to rename the country to the "United States of Earth." A highway in Lancaster, California plays the “William Tell Overture” as you drive over it, thanks to some well-placed grooves in the road. The total length of Idaho's rivers could stretch across the United States about 40 times. The town of Centralia, Pennsylvania has been on fire for 55 years. The one-woman town of Monowi, Nebraska is the only officially incorporated municipality with a population of 1. The sole, 83-year-old resident is the city's mayor, librarian, and bartender. The entire town of Whittier, Alaksa lives under one roof. The number of bourbon barrels in Kentucky outnumbers the state’s population by more than two million. Montana's Glacier National Park has a canine "bark ranger" that helps herd wildlife away from high-traffic areas. You can watch more than 100 ponies swim to Chincoteague Island every year in Virginia. In 1943, the temperature in Spearfish, South Dakota jumped 49 degrees in two minutes (-4°F to 45°F), one of the most drastic changes on record. The world's tiniest park is in Portland, measuring a mere two feet wide. The inventor of the Ouija board lived and died in Baltimore; his tombstone stands as a reflection of his achievement. The biggest signature in human history belongs to Texas farmer Jimmie Luecke... The two-mile landmark can be seen from space. There are around 5,000 commercial airplanes flying over the United States at any given time Only one-third of all $100 bills are actually inside the United States. In Colma, California the dead outnumber the living by nearly 1,000 to 1. The smallest county in the U.S., Kalawao County on the Hawaiian island of Moloka'i, is also a leprosy colony where a few former patients still live. South Florida is the only place in the world where alligators and crocodiles coexist in the wild. Virus-free. www.avg.com
  2. 7 points
    Hello all, After nearly 35 years of using buckets and what not-- I invested... I finally picked up a parts washer. Yep its Chinese... yep the bolts only kinda line up... yep the lid closes but not squarely. BUT... it was $99 delivered to the house and is gonna be real nice to have around. So, do I fill it with Kerosene? Diesel? Simple Green---dont like idea it will freeze. Yes the wife let me bolt together in front of TV. Tony
  3. 7 points
    Heres another with the American Farmer 7.6-15s. Got these for $88 at https://www.stopandgotires.com/tire/industrial/industrial?sku=FA5J1&name=American Farmer Traction Implement I-3 p I also have them on this D-160
  4. 6 points
    That is what is in mine and like it very well. Very low odor and not too hard on your hands. https://www.tractorsupply.com/tsc/product/crown-psc-1000-parts-cleaner-5-gal?cm_vc=-10005
  5. 5 points
    I pulled the Kohler K161 7 hp engine on the 753 to have it rebuilt as part of the restoration. While waiting for the engine thought I might try a little "transplant" with a 6.5 hp Clone engine. . I'll have some more updates later on the "Franken-Horse" tractor. Currently working 7 days a week so not much time left over for tractor work......
  6. 5 points
    Let's see if this works - not a lot of snow (4") but I also needed to move some of the piles. Shortly after the end of that clip - I was cleaning and pushing the piles back a little more next to the Cruiser. One thing I hate about straight type 2-link chains is the way they like to side slip - it jammed itself between the snow pile and the front bumper of the Cruiser - the D is pretty strong but it wasn't going to move that 2-ton hunk of rusty iron, lol. Had to drag it sideways with the Dodge. No real harm done - definitely didn't hurt the Toyota but it did totally mangle the left tire chain tensioner...lol. The GSD loves to "herd" the tractor - he's had some close calls getting too close and I need to get on his butt again about it - that blade would hurt . At least he got some winter exercise, he sure needs it . Sarge
  7. 5 points
    My grandsons took the gas tank and front wheels off the 854 6 speed at Christmas. They got the tank back on then. Today I removed the steering wheel and shaft and reinstalled the steering shaft and and an original steering wheel. Put new bearings in the front wheels and installed a good carburetor. This is the steering wheel that came on it.
  8. 4 points
    As long as you're doing it "by the book" , why not use a commercial parts cleaner made for parts cleaners ? ( I fill my cake pan with Kerosene though )
  9. 4 points
    @cpete1 just remember, anyone can have A reputation, but a good reputation is priceless. As for templates, I destroy most of my cardboard during the process of making what it is I have a template of. they get grease, silicone or spray on them and then they are worthless. I usually burn them in the trash. If I need another, I just take the part off and retrace it. For the dash, I just used the original plate. I cut a groove with a cut off wheel to match the original(got it straight the first time) and then cleaned it up. @953 nutThe chrome decal looks nice. I might trace out the holes and send Terry a template to make a decal for it. I have to get some engine decals made anyways. I appreciate the comments guys.
  10. 4 points
    The hydraulic pump on my Raider runs off of the fly wheel instead of the PTO shaft. One thing that was left out on this add on was a guard for the pumps drive belt. I did not like the unprotected belt & pulley sticking out where a some one could easily get injured.. Here's a walk through on how I made the belt guard. After bending a 90 in a piece of sheet metal I took one edge of the metal and worked it with a shrinker/stretcher to make a radios curve forming a U shape. Next I cut out the piece for the face. I don't have a tig welder so this process is rather tedious to do with my mig welder. To keep from warping the sheet metal, welding is done by tacking a few spots. wait till it cools, then tack a few spots, repeat, repeat, etc. The resulting weld is not pretty but nothing warped. I ground the welds down. A light coat of filler and the guard will look like a solid stamped piece. Before any filler work there is still the task of getting it positioned where I want and weld the mount tabs on. The sheet metal screws will be replaced with 1/4 - 20 bolts and I will install weld nuts inside of the fan shroud.
  11. 3 points
    That is a very accurate description! I would pull all of the old wiring out and use the diagram one wire at a time. Bob's drawing is great and Eric has given you some good advice on wire size, but I would suggest using the Delphi Packard terminals. They will hold tightly and save a lot of headaches in the future. You can get them at good auto parts stores or on Ebay. I crimp and solder all and use shrink wrap.
  12. 3 points
    No matter what you use you are gonna love having it. Mine is just a cheapy but had it for 10 years with no problems. When I first bought it I used a water based product and it sucked. Turned aluminum parts black if left in too long and didn't clean squat. Switched to this and never looked back. Yes about 40 for five but worth it. Will take the oil out of your hands so where gloves and smells abit . I often use it for deodorant and after shave .... drives the tractor chicks wild!
  13. 3 points
    Those screws if sucked in tend to leave "fossils" of themselves in the top of the pistons at least it did in the old engine in the BU lost a center squirter holding screw smashed a plug electrode shut other guys couldn't hear the "miss" over the headers and big cam but I did, funny thing was the squirter was too big to go by the throttle blades, now there's a "blower" style gasket with screen mesh to catch anything else that might ever dislodge from the carb, not that you will need that, but anyways when I tore it down after a head gasket went south there it was fossilized in 3 piston top no noticeable scarring on the cylinder wall, must have passed out the exhaust the same way it came through the intake, Jeff.
  14. 3 points
    For snow plowing, weight is everything. Weight at the front or at the back keeps the wheels down, and chain, chains or tires (lugs, ribs or ATV style) gives you ‘bit’ to keep the tractor going, (front: from sliding sideways) (back: for traction, forward motion). Keep the weight low and at the axle: 20# + on each front tire, 50-100# on each rear, also firmer tires at 20 psi. Snow plowing is one of the most fun things to do on our Wheel Horses.
  15. 3 points
    Yes check the pump. It may not be rated for anything flammable. Looks great with the wood floor. If you use diesel or kero, you HAVE to use it in the living room!
  16. 3 points
    Commercial cleaners are expensive and the water based ones freeze... im not sure if the solvent based ones freeze but they are nasty on hands and lungs. Kerosene / Diesel is what I think I will end up with. That and a set of elbow high rubber gloves.
  17. 3 points
    If you don't have the little peep hole for timing the engine tins may need to be removed. On older engines the marks would probably need to be cleaned up to be seen. Kohler static_timing.pdf
  18. 3 points
    My C-105 with a blade has earned its keep this week, while the 416-8 with a tall chute has played dead with an electrical problem.
  19. 3 points
    Look familiar? Just started working on the 800 Ranger last week. I also had no spark. Cleaned the points...... set..... and got spark. A couple of thoughts. Double check you are on the high land of the cam lobe when you set the point gap. Be sure the mag and the condenser leads are NOT touching ground. Everything is very close to insulator leading into the points. Check to see the condenser body is NOT conducting to ground. The magneto position is vital to timing. If it was moved then the timing is likely off. I see your mag is offset in the slots compared to mine. Not that it's wrong but most rest in the centre. Yes the head will have to come off to set the timing. It's .080" BTDC. Condensers can go weak but they usually short to ground first. Mine is now backfiring. Notice how my woodruf key has sheared a bit. Check that too Keep us posted.
  20. 3 points
    I plow fast...BUT i know where i am plowing. If there is a possibility of obstructions (rocks, cracks. curbs) then slower is wiser....
  21. 3 points
    I may not be the most experienced person with a plow tractor but I've found that 3rd gear moves the snow much better. A bit more speed rolls the snow away better than going slow on longer runs. If I'm pushing snow just to pile it up I go a little slower.
  22. 3 points
    You have to kind of take what the snow will give you, ie...wet compared to dry...2" compared to 8". The advantage of being able to run in 3rd gear is the blade will throw the snow off the blade. If the horse is struggling in 3rd, go to 2nd. Sometimes, I use 2nd to move most of it and then use 3rd for the clean up. With the snow we had Friday (8")...after making 2 runs down the drive way, I had to finish by pushing the snow at 90 degrees to the drive. Back up 4 feet and push a blade's width 4'...about 40 times. The one thing I would be careful of is making the horse struggle in 3rd gear and make sure you come to a complete stop before shifting. Your transmission will thank you.
  23. 3 points
    Thanks, Glen. Always enjoy these.
  24. 3 points
    Just like to thank you all for your valuable input on this topic, a lot of information on a subject i know nothing about but don't fell so bad about tackling the fault and hope i can fix it whatever it turns out to be
  25. 3 points
    I'm not s electrician but I think the red wire that is plugged into the meter is in the wrong spot. Move it up so its in the dc spot. It looks like its in the spot to read ohms. And turn knob to 20 if your checking for 12 volts dc. The higher numbers is for checking higher voltage. I always start with a high number and move down from there. Also is your knob 180 degrees out. In the picture it looks like it's one click off from checking continuity . Click it one turn clockwise and touch the two leads together if it beeps your meter is not pointing to 20 volts dc hope this helps
  26. 3 points
    They are just about the same size as the seniors. Here is my 1964
  27. 3 points
    I spanked the cubs in my 2 classes and so did my father. Enough said A stock cub rear is weaker then a stock horses rear.
  28. 3 points
    I keep looking for the scrap cardboard from the templates in the background of all your pictures.... Haven't found a single one yet but I'll see one sooner or later.... I AM getting a bit jealous of all the green grass I see in the background. We've got snow and nothing but ice on the driveways up here. As much as I love moving snow with my WH's. I'm ready to see some dirt and grass, still have a ways to go. Thanks for the latest pictures Richie, enjoying the education. Really nice work! (Don't tell anybody I said that, I have a reputation to live up to)
  29. 3 points
    thanks, yeah im just annoyed since it was sparking a little bit, but now that i took it out to inspect & check nothing is happening. Very annoying.. the condenser is rusted so I can try replacing... The points look fine & are shiny & clean. I wire brushed all the exterior of the parts, figured it would help. I am going big tires with it... 23x9.5x12 barely fits......
  30. 3 points
    Check the 9v battery that powers your muti-meter. Some meters will throw high readings when the meters battery is low on power.
  31. 3 points
    Hello all, Saw a 7kw constant / 12kw surge genset with electric start... runs only on choke. Scored it cheap with a junk parts unit... then was talking to the guy and got 2 Briggs Intek V-Twins with pushrod issues and a Vanguard horizontal . Plus a 42cc Poulan Pro saw with carb issues---with a brand new bar and spare chain. Finally a Husqvarna yard tractor that Ive already got running and sold for enough to clear my entire bill. One of the two V Twin verticals will bring my Craftsman GT back to life... A great day all in all. Tony 20180210_141107.mp4
  32. 2 points
    Thanks - stacks sound better in person - nice bark to it when the governor kicks on the 482 Kohler..lol. Shepherd is 7yrs old now, gotten fat over the winter and needs the run time too, works out well but I have to keep an eye on him, he's fearless of machinery. Sarge
  33. 2 points
    I tried ..... too much wear on the shaft at the lever end. Definitely gonna stake down the screws. I appreciate the reminder.
  34. 2 points
    Speed is ok when you know the ground is smooth - if there is broken concrete or anything else that might catch that blade you need to be careful. It can not only launch you over the steering wheel , but do some serious damage to your machine. Need to pick the speed to the conditions - take your time and learn how it works and it's limits - don't abuse it and they will last a long time. I push mine pretty hard, but also have the ability to repair/rebuild when I do break something - and I have broken a few things....lol. Sarge
  35. 2 points
    Noma makes a universal pair of wheel weights that will fit most 8" wheel horse front wheels - if that is what you have, check the tires' sidewall size . Wheel Horse did have a set of cast iron front weights , but they are quite expensive if you come across a set . Another thing that can be done is to use a liquid tire filling kit from one of the farm stores and pump them full of RV antifreeze - it helps a lot . Be aware , if you have a seal coated driveway those chains and using front chains in particular will mark up that coating easily - it will show up in the spring like a sore thumb. I run ag tires on both axles, fluid fill them and run the cast iron weights as well - no slip but all of mine are very heavy and you do have to keep that in mind - easier to tear up parts and some models are known to crack the rear transmission frame mounting plate, badly. Just don't abuse it - these things will easily run 50+yrs. Rebuild it , run it another 50yrs..lol - no kidding. Sarge
  36. 2 points
    1974 Wheel Horse D180 - nicknamed Big Ugly ( seriously - look at it 2010 AKC all-German black and red, semi-wavy long coat German Shepherd - Toby (Drew Von Selten Ruhe) , sorry about his coat - needs to go see the hair dresser, we all have bad hair days....lol. His job is to guard the tractor when I'm not on it ...someone was walking past out on the street - they get the "stare". Loading a video (finally) of the thing doing some minor work - only got 4" last night but the stuff is fairly wet despite the temperatures. 20*F for a high today - was nice for a change. Sarge
  37. 2 points
    OK let's see if we can narrow this down a bit.... The colored schematic is a great service done by @BOB ELLISON so thanks again Bob !! Maybe he or someone can show you the correct one for an ammeter set up. ( I REALLY don't like ammeters so I took them out of BOTH of tractors and replaced with volt meters ) Most of the wire in a is fine at 14 Ga. Obvious exceptions would be battery cables, ammeter feed, Maybe the battery to key switch wire, old school non-LED lights may want 12 Ga. Go heavier if in doubt. Here's a link to table that shows some suggestions: https://www.tessco.com/yts/industry/products/itm/automotive/get_wired.html As to terminal ends, I use the cheap ones and be careful... and Tape the ends if you can to reduce corrosion. You can get 1/4 female with heat shrink covered ends. (better but I'm too.. umm ... frugal) PTO safety switch YES. I don't wire in the clutch switch but only you can make that call.... Inexperienced operators or kids around? Put the safety switches in. Loom... Both of my rigs are still waiting for a full re-wire and in prep for that I picked up some 7-wire trailer harness. I'll cut up a few feet of that... it'll be "self-looming" so to speak 'cause it's covered. NOTE: Use ALL COPPER wire, NOT copper clad aluminum if you can find it. Many folks say it lasts longer. Hope this helps!!
  38. 2 points
    The inter web seems to think PSC 1000 from tractor supply
  39. 2 points
  40. 2 points
    Backups for your backups is a pretty good idea, even Nasa understands that.
  41. 2 points
    I keep tellin' my honey that.....
  42. 2 points
    The tiller should work fine on your 314H, as far as a 36" blade IDK did make a 42" for the garden tractor, non running with a good tiller blade and no deck maybe $350 depends on the overall condition, Jeff.
  43. 2 points
    Has the meter been in a cold shop? It will effect the electronics even on a good Fluke meter.
  44. 2 points
    That dash plate is the same as a 953/1054. Terry could do a custom decal that would spice it up a bit. https://www.redoyourhorse.com/1054-and-953-workhorse-brushed-chrome-dash-decal/ That way you will remember!
  45. 2 points
    @PeacemakerJack Fender lights, head lights and reverse light. Maybe something else. Haven’t got that far yet or I did but forgot.
  46. 2 points
    Amazing work as always Dan! It is so much fun to watch “the mad scientist” at work. Today was another crazy busy day for Caleb and I, but I very much enjoyed reading/seeing what you and several of my buds accomplished...
  47. 2 points
    Clean them good and set to .020. That condenser has been in there a looong time also.
  48. 2 points
    The K-662 was the largest of the heavy cast iron twin opposed Kohlers back in the day - 25hp rated and brutally tough, and heavy. Common used K482/K532 engines used in D180 & D200 models are the same basic engine, just different bores. The K662 used the same footprint but had more stroke and bore, but still built just as well with full pressure lube and pretty well balanced compared to it's smaller brothers. I always preferred these engines over the KT series , these were just built better overall. Many of the older Ditch Witch small equipment I worked with used all 3 of those engine sizes - there was a huge difference in torque when you stepped up to the bigger brother K662. I'd love to find one for the D180, but honestly it's a waste - no way that pump coupling could take that torque output and the pto clutch would have to larger as well. Sarge
  49. 2 points
    Did you clean the new set of points ? Sometimes they have a slight coating on them, just use a piece of paper with some brake cleaner on it , pull it through when they are closed. You can test them by using an ohm meter. Sarge
  50. 2 points
    That engine is off of a Craftsman product. That 143 number tells you that. There is a list put out by Tecumseh that cross references it to the Tecumseh model number. Ok I went and looked it up, it is VM100-157015A. Believe that is a 10hp engine.Some of the aftermarket points I have had trouble with in getting a spark.from. Part number for the points is 30547A and the condenser is 30548B.
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