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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/22/2018 in Posts

  1. 18 points
    I got a new horse last fall. I looked a long time for a low hour, newer 314 or 315. Finally found one with 265 hours within a few hours of me. Brought it home, cleaned it up and went through everything and it shined right up. I would highly recommend Forever Black plastic trim dye on tired looking plastic. The next project was the cart. I decided to go with a poly one made by Ohio Steel. I liked the poly over the steel due the low maintenance factor and it got great reviews. Then I built the wood side railings and turned it into a “Toro” cart with some decals from eBay. Finally, I have been searching for a front mount generator for a couple of years with no luck. I found this one on eBay last week that was mid-listed and got a great deal. Mounted it up today.
  2. 18 points
    It was such a nice weekend here in my part of Missouri, that I had to get my Cub out for some drive time. I took a couple of pictures of it when I did.
  3. 9 points
    The A-81 is coming along nicely, 5 months down the line I'm nearly there.
  4. 8 points
    4, 5, 6 and seven wont be filled because some blocked pipes and holes that means 2 cant fill up either because it drains into 7 1 only drains into 3 and 3 is the only one with pipes attached that cant drain into others so i say ITS 3
  5. 8 points
    Still fighting this shower job. When its done, full bore on the wheel horse. I forget what famous theologian said it but it went something like this...... “ Whoever said home remodeling was fun, never owned a Wheelhorse” or something to that effect.
  6. 8 points
    Craigs garage looks like all my buildings here.When anything sits here for more than a week,it turns into a storage shelf.Sometimes turns into a work bench.Sometimes turns into a spot to park my rear end.
  7. 7 points
    Well Guy's, another Grand Daughter was Born last Wednesday, Farmer Alex has 2 Daughters now & 2 step Sons, I have 4 Grand Daughters & 2 Step Grand Sons. When you see Farmer Alex at Big Show, go shake his hand & say Sorry BRF is your Dad LOL Here's Cheyanne Mae Siegfried, Running out of Knee's to hold my Grand Kids,
  8. 7 points
    Finally—after several weeks of down time, Caleb and I were able to carve out some time in the shop together to work on JackRabbit. Before I say anything about the project, I want to publicly thank Jeff @WVHillbilly520H for his sketch... I know it is in a couple of threads here already but when I finally showed it to Caleb he was overjoyed. Claudia was at a friends house this afternoon for a birthday party (she is the artist in the family). I couldn’t wait to see what she thought. Jeff, she thought it was awesome! When Caleb told her that I wanted the rabbit to be more gruesome looking like Rat Fink, she said, “But why? That would’ve been nasty! Jeff’s drawing is just perfect!” Well said Claudia! First up was to get the weights on the back wheels. Caleb took to that task right away while I began to study the electrical a little more. I want to install an electric fuel pump on this thing for sure. It generally makes them start so much quicker in my experience. After he had both weights on we turned our attention to the belt. Thanks @19richie66 for pointing us to this one. It was a great price for an NOS piece. I knew the old one was bad but didn’t realize how bad until we compared them. Caleb did all the disassembly and reassembly necessary to change it out at this point. Before he started, I asked him to study it over and tell me what he thought we needed to do to take it off. He actually had all the steps right except taking off the PTO actuator arm. I am proud of him—he’s turning a little more into a “grease monkey” every day! I do have one question for you guys that is fairly simple but, “what is the adjustment need to be for the little PTO brake arm?” Caleb obviously pulled it off and then reinstalled it after the new belt was in place. This tractor will get a repaint this next summer but for now, we are dealing with the mechanical/electrical issues and then getting it ready for blade duty. I tell you guys, I’m not taking this time with him for granted. I do understand that I’m going to blink and he’ll be in college. That’s a great kid right there and I’m blessed to have him gifted to me from God for this period of his life! Next up: electrical!
  9. 7 points
    That really looks great. I have a 2000 314-8 and it has 262 hours on it and it is very nice to drive. Like new looking This is mine I really like the power. But I would like to have a generator setup like yours. Great job
  10. 6 points
  11. 5 points
    The Philly Eagles soared last night and the Hanover Eagles are busy this morning. MVI_0047.MOV
  12. 5 points
    I thought I took a big step in cleaning up my shops. I took over 1200 lbs of scrap metal to the recyclers on Friday. The problem is, the shop doesn't look any different. Now where can I find a couple rollers to spend this $193 scrap money on?
  13. 5 points
    Put the lights on the cab, linear actuator on the chute deflector, little heat and a chute crank extension. Motorized chute rotator later. Predicting about 10" of wet and heavy Monday.
  14. 4 points
    I have areas of my drive that I can never seem to clean to the concrete because of the blade floating. I like to have the float because I also have a gravel area, and for piling the snow. I have been thinking it would be nice to have a lift link that would allow float, but could be easily pinned to provide down pressure. It was sunny, in the 40's here in Michigan Saturday so it was a good tractor day. This is what I have come up with. With a pin in the hole, we have push, with no pin it's float I'm going to add a spring to keep the link pulled back to the frame when in float
  15. 4 points
  16. 4 points
    I have a Headache, ok who made me think
  17. 4 points
    OK , goodywoodshoes explained it perfectly. All you guys that picked 3, take a bow, or maybe you just got lucky. all for playing.
  18. 4 points
    @Achto the measurement is 2 3/8".
  19. 4 points
    I have about 100+ or more model kits in various states of build/painted/unpainted/some my uncles gave me from the 70s and parts galore yet maybe we should start a new thread......
  20. 4 points
    Worked on the K301 a little, just something about a fresh piston in a fresh bore. Waiting on an exhaust valve to show up that I should have ordered weeks ago!
  21. 4 points
  22. 4 points
    @Big_Red_Fred Congrats on the new granddaughter. It is a blessing she does not favor you.
  23. 4 points
    Well I bit the horse harness last week end, hitch up my neighbors trailer, and prayed I was not about to find a disappointment or go home with no horse. You guys were correct about its hard to negotiate price, but other than the mower deck rotted in one spot I feel like it has potential. Her exhaust seems to pop every once in awhile at half throttle but she purrs like a kitty at idle. Hoping to add some mods to her in the near future and toying with my brain of a reto mod of a Combined 70's and 90's look. Tried to upload a video so you could hear it run but couldn't find how to insert a youtube video. Willing to try if if some ne could educate me.
  24. 4 points
    Now I understand why the outside is so neat, everything is in the garage. Its like a lot of homes, real tidy just don't open any closet doors.
  25. 4 points
    Good to know... as I just set up another mini-plow Horse here today. Can't wait to get some seat time on this little guy before the season ends.
  26. 4 points
    This letter was sent by the kanes announcing the first WHCC show. It included several maps. Don Kane, Jeff Kane, and Ed Cole of Toro Corporation, were instrumental in getting started what we all look forward to today, twenty years after the first show. Click the photo below.
  27. 3 points
    Due to the recent temp. increase here in Pa. that has been melting the snow, the increasing river flow has blown up the Ice cover. The Safe Harbor Hydro Dam has the ice backed up and is preventing any downstream movement. As the ice keeps coming downstream it simply pushes it further on to shore. I grabbed a few pics today before the roads are closed.
  28. 3 points
    Well give it a whirl ... just make sure you rub ONLY the lamp!!
  29. 3 points
    Not a good motor Jim, it had a stuck valve with a mountain of carbon around it and the crank had lots of aluminum stuck to it from it being seized up and the muffler was completely rotted on the face so I put a new face on it and I had to repair the back in four spots As it had holes in it as well. I hope you’re right about the genie I think I’m going to try it !
  30. 3 points
    I've got a set you can have for free @bunson70. They would need tubes but are useable yet .... PM me if interested.
  31. 3 points
    Mr apples, scroll up 'n read goodywoodshoes explanation
  32. 3 points
  33. 3 points
    None of them! That one drop of water won't even cover the bottom of # 1. If it is a continuous flow then # 5 would fill first.
  34. 3 points
    I dunno Lowell seems like a waste of a good motor not to mention the shower head muff..... Oh I get it rub the lamp & a genie pops out anf grants you wishes for more mufflers and horses!
  35. 3 points
  36. 3 points
    Don't matter... it's all artwork to me. Post 'em if you got 'em. .
  37. 3 points
    My shop has seriously turned into a 1-man path of hazards and some of this stuff is really heavy/delicate - it's at the point no one else is allowed to go in there and has to stay at the doorway, lol. Wife says too much "junk" - I say not enough square footage. This is the result of not just too many projects - but too much diversity of projects. Loving to fabricate/weld/machine stuff eats up footage in a hurry and makes everything turn into a stack of important things that can never be found - I regularly lose parts/tools that I know I already have on hand and I hate that. It's gotten nearly impossible to find hardware I've purchased just a few days ago for something that needs attention and that can get expensive at times as most of it is special sized stuff or odd parts. I have to get that stupid Clausing done and in service - it's taking up half the shop and in so many pieces I'm not even sure the parts book I have will be enough to put it together at this point. Not to mention - there are several parts that still need rebuilt to make it serviceable again, it's going to take the rest of the winter at least and some parts aren't even close to being painted and finished. Ugh, never should have taken this one on - would have been better off getting a more expensive and possibly updated machine, but this one has a lot of class and should be more than adequate, if I can just get rid of the flu and get in the shop to finish it. I envy those with the clean work spaces and organization - I just never seem to have the time nor space for that...grr. Sarge
  38. 3 points
    Okay well you see what you did there Pete? You won. You have officially become a Semi-Pro multi-tasker. That sounds like something that may have been by Confucius. Or maybe his cousin, confusion.
  39. 3 points
    It takes me a couple turns and several high steps to even get to the back of my shed. It’s an acrobatic dance. Just hope you don’t forget something and have to go back out or you have to do the dance all over again. I have slowly been tossing stuff out. Slowly
  40. 3 points
    I hope to be! Don’t want to miss out on the pre show festivities
  41. 3 points
    I got my 15" LED light bar at Walmart. I'm very happy with it. It's super bright and lights up a large area in front. I figured if I didnt like it it would be easy to return but I'm keeping it. $45 They also sell a 20" - 24" version.
  42. 3 points
    Josh, once again you all are welcome, and tell Claudia good eye, if I recall correctly the PTO brake should be set with a feelers gauge. 020"-.025" clearance ,it's in the owner's manual and I've myself only done it a few times, Jeff.
  43. 3 points
    Great that's six grandkids, your gona need more horses🐎
  44. 3 points
    When ever I purchase I have a discussion with the previous owner...... whenever he flinches, and/or looses eye contact with me ...... I know that area will be needing immediate attention t.... One item I didn't see above is whether the charging system on the new purchase works properly ...... this is usually a not easily fixed important function......
  45. 3 points
    If I stepped foot in there, everything would fall!
  46. 3 points
    Used a crowbar, heat, BFH, and had been soaking the hitch on the 857 for a few weeks with PB Blaster. Finally started moving on the pin. Boy, was it stuck! Also pulled the head to check the piston, cylinder walls, and valve.
  47. 2 points
    Two weeks of pretty straight work.... but realize this is not a new to me as I have done six or more.... key is always to get the parts you need prior and of course wait until your desire to start and and complete gets to the overflow "getter done" stage......
  48. 2 points
    Finally had a chance to mount the 42" blade l refurbished on the 753. 753 is still a work in progress, but it will be a great addition to the work crew.
  49. 2 points
    Hello, I was tired of the circuit continually loosing ground and m-matched tail lights! I went into the circuit and also bypassed the "pain in the butt seat safety switch"! You can see the jumper on the seat switch plug and I added ground to chassis in green/black 14ga. I tell ya, what a difference, well worth the 9 bolts to remove the fender pan! Of coarse I tested the circuit before I put it back together.......Now it's all electrical/mechanically sound can't wait to restore the paint & decals this Spring!
  50. 2 points
    Caught mine waiting for next snowstorm . Rear tires are loaded and ready !
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