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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/21/2018 in Posts

  1. 14 points
    Due to the recent temp. increase here in Pa. that has been melting the snow, the increasing river flow has blown up the Ice cover. The Safe Harbor Hydro Dam has the ice backed up and is preventing any downstream movement. As the ice keeps coming downstream it simply pushes it further on to shore. I grabbed a few pics today before the roads are closed.
  2. 9 points
    Well Guy's, another Grand Daughter was Born last Wednesday, Farmer Alex has 2 Daughters now & 2 step Sons, I have 4 Grand Daughters & 2 Step Grand Sons. When you see Farmer Alex at Big Show, go shake his hand & say Sorry BRF is your Dad LOL Here's Cheyanne Mae Siegfried, Running out of Knee's to hold my Grand Kids,
  3. 8 points
    I have areas of my drive that I can never seem to clean to the concrete because of the blade floating. I like to have the float because I also have a gravel area, and for piling the snow. I have been thinking it would be nice to have a lift link that would allow float, but could be easily pinned to provide down pressure. It was sunny, in the 40's here in Michigan Saturday so it was a good tractor day. This is what I have come up with. With a pin in the hole, we have push, with no pin it's float I'm going to add a spring to keep the link pulled back to the frame when in float
  4. 8 points
    Put some New headlights on my worker C125 today...bright little things too...can't wait to try them out after dark
  5. 8 points
    OK not super scientific but I think they are a whole lot brighter. She and the blower horse side by side ..guess which of the last two pics is the LED
  6. 7 points
    As mentioned I have two more. A C-81 that that was given to me by a friend of the family and a Raider 12 that I picked up near the NC SC line. The C-81 runs and drives good but needs major wiring work and the raider came with a rebuilt 14 hp Kohler that broke the cam when the PO tried to start it. I swapped in my trusty HH 100 and it works great.
  7. 7 points
    I have toyed with adding some better lights to one of my snow horses., Charger 12 Got a pair of the LEDs Sarge mentioned ($15.00 a pair) however I dindn't want to drill any holes or otherwise damage a very nice hood. Magnets might not be secure enough. Came up with this idea yesterday while I was taking a break from my Sundstrand Motion control arm problem. Found I had a piece of 22ga sheet steel. That would be kind of thin so I cut out two pieces with a hand nibbler. Removed the existing headlight assembly and used the 6 holes to secure the double plate. Put some fender washers on the mounting bolt to spread the load. Got it together and discovered because the grill slants back I couldn't get the lights aimed up far enough, had to turn them over. (and drill a third pass though for the wire). Will put some sealant around the wire entrance. Lights aim slightly out from center as the hood is a bit rounded but that will not be a big issue. These are mostly "To be better seen" lights i don't plow that much in the dark.
  8. 7 points
    I went today to look at a plow, disc, midmount grader blade and sickle bar. Only problem the guy would only sell it all or nothing. And i really wanted everything except sickle bar. So I ended up getting it all. Probably end up selling the sickle bar.
  9. 6 points
    Finally had a chance to mount the 42" blade l refurbished on the 753. 753 is still a work in progress, but it will be a great addition to the work crew.
  10. 6 points
    I spent some time cleaning up parts, cleaning grease off to make sand blasting go easier, and welding up unwanted holes & cracks. One said project was the battery box. The rear strap was worn pretty thin and there was one of the strap bolts missing. A 5/16" pilot drill bit works great for drilling out spot welds to separate parts. It allows you to only drill through the top piece of metal and not through the second piece. This is the method that I used to remove the old strap from the battery box. After I made the new strap I drilled holes through it at about the location of the old spot welds and did a blind weld through the hole to attach my new piece. For the bolts on the other end I heated some 1/4" stock and flattened about a 1/2" inch on one end. Then cut it to length, threaded it and welded it in place. As long as I was replacing one, I decided to replace them both. After sand blasting the front rims I was graced with this wonderful surprise. Now I have other rims and I could have just as easily chucked this one, but where's the fun in that. Instead I decided to see if I could fix it. Every time that I touched it with the welder, the holes got bigger until I finally found some good metal. I did what I call noodle welding for a while and then I was able to get some good beads going. I was finally able to get the holes closed up and then it was grinder time. It was pretty time consuming, but here's the end result. A couple coats of urethane primer should take out the last little imperfections. I also made a new belt brake for bottom of the guard, some thing that I should have done before disassembly I guess. Which leads me to a question. Does anyone know what the distance from the edge of the guard to the end of the bottom belt brake is? I want to make sure that I have it positioned correctly before I weld it. Now to sit down & watch some of @stevasaurus's video's before I tear the tranny down.
  11. 6 points
    This letter was sent by the kanes announcing the first WHCC show. It included several maps. Don Kane, Jeff Kane, and Ed Cole of Toro Corporation, were instrumental in getting started what we all look forward to today, twenty years after the first show. Click the photo below.
  12. 6 points
    How about free hand "cartoon" art work?...Jeff
  13. 6 points
    What fun is that? I spent a good while last night and after church this morning hunting for my torque wrench. When I found it, it was like Christmas all over again!
  14. 6 points
    No...it's a PETA (People who Eat Tasty Animals)...special deluxe.
  15. 6 points
    Nice job on the lights...Look great! Here in Michigan they used to mean a special in aisle 8 at K-mart...
  16. 5 points
    Nice pair....and a $300 seat on the Raider.
  17. 5 points
    Put the lights on the cab, linear actuator on the chute deflector, little heat and a chute crank extension. Motorized chute rotator later. Predicting about 10" of wet and heavy Monday.
  18. 5 points
    Hello, I was tired of the circuit continually loosing ground and m-matched tail lights! I went into the circuit and also bypassed the "pain in the butt seat safety switch"! You can see the jumper on the seat switch plug and I added ground to chassis in green/black 14ga. I tell ya, what a difference, well worth the 9 bolts to remove the fender pan! Of coarse I tested the circuit before I put it back together.......Now it's all electrical/mechanically sound can't wait to restore the paint & decals this Spring!
  19. 5 points
    Hey Josh will this work, just a lil sumthin an ole hillbilly whipped up in about an hour or so, Jeff.
  20. 5 points
    Tractor finally with me here in Somerset, UK As far as I can tell she's very original. Belgium built, and from the model number I think a 1977 B-100 long frame (or C-100?) badged as a Raider 10 8-Speed. Runs well but muffler rusted out so I think she'll be getting a vertical stack soon, along with a lighting kit, and a service.
  21. 5 points
    @ACmanThose custom decals are super cool!!! Caleb saw those and wanted some like them for JackRabbit. I’ll have to speak with @Vinylguy about this. I know one of you on here must be a cartoon artist. I’d like to have a drawing made that looks like a 418 with a Jack rabbit driving that looks kinda like a Rat Fink drawing from back in the day. If I could get the right look, I’d have it put on to vinyl and place it on the back of the seat. Then with custom tractor decals that say 418 Commercial would be awesome! I’m open to other graphic ideas though. It will be summer before we would repaint him and re letter...
  22. 5 points
    Blue lights against the law in Michigan also. I picked blue color because of that. We only have 10 houses on our street so if the cops want to pull in my drive and give me a ticket that's OK. We have Oakland County as our police and they are all pretty good guys. K-Mart used to be my favorite store. Now it's Harbor Freight.
  23. 4 points
    No no no, It didn't snow here in Pee Aaa. It's 55 degrees and sunny. So I felt it would be a good day to remove another one of my dead spruce trees. She fell as planned, missing my holly tree and my neighbors lamp pose and rail fence. The 312 plow tractor was selected to drag the tops to the burn area and it handled the first one although there was some spinning when I got off the stone road and on to the grass that was starting to thaw. The rubber chains on the 312 were just not providing the traction in the mud, so I had to bring out the 520 with the 2 link Vee Bar chains. This did the job in the quickly thawing ground. Anyone have use for a dry 15' spruce saw log....before I cut it up for camp wood? That's 5 down and 15 more to go.
  24. 4 points
    Craig @AMC RULES wanted more "art" so here's some of my high school through 30s renderings, not exactly but from the hand of a WH owner, there's 1 especially for Dan @Achto and a couple for Jeff @ACman and Josh @PeacemakerJack maybe 1 for Jim @elcamino/wheelhorse and of course for anybody who likes them, enjoy Jeff.
  25. 4 points
    @WVHillbilly520H I can’t even draw a good stick man! That is sweet!!! now we have to bring @Vinylguy on board and see what we need to do to make a rendering like that a reality on vinyl on the JackRabbit... Jeff—
  26. 4 points
    I believe Jeff the ACman got them through Wal-Mart.com as HI-RUN brand pretty sure the Trac Gard (N-766) brand I got off are same tire re-branded, if you watch enough you can get all 4 $150 free shipping they just show up banded together looking like triangles, Jeff.
  27. 4 points
    See, I knew that Craig was secretly like the rest of us! Still looks pretty organized to me!
  28. 4 points
  29. 4 points
    Thanks guys, I can assure you... it's quite the opposite of my garage right now.
  30. 4 points
  31. 4 points
    Magic indeed Tractors beautifully clean And shiny grass very green Place all tidy ---------------------------- If you wanna be a poet Eric, You gotta fix your last line.
  32. 4 points
    Just a thought... Hunt around on the farm sale sites, FB sale posts and stuff like that for some metal siding, sometimes you can get it free or close to free. Drywall loves to collect moisture in an outside building like that and will eventually rot out and fall apart. It all depends on how well you do the vapor barrier as with any interior side of an outside wall. Metal siding has one big benefit - it won't burn and if you ever plan to use a grinder or welder in there - something to think about. I've seen too many people lose a garage or shed from sparks getting caught in the paper surface of drywall, smolder unseen for hours and then burn the thing to the ground later after they leave. My rule when doing any hot work is a 30 minute period before leaving - and a close inspection for anything smoldering before I turn out the lights. Twice I've caught stuff very faintly smoldering from grinder or welder sparks in places you'd never think of - it's scary to think what would have happened if I hadn't stuck around for awhile. All the safety requirements I have to deal with at work are a pain in the butt, but they make sense more than you'd think - especially at home. First thing I'd install once the inside walls are done is a good fire extinguisher mounted just inside the door - it's not good to have to use one or the expense, but if you don't have the result is far worse. Just something to think about - most people don't think much about this type of thing but after a hard lesson or two - it stays in mind a lot better, lol. Sarge
  33. 4 points
    Is that truck called the "Trappers Delight"? 😜
  34. 4 points
    Me too. I have to show my rear window as well... I always clean the glass or painted surface, then I use a spray bottle filled with water and a few drops of dish washing detergent. I spray the receiving surface, then the adhesive side of the decal. Makes placement and adjusting simple. I used to have an office next door to a truck lettering business. I have watched literally hours of vinyl application, and that is the way they did it.
  35. 4 points
    Love the grader. Have one but, on my Allis-Chalmer. Allis now has a hood, headlamps a 16 hp Briggs. Runs very well. One of my sons takes a test run. My Horse needs one. Grandson then does the packing. Uses a roller or better yet, the packer!
  36. 4 points
    Didn't do much with them today but had them out to warm up and charge the batteries up!
  37. 3 points
    Ooooooooh yeah.... someone should start up an old model build thread here.
  38. 3 points
    Thanks I added the seat and the NOS front mule drive mount. Both prices were lucky finds
  39. 3 points
    I go across the Susquehanna route 30 bridge to school every day and the ice keeps getting higher from the backup. Looks really cool when the ice is all choppy.
  40. 3 points
  41. 3 points
    Thanks for the idea @Sarge, I hadn't though of doing it that way, but it is a good idea. And I know all too well about having a fire extinguisher handy, I was sure glad a couple months back when the old F250 backfired through the carb and caught fire that I keep one in every vehicle, only thing that was damaged was the throttle cable, cheap easy fix that would have been much worse had I not had an extinguisher close by. And @ebinmaine more like 45-50 around here lol, at 15 above I'm in my insulated bibs with my heavy coat over them directly in front of the heater cussing the cold
  42. 3 points
    Another great Michigan idea!!!
  43. 3 points
    Here's the PETA special... from a local C/L ad.
  44. 3 points
    ACman that's quite the shoot on that thar blower you got.
  45. 3 points
  46. 3 points
    sooo... what... like ... 15 degrees Above zero? Shed/shop looks great sir!
  47. 3 points
    I try to stay organized. I do. Really. And every once in a while I succeed.... for a few minutes.....
  48. 3 points
    IMO if the bushings worked for 30+ years then replacing them should be good for another 30, plus they can easily be replaced. Take this opinion with a grain of salt since those measurements posted can't be seen on the tape measure I use. Another thing to consider may be the use of thrust bearings between the spindle arm and cast axle instead of using the thrust washer. The axle may need to be shaved for them to fit but it will eliminate another wear point and help with ease of steering. Thanks for sharing the story of your horse!
  49. 3 points
    You said you have 25 volts on each lead. Are checking with one probe on one lead and the other to ground? You should be checking the voltage across both leads. Red probe on one lead, black on the other. Make sure the meter is in the AC mode.
  50. 3 points
    Ed can you mail it to me ??
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