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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/15/2017 in Posts

  1. 18 points
    Picked up this Nylint Wheel Horse delivery truck.
  2. 14 points
    So my current tool box is loaded and a couple drawers don’t always close unless I make sure everything in it is completely flat. Scored this US General tool-box setup a couple weeks ago on Craigslist. I was jumping on a plane to Florida so my neighbor shot up into Massachusetts to grab it for me ( thanks @Docwheelhorse ). This new one is 77” wide and 61” tall when the lid is closed!! Looks like I’ll be doing some tool shopping soon! First on my list is a nice set of gear/ratcheting type wrenches. Also need to get the stickers off it 😡...not a fan.
  3. 13 points
    Tough acts to follow here fellas but I'll give it a shot. Graduated high school in 1977 where I was had a real good job for a young kid at a small appliance shop repairing and reconditioning stoves, refrigerators washing machines you name it The owner was an old guy set to retire and wanted me and his 2nd in command to take over the business. Said I was a natural at appliance repair and it broke his heart when I had to tell him I had signed up for the Navy before I even was out of high school. Figured if I didn't go out and see the world now I never would so at the tender young age of 17 1/2 I found myself in boot camp in Great lakes IL. Somewhere along the line and I have no idea why I signed up to get in submarines. Got shipped off to basic enlisted submarine school in Groton CT. Graduated that with ease and commendations from the CO for helping out other students figuring out what hydraulics and 400 cycle power was! Didn't mean much as I still got shipped out to my first seagoing command the USS Andrew Jackson SSBN 619 Gold crew where I started out as a real greenhorn! Was still a fireman recruit but was promptly told by a salty old Chief Petty officer if I was savvy enough to make it through sub school I better get some stripes on my sleeve! Spent my first patrol mess cooking, 2nd patrol on the deck gang where I did become qualified in submarines which is a HUGH accomplishment for all submariners. From ther on up the rest was gravy and seven patrols later was considered a "heavy" meaning you knew every system on the boat forwards and backwards and what every single switch, valve and lever did and had more time in the reactor compartment than most guys did in the head. Even the captain would go to a heavy when he wanted to know what was going on on his boat. Left that command as an Interior Communications Electrician 2nd class and did short stints as a base master at arms, damage control instructor and @Sparky's favorite, sub trainer instructor chief of the watch and maintenance tech. Those things were awesome then Sparky can't imagine what they are like now! Back then everything was analog, we hadn't quite entered the digital age so I was a whiz at servos, syncros and control transformers. Was offered promotion to 1st class and any duty station anywhere in the world but decided to get out and come home. I loved CT, submarines and the places I lived but much like Dorothy said there's no place like home. Bad decision at the time, came home to a high unemployment rate and couldn't find a job washing dishes. Found a brief job building huge machine tools but got promptly laid off when orders slumped. Went to back to school briefly and enlisted in the Naval Reserves. Was about to pack my bags again and head back to New England where I was offered a lucrative job with Raytheon a well known defense contractor. Met a guy in the reserves who offered me a job working on farms and servicing and installing milking and other farm machinery equipment. Fixing manure pumps stunk and the pay was lousy but it was money. Shoulda moved back east! Mean while time in the reserves flew by and before I knew it I had fifteen years in so I decided to stick it out for the long haul. I was set to make Chief Petty Officer but going through a particular nasty divorce in 2001 and my kids needed their dad every weekend. Retired in 2001 as an IC1(ss) as a Master Damage Control Instructor @ Naval Reserve Center Green Bay, WI. Not a regret though as I got to work and cruise on just about every type ship made on many military bases all over the world. including stints in Germany, Hawaii, New Orleans just to name a few. I was then offered a job installing furnaces for better pay but after two years got laid off. Promptly got another job where I cut my teeth on large commercial & high end residential HVAC work. Ten years flew by and in 1997 I was offered a job by my old boss who was going to retire and wanted me to manage his business. The rest they say is history and after 20 years running a Lennox dealership again no regrets. Pay is enough now that I am an empty nester with enough moolah to buy nice sno shovels for the Missus and put a few horses in the Barn! Sorry no pics but I may have a few pics of subs I may have to scan (can we still do that? ) and edit in. You guys would like those. BTW Dan @Achto I still say those air cleaners on that genny are disguised missile launchers!
  4. 12 points
    Who cares this way get to know each other better. This helps me learn more about people I have met at the Big Show and others I would like to meet. I have say that basically all my life I have been an introvert . I don't like crowds , meeting people or joining groups. Until my First Big Show I would have never dreamed of attending like that. Look what happen you and squonky cracked my shell , and I can now say I have many friends in the world today.
  5. 12 points
    Well, I'm going to have to do this in Chapters. Chapter 1: I started out painting stick figures in caves on the walls...tales of hunting beasts that are no more and things like that. When we discovered fire, we kind of got away from hunter/gatherer and started growing crops. We discovered fermentation, which took some time, and that is how civilization started...no more nomads. This went on for some time. It was hard work, but invention was the mother. The invention of the wheel ruined everything...people lost their jobs...recession...soup lines. It took many years for it all to even out, but we survived. End chapter 1.
  6. 11 points
    There are those times when you see a thread and think, “that’s a great idea!” Thanks @Professor1990 for thinking of this one! I’m enjoying it. As a teen, my first job was working on my grandpas dairy farm which is, as mentioned above, a jack of all trades start to life. I’ve always enjoyed all things mechanical and thought for sure in high school that one day I would operate my own auto repair shop. However, that wasn’t what I was supposed to do for a life’s work. My parents built a house the summer between my junior and senior years of high school and that was my first real interaction with residential construction. I loved it. However, the year before that, I took my first missions trip to Eastern Europe (just shortly after the wall had come down) and it gave me a desire to minister to others. So starts my story of dual vocations... After high school I spent the summer in Belarus, a small country on the northwestern corner of Russia, as a short term missionary doing: construction, mechanical work, evangelism, you name it. I had a great time and it cemented in my heart the importance of reaching out to others. When I arrived home from that, I needed to find something to keep me busy while putting change in my pockets and so I looked for a job—in the classifieds of the newspaper (Al Gore hadn’t invented the internet yet). The local lumber yard had an opening and landed a job within a week. Little did I know that the time spent there learning that part of the construction industry would help me immensely a decade later when I had my own construction business. Looking at @ebinmaine pics of his delivery trucks, it makes me think of all the time I had behind the wheel in those years. Our company didn’t have a Moffet back then but those things are SUPER handy for deliveries to my sites today! I’m very thankful for them. My heart was still in ministry and I went Bible Institute for 3 years and got my degree in pastoral ministries thinking that I’d be a missionary or pastor within a couple of years. Meanwhile, I had an opportunity to begin work as an apprentice carpenter. I spent 5 years getting my training, and then my boss retired. Next thing I know, my buddy and I are setting up our own construction company. That has been my bread and butter for the last 17 years but all the while I’ve been ministering to the youth (primarily the teens) at our local church. They chose me as the youth pastor about 7 years ago and I’ve been faithfully ministering to teens trying to prepare them to face the world of adulthood which seems more confusing and complex today than it has ever been... When people know me only in the construction realm dressed like this... doing stuff like this... they can hardly believe it is me if they happen to see me in my “Sunday best”... I really enjoy building homes and general carpentry but my heart will always be in ministry. What i enjoy about the GT hobby is that it gives me the opportunity to work on the mechanical things that I have enjoyed since a child without the expense and space constraints that is incurred in some other types of mechanical related hobby’s. Most of all, You guys make this hobby even more special and interesting and I’m glad to call some of you (who I’ve had the opportunity to meet) my friends and look forward to meeting more and making more friendships in the future as our paths cross.
  7. 11 points
    First, I want to thank Bryce @Professor1990 for starting this thread. I have really enjoyed reading the posts and learning a little more about the members I feel I have known for several years. I am amazed by the diversity of all the occupations and how this common interest in these red tractors has brought us together. So, for my story: I was born and raised in the Appalachia Mountains in Somerset County in SW Pa. My Dad had a small trucking business (3-5 trucks). He mainly hauled Jeeps from Toledo Ohio to the docks in Baltimore, Md. He also had a dump truck for home delivery of coal to Cumberland, Md. and a logging truck that we mainly used for hauling paper wood to the paper mills in Keyser, W Va. and Luke, Md. My Grandad had a small farm where he raised hogs, beef, and chickens. He also had three hand dug coal mines open on the farm. Both my Dad and Grandad were DIY jacks of all trades, so by the time I was 13, I had experience in farming, butchering, mining, truck driving and repairing, and hunting. After studying Mechanical engineering at Potomac Stat College in Keyser, Va., In 1964 I moved to York, Pa. and took a job with Allis Chalmers Hydro Turbine Co. as a Model Test Technician. While working there, I continued my engineering studies at York College, Penn State, Lehigh and Drexel. After several years, I was responsible for the design, manufacture, and testing of the model hydro turbines. For all the large hydro projects, i.e. Hoover Dam, Grand Coulee, Three Gorges, Yacyreta, Etc., these model contracts are awarded to several turbine manufacturers that do the development and then they are sent to an independent laboratory for competitive testing where the model with the best test results is award the contract for the full size turbines. Much of my work involved inspection of existing power plants to verify and/or correct drawings of the existing equipment so a base line model could be built and tested. The new replacement turbine was then developed in the laboratory. The inspection of these power plants took me (and Mrs K) to sites all over the US, Canada, UK, and Europe. There are three independent labs where I took my models for competitive testing. Lausanne, Switzerland, Graz, Austria, and Ljubljana, Slovenia. So, Mrs K and I spent many months In these cities. Allis Chalmers was sold to Voith Hydro in 1987 and I continued to work for Voith till I retired in 2006. I then continued to work for Voith as a consultant for another 5 years. At the end of my tenure, these "models" were producing ~ 300HP and cost 1-1.3M USD to design, build and test. I was building 6-8/ year.
  8. 10 points
    Where I have worked for last 20+ years SAP was introduced about 4 years ago for maintenance work orders and inventory ect, with the general production population calling it "stop all production", anyways grew up on an old school farm and while in highschool/votech ('87-'89)I took auto mechanics and graduated top of my class but never really took it much farther, first job out was wrenching/painting for the local IH/NewHolland/McCulloch dealer, then on to a independent garage/body shop to spring of '90 then an aluminum tube (IE tooth paste tubes ect) factory as a press operator/expoxy coater technician till winter of '96 then the spring of '97 Walker Muffler factory as press operator/department set-up person for 9 years then moved into the "tool room" to learn the machinist role and CMM operator, now in fixture department building/painting weld fixtures and going to school to be a C.A.D designer of fixtures, Jeff.
  9. 8 points
    What flavor crayon did you find tasted the best? Lt. blue was my fave. White paste tasted like, well white paste. Crayons and Luke warm curdling milk sucked thru a paper straw got me out of 3 rd. grade algebra taught by a nun.
  10. 8 points
    I left out the part about when I was a kid, I blew up model cars for a living!
  11. 8 points
    OK James: First POS car 61 Falcon 170 cu.in. "Stump Puller" 6 3 on the tree. First job: Golf course. Learned how to drive std. on a big Jake Golf course tractor. If I popped the clutch, all the garbage I just picked up would spill out of the trailer and I would have to pick it up again. First job out of college in 79 was at a small Chevy dealer for about $3.50 hr. in change. Worked at different dealerships including an RV dealer until 94. Got tired of flat rate and no work in the shop. Did manage to get my Master Technician award from Chevy and a nice leather jacket that was late arriving due to the SanFrancisco quake. Started at a Napa store and worked there for 10 years. In that time I saw 2 big garages burn down, We went thru 3 owners. Saw my vacation cut in half, bonus & 401K eliminated.Took night HVAC classes to get my Refrigeration EPA Cert. Started at the local Hospital. Worked there for 13 yrs. Got up to Mechanic 3. Did Boilers, Cooling Towers, Pneumatic Tube Transfer systems like the banks use in drive thrus, Building automation, All the Chillers and AHU's, Kitchen Equipment. Got tired of the politics and nepotism and got a state job at a local Board of Cooperative Education Services as an HVACEngineer. CIVIL SERVICE! Work on an awful lot of kitchen equipment now. Lots of dish machines. But we were on a roof this AM with 0 windchill working on a freezer unit.
  12. 8 points
    Yup Yup Yup. Looking forward to meeting lots of new friends at the Big Show.
  13. 8 points
    I'm an Architect with IBM Cloud specializing in SAP applications, but I take care of a website here and there for kicks.
  14. 7 points
    Hello. . . All Did not see a similar thread, so I thought this might be a fun / Humorous thread for some creative input While completing a recent restoration on a 1961 Suburban ( my first wheel Horse) I got to thinking . . . . I do that occasionally People Name their Horses - Do you guys name your Wheel Horse's While admiring my restoration this evening . . . . . I decided she needed a name, and "PURDY" The Wheel Horse called to me / came to mind. I included the fished pics and a couple before pictures . . . . Sort of a Cinderella story for Old "Purdy" SOOOOOOO . . . . Lets hear what you named YOUR Wheel Horse and Lets see some pictures If you haven't named your HORSE Maybe it is about dam time ya do, OR if your struggling with a name post up a few pictures and let the users help ya Name it I would Like to now introduce you to "PURDY" my Wheel Horse . . . . . . . . Let the fun begun . . . .
  15. 7 points
    Without a doubt, this is my favorite reason to have a wheelhouse! ❄ Or wheelhorse
  16. 7 points
    Chapter 3: I knew that building pizzas and saving girls from drowning at the city pool would not last forever. It was with much remorse that I left those professions and pursued a job at a Sinclair service station (the dinosaur is in my blood). Did you know that the gas tank on a VW bug is in the front under the bonnet. One of the 1st things I learned my 1st day on that job. During my 3 years at that service station, I learned how to rebuild 6 and 8 cylinder engines, change tires and balance wheels, talk to customers, wash windshields, gas weld and braze. Oh, and during this time I also managed to get a 2 year Associate degree at the Elgin Community College. I was also voted "Most Valuable" on their 1968 swim team. (very proud of that). End of Chapter 3
  17. 7 points
    This is a really great thread , glad @Professor1990 started it . It is very interesting to see how folks started out and what they do now. "You can't judge a book by its cover " or amount of grease under their finger nails unless it is @squonk and @Big_Red_Fred. Ok you two , what are your stories and also @stevasaurus.
  18. 7 points
    I thought it was a guard to keep idiots from losing a hand, so I took mine off so I could reach in there and carefully unclog the spinning auger.
  19. 7 points
    Great read Jack....Thanks for sharing your world.
  20. 7 points
    I'm thinking you need to hide a few video cameras in the house and garage so you can capture the whole surprise!
  21. 7 points
    Glad you guys are enjoying the thread...I too find it interesting the diversity of our members... I too consider myself a Jack of all trades...My first job in high school was for a local farmer...done everything from taking care of his cattle to harvesting wheat and driving grain trucks...even did some repair and maintenance work on his equipment. Then my senior year of high school I was in the welding shop one afternoon and the owner of a local oilfield service came by...he took one look at my welding and I was immediately hired after school and on weekends to work as a fabricator in his shop. After graduation I was going in the Navy, but took a temporary summer position with the county until I shipped out...made it through 4 weeks of training before I was medically separated due to a knee injury from years back flaring up again. Upon returning home, I worked for a short while as a janitor/maintenance man for the school I graduated from, then in a tire shop, and finally scored another oilfield job doing pretty much the same thing I'm doing now, all the while serving as a volunteer firefighter for my small town. After the oilfield shut down in 09, I worked for a while as a carpenter, then for a salvage yard,and then in a mechanic shop, before opening my own business remodeling houses. Also did some side farm work during this time. In summer of 2014 I was in a bad car accident that left me confined to a wheelchair for a while and ultimately causing me to close the doors on my construction and remodeling business...ended up moving to southeast Oklahoma and working for the Choctaw nation building crates for the military until I could get back on my feet, which is when I purchased my bucket truck and started my own landscaping and tree service. Ironically that business is what got me into Wheel Horse tractors and ultimately led me to here...did that up until the first of the summer when I took the job I am working now
  22. 7 points
    I found some midnight oil time so I stoked up the fire in the garage the other night, and the old girl is purt-neer completed - Still need a couple hole plugs for the dash, and still need to get a safer pulley for the motor output. Proudly displayed the high quality decals from Vinylguy (Thanks Terry) where they belonged, and I decided to Use the cheap Fleabay decals for the plow face and cut the other up for the back. The crappy old little plow came out better then I expected after putting a wear bar on it (never had one before) - I threw in a pic of the lift linkage/ mechanism I made and forgot before. I decided to paint the wear bar on the plow white to accent the wheels - Waddayathink ? So I have a question for all of you . . . . . . . I know people name there horse's - Do you guy's name your wheel horse's? While admiring / marveling in my restoration results this evening. . . . . . I was thinking this old Girls name should be "PURDY" The Wheel Horse Well enough yammering . . . . Here are some more pic's for your viewing enjoyment
  23. 7 points
  24. 7 points
    I have a great position in my company as a CDL-B driver and equipment operator. We supply pretty much anything for the outside of a building. My usual truck is a 22 flat bed with a demountable Moffett forklift. Occasionally a box truck. I do also drive our crane/boom truck. It's a similar truck to this but blue. And it has this crane. HUGE responsibility and I really enjoy it.
  25. 6 points
  26. 6 points
    Was Rock and Rye around back then?
  27. 6 points
    Chapter 2: We had a thing called school...after doing stick figures in caves for (we did not have a calendar yet) some time...I did well in finger painting and a new thing called Crayons. Everyone knew that I would be OK in life. I tried like heck to make them proud. Then in High School...I found my 1st job. I was 16 and had a license...delivering Pizzas. I got to know short order cooking, washing dishes, making pizzas and all the short cuts around town. During that summer, I had some free time. Since, cents, sense I was on the swim team, it made prefect since, cents, since that I apply for being a Life Guard at the near by city pool. What a great summer that was...all the pizza I wanted and all the girls hanging around at the pool. I should end Chapter 2 here.
  28. 6 points
  29. 6 points
    My first job was washing dishes for three Italian brothers... nuff said...ruined me for life.
  30. 6 points
    @AMC RULES Craig your turn . Since @stevasaurus started chapter one , and it sounds like my start. @squonk First job with a paycheck ( from the world's worst Burger Join - Hamburger cost $0.15) paid $1.00 per hour late 1964 ,first car at the same time frame 1953 Chrysler 4 door something (POS) with some thing called fluid drive ( I think ) had a clutch petal which had to be used for 1 st and reverse. 2nd and 3rd you shifted into without clutch.
  31. 6 points
  32. 6 points
    Retired or not, You don't have enough time for my story Jim!
  33. 6 points
    I don't name my until they won't start or something breaks. Can't print those names.
  34. 6 points
    I plowed 7 hours, but from the cab of a different horse. My '01 2500HD. Got a 9'2" boss V plow and a 16' swing wing back blade. It's 8' wide with 4' independent wings that can open to parallel with the main blade and close to 90°. I do the majority of my work with the back blade, it's great for 16' driveways I have a 2" hitch receiver in the plow that I line up with the center of the garage door and pull it all away. Then just clean up with the V plow. I tried to use the back blade for pushing my parking lot piles into a pile in reverse last year and bent my linkages like they were soft tacos. It's still not perfectly straight! Some day I'll revamp it to open the wings up to maybe 45° back for easier windrowing of long drives.
  35. 6 points
    Nope, never drove that rig Jim. A Ford N/P Super Major tractor towing a three wagon train of baled hay was the biggest rig I ever drove. I think that is a picture of the Aswan High Dam runner that we trucked to Pittsburg, Pa. where a ramp was built so the entire 300 Ton rig could be driven on to a special barge. It was then towed down the Ohio river, across the big pond to Egypt, and right up the Aswan River to the dam site. My oldest son Mark, although he doesn't drive the truck, as Manager of Voith Field Service, he is responsible for the installation of all Voith Hydro projects in North and South America.
  36. 6 points
    I retired a little over a year ago but I drove these for a fertilizer and chemical company since 1989. Now I work for these guys.
  37. 5 points
    Chapter 6: Did I say that I am an Eagle Scout?? 35 years at Illinois Bell...10 years as a Lineman...25 years as a cable splicer. Ran Ditch Witch and Vermeer trenchers, bull dozers and back hoes...drove 14 speed road rangers with 20' trailers through Chicago. Spliced 3600 pair cables...loved my 1992 Dodge bucket truck. Know how to beat in and solder lead sleeves...this is a lost art now. So how does this all tie together?? 1. My cooking skills have led to my girlish figure. all the sand is on the bottom. 2. My swimming days...my heartbeat is still around 60...and except for my arthritis...pretty healthy. 3, My Navy training made it possible for me to find Elcamino at the show 2 years ago. 4. My Sinclair days and phone company days made it possible for me to get into transmissions and engines on the horses. 5. When you put it all together...I have been very fortunate to find a group like this that lets me share all I have learned and still lets me keep learning with them. I thank you all for this. I am very lucky to have found a home with this group of people from all over the world. HOW IT ALL STARTED
  38. 5 points
    My 1st Job in 1972 was stocking shelves at Kinneys Shoes & pulling my Dad's boot out of my azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Jimmy, he also said 2 Buzzards bumped Butts & i fell out between them ! Thanks Dad Geese
  39. 5 points
    Now the man is Uncle Sam... seems little has changed. Still hoping...I make it out alive.
  40. 5 points
    Here's Mike again, still snowing, starting to taper off, about 3 inches on the ground. He's having to much fun. Won't even let me on the seat for a bit,dad wants fun to. My turn will come, soon enough. Glenn
  41. 5 points
    @Sparky Don't go shopping in Sears for tools. Went to the local mall Sears store to purchase a friend a gift( tool related of course) . The shelves were almost bare. Bought him a set of gear wrenches which surprisingly still have the life time guarantee . The tool department was a sad sight. I do like your new tool box, it is bigger than my shed.
  42. 5 points
    The first and second picture shows how short to the cab interior. Ok, installation complete. Now the crank handle extends INTO cab, through the correct opening. ??...A WARM hand makes for operating comfort...better than sticking my claw into the snow. Wallfish, that's Cause it was only a packing slip, not a bill. I paid by credit card, when I get it, I will tell you exactly, but I recall the chute extension about 22 bucks, the other pieces maybe 16 bucks and around fifteen to ship Glenn
  43. 5 points
    Ha !! I'd say ya "followed" alright.... What's wrong with buyin' YOU a nice shovel !!?? C'mahn Man... spillitt!
  44. 5 points
    I gotta learn to not talk to you at the local tractor shows 😄 !!
  45. 5 points
  46. 5 points
    I've never named any of mine - always just referred to them by their model instead . I started with an old 1277 and as the herd grew each model was different until I owned a second 1277 - referred to that one as "Les's 1277" from the previous owner . Otherwise , until recently I've only named one - the '74 D180 is called "Big Ugly" - my wife had hit it on the head as she was used to the 1277's elegant looks in comparison . Maybe that's why everything I've ever touched on it has been a fight - the name made the thing mad...lol . It did win a few battles over the pump , but I won the War overall as it's leak-free now . Sarge
  47. 5 points
    Came home to 2” of the white stuff. Hardly worth breaking out the tractor but my other choice was a shovel 😱 ! Tractor won! This one is s GT-1600/8speed repowered with a Magnum 10. The plow is a newer 48”/ 5 sector 👍 . This is my favorite of all my Wheel Horses!
  48. 5 points
    Most of my work life I worked as a purchasing agent in the following fields ,retail grocery, banking, health insurance ( I really hated that 18 months) and spent 18 years at a Law Firm as the Head of Purchasing . I like spending other peoples money Retired in 2006 when a ladder slipped from under me when coming off my roof. Now I collect my drunk neighbor's beer cans and sell for scrap. Collect my Social Security and check out Red Square daily.
  49. 5 points
    Self Employed Medical Equipment Repair Technician Specializing in Table Top Autoclaves
  50. 5 points
    I am a Millwright (Industrial mechanic) and work for DuPont. We make Freon 123 which is for large commercial chillers. Unfortunately we can't make it after next year because of environmental concerns so plant is shut down at the end of next year. There are two mechanics at our plant (including me) and our main ingredients are Hydrofluoric acid and PCE (basically like a dry cleaning fluid). Raw materials come in on rail cars. They are mixed together and heated with a catalyst at 500 PSI and the end result is freon 123 and HCL. The HCL is separated out in distillation columns and basically given away as it is a waste stream. HCL is loaded onto rail cars, 123 is loaded onto rail cars, tanker trucks, and ISO containers. My job is to do all maintenance required to keep the plant running including the rebuild of valves, pumps, piping systems, columns etc. I also maintain the company vehicles and snow removal equipment. Also maintenance hooks up the rail cars and makes sure they are safe to send out on the rails. Because of the toxic nature of the materials (especially the Hydrofluoric acid, a lot of the work is done in a fully encapsulated acid suit with breathing air. That is not a lot of fun at -20 when all you have on your hands is 2 layers of rubber gloves and your face mask fogs and sometimes frosts up so you can't see. Because of the breathing air or respirators that require a good seal to your face, you must be clean shaven at all times. Cleat
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