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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/28/2016 in all areas

  1. 15 points
    Apparently there is a size limit to one post. Another new recruit . . . my buddy's son . . . no going back now Me and the Wheel Horse mascot Mrs. Zeek working the pole . . . Great guy I met for the first time . . . ACman . . . say what you want, but that is an awesome chair, he rocked it Thanks to Karl for springing ($$) for plates for all of us That's right boy, one day you will live this on your own tractor . . .
  2. 14 points
    This is my first wheelhorse! It's a 310-8, i picked it up for 400 buckaroos, and picked up the snowblower attachment for an extra 150. Did i get a good deal or no?
  3. 14 points
    I helped a friend of mine clear an undeveloped lot to place an old Airstream trailer on, I took a Stihl chain saw there to help with the project. His bulldozer operator showed up so i ran to town for him to get a few marking flags to mark the zones he wanted cleared. When I got back later, the saw was missing a nut that tightens the bar. He was cutting some plywood with the saw and the smoke was a'flyin. Scratch one chain. Today, i went to use the saw, and change out the chain, and the entire stud came out of the body of the saw. Stihl surrounds the portion that threads into the saw body with a plastic insert of sorts that is designed to keep it from letting the steel stud welt tight to the insert. I reused the old plastic thread shield, hoping it will still work OK. . First, he used the saw [without permission] that I brought there to use myself. Then, he blamed his nephew for losing the nut. Why he let his nephew even touch that saw is beyond me. Finally, when i tried to take the bar off the saw this morning, I discovered that the nut was cross threaded and both the nut and stud had to be replaced.My best guess is that once the first nut was lost, someone horsed the remaining nut super tight in an effort to keep working. .It cost me at least three hours of work time.this morning. I just hope that the chain saw body will hold up and the saw remains functional, If this friend ever wants me to help him again, my tools are staying home. If he asks to borrow another tool, i will show him the ruined parts and explain to him that i never said anything to him about this incident, but he will need to go to a rental yard because I am not loaning to anyone ever again.
  4. 12 points
    I took these pictures with my phone so they are not great but for those that could not attend may enjoy them. and last but defiantly not least my grandson.
  5. 12 points
    If I catch you speeding again, I will confiscate your li'l tractor and impound it in the magic shed.
  6. 11 points
    Seemed like the biggest & best show yet. Great to see all generations enjoying it.
  7. 11 points
    Hi everyone. First I would like to the say seeing everything from the big show on here I will be there next go around. With that said I will show you what I was up to. I bought my house 4 years ago and it had a 32x40 pole barn. Bad thing it didn't have any electric and its over 200 ft from the house. So I rented a mini excavator and called my electrician friend by the end of the weekend I had electricity in the barn, but I also had a 32inch deep by 18 wide trench in the middle of the yard and the excavator was already returned. So dozer blade back on the 312 (old faithful) and got right to it and it's doing a great job here are the pics.
  8. 10 points
    Quoth William Shakespeare: “Neither a borrower nor a lender be ...
  9. 10 points
  10. 9 points
    Yes , Woodchuck , I can appear and disappear at any moment , I'm using my special MAGIC SHED POWERS !
  11. 9 points
    "Craig, Can you point me to a good alignment shop? " "I don't know Wayne, ask Squonk! "
  12. 9 points
    "There is a Walmart in Chambersburg".
  13. 8 points
    Here's the walk behind that was on eBay. Bought it today, will pick it up this Saturday.
  14. 8 points
  15. 8 points
    Dang it Steve , what was in that cup you gave me last night !
  16. 8 points
    Well you all have some fantastic cameras and got some awesome shots! Mrs. Zeek did the bulk of the pic taking on these while I was socializing and finding ways to blow my secret cash stash . . . it was a great show as usual and it was 50% Wheel Horse and %50 the people you now know. Thanks to Jim & Karen for din,din Saturday night Billy Albright, WHCC club president Karl (nylyon) on far left, JimT & Karen in the red . . . Charlie Culley in the hauler Buckrancher's horsehead peaking over the roof of the gray truck Me & Mrs. Zeeks hut Bud Andrews and I discussing the origination of the coverall and four wheeled tractors (photo credit - rmaynard)
  17. 7 points
    I took quite a few on three different cameras but here are some more scenes from the Big Show !
  18. 7 points
    Just wanted to show the progress on my wife's Gilson. She & I have been working very hard to get it done for a show the 3rd week of July. Here are the photos.
  19. 7 points
    Before my adventure into the Wheel Horse project, my Dad and I built a show quality Fordor Ford Model A. We participated in numerous shows all over Florida. BELIEVE ME when I tell you, the single fastest way to RUIN the friendly feelings and fun at the WHCC show would be to foster serious 'for trophy" competition. PLEASE don't do that!!!!!!!
  20. 7 points
    310-8 is a great worker and you bought it a good price. From the looks of your yard you may need to buy a few more for the kids; they will want their own.
  21. 7 points
    No really.......... How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
  22. 7 points
    Perhaps we could sponsor a Poker Run, participants would go to five separate locations to pick up a card, highest hands win prizes that would be part of the loot that would have been part of the Saturday drawings. To prevent collusion the first card picked up would be at the registration table and would be numbered, as additional cards were picked up that number would be written on each card obtained. It could be done for a fixed period of time, ( 9:00 am to 11:00 am for example) and have a couple of people at each station. Vendors like Glenn Pettit, Bob Maynerd, Fun Engineer and Vinylguy who are members could have a poker card station next to them (manned by volunteers, not them) making the stations easy to find and drawing more people to them (Win-Win). Cost to RedSquare would be a few decks of cards and a few colored magic markers.
  23. 7 points
  24. 6 points
  25. 6 points
    That thing was sweet! He did a real nice job on that BUT, your caption isn't very funny!
  26. 6 points
    Hey buddy I'm a little short for a hot dog....can ya spare a dime???
  27. 6 points
    Dr Oz would say these "Caption This" threads are an indication of PSW (Post Show Withdrawal) which is a sub-symptom of extremely severe cases of WA (Wheelhorse Addiction) and we all know there is no cure!
  28. 6 points
    I'm thinking like John here. You can always vent here if you want, but that does not solve the problem. The problem gets solved when you talk to your friend. Life is a learning experience...don't cheat your friend out of that...let him know how you feel...he may not get it unless you tell him. You are choosing to be angry, there is always a better way to handle things like this. BTW...it took me a long time to learn this.
  29. 6 points
    These dang throttle cables @*&^ !!!!!!! Or......I adjusted the vise grips too tight!
  30. 6 points
    WOW!!! What a show!!! I am truly amazed at what I saw this year. The creativity of some members is unbelievable!!! When I think back since my first show in 2008 and see the friendships that have developed and that I am a part of, the restored tractors that have been around for all these years and continue to perform as original as the day they left the showroom floor or in some cases better than original, the comraderie and compassion of grown men playing with these tractors, the exchanging of ideas and parts to keep these tractors performing as new and sometimes better then new, the modifications to improve and enhance there performance and longevity. The Wheel Horse brand is truly a thing of beauty!!! Thank you Cecil Pond and may you rest in peace!!! Thank you to the Wheel Horse Collectors Club and Red Square for all that you do to make this hobby what it is today!!!
  31. 6 points
    Gotta get this out of here before the owner gets back. Dang Harbour Freight lock pick set.
  32. 6 points
    No Eldon, thank you and all the other board members and WHCC members that made that one heck of a show!! The WHCC does a fantastic job of keeping that a safe, fun and family-friendly environment. I commend and applaude you (them) for that! Looking forward to a return visit, whatever year I can make that work!
  33. 6 points
    Any resemblance is purely coincidental. Although at times I have had the nickname of Grizzly, those who know me tend to call me Silverback more often these days, here is pic of the real McCoy:
  34. 6 points
    Again this year I was not able to attend the show. I want to thank you all for the pictures you posted. They are great and the next best thing to being there. THANK YOU THANK YOU Marvin
  35. 6 points
    I didn't know Smokey the Bear was at the show?
  36. 6 points
    @stevasaurus I only got three pictures at the show so I'll add one to yours. This picture is right after the tractor raffle. Couldn't believe how fast the place cleared out after the raffle. If you don't mind Jeff, I will name these guys. Standing...Zeek, Casual Observer, Fun Engineer, RMaynard, Aldon, JoeBob, Ranger13148, Squonk, Stevasaurus, Fireman In Front...ACMan, 953Nut
  37. 5 points
    What a Smokin deal.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! your gonna want a plow.........maybe 42 inch?? then weights...amd chains anyone tell him about the bigger shed part yet??? lolool and Welcome to the Square.!!!!!
  38. 5 points
    POKER RUN is an excellent idea!!!!!! Plus every member can participate, not just 520 owners. One nice thing about the WHCC show is that there is NO judging. EVERY tractor there is just as important as the one next to it and so on down the line. If they were judging customs this year, I probably wouldn't have even bothered to build that bike in time once I saw Bob Rock's stuff. Or that stretched D200 (but saw that one AT the show.) Or quite a few others that were there too! But just a "gathering", I'd be sure to bring something every time.
  39. 5 points
    Thank you so much Wayne...for the variable drive pulley set up you fabbed up for me.
  40. 5 points
  41. 5 points
    It takes us a good week to wind down after the show. This show may take a little longer...a lot of great people and excellent weather...it was a great time this year.
  42. 5 points
    I guess that makes you the Don !
  43. 5 points
    Squonk, I saw that picture this morning and I thought it would make a good "Caption This" Aldon, like it or not, you are in the family now.
  44. 5 points
    I've been driving all night, my hand's wet on the wheel. There's a voice in my head that drives my heel. Yadi, yada, yadi yada, And it's half past 4 and I'm shifting gears. I gotta get out of here before they see this umbrella.
  45. 5 points
    Or, since he IS your friend just talk to him about it like a friend. If he doesn't know what happened, how can he make things right? If he doesn't want to make things right, then you know he is not really your friend!
  46. 5 points
    Thought I would post pics of all the great things I had to bring home from the show. Some things were pre purchased other bought at the show. Had a great time, met some really great people, but it went way too fast. I think I spent a total of 30 minutes sitting in my chair over the course of three days. Nice set of rear weights from Aldon , Denny Clarke brought me a tombstone weight and a seat cover, Squonk brought a steering wheel and hub caps, Mike Hower brought me a rusty tub cart, no I have no intentions of restoring it, Charlie brought me a 1045. Buckrancher repaired my shower cap muffler Thanks everyone can't wait to come back some day. Last picture is the mess in my front yard that I now need to put away.
  47. 5 points
    Zeek , it was a pleasure to meet you , and your restorations are over the top . Now that I know what to expect , I'll bring less tractors , more cash , and for sure bring my charger for my other chair . Then I'll leave my trackchair with someone for free test rides as a distraction . That will give me a chance to zoom around and pickup some deals !
  48. 4 points
    When you need help... ...we got your back.
  49. 4 points
    ...for those that could not attention
  50. 4 points
    I think the washer in the garage is an excellent idea on many levels. Washer in the BARN is so much better than that, because the barn requires that your sweety will have to cross a gravel driveway to get there. Always taking out the garbage for her also encourages her to stay in the house as well.. Flotsam and jetsam close to the entrance door will discourage visits as well. When your buddies show up to the man zone that is your barn, realize that the washing machine [top load of course] makes an excellent ice chest and then there is no way that she will see beer in the fridge. When the ice melts, just spin that puppy dry. On a more serious note, Arm and Hammer washing soda and some detergent will strip out that grease, and a used top load washing machine is so much better than the front load crap that thy sell today. The old top loads are better because they use more water to operate, and just like wheel horses will eventually become rare. Plus, the Arm and Hammer is an excellent media to do electrolysis with. It is no big deal to put an outside hot water faucet on the house to carry a few buckets of hot water to the barn. I did that because of complaints of dripping water on the floor when filling buckets in the bathtub
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