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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/25/2015 in all areas

  1. 9 points
  2. 8 points
    Wishing you all a very Happy Christmas from UK , & a special thank you & happy Christmas to all military personnel that make it safe for us all to enjoy this time of year .
  3. 7 points
  4. 5 points
    Perhaps RS should post Jesus' birthday. I note that Santa's birthday is listed, but not His? Mods? Just sayin... Merry Christmas!
  5. 5 points
    After all, HE is the reason for the season
  6. 5 points
    I would like to spend more time with my dad. He has been gone for 3 years now and I miss him dearly. I know that my family has an angel in heaven looking over us.
  7. 5 points
    Merry Christmas to ALL and God Bless!!
  8. 5 points
  9. 4 points
    Ok, they are still on the trailer, it was pouring when I got home,but here goes. Not shown is a running Tecumseh original to the tractor I got with them. The other engine is all apart but there as well. They are L-157's. I couldn't make out serial numbers in the dark and rain.
  10. 4 points
    Merry Christmas to everyone in Wheel Horse Land
  11. 4 points
    Merry Christmas everyone!
  12. 4 points
    (Psst, it's today. )
  13. 4 points
    Well its Christmas morning.....Best of wishes to everyone !!!!! 70 degrees in northern Virginia....overcast and lite rain all day.... My 2 kids will be along around lunch time......with 3 grand children in tow 1yr,,,1 yr and 3 yrs..........a small hand full.. i was hoping for my kitchen remodel to be over,,,didnt happen.....but a living room floor was finiished...cleaned up....and furnature is back in place.......Have a great day.....time to get ready for a small storm of kiddo's
  14. 4 points
  15. 4 points
    Merry Christmas to everyone here on Redsquare.
  16. 4 points
    Well Steve.. here it is green as the summer.. not to normal to be at this time of year but it has happend before to.... But xmas is much nicer whit the white stuff outside!!
  17. 3 points
    I have been looking for a 417-A for over a year. Found one 5 miles from my place. 1986 with 1025 hrs in nice shape, came with ag tires and also got the turf tires on rims with it. Included snow plow and nice 42' rear discharge deck. Needs a little TLC. Biggest blemish is a nasty ding right in the front of the hood, that will be taken care of next spring. Finally have some time to post pics; First pic is the way I got it. The rest are after I cleaned it up.
  18. 3 points
    Wednesday I took a drive and looked at and bought a pair of Lawn rangers. The guy I bought them from said "would you look at this unit I just brought home, I haven't been able to find anything about it on the internet" . I said sure. Anyway I haven't seen anything like it either. Any body here seen, or know about it?
  19. 3 points
    If you become a Supporter your picture problem will go away. This site is well worth the slight cost of support, Just click on the "STORE ( Support RS)" button at the top of the home page.
  20. 3 points
    Well I found a way to get some seat time today After the rain we've had my quarter mile driveway got a bit soft so I took the plow tractor out and graded the center hump down and pushed it into the usual tire paths. Now it's a little flatter. That should help some when it does come time to actually plow snow. So, I got some seat time and got out of the house for awhile. The sun was shining, it's still 50 some degrees, what else was there to do with a house full of women yacking.
  21. 3 points
    That # is listed above in Gary's reply. Note ccw rotation; this is not a "fabricated" deck, but a factory item.
  22. 3 points
  23. 3 points
    Next to Red Skelton, Bob Hope was the best entertainer the world has ever had!
  24. 3 points
    Well captain you wanna see the size of her hairdryer she has at home then
  25. 3 points
    MERRY CHRISTMAS & HAPPY NEW YEAR to all you guys (& gals) . I saw this on another site- Thanks- Al https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=157565481273573&set=gm.10153218921560952&type=3
  26. 3 points
    Great to hear from you again Santa! It has been a pretty good year and so much fun has been had with tractor friends! All I would like is a little more time to be able to hang out with some of my RedSquare friends!
  27. 2 points
    I never thought I would get one of these! Also bought a 520H with 91 hours!
  28. 2 points
    I'm not a full convert to powder coating. Seen too many failures. Seen many paint failures too but I understand them. Someone here made a comment that powder coat was for lookers and paint was for workers, or something like that. For now I tend to agree. I have done some powder coating but only used it as a very small test. I'm curious how others feel so it might be interesting to start another thread, Paint vs Powder Coat. But for now, Merry Christmas to all as well!
  29. 2 points
    lucasmel89 and I took advantage of the great weather and broke out the fleet today and got a few pictures. Now if we could get the snow they are ready for!! Merry Christmas everybody!!!
  30. 2 points
    I hope to meet you Karl......what color 3500 Ram should I look for?
  31. 2 points
  32. 2 points
    Bob Hope gives his last USO Show in Vietnam.
  33. 2 points
    I know my speech lisp is getting worse but when I said lets have a sing song I didn't actually say a thin thong .
  34. 2 points
    For the price i wouldn't hesitate buying a atv winch i have one mounted in the bed of my truck and it has been well worth the money. People are always surprised when i show up to buy a old broken down wheel horse and winch it right in to the truck no problem and alot safer. I use a hook with pulley attached and run the winch hook back to a solid mount next to the winch it reduces the load on the winch motor and increases the pulling capacity.
  35. 2 points
    Nice old horses and whatever that yellow thing is???? I feel bad for the folks down south where the heavy weather hit mid-week. We had 70 here near Penn State. Got some trout fishing in today. You do know we WILL pay for this nice weather soon! Only a matter of time. Be safe and have a nice Christmas/New Year.
  36. 2 points
  37. 2 points
    Best of all to ALL of you!
  38. 2 points
  39. 2 points
    merry christmas all https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OTZ9kr5xyuE
  40. 2 points
    Kudos and thanks to the crew that put the calendar together. I received mine today and was reminded by Mrs. Sailor that she took the photo. Thank you also, Mrs. Sailor!
  41. 2 points
    Just received my 2016 RedSquare Wheel Horse calendar this week. Very nice, excellent quality. Featured photo on the July page is my dad's restored 1962 Wheel Horse garden tractor. Very proud that my photo was selected for the 2016 calendar this year. It took me three years of hard work to bring this tractor back to life.
  42. 2 points
    Merry Christmas to all here at you are quite the family and friends! Willing to go out of your way to help each other, no matter what time of year it is. It's like Christmas each and every day here on the forum, we all are blessed by each other. May your Christmas be merry and bright, have a grand time tomorrow. Peace!
  43. 2 points
  44. 2 points
    OMG why didn't they say to get IN the plane....
  45. 2 points

    From the album: New Toy

    My new toy ! From Magdalen Islands in Canada long life to my 1974 Wheel Horse D180 model 1-0611 equipped with a Kohler K532 and an Ark Loader 550
  46. 2 points
    I use Harbor Freight dollies that I add a frame of 1x6 and 2x4 lumber to hold the deck. This a 5xi 48" deck. I slip it on the dolly frame to the deck, and then lift up.
  47. 2 points
    It's #143 I do not have the plate. The woman who owned it kept the plate when Thad bought it. I think she worked for a wheel horse dealer and ordered it for her husband. He passed away a long time ago and it sat unused. It has 387 hours on a working meter. It was a 1000 mile round trip. I thought it was worth it. It's really hard to find low hour Wheel Horse tractors in Wisconsin. I drove it maybe 5 minutes. I really want to service it first. I have a few questions. What air filter and oil filter would it take. The air filter looks like one that would be used on a 16 horse kohler. The engine is model M20QS, I didn't get a manual with it. The question about the seat. Which one? The 420LSE or the 520H? I was going to have a new owners plate made for the 420LSE. Would someone that owns one post a picture of the plate? It's in good shape. It's going to need some detailing and a little sanding and paint touch up in a few spots. The 520H feels like a brand new tractor. Everything is tight. It's really clean too!!
  48. 1 point
  49. 1 point
  50. 1 point
This leaderboard is set to New York/GMT-04:00

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