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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/23/2015 in Posts

  1. 9 points
  2. 8 points
    Finally got a place to put my horses. Its been long over due its just a cheap HF 10×17 carport but I'm happy withit Sent from my XT1080 using Tapatalk
  3. 7 points
    I just want to Thank all who are on here, There is unlimited support independently and collectively for have helped me, and others... You all are a priceless bunch who seek nothing more than Wheel Horse pride, I am proud to be a part of this group !! Thank you all, JP 141 God Bless America !!
  4. 6 points
    For me the forum is kind of like having a bunch of buddies hanging out in the shop discussing a range of topics and helping each other with advice, sharing knowledge and occasionally giving a little good hatred jab. Some topics we just listen and learn, others we can contribute on. Lots of great folks here who have helped me and may not even know it.
  5. 5 points
  6. 5 points
    I love my 1267, it gets so much use around here that I havent really had time to give it the love it deserves. Mainly its the little odd jobs, towing a cart, grading the driveway etc, but I have mowed with it a few times (with a modern 42" deck) and this year fitted a tiller to it. Nice and simple to work on, a ton of power, and the styling that to me is what a Wheel Horse should look like.
  7. 4 points
    The Western North Carolina Ag. Center is the venue for the best fall show in the region, I snapped a few shots as I drove around, enjoy. My old "Survivor" 953 was my trustee steed of choice for the day, brought the fancy trailer too. Case, Copar Panzer and Colts were enjoying the sunshine. This one was "Green with Envy" when it saw a Wheel horse coming up. This old Sears was a bit hard to get a good shot of due to the sun, but it was rustier than mine so I figured I better include it. How about a GE Electric, don't see one of them every day. Had a few good looking Allis Chalmers too. This JD with matching honey wagon was too cool, the belt pulley even worked! Had a few other RED tractors too. This nice looking RJ was looking for a new home. This nice Suburban was at the same vendor's site. This freshly painted GT-14 was abandoned in the fleas, couldn't find the owner to get price info. How about a full race Ford 8N? Here is a horse with an attitude, love it! Great Gibson. Freshly built Speedex This Bantam hardly ever stopped moving, the boy driving it was about 9 or 10 and proud as could be. Couple of Panzer Projects. This line up of Cub Originals were all race ready. They were worth a second look. How about a garden tractor powered run about. Sweet little 605, very well done. Love this little hay baler This fellow seems to have more sponsors than a NASCAR racer. I will close with a real "Jim Dandy", hope you enjoyed the show.
  8. 4 points
    I only let items go without payment up front to a close knit of good friends... I had a guy at work that was interested in a nice 7 hp Toro snow blower I'm selling. When he asked me how much I wanted for it I told him 100 bucks.. I saw him roll his eyes and he offered me 50 bucks for it. I told him I'd much rather throw it in the lake than take 50 bucks for it. I know he ain't hurtin for cash and I know for a fact he makes over 100 grand a year. He then asked if he could make payments! I told him he has 3 weeks or it goes in the lake. Not that I'm any kind of a saint but I wish people would open their eyes when someone is trying to give them a deal...I know if I put in on Craigslist I would have gotten 250 for it real easy..I'll say this, it has been a great snow blower for me for 2 yrs now. If he pisses and moans about it to me about anything that might break on it... it is going to be a long cold winter in his office!
  9. 4 points
    Thanks everyone for the info, Jake thinking this one will be more of a custom now that I looked it over today with everything missing so will just be taking the mower deck off, just need to find a motor that will work on this now. Had to clean out the garage to get it in today here's 3 of my 4 the other is still stuck in the shed guess I'm a wheel horse collector now
  10. 4 points
  11. 4 points
    Were they NOS? I went for a brain scan the other day. They didn't find anything!
  12. 4 points
    The BIG SHOW is next June in PA...Every model of Wheel Horse represented....the group is a mixed bag ,,,mixed up...and some one is always stirring something up... or just stirring up the pot....Its 3 days of putting faces with the names,,,,,Noses to the grind stones,,,,Great Food !!!!! Lots of walking,, talking ,,idle chatter... a Wheel Horse Flea Market,,,with a close 2nd runner up of E-bay........and you dont need shipping or Pay-Pal,,,,,,, Boys,,,,,,,,,,,,,,did we leave anything out??? Not to Mention Buds Exhaust Stacks.. lolool
  13. 3 points
    http://www.wheelhorseforum.com/topic/56566-this-years-show/ Pict is courtesy of Lane Ranger...2015 Show Picture thread.
  14. 3 points
    Hopefully going to make it to the show , meet all of you great people . Words can't describe how much this group has helped me out. With my physical disabilities not being able to fix of drive any of my tractors myself , it's like rehab for my brain. It's on my bucket list for sure ! Maybe next summer if I can talk the wife into it I could host a meet and greet at my house . I only have 3 acers , but if I time it right there's a hay field next to me for you boys with sicklebars , and enough property behind the pole barn to play in the dirt.
  15. 3 points
    Ok I'm in now. If there's pie with ice cream, I'm in. Does Stevasaurus bring the rock-n-rye too?
  16. 3 points
    Shoulda been at Scott's meet and greet JP! That's pretty much what went on for the entire day
  17. 3 points
    Two very good posts. I feel the same.
  18. 3 points
    Of course it's only my opinion, but none of these older tractors are common anymore. As far as how many of them were produced..... I believe the records for that generation of tractors have been lost, so we'll never know. I will tell you that the three models (867 / 1067 / 1267) were introduced later than the other 1967 models because the 5060 six speed wasn't quite ready for production. Because of that, some consumers may have waited to see how it worked out - and by that time, the Raider model was introduced. The 867 seems to be more popular among collectors since it is the only production small-block / short-frame tractor with the six speed. As more people congregate on the internet, some models which were thought to be scarce seem to be abundant. Ironically, I just fetched another one for myself last night. It might be ugly (in the eyes of some) but it runs and drives - and it was relatively cheap. I'm not exactly sure which one of the two it is yet since ALL of the ID tags are gone, but I'll figure it out eventually. The long frame / stirrup footrests / narrow fender / big-block / gear drive Wheel Horses are definitely my all-time favorite. The less other people show interest in them, the better it makes it for me.
  19. 2 points
    A few days ago while I was complaining about my sore shoulders from wrestling this "killer tiller" through my strawberry beds along side my pole barn, Mrs. K made the comment " all those little tractors...can't they help you". Sure enough, the next day when I went to the barn, there sat the 314 Hydro with the blade off for a new scraper bar that a member made for me.........It looked like a mount for a TILLER. A little cutting with the radiac and its ready to mount up. Drill a few holes, add two braces, and make a belt tensioner. More seat time...less sore shoulders.
  20. 2 points
    Back in early July, I sold some Choremaster parts to a fellow that worked the same place as I do. He said he couldn't pay right then, but would pay in in 2 installments "in a couple of weeks". I agreed and didn't worry about it. Well, about 2 months went by and I didn't see the guy at work anymore so I inquired and found that he had quit. Well, I got nervous because he either didn't have a "land-line" or he had an unlisted number, so calling him was out. I did manage to get his address from a good friend that is an EMT/Fire Fighter in that part of the county. I sent the guy a certified letter stating I was upset he hadn't paid me or contacted me. I gave him 30 days or I would file a small claims against him. Well, he didn't accept the certified letter, so I was back to not being able to contact this guy. I have had to file against people before and I know you need documentation that you tried normal ways to collect a bill. I did find out his cell number from someone that he had worked with so I called him. Wouldn't you know it, he screens his calls and didn't answer. I left a message to call me ASAP to discuss the payment for parts. Another month goes by and he still didn't respond. I called again today and low & behold, he answered. He was all jolly and happy I called cause he was just thinking about me and didn't know how to get ahold of me, bla bla bla.... When I stated I was upset for "non-payment", he said "Oh I thought we were good and I had plenty of time to pay"! He stated he couldn't pay now, but would brings the parts back. I thought NO, we made a deal and I wanted the parts paid for! I thought of a minute and asked if I dropped the price could he pay in a week, and he said sure.... Time will tell, but I feel a big "screwing" coming! Thanks for letting me get off my chest, because knocking him in the head probably wasn't a good idea.
  21. 2 points
    Here is another picture of Whirled of Hurt. There is a link to facebook I hope you can read it.
  22. 2 points
    Don't forget Joe Pa!!! The man has done it all, what 209 or something like that!! This might be a touchy subject to some but I really don't think he knew anything about the idiot! Not a fan really but I think he needs to be acknowledged
  23. 2 points
    Dumb A_ _ s should not mess with the guys that control temperature or other facility issues. We don't get mad we just get even and most dummies don't know that fact.
  24. 2 points
    I would put the plastic under the gravel
  25. 2 points
    Just put on a 4x3/4 750 psi rubber from a place called calrubber on snow blade. It was not looking good to plow my rocky road cuz blade would catch and dig up baseball size rocks. Ran this up same place 30 foot or so and it seems better than I hoped. rubber not even scuffed much. Plus you can see wear bar was needing flipped long ago.
  26. 2 points
    I put one of these garage-in-a-box up last year. Because I did not have anything covering the dirt, the inside of the tent became a sauna. The humidity got so high that it literally rained inside. I did not realize it until I went out to get something last winter and everything inside was covered with ice. All the cardboard boxes and any papers were ruined, and unprotected steel was rusting. I corrected it this summer by removing everything and putting down heavy plastic to cover the dirt. Then I put a bathroom exhaust fan in the ridge and vented the air out via a 4" duct, similar to how you vent an attic. So far, no moisture this year. The fan uses a couple dollars per month of electricity to run 24 hours per day, but it's worth it. So bottom line is, if you don't want your horse and their accessories to be ruined by moisture, put something down on the ground to seal the moisture. Here is a picture of how I installed the exhaust fan ($13.00 from Lowe's) And here is the heavy-duty black plastic on the ground. It is a one piece installation so I didn't have to tape any seams. It is thick and will take a minimal amount of abuse.
  27. 2 points
    I spend a lot of time checking out the Galleries....Gives me the FEVER !!
  28. 2 points
    John, you are sooooo close.........Just run it straight ahead......never run wide when its 4th and goal from the half yard line!!!! PLUS EQUALS NO MORE
  29. 2 points
    Okay, now, I'm a country boy, but that right there is some deep woods hillbillies puting a tube in a tire!
  30. 2 points
    I "had" 2 wh's, a 68 electro 12 and a raider 10, restored the electro, sold them both and then bought the RJ58. The better half does even really like horses, but "told" me the RJ ISNT going anywhere!
  31. 2 points
    I only have 3 WH's.(so far) My wife has always been very supportive of my hobbies (Of course I've completed significant remodel projects on several houses over the years so I do try and earn my share of brownie points) But i'm not sure if she's really caught on to this "tractor thing" yet. This topic has to be in the running for the most "confessions" in a 2 day period..........is there a Catholic priest on here!
  32. 2 points
    Red Square is great !!
  33. 2 points
    What is the model number of your tractor? Would like to look at the correct wiring diagram. It would be much easier to add a voltmeter and they tell you a lot more. Garry
  34. 2 points
    Ice cream and the campfire!
  35. 2 points
    Are the chains too long for the tires? Can you remove a link or two? Careful that you don't rip the sidewall with the head of the bolt. Chains do move on the tires.
  36. 2 points
  37. 2 points
    Speaking of free tire work, i got some new tires for the front of my Power King. No tubes. The rims are narrow and after getting the tire on I couldn't get the beads to seat. Only place that was open was a tire chain store 15 mi away. I take them there and the smug manager says we can get them seated no problem. We have a super-whoopie bead seater. First tire takes less than a minute. 2 nd tire takes over a half hour. I hear the guy stuggling with it. He finally gets it. Manager brings it out and says your all set. I say how much and he says no charge. I bought all the guys coffee
  38. 2 points
    Absolutely 953 nut... I check out random issues and learn more all the time....Hope to get to meet someday, would be cool to do so !! would love to talk to you guys in a garage full of WH Stuff !!
  39. 2 points
    Everytime I ask, the MDs assure me they (the valve design) was rigorously tested. I keep asking how they don't wear out since each valve has 4 contact points (2 on each flap) that are rubbing on each heart beat since 1998 and supposedly will out last me (I am 63 now) So I don't care about having one of the early run units. I just want the damn things to work (which they continue to do).
  40. 2 points
    As you are viewing the picture, the tiller is turning CW. This is the correct direction for the sharpened edges of the tines. For safety reasons, this requires the tilling to be done in reverse. You always want the tines to enter new ground on the down stroke side so if you hit a rock or root, the tiller lifts up over the obstruction as opposed to hooking it underneath and probably breaking the drive train. This is the opposite direction from the original walk behind where the downstroke was in front and it was operated in a forward direction. I had to turn the tiller around 180 deg. to get the drive pulley in line with the PTO, therefore the change in direction. Actually it works very well in reverse. I have found I can pull in to where I want to start tilling, put the hydro in neutral, and hold the brake, Then, using the hyd lift, slowly lower the tiller head to the depth I want. Then just using the brake to control speed, let the tiller push the tractor in reverse.
  41. 1 point
    Thank you Craig and El Camino for posting the pics
  42. 1 point
    I have an idea for the June show... How about we set up a tent for "Tricks of the Trade"...This is where anyone can share little tricks that save time and money, and help other collectors to handle things as they come along...Information in the back of your mind is priceless in a pinch....What do you all think ? I have some myself and will be there !!
  43. 1 point
    Good idea, but why don't we have them listed here on Red Square, as not everyone can make it to the "Big Show" every year....Or at all.
  44. 1 point
    Very nice! I have a 12' X 20' "garage in a box" too! This will be the 3rd winter for mine, and I haven't had a problem, but we don't get the massive snows like folks in the NE. I heard to replace the covering with one of those vinyl billboard advertisement deals....They hold up pretty good, and are often cheap. Hey, soon after the elections, I bet you could pick up a bunch of these....have to turn 'em inside out, but what the heck!
  45. 1 point
    JP...if you have not...check out the show pictures from Scott's and the Big Show.
  46. 1 point
    Many 310-8 had unregulated 3 amp charging systems. The headlights ran on AC directly from the stator. Do your head lights work if the engine is not running? if they do not than you probably have the 3 amp system...not much point in adding an ammeter. As Garry said voltmeter might be more useful.
  47. 1 point
    Thanks for the hospitality. I have learned a lot the past month by reading different topics in the forum. Here are a couple of before and after pictures. I just did a garage restore, but it turned out pretty decent. I did pick up a 48" blade for it this week. Will post more pics with the blade attached later. Thanks again for the support!!!
  48. 1 point
    Dang! How could I forget the pie Van?
  49. 1 point
    So we are all sitting around the camp fire again sipping some of Steve's homemade fruit juice so i go to post an apology to Duke with a couple emoji characters and I get this error. It says the value stated does not support the character such as an emoji!! What in the heck does that mean? I chose a couple emojis from the list that comes up when you hit the smiley face. RMC RMC
  50. 1 point
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