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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/18/2015 in Posts

  1. 12 points
    ...not having at least one in your basement means? You just ain't living right.
  2. 8 points
    picked this up at jacktown tractor show Saturday still has the original muffler and steering support also has wheel weights and 701 blade
  3. 7 points
    My wife and I bought a house and a year ago this time. She's wanted a garden even since she was little and we finally had the space to put one in. I've been working on this project all summer and completely forgot all about the gardening section on this forum. We'll start last fall, with this photo: It's a panoramic and shows the area on the far right that will eventually turn into a garden. Since we moved in so late in the year, we weren't sure what would have sun. It turns out this space has a good 7-8 hours of sun a day in the summer. Clearing all the extra crap that the previous owners tossed over there. Had to bust out the old 8N that my dad and I rebuilt last summer. He uses that on his hobby farm. I did this in phases over the summer. I started with the fence. Fence was stained, chicken wire was installed and that's how it sat for quite a while. I was trying to do this on a budget since we didn't need it done right now. Turns out waiting was a good thing. Leveling things out to get them closer to where they needed to be. Found a you haul and you can have as much as you want for the rock that is around all of the beds and the perimeter of the garden fence. Did that in the July heat to the tune of 4 loads of rock... Garden beds taking shape: The beds are made from cedar boards. I added bracing so they wouldn't bow when filled with dirt. I ended up adding a board across the top to sit on when weeding/picking whatever is planted. I talked to the neighbor who installed the sprinkler system at this house and we added automatic watering to the garden beds. Each bed has eight 1/4in lines that can be ran whenever within each bed for the plants that are there. Now that the garden is ready for the spring planting season, my mom and a few others are asking for garden beds to built. It only took me all summer to get this garden built. So that was my summer garden building project. Now lets just hope it'll produce some goodies next summer
  4. 7 points
    Just for fun, I hid this post for a few minutes, just couldn't hold off any longer. lol
  5. 7 points
    Why don't you just ask her for a divorce and stop the pain??
  6. 6 points
    You know, you're right Steve. How many laundry baskets can one person have?
  7. 5 points
    Ive got 5 in my basement---LOL
  8. 5 points
    You should probably not touch that tractor. They have been known to cause the dreaded WHA disease. I am already afflicted, so I would be able take it off your neighbors hands without spreading the illness. to
  9. 4 points
    got this for 30$ which I think is a great deal. The model # tag is gone and it's missing the ever illusive lift bar and flag. I'm going to make one does any one know the length of it so I can put it on my 520.?
  10. 4 points
    OK. Turned over the ground and tilled it. Planted winter rye. Who know if this is all for naught but I had a hella good time doing it
  11. 4 points
    if you would tell the mrs to quit crowding up the basement with not needed junk. like the clothes washer and dryer. you could fit more tractors down there. whats wrong with you? Glenn
  12. 4 points
    Craig Alan your a lucky man. My wife has our basement clear full of show cats and litter boxes...................
  13. 4 points
  14. 4 points
    You could get everything ready for paint set up the basement, then send your wife out shopping or something. Sometimes it's easier to ask for forgiveness than permission.
  15. 4 points
    What I used to do all night now takes me all night to do , If you know what I mean .
  16. 3 points
    Little Horse followed me home Saturday. More pics to follow
  17. 3 points
    1982 B-115. I'm sorting out pics on my phone, trying to organize and save. I've got some much better pics I'll post later.
  18. 3 points
    We'll see how it goes. IT is nice to have that land but it is a lot of mowing. I figure if I have to work that much it should pay me back something. Thinking about working towards a little truck farm concept. The ground will need some ammending but I do get volunteer blueberry bushes so they will definitely be part of the mix. The funny thing is I don't cook. So not sure what I will do with anything I grow. We put in a garden at my church for the local food bank so that is a possibility. I may just end up feeding the deer and the birds
  19. 3 points
    Tell you what Craig, when you come bring one of your horses and we'll put it in my basement. It will stay there cause it's not comin out! DON"T GET THOSE TOWELS DIRTY!!!!!
  20. 3 points
    And I don't mean sleeping either!! Got the blade on with the 5 sector angle bracket. Each tire is filled with RV antifreeze and of course the weights. About 340 extra LB's plus the 2 link chains.
  21. 3 points
    Nice creative idea! I've though about a blade frame being the support for the homemade ice cream make I want to make some da. i want to be able to ride around while it cranking the ice cream...more seat time!
  22. 3 points
    Just don't powder coat anything and bake the parts in her oven the same day she plans on making a souffle or on Thanksgiving!
  23. 3 points
    i love that bike, there's a vid of it on youtube.
  24. 3 points
    I have some PM me if your interested
  25. 3 points
    It was crazy, what happened to John and me at the game. Because the game was on ABC, they put the Wildcats on what is usually the Visitors side...so the cameras in the boxes would be able to keep them on the cameras. We, were supposed to be on the visitor side...and we end up on the Home side at their Homecoming game...sitting right next to the cheering glee club dressed in Purple. Lucky for John, the game was one sided for the Iowa Hawkeyes, because the 1st quarter was close and the cheering section (for Northwestern) was driving him nuts. The bad day for Northwestern, ended up being a good day for John...cracked me up. We were surrounded by some excellent people around our seats, that we became friends with...one guy from Boston, who flew out to see his daughter at Northwestern and came to the game. And the usual yahoos from Iowa that John attracts, and they are great company for sure. What a nice day!! I know we will do this again...it is just such a good time.
  26. 3 points
    Already in the works Ken & Steve! That's what I needed an old plow frame for. Next year is customs for the featured tractor so I definitely need to bring something different.
  27. 3 points
    I didn't see them in the stands during the game but this did pop up after the game. That's John aka Brrly1 on the right and for those who aren't sure who the guy on the left is, this should clear that up for ya..
  28. 3 points
    I don't have any plates, screws or bolts to talk about but the last few years have been a real roller coaster ride health-wise to say the least. I do still have a triple lumen Hickman central line but you don't want pics of that. So it's more of an illness than injury situation for me unless I get too weak from the treatments to walk unassisted. On a lighter note, I got a negative result from the spinal tap I had on Tuesday. No leukemia cells detected. So things are looking up and I hope so for all of you as well.
  29. 3 points
    You might want to add Titanium to that list. I joined the "Titanium Club" on June 24 - with my six inch plate and eight screws.
  30. 3 points
    Funny, we have one thread going on the subject of front tire traction while plowing snow and another on down-force lifting the front tires,go figure!
  31. 2 points
    One of my neighbors is trying to offload a C-81....for free. He just wants me to get rid of it. I don't have a big property and most of it is rocks.....but I could see using this to plow my rather large driveway although I'd need to buiild a shed to store it. As a newbie I'd like to ask for some help. Currently the tractor doesn't start. Previous owner says he can see the fuel filter isn't showing any activity so my guess was that it's the fuel pump that needs to be replace. Engine tries to crank but it's most likely not getting any fuel. Any help is greatly appreciated. He added weights to the rear wheels, filled the wheels with windshield washer fluid, and it has chains. Also has the mower attachment. 8HP. I haven't taken possession of it yet because it's at the bottom of a steep driveway so it will be a royal pain to push it up to get it out! Hm not letting me upload even one picture. Pics.
  32. 2 points
  33. 2 points
    God bless the farmers.
  34. 2 points
    Nice work! you are lucky to have land to put in a nice big garden like that.
  35. 2 points
    New rule proposal: one WH in the basement for each laundry basket in the basement...Gotta love equality...
  36. 2 points
    Steve, I'll have to say the officiating overall was pretty bad in that one. The targeting call was a bunch of cow patties. I felt sorry for the kid but I loved the way he exited the field. Did I just agree with a Michigan fan?!?!?!
  37. 2 points
  38. 2 points
  39. 2 points
  40. 2 points
    The Worst Officiated Football Game That I Have Ever Seen In My Life!!! List of bad and potentially outcome altering calls. There are many that I noticed, but I have not gone back to count. Just wonder how others see these. 1. Ejection for targeting, egregiously bad call, especially with review. Ejection of team leader and tackle leader! 2. Henry personal foul, no whistle and he jumped on two Michigan players. Which Spartan was he fouling? Was there a Whistle. 3. Butt Catch. I was watching and his hands were under the ball. I have a $7000.00 Smart TV 75" Samsung and I Zoomed In an he caught it. 4.Facemask on Rudock. Harbaugh mentioned during presser, for the pass deflected back to Rudock. Seems announcers agreed at least on many of the game altering calls above. Even OSU players were disagreeing with targeting call. And last but not least......... ( Now Be Honest........ How Many Of You Really Did Not Catch This One?) Possibly by not knowing the Rules. 5. The Last Call Of The Game Should have been a 15 yard penalty and a first down for Michigan. I even went back to the NCAA Rule Book and looked it up! III. NCAA Approved Ruling 9-1-2-XVIII-XX Team A is in an obvious scrimmage kick formation. Immediately after the snap, nose guard B55 charges directly at the snapper, contacts him, and drives him backward. The ball is snapped to an upback three yards behind the scrimmage line or to the potential kicker, who instead runs with or passes the ball. RULING: Foul. Penalty – 15 yards and automatic first down. The snapper may not be contacted until one second has elapsed after the snap when Team A is in a scrimmage kick formation and it is reasonably obvious that a kick might be attempted.
  41. 2 points
    I like this very much. With another member putting an edger on his blade frame, and now this, I see more possibilities for the front-mounted items... Mind is spinning, and some ideas are just awful!
  42. 2 points
    And here is that post: http://www.wheelhorseforum.com/topic/25993-pto-needle-bearing-replacement/?do=findComment&comment=222705 @pfrederi Paul, thanks for that bearing and seal info. I'm sure one of the MOD's will find a nice place to put it for easy access.
  43. 2 points
    Well he does have an LED tail light.
  44. 2 points
    I hear you..LOUD & CLEAR. Now. where do I sign up. Glenn
  45. 2 points
    Be very careful of the Forum disease , if you are married you will constantly here " Quit looking at the Wheel Horse Forum, we can not afford any more of those D_ _ _ Wheel Horse Tractors" . Your ears will hurt after a week or two. It only takes a few day for the Forum Disease to take hold of your brain.
  46. 2 points
    Oh yeah... I remember the day the Squonk got that Skonk .
  47. 2 points
    I built this one on a Westwood tractor chassis.
  48. 2 points
    After reading above posts I have no right to be feeling old. Only 55
  49. 2 points
  50. 2 points
    OK, now we know why your name is inferno,infernus, inferni.
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