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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/27/2014 in all areas

  1. 5 points
    AJ...the way you picked them is absolutely fine...Welcome aboard... You know...this thread is 2 pages of BS already and the 1st game has not been played yet...where is the Duke??? BTW...all Navy guys are welcome!!! The Air Force guys never could follow directions.
  2. 4 points
    When you have to ask, you know you're already there. Come on in, cop a squat, state your name.
  3. 4 points
    AJ - Nah, we just are exceptional thinking individuals. Monkey See. Monkey DOO! Unfortunately we follow directions to the "T" when it comes to pictionary, but when it comes to written directions WE SUCK! Which just means in my opinion, if all we had, was just a picture of what needed done, we would lead the pack. But if directions were included, we probably would fail! LOL! RC
  4. 4 points
    The e-tank, as has been described on this forum, is set up for rust removal from ferrous metals, and since heads are aluminum it will not work.
  5. 3 points
    I am saving money to build a small pole shed for the herd and all the parts and accessories that I have accumulated, but in the meantime, I took advantage of the 25% off Harbor Freight coupon and bought a portable 10' x 17' garage. Since it's on dirt, I put down pallets. Now, all my parts and accessories have a place out of the garage, and out of the weather. If I need to store a tractor, I just remove a couple of pallets. Not too bad for only $149.00.
  6. 3 points
    Thanks for the temporary man card Geno. It was kind of a bittersweet day. One tractor got loaded on a trailer, you guys may know the guy, Don Campbell he does some fantastic customization work. The other was sold to a friend just down the street so he rode it home. How ironic. What are the chances of both of them leaving my place on the same day. Now I just need to find somebody that needs a round fender snowblower. My wife is very excepting of my hobby. She bought me this cool shirt that says " trade wife for tractor" and allowed me to build a new storage barn. Got a love that girl.
  7. 2 points
    Picked up this 5 gal bucket of Valve and piston tools at the auction for $11 and two oak dollies with 4" swivel casters for $3 each. Guess I can rebuild some of these tired Kohlers now. The dollies may turn into rolling racks to store 4-5 mower decks.
  8. 2 points
  9. 2 points
    There she is... And I just got another one... Oh my. This is getting out of control!
  10. 2 points
    Oh good grief. Am I gonna need a squonktionary.
  11. 2 points
    When your wife asks, "So how many do you have?" and your first reaction is to play dumb.
  12. 2 points
    Two will do it as long as there aren't any other colors then red in there.
  13. 2 points
    I thought for sure that would have been the easiest way to read it.. Each one would print off so nicely on a single piece of paper.. (facepalm) dang-it! You mean your not supposed to use the little white pieces of paper that come with things to start camp fires... Dang it!! I knew I went wrong somewhere..
  14. 2 points
    And to add to Bob....if I'm not mistaken, using something like aluminum or stainless steel in the process creates hazardous waste out of your electrolyte solution.
  15. 2 points
    I thought $400 sounded like a nice number from looking at just the pictures, although probably closer to $500 with the deck and blade. It's a 654, not a 754 and it's in IN not CT. You'd be hard pressed to pull the higher dollars in the midwest.
  16. 2 points
    I wanted to make my 7000th post something interesting, and actually worth talking about. But then I said nope, I'm just going to pat myself on the back and look forward to the next 7000. Thanks to the powers that be for providing this great forum for me to bloviate.
  17. 2 points
    Here is the page to McMaster-Carr. http://www.mcmaster.com/#catalog/120/1169/=tgen3r I ordered Bearing part number 5909K33. I order two different thicknesses of washers because I wasn't sure of the size I wanted. 5909K46 and 5909K59. After looking them over, I believe the thinner one will work just as well as the thicker would. the shaft diameter for the 416 is 3/4 inches and these fit perfectly except for needing to grind a bit off the top of the axle. the bearing were $3.17 and the washers were $1.15 and $2.70.
  18. 2 points
    If it ain't broke, fix it till it is broke!
  19. 2 points
    Welcome back from the Dark Side Dave.
  20. 2 points
    The punch thing once filled up always means you get one free. That means after it's filled you get to bring another one home.
  21. 2 points
    My card keeps getting washed in the laundry!
  22. 2 points
    Just returned from the shop...all is well (I hope) . The folks there couldn't have been nicer and more apologetic. Not sure what the knocking problem is but are going in to find out and fix it. The guys even took me to they're home to see their many tractors and other equipment. They just finished restoring a small john deere , don't know the model, but it was absolutely perfect, and showed me another one that they completed last year, it also was perfect, so I completely trust them to take care of my horse. I'll keep you all posted.
  23. 1 point
    Hi all, I just found a blower for my 1990 312H on ebay. It is at a Cub dealership about 1/2 hour from me, looks to be in very nice condition, they are asking $325.00. It sounds like a good deal to me, what do you all think. I will offer them a fair price and see what they say, not a lot of market anymore for a blower to fit a 24 year old tractor, what is it worth? Thanks
  24. 1 point
    Your gonna need a bigger boa..I mean trailer.
  25. 1 point
    Seems to me I'd look at the mechanical end of it first rather than the hydraulics. Puzzles me that after you jacked up the rear end and turned one wheel that the other one moved "a little". Should it not move an equal distance in the opposite direction? I'm wondering if it's not something with the differential.
  26. 1 point
    you can pick one up at any yard sale in Tuscaloosa.
  27. 1 point
    I would soda blast it . I've done the cast Aluminum differentials on my wheeler . Leaves them clean as a whistle & won't harm the valves or seats if you clean afterwards .
  28. 1 point
    In MY experience, its more like "Nothing runs IF it IS a Deere". Just my two cents and experience with one P.I.T.A. John Deere. I will be hiding under the dining room table for a few weeks after that response, lol!
  29. 1 point
    Steve, not 2 pages of all BS. I was quite serious when I said I get to pick my favorite team next week. Michigan will actually be playing their first real 'game'.
  30. 1 point
    Did I screw it up? Sorry Guys
  31. 1 point
    Yea Rob, I see that. Hey what the heck, I was just trying to help a brother out and make it easier on him to manage this. But it appears he doesn't really care how you post em so if it doesn't bother him it shouldn't bother me either. I might just post mine one team per post next week!
  32. 1 point
    Well, If you use the manual lift a lot, It will put "meat on your bones" , unfortunately your left arm will be 3X bigger than the right. There are many threads on here ref. winch lift arrangements. I have a WH plow on my Yamaha 4 wheeler with a winch lift. It works very well. I even built in a yoke that automatically pulls the blade angle locking pin when the blade is raised fully. The key is to put big springs ( I use 2 -6" made from garage door springs) between the winch hook and the plow so the winch over run doesn't break something. Don't ask me how I know.
  33. 1 point
    Gene, also if you do a search someone else had a thread devoted to the same thing " stacks ". have to admit some looked really cool. I was checking it out a few months ago. Glenn
  34. 1 point
    Please tell me that you flicked a bugger in the 5 gallon bucket and I'm not really seeing parts painted green.
  35. 1 point
    You really got me curious now Rob. I gotta take mine apart and see how that looks. I also asked this question in the "WHATS IN YOUR MIRROR" thread and Shallowwatersailer replied with two suggestions....stress relief / crack prevention or just some demented engineer messin with our minds.
  36. 1 point
    Thantos in a couple of your pics I'm noticing a bunge srtap down by the plow frame, what is its purpose?? And I see you are looking at another c-100 already... You have the bug.
  37. 1 point
    What the? You're gonna hurt yourself, hurts me just thinking about it.
  38. 1 point
    Nice Glenn. Its a great feeling knowing that I am not alone.
  39. 1 point
  40. 1 point
    Things are sorta backed up in the processing dept, but if the green ones are gone we will try to speed things up for you.
  41. 1 point
    Looks like she can't wait to get to work. Good job.
  42. 1 point
    Craig, you can buy the good stuff and it will do the job fine and probably last forever if you treat them right. heres something that I've had success with. search for any tool surplus stores nearby. i have one close that the owner buys lots of tools from the local arsenal when they have past there useable life or they retool for some reason. usually there is nothing wrong with most of them and you can pick up some very nice professionally made tooling very cheap. i buy odd taps, reamers, bits etc and have managed to find quite a few punches and drifts for the sort of thing you are having problems with. i also have a nice older craftsman punch set that is still in excellent condition that i have looked after and not abused. the quality of the material the tool is made from is important. sometimes starting to remove a pin like you are doing is better with a shorter punch to jolt it loose and then use a longer one to remove it. the longer thin ones tend to bend or bow when they are beat hard. Jims idea has worked for me in the past too. sometimes you just know after the first blow that it aint going to come out and you need to drill it out of there!!!!!
  43. 1 point
    Proper sized end mill in a drill. Works every time! Drill through it and put in a new one when ready.
  44. 1 point
    ABSOLUTELY RIGHT! But loosen the head bolts first.
  45. 1 point
    And after all the problems have been corrected, I would be looking for a different machine shop.
  46. 1 point
    Never had a fox in the house, but when we were kids, we used to camp out in the back yard. One night, a red fox ambled through the yard, and decided to scream just as he passed our sleeping bags. So, what did the fox say? Well, it sure wasn't "ding ding ding ding da ding ding"! Great story Ed.
  47. 1 point
    shall i be the one then? sounds like an interesting creature, mate of mine cought a young fox and kept it as a pet Koen
  48. 1 point
    Ed, listen to this recording, particularly the "gekkering" sound. I think you are right on about it being a fox. Let us know if that is the sound you heard. Added the missing link Ed, sorry about that. What's really interesting here is that none of the local lugnuts has post the "What does the Fox say? video yet..
  49. 1 point
    Yeah, I almost cried the first time I saw it unveiled. Now there's a reality show! Just need to get you and half dozen other of our Master Restorers together. Then hijack a deserving members tractor.
  50. 1 point
    sometimes it would be nice if it was that easy Terry, just watch it happen on TV. I guess we sort of do that on the forum here, i watch all you guys build them, you guys watch me. just takes more than a couple episodes for it to happen.......
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