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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/10/2014 in all areas

  1. 10 points
    Well the story continues, revenge has been served. Yesterday I had to visit the big box store that my neighbor bought his tractor from. As I got into the lawn and garden area I heard someone raising there voice with one of the sales associates. Wouldn't you know it, there was m y neighbor raising heck with the sales associate. I had an idea what he was upset about. I continued to look what I came in for then ventured back over to the lawn and garden area. While I was checking out some other stuff the associate came over to ask if I needed help. Well I could not help myself I had to mention I noticed he had a up set customer. He chuckled and said yeah. He told me that the guy had come in wanting to return his lawn tractor because trying to pull a heavy roller thru some new landscaping up and down his lawn he blew the transmission out of it. The sales guy was trying to point out to him that it says right in the manual it does not recommend pulling a roller as it puts too much strain on the transmission. So revenge has been served, I thought about driving the Ol' C-145 down there pulling my big roller but no since in throwing gas on the fire. I will bet he won't stop by again.
  2. 5 points
    Well, here is what has worked for me, in the past. Casually take your horse for a stroll, down the street, to his house. Make like you are thinking about purchasing one of those POS's. Put yours along side of his. Ask him all kinds of questions about his vs. yours. Look it over real good, usually about this time, I spring the final question. Do you mind if we test their HP strength? I have never had anyone turn this opportunity down. They are usually so pumped about all the questions and now, "he can really prove to ME" just how much a POS it is. Course he has no idea that just becasue his has 26hp and only weighs in at 480lbslbs. that 26hp LT/POS will be in for the fight of it's life against your's that is nearly double that in weight, but only 14hp. Once you pull him backwards, and probably hear something snap in his transmission, you can just sit their, smile and say whatever comes to your mind at that time....
  3. 4 points
    In my quest to find a 1045 that I could afford. I bought this 1257 and rebuilt motor/ starter generator and removed fender pan and installed tool box with round hood fenders, 8 speed trans. Little oil on the tins. This is my 1045/1257. I like how it turned out. Thanks for looking Tom
  4. 3 points
    416-8 used for digging and moving dirt 418-C and 2 stage blower for snow removal 654 for pushing snow and dirt 855 for mowing and a bunch of little round hoods for cruising around the engine shows
  5. 2 points
  6. 2 points
    Was another fine day today.
  7. 2 points
    That is too funny!..... Perfect..... I don't know but I think I'd have to pour jusssst a little bit of salt on that wound.
  8. 2 points
    Thats not a V8, thats the starter for the other two engines, lol. What a machine.
  9. 2 points
    hauling people and everything i can (seat moves up and down with 3 point) dragging dragging driveway and green tractors.
  10. 2 points
    It's funny because when AMC and Munn owned Wheelhorse, nobody called them AMC/Wheelhorse or Munn/Wheelhorse. Here is how I see it...........If it has the Wheelhorse brand on the tractor, it's a Wheelhorse, period. If it's a continuation of a WH model even if it doesn't say Wheelhorse on it, it's still a Wheelhorse. None of my tractors built during the Toro age are referred as Toro's. They aren't. They are true Wheelhorses or Toro/Wheelhorse if you wish. . To Cocky-Rocky.............If it wasn't for Toro and their marketing and management at the time, we wouldn't have many tractors to use or collect. They could have shut the line down and cranked out cheap imitations of both the garden tractor and lawn tractor lines calling them anything they wanted! But they didn't! They manufactured what were in essence, true over-built, over-engineered, heavy Wheelhorse tractors. The garden tractor line accepted the same WH implements as far back as the late 1960's for 16 more years ending in 2001 in one form or another and all this during a shift in society for cheaper, throw away when they wear out equipment. They even created what many consider bigger, better versions of the WH designs with the Xi Garden Tractors until 2005. They even kept the parts for the older tractors and those they continued to manufacture available for a long time. Just imagine if if MTD had bought them out. I owned a 1975 HD Sportster that I traded even up for my 1980's C-175 with a deck and a plow. As you said, AMF kept HD afloat but destroyed their reputation for quality. Toro kept WH going and did it without much sacrifice on quality at all. My 310-8, 416-8 and 520-H are Wheelhorses. Your 267H was designed by Toro but influenced by Wheelhorse. Look at that tractor and how heavy it is built verses what you would buy now for a similar lawn tractor. You have every right to call it a Wheelhorse. Because it is.
  11. 2 points
  12. 2 points
    What Bob said...Thanks for letting us know. Glad you found and fixed the problem.
  13. 2 points
    Glad you found the problem. Thanks for letting us know what the resolution was. It is always helpful to others who may have the same or similar situation.
  14. 2 points
    Im glad some people feel like that. Leaves more for us.
  15. 2 points
    I can't imagine one good reason why... you stopped that gorgeous to entertain his nonsense in the first place. .
  16. 1 point
    Went to the OVAM show today. There were a lot of hit & miss and steam engines as well as farm tractors and garden tractors. There were lots of crafts and eating stands too. It was sprinkling off and on. Here are some photos that my wife took. I will post more photos later. My new sign:
  17. 1 point
    And it was free gonna mod it to fit my 654 I recently bought
  18. 1 point
    If you have the adjustable tie rods, you can order new ends off eBay, McMaster & Carr, Amazon etc. If you have the non-adjustable tie rods, you can use a punch and hammer to tap around the ball socket to tighten it up.
  19. 1 point
    Some people don't deserve a classic WH. If you don't know why they are better, you will never get it. Others live in a throw away world and do not understand or have the "Knack"! The Knack
  20. 1 point
  21. 1 point
    Thanks pal ! It's sitting on jack stands (front only) with the front wheels still on, parking brake on, rear wheels chocked, in park in a level garage! It's sitting on the stands only to get the oil pan off, then it comes down again since I can work under the Jeep without it being hoisted up.
  22. 1 point
    Karl, please be careful under there and use any and all safety precautions. There can't be enough overkill when it comes to your safety.
  23. 1 point
    Glad I read through this. You may have just given me the solution for the same problem
  24. 1 point
    The 701 this past winter in NE Ky....
  25. 1 point
    If the keys have a mark on the the sides you can see they will move and you will never be able to keep the hubs tight. Replace the keys and the setscrews, hubs are not cheap and will get looser if it keeps moving.
  26. 1 point
    Yes, this sounds like something I have done before, believe it or not, with r/c cars. 1/10 scale axel pins held by set screws definitely benefit from a small notch where the set screw sits. I like it. I'm gonna try this fix since it won't cost anything. I'm flat broke...
  27. 1 point
    ****EDIT*** 36 HOURS FROM NOW
  28. 1 point
    I'll give you the links. I just finished one with videos also. The 6 speed is basically the same as an 8 speed.
  29. 1 point
    I am on vacation in Arizona myself as I write this. My wife and I have been gone a week. Started last Sunday making our way to the Grand Canyon. Then south to Sedona, then to Phoenix. Saw a pre-season AZ Cardinals football game last night where they whopped the Texans. Today we'll drop south to Tucson then over to Carlsbad to dwell in the caves before heading to the Midland-Odessa area to see some friends. I'd live here in a heartbeat if the occasion presented itself
  30. 1 point
    mine run in???? maybe we could get them together and the two of them can find a nuetral and stay put. ha
  31. 1 point
    Well darn, I thought it was supposed to be straight. I like it straight so thats where it is gonna stay!
  32. 1 point
    Yep, their retirement fund is funded through "change orders". I once had a contractor tell me he under bid a job knowing that he could make it up with change orders. Don't get me wrong. Change orders are a necessity in the construction business. unfortunately some contractors take advantage of it. Hope you can get some more realistic quotes Steve.
  33. 1 point
    If your going to get a carb, get it from the US instead of one direct from China. Even if it costs more. Otherwise you may be in for a long wait.
  34. 1 point
    You can also weld the bracket back together and it will work fine. Done it many times.
  35. 1 point
    Oh... I'm so ashamed ...sniff...sniff.
  36. 1 point
  37. 1 point
    There are special sockets made for these square head set screws. Got a five sixteenths 8 point Japan and a three eights 8 point Craftsman number 44343. Proper tools are wonderful !!!
  38. 1 point
  39. 1 point
    FOR ALL OF THE MEMBERS ON RED SQUARE...kudzu3 failed to take pictures of his horse when he took it apart...this goes against the Holy Grail of what the Planets align for and actually can warp the space/time fabric causing ruptures where other universes can enter and reek havoc!!! We need to band together and right this now!! You can buy a Multi-meter for around $16...I think. Radio Shack has some choices. You do not have to get a good one...if you take pictures. I hope you know that I am just giving you a ruff time. Seriously, the meter will walk you through the trouble shooting. I would say this at this point...Do not change anything until you put a meter to work. I say this because...you said it ran great when you tore it apart, but you did not put it back together the same way (by passed switches). You want to check things out now first...before you change things...shorting out points, a condenser, maybe a coil makes more then one thing wrong.
  40. 1 point
    If you want to fix this for good, get a new woodruff key and new HARDENED sq head set screws for each wheel and a new jam nut. Don't buy the cheapie set screws as they are not hardened and the cup point will get dull. If you have 2 set screws per hub, then replace both with new ones. To sock down the set screws get an 8 point socket. (you cannot get them tight enough with a 3/8 wrench-not enough leverage) A 12 point will do in a pinch but to fit a 3/8 sq hd set screw, only a metric 12 point will work. I forget which size metric socket will work, but is is a common one, maybe 9mm
  41. 1 point
  42. 1 point
    Yes! Pickle them! First rinse them and dry them with a towel. Cut your banana peppers into rings, about 1/4" thick and stuff them into jars. Stuff three peeled cloves of garlic down in the sides of the jar. For pint jars, add one teaspoon of pickling salt over top of the peppers, two teaspoons for quarts. In a sauce pan, mix in one part apple cider vinegar to two parts water and bring to a boil. Pour over the peppers and fill jars to the top. Put on the lids and process for ten minutes in a boiling water bath. Sit them on the counter afterwards and listen for the lids to pop...that means they've sealed. After about a week, you should have some delicious peppers! Refrigerate after opening. Enjoy!
  43. 1 point
    more of the Hoover Dam...... upstream..... thats all i have, I'm sure thats way too many for some of you, but i thought these pics might be of interest....... thanks for looking! i had some more pan shots but for some reason they won't upload using the standard pic method. i might try the photo bucket way to upload.
  44. 1 point
    hehe, made me laugh, i recently saw a transmission/rear axle off of one of those tupperware machines, left axle twisted and broke clean off. my horse survived being upside down in a ditch 2 times don't see that happening with one of the new "tractors" you'll lose all your tupper ware Koen
  45. 1 point
    Getting rid of derelict, wanna-be red tractors.
  46. 1 point
    Atleast you dont have to pull the flywheel off and change the module. What a pain in the dupa. I would change a coil any day over the module ,but on the plus side .You get to clean off them cooling fins when you do a module. Look into a 12 volt harley coil in the 3 to 5 ohm rating. Many have done this with success. Both harleys and Onan fire both plugs at the same time. Much cheaper than the Onan. I believe Martin may have a part number for you if my memory serves me correctly. Good luck
  47. 1 point
    Word. I replaced the steering sector 2 years ago. Royal pain in the A.
  48. 1 point
    Production will begin in about one week. Material has been ordered. However, at this time I am only making 30 linings. Anyone who has posted or PM'd that they want one or more will receive a PayPal invoice from me as soon as they are ready to ship. Orders will be filled based upon the date and time post or PM was received. Any additional requests received after I run out of stock will be filled when the next batch is made. Thanks for your interest.
  49. 1 point
  50. 1 point
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