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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/17/2014 in all areas

  1. 6 points
    Tried not to let the red touch the yellow and white Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. 5 points
    Steve Hillesheim and his wife Chris decided to lay over in Streetsboro, Ohio on their way to the show in Pa., so Karen and I made plans to meet and have dinner with them at Rockne's this evening. We had a great time, good food and beverages! We then wished them a very safe trip on to the show, and wish safe travels to all of you going as well. Steve also presented us with a bottle of Blueberry Especial to take home. It's chilling as we speak for enjoyment later this weekend. Thank you Steve and Chris for a great evening!
  3. 4 points
    Pulled one out of storage to till the garden. Tills great garden was a little weedy After one pass Just finishing up
  4. 4 points
  5. 4 points
    Here is the prototype of the new unit with the steering wheel. We might even be able to afford one.
  6. 3 points
    Got the seat recovered last night. As I said earlier, I sent the old covers and pans to our vender Dave Burley (Funengineer), and he provided me with these excellent quality covers. These are not just slip-over covers, but actually get glued to the internal pans of the seat. I think they look great. Thanks Dave!
  7. 2 points
    Here's my restored dash using Terry's dash decal. This is for an 857. Has an extra hole the PO put in for lights switch. I use it for an electric rear lift switch. I had this chromed back in 2001 before Terry was doing dash decals so it looks pretty good from behind also. Sent from my tractor seat using Tapatalk 2
  8. 2 points
  9. 2 points
    I live about 30 mins away from the show near Harrisburg, PA If anyone needs to leave a trailer or some items over the weekend let me know. I also have one garage space open for some stuff. Clemedc left a roundhood on a trailer in the back of property last year. my cell 717-303-7884
  10. 2 points
    You were close this day, but no cigar....
  11. 2 points
    I am bringing 60 RS Member magnets If I overlooked anyone who posted please see me at my canopy on Red Square Row and let me know. I will make you one and send it out after the show.
  12. 2 points
    I had a sucessful day on the water today. The Evinrude 25 ran pretty good but not as speedy as I need it to be. I need to find something a little speedier...
  13. 2 points
    I always work best under pressure. Even though there was really no need to have this one finished in time for the show, the pressure came from my wife who always expects to get her side of the garage back shortly after the WHCC show.
  14. 1 point
    New member, fist time posting... I am about to begin (again) restoring a 66 or 67 lawn ranger. There's, what I think, a good story behind the tractor. My grandfather traded a VW for the tractor back in the 60's, after my father begged him to, so he could make some money mowing and plowing in the neighborhood. I'm not exactly sure if the tractor was new or a few years old when they got it. After a few years, and my dad moving on from that phase, my grandfather continued to use the tractor for several years around his yard until finally selling it to a family friend. In the mid to late 90's (I was about 10-12 years old), the family friend was in poor health and was getting rid of everything he owned and came across the tractor, knew it originally belonged to my family and contacted us to see if we wanted it back. So we took it and me and my father began restoring it. Things happened and the restoration got put on hold. Today the tractor sits, partially restored, in my fathers shed, buried under several layers of junk and other projects. I plan on soon digging it out, and continuing the restoration. The tractor has the mower deck, plow and wheel chains, all of which are in fairly good condition. Anyways, just thought I'd share my story. Hopefully, most of my questions have already been answered, but if not, I know exactly where to go. Any advice on the project would be greatly appreciated.
  15. 1 point
    Never had a problem using Rustoleum Regal Red. I did however, on occasion, after a thorough drying, use crystal clean for an "overcoat." Worked fine but, had problems if I tried to spray before the Regal Red was dry, and I mean DRY!
  16. 1 point
    The original Kohler carbs for the big blocks came in 26 28 and 30's. The number of the carb was cast into the carb above the venturi on the choke plate side. it is often visible with the air cleaner removed and a small flashlight. There is differing opinions as to what the numbers mean with the most popular being the throttle plate bore in millimeters. With the ones that I've measured, I believe the measurement is actually the diameter of the venturi in 32nds of an inch. 28's were very rare. Most 10's and 12's had the 26's and most 14's and 16's had the 30's. You could probably interchange them without noticing much difference. The larger motors will lose a little on the top end with a small carb and the smaller motors may not idle and accelerate as well with a large carb. JMHO
  17. 1 point
    And it looks like a great time was had by all.
  18. 1 point
    They are called "rivets". Try Google.
  19. 1 point
    When I was growing up my grandparents lived on Sage Lake up in Hale, MI. Grandpa had this sweet tractor that I always sat on whenever I had the chance. He let me start driving it at about age 10. It has been through alot. Been flipped over, put in the lake, stuck in the mud....you name it. He passed away in 1999 and my grandmother could no longer care for the lakehouse so the house was sold and my dad took the tractor to his house in about 2006. There it sat until a few weeks ago. My wife and I bought a house with a pretty huge yard and Dad asked if I wanted it. DUH!! Took it home and did some maintenance stuff to see if it would run....no dice. Cleaned the tank, rebuilt the carb, new plug and a coil and she runs like a top! Anyways, glad I found this place. I look forward to learning all I can about my 1965 856. Thanks for letting me ramble.
  20. 1 point
    Ranch? Thousand island? Inquiring minds need to know!
  21. 1 point
    Loaded up and ready to roll..... should be there by 9AM Thur.
  22. 1 point
    thanks for the support guys,as to why the scaff failed,my error,i didn't build it well enough,i only needed for about 10 minutes,so I didn't brace it well enough and a main support slipped and dumped me,im just glad that I was hurt and not someone else,as a couple others were about to use it too,just goes to show,NEVER be in a hurry,even if its onlt a few feet off the ground
  23. 1 point
    10hp thru 14hp came with a 26 mm on the 16hp its a 30mm
  24. 1 point
    Looks great! As good as new.
  25. 1 point
    slow but yes. I did get the axle mounts done. and fitted them up. for now the tractor is tucked in the shed. I haven't worked on it for a few weeks sadly. Too many other home projects of higher importance right now... :/
  26. 1 point
    Hood looks smoove like glass, State Farm.
  27. 1 point
    I cut the last two seasons with a 42" RD, and prior to that I did not know that RD's were even around. I marveled at how well it cut, easy to go around either side of the many trees I have and left no clumps of grass. I often wondered why other company's never adopted a RD deck. A month or so ago I picked up a beautiful condition 48" SD. Don't get me wrong, it's a great deck and cuts down on the time it takes to mow, but I do miss the neatness of the RD.
  28. 1 point
    Had to go the the Freightliner/WesternStar dealership last week and got to meet the new Optimus Prime from the new Transformers movie. Talk about a beautiful tractor! Thought everyone might enjoy some pics. I know my boy is already begging me to take him on opening weekend! Dad may have to let him have his way this time!
  29. 1 point
    I have one 100ft. line from the router to a 5port-hub in my downstairs office with 3PC's in my downstairs office and 2 lines (50 ft) going to my wife's office upstairs for her PC and the printer. Its a pain to print and run upstairs to get the copy but she prints a lot more then I do. Works great!!!
  30. 1 point
    I take a deep breath, pop off the gas cap and pressurize the tank for 5 seconds or so. fires right up !!!
  31. 1 point
    Sorry Scott. I also missed Limited12 and Trouty56. Your magnets have been added. It is now 8 am in East Galesburg, IL and I am making magnets. Then cleaning out the Wheel Horse Van and preparing to load for the show. Also making more kits to sell. Everything I have will be priced at least 50% off of internet price. If I dont have the kit you need I will send it to you after the show so you can take advantage of the Show prices. "Stack-em Deep & Sell-em Cheap!"
  32. 1 point
    Yep, I think so too. I've already scaled back on my food intake here just in case the food booth is open for business Thursday.
  33. 1 point
    i'll be driving with in 75 miles.....on my way through from Michigan to a family rebellion in Virginia Beach, VA... the wife wont drop me off, and continue on her way either, i already asked.... maybe next year... enjoy the show Gents.
  34. 1 point
    Heck you could have had my Senior for $4000. Now that's Wheel Horse history!!!
  35. 1 point
    Hey Mr. Horsepower, Great job on the boat! Stick with OMC. The Evinrude or Johnson will have more grunt to push that Duratech. The Mercs are a dog out of the hole on that combo you got there. Maybe go with a 1959 Goodyear Sea Bee 25 with a 1958 OMC 35hp Powerhead as a real sleeper. It's nice to catch people off guard. I think I surprised you at least once with that combination. Stroker Ace PS I Still got it in me. See you on the water WFO.
  36. 1 point
    First pic before salad dressing and after second tractor before wet sand and salad dressing and after...
  37. 1 point
    Yes you are crazy..... yes there where fiberglass pan seats and it certainly looks like they aint worth much even complete.... that sound you hear later will be a fiberglass seat pan flying outta my yard and hitting the side of your house.....
  38. 1 point
    And I did I said it's on the inter etc people know and that's why it's been there since 1984 and I left it at that's my offer its on the table take or leave it you got my number and he walked away it will sit there till he dies.
  39. 1 point
  40. 1 point
    They came on 69 GT14's and most all Long frame tractors in 69. and one very close to this was used on the 867
  41. 1 point
    I know!!! 40 years at We Energies. Spent a lot of time in the coal fired plants. They didn't like the nukes, now they're trying to shut down the coal plants! YIKES!!! I guess we need to put up a windmill or a bicycle generator so I can produce power while I'm resting!!!LOL Red
  42. 1 point
    Actually standing under my canopy is welcome if it rains. The more hands keeping water build off the roof the better.
  43. 1 point
    I don't think it would leak. But why would you start it? Your paying through the nose for a museum piece. The uniqueness of this machine is that no time has been placed on the tractor. The second you spark that fuel in the motor, you might as well have dug a hole in your yard and thrown money in it. I don't want to talk down to you Jason and please don't take it as that but unless you have money to burn as in your a former top ranking VA Hospital Manager, a CEO or CFO to a bailed-out bank or automotive corporation, why would you want to run it? (Just know that it will run because there isn't any reason why it shouldn't run). Gun collectors pay through their bloodied fingers to acquire a weapon that is NIB and NBF and they will never ever fire them. That is their niche, their claim to fame! Just like this tractor has NBF. Do you see where I'm coming from? PS.....I have bought new cars that depreciate as soon as you title it let along put the first mile on it but that new car isn't a collector's car already nor is it old.
  44. 1 point
    its looking real good, Jake. Will be another very nice tractor when you are done..... I gotta say Jake you have a bunch of talent for these tractors at such a young age, and I'm always floored by how much knowledge and ability you have at finding parts for these older ones. You are becoming a force to be reckoned with!!!! Us older guys better watch out, i know I'm looking out!!!
  45. 1 point
    So i tweaked the real idler and got some tilling done. Not perfect but but didn't throw the belt once. Thanks everyone. Is it too late to plant corn? Newbie Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  46. 1 point
    stroke is different in the 16 from the 18 and 20. check the onan manual and it will give all the specs on the motors eric j
  47. 1 point
    looking good so far!... one thing i would check with your repair in the last pic is does the belt guard fit right. maybe its just the position of the pic but it looks like you welded some sort of brace underneath the repair. the belt guard fits underneath that area and any extra metal is sometimes in the way. you maybe ok if back far enough to clear the belt guard. maybe you already considered that, but just thought id throw it out there......
  48. 1 point
    just seen your edit. guess its here for somebody else if needed.......
  49. 1 point
  50. 1 point
    Here is my take on this and it is quite simple. I have mowed with both type decks over the past 30 yrs. and both do a decent job. The advantages and disadvantages of each deck have all been mentioned so I won't bore you. A rear discharge deck is boring! It just seems as though you are doing nothing but riding around the yard with one. Being able to watch the clippings come out of the side discharge keeps me entertained.
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