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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/06/2014 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    Hello All, I brought a nice little tractor back home with me Saturday, but haven't been able to post photos yet as my membership ran out! I'm now renewed and I'm a supporter again! Where do I start, well the man I purchased it from, said it wasn't his, it belonged to his dad, and his dad had used it to mow the fairly large laws they have. Until it was outdated by all the modern machines this little lawn ranger had apparently been sitting in the same spot for 15 years, he didn't know any other history but that, It took a while to load up onto the trailer, as all the tyres had bad flat spots so was bounced into the trailer, then strapped down and we was on our way home. It was only 45 minuites away but the journey home seemed to take forever, Once we was home it was unloaded, and pushed round the back just out of curiosity I plugged up the compressor and inflated the tyres, the two front tyres hold air, but the two rear tyres don't they hold air for a few hours then end up flat, The bonnet needs some work, needs some beating bending and shaping, and welding new slats for the grill need making up and welding in, all round, it shouldn't be too hard, but that's the fun of a restoration, The first job was take the bonnet off, and sit it too one side ready for the work that needs doing to it, Then we got too work with removing the cutting deck and cleaning up the seat! The girlfriend was even willing to help, (rare sighting seeing Robyn with a tool) Then the whole thing went for a wash, and was left to dry ready for work the next day, I then went to work cleaning out the fuel system where I was greeted by some thick golden syrup like petrol, I cleaned out the carb, filter bowl, tank and the lines, Then we wasn't getting a spark when we tried to start it up, so I then got to removing the flywheel and cleaning the points, As of now it runs and runs okay, just needs some tuning, once it's running perfect, I'm buying a new exhaust, getting the bonnet welded up and fixed, new tyres stickers painted etc, more updates as and when the work is done, Here's a few more pictures for you too all look at!
  2. 2 points
    I was out cutting grass today. I was almost done when the pto belt on the 522xi broke. I went to my trusty 416, took 7 minutes to get the deck, bring it to the tractor and mount it. Another 15 minutes and I was done cutting grass. I am test driving the xi for a while to see if I want to buy it. The classic style is so much easier to work on. I think that I know where this is heading. I think that they are going to fight!
  3. 2 points
    I recently installed the tiller on my C-160, and with the tiller raised the front of the tractor was way to light. If I wasn't very careful releasing the clutch, it would do a wheelie, and drag the tiller on the ground. I have an old junk JD F510 that had some small weights on the back, and I figured anything from a John Deere makes good Dead Weight, right? Anyway, I had an extra mule drive laying around, so I made a few modifications to it, and bolted the weights on the front of the Horse. They snap right into the tach o matic, just like the mule drive does. Now, unless I just dump the clutch, the front end stays on the ground. Here are a couple pics, and yes they are from today. We're still gardening down here, although we're expecting temps close to freezing tonight, which is why we put bags over the tomato plants. This garden actually belongs to my good friend Byron, who is also a member here (byrunner). I help out with the equipment needs, and we're also tending it right now, as he is out of the country for a month. Matt
  4. 2 points
    This one I have only has 200 hours I call it the Sunday driver mower. Sent from my LG-D800 using Tapatalk
  5. 2 points
    Sorry to hear about the Broadmoor not working out. The X300 looks good, and sounds like the price was right! Keep it in the sun and it should ripen. John
  6. 2 points
    On another thread I asked what kind of Tranny and rear end and the year I had on my senior. After much research I found that the transmission is what they call a Top Loader and the date code says its a 1934. The rear end is definitely a Model "A" as I went over to a friend of mine who has a Model A and looked it over and mine matches his. With this info in hand I can order gaskets that I need to fix the leaks. On another note, I drove over to ME Miller Tire Saturday and picked up the front and rear tires That I will be using. I had ordered a 8 X 16 Blank Rim in case the Lab Metal job didn't turn out how I wanted it to. Anyway the 8 X 16 was too wide.. I didn't realize that just because it's an 8 x 16 tire it doesn't take an 8 X 16 rim. Live and learn Well with the return shipping I would have had and the shipping of the replacement rims and the tires my shipping would have been $160.00. Well I made the trip for about $35.00 with gas and tolls. I will weld the spokes in later this week more on that later. The front tires are Firestone rib old style 4 X 12. The rears are Superstrong 8 X 16 Ags which bought out the Firestone rear molds and are making them under the Superstong name. Here is pics of the new Skins.
  7. 1 point
    So for the first time in my adult life I'm going to plant a serious garden. I have done container gardens and a few square foot gardens at my previous residences. I have some questions about preparation of rows planting etc. This garden is probably going to be 60x80 or maybe 60x100. I will be able to tell more once I measure things. 1.)The first question is prep. I have no clue how to prep something this big. I have heard tilling is best, is that true? Plow, disc, cultivate better? I'm looking for the most bang for the buck as far as implements and don't want to invest in 3 if 1 will do it as good or better. 2.)The next thing is row spacing. The last thing I want to do is spend countless hours everyday hoeing and weeding to keep things under control so I was wondering if it would be better to space things wider so I can use a Mantis tiller or something similar and run it down the rows once a week? 3.) I guess the last is planting. How do I make heirloom carrots, tomatoes, lettuce, beans, brussel sprouts, beans, peas, maybe some sweet corn etc...all coexist in their appropriate areas of the garden in harmony? Ok let the laughing begin...hopefully answers will follow....
  8. 1 point
    Hey all, I have been thinking about what to do with the rims as far as paint on my 1054. I'm not a purist so a different color doesn't bother me. The paint on the tractor itself is a nuttin-special rattle can job so the rims will be the same . Not to mention I have no painting skills! I started out with these nasty rims... I decided to try a flat black finish with a shiny silver ring around the outside of the rim. The seat frame is silver so its not the only silver on the machine. Any thoughts?? Looks good/OK/lousy? What about the hubs? Would you paint em black...leave em red...or what? I can handle criticism . Mike..............
  9. 1 point
    Just won....gotta a SMOKIN deal from a semi-local online auction house on two...count em two 520's...hopefully pick them up Friday...
  10. 1 point
    So I've been in the market for a used riding mower since I moved and now my yard is just too big to push mow. With life I haven't had the extra cash to pony up for a new mower and have had trouble finding a good used one at a fair price. Fast forward to yesterday, got a call from a buddy of mine who says his brother has an older Toro Wheelhorse that needs a starter or solenoid, won't crank so towards the end of last season he bought a used zero-turn. I rode out there with my buddy and looked at it, I won't lie, its in rough shape cosmetically. The shroud over the blower is missing, as well as the shroud over the pulley at the front, battery hold down bar is missing, the battery is currently held in with zip ties. So, I'm figuring the battery is dead but I try anyway, first thing I notice is the brake definitely needs to be adjusted, no big deal. So turn the key and nothing. No click, no anything. I expected that. I brought a screw driver to arc the solenoid, absolutely NOTHING. Ok, battery is probably toast. I pull my car around, hook the jumper cables up and she turns right over with the key. So solenoid and starter both work, just a dead battery. Took a minute of cranking it before she started but she sat for a year so I figure a little trouble cranking is to be expected. The battery was new, he replaced it when he first had trouble with it cranking. I'm thinking its a charging issue, but not one that I've found on the forums in my searches. Most of the posts I've found is the mower runs until their battery is dead then it dies. With this one, if I jump it off it runs GREAT until I turn it off and then absolutely nothing. Jump it off again and she runs fine. I've looked at the charging diagrams, looks like the charge from the alternator runs through the ignition switch before going to the battery? Not sure of the year but it's a Wheelhorse 312 8 Speed model number 73362 with a Kohler engine. It does have the Oil Sentry. How many fuses should this model have in the fuse block? I only saw 2 fuses in there. It was getting dark when I looked at it so I couldn't look in great detail. One thing for sure, once she started she ran great, he had a patch of grass under the trampoline where he didn't move it so I cut that for him, has a good cut. All gears work in both hi and low. Best thing of all? Picking her up today at the tune of $75.
  11. 1 point
    I can't speak to the 5xi, but I've been working on some other color tractors this year and what a pain in the arse it has been at times - LOL!!! One exception has been the Simplicity I've been tinkering with, which I posted on in the off brand section. Without a doubt, the a Wheelhorse tractors are a pleasure to keep going.
  12. 1 point
  13. 1 point
    It was a great day and the rain held off. The Auction service did a fantastic job getting through all the stuff. Owner bought new batteries for all the runners so they started. I thought most of the stuff went high. $200 for a beat up 520 roller with no motor a half torn apart trans a swept axle but no gear reduction. A view from the end of the mower rows with my B-I-L haming it up! I did score a decent RD deck. Battle of the Titans! Elvis, Here's your sign!
  14. 1 point
    I picked up a set of Zero-turn weights at the Mansfield auction and plan on doing the same thing for snow plowing to help with the turns.
  15. 1 point
    the herd is growing, ever thought of naming them Sabrina, Jill and Kelly? then you'll have the charlie's angels Koen
  16. 1 point
    Two much fun? Get it.... two....too....
  17. 1 point
    she is a real beauty Charlie and she certainly will turn heads, but then so will the lawn ranger. did you have to remove steering wheel to get hood off ?
  18. 1 point
    Leave it bare, anything else you are wasting your time and money it will not hold up. If you are not using it for a period spray the inside and bottom of the bucket with WD-40
  19. 1 point
    Thanks Guys! The fronts are really cool they call them Old Style I like the Scallops in them. The rears are pretty Knarley with the aggressive lug pattern. Really pisses me off that Firestone sold out the Molds. The Blank Rims are nearly identical to the originals Less the CHLORIDE DAMAGE! When I take the rear brake drum off for a JIG for matching bolt pattern I will see condition of brakes and what parts are needed although the brakes feel pretty good. ~Duke
  20. 1 point
    Duke now you got me thinking about those fronts for my senior... The ones that are on it now are what looks like a trailer tire nothing special. Those are sweet!
  21. 1 point
    Glad you found the rite wheels and US made tires.
  22. 1 point
    I think on loader duty there is nothing that will hold up. On construction equipment they get painted to hold the rust off until they use them. When it starts to rust, use it more you'll get it back to shiny steel. If you go long times between use just clean it off real good, wipe down with mineral spirits and throw some rattle can paint on it to hold off rust. So, in that respect, paint it with something that is easily matched with a rattle can. As soon as it gets heavy use again it will wear off.
  23. 1 point
    hi curmudgeon, i'm not trying to steal your thunder. i made something similar from a car hub with the same bolt pattern as wheelhorse. i used a 7/8 inch diameter bolt. also it was fine thread. (7/8x14) i used this diameter so it would work on either the trannys with 1 inch axles or the 1.125 inch axles. your idea is great but, may i suggest a larger diameter fine thread bolt for the jacking screw. the combined strength of the larger diameter and fine thread will prevent you from stripping the threads. hope this helps you. mike in mass.
  24. 1 point
    Keep lookin'....some not far north of ya...might send one (or more) down south when the "snow birds" head your way for the winter!!!
  25. 1 point
    Stu, you can always have a shipped down there.
  26. 1 point
    Progress has been slow lately with the arrival of spring and yard chores. Had to start over on fender and hood because of a primer issue. I should be painting the motor soon. Put on new knobs, steering cap and anti-slip pads.
  27. 1 point
    Glad to be able to help. It's always good to hear back from someone when a problem is solved. Makes it easier for the next guy with a similar issue. Thanks.
  28. 1 point
    GIDDY UP! GIDDY UP! 401!
  29. 1 point
    First thing I did was to take the JD into the woods and tried it in the leaves with the Cyclone. Worked great. Decision was simple after that. Sent from my Moto G using Tapatalk
  30. 1 point
    Thanks Steve. That's what I'll do. I have the frame and transmission case all cleaned and the frame primed. Hopefully I'll be able to reassemble the transmission Wednesday and start making progress worthy of pictures.
  31. 1 point
    The two farmers are putting up hog fencing for the deer on Wednesday and we are going to put chicken wire around it for the rabbits ! But the secret weapon is to buy some artificial fox urine in a spray bottle ! I think it is $20 a pint and it will keep just about everything away for a while! This Liguid Fence also works well. I used it before too. http://www.liquidfence.com/deer-repellent-1-qt-con.html Sorekiwi: I had a garden 20 years ago bigger than this and three rows of sweet corn came in and the night it was ready to pick the raccoons took it all!
  32. 1 point
    You can read about the problem I had in this post, and how I fixed it.
  33. 1 point
    Guessing £500 ish, I think I've a mid 70's price lost somewhere, will try dig it out.
  34. 1 point
    Lane, it's on a C160 hydro.
  35. 1 point
    Yes Craig...that is it exactly. great picture...thanks Craig. I think Glen Pettite sells the plastic part that goes on the handle. Notice where the spring is in Craig's picture...I did not have that hole in the piece for the 502 (not needed there...it mounts a little different)...but the hole is there for the spring if that brake piece is not there. Looks like I am looking for that piece also. What a team...
  36. 1 point
    nyquil...got to tell ya...your horse should be like my 857. Here is couple of pictures...I do not have a parking brake either...nor does it look like one was ever there. Our tractors should be about the same. See what you think...I was all over this a few minutes ago. This is the kind of thing that just does not disappear...the parts would be hanging there...even if they did not work. See if this looks like yours. It looks like piece 51 is missing and sets on piece 48 (in the drawing above) and when pushed forward one of the notches hits on the top of the brake shoe...thus locking it brake shoe on the drum. If so...this is the same piece that is on the 502, 702 etc. I was able to find this at a show and made a drawing of it. I needed it for my 502. Check the drawing...you can make this...or I can look for you at some the swaps coming up and send you one. Let me know what you think.
  37. 1 point
    I welded a long bolt on top of the larger HF tire changer...2.small disc blades (same size to fit inside 8" rim) put one blade on bottom, then tire and rim, then another blade on top...run nut down on bolt to hold rim in place.....and you are ready to work on the tire...works for me..poor guys have poor ways!!!
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