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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/27/2014 in all areas

  1. 6 points
    So, I get home yesterday and there is a package on the front porch. Nothing new there, both my daughter and my wife are addicted to QVC...but this package has my name on it. I wasn't ready for this... OK...so I open it up to find this... Holy VCR's Batman... No note inside to say who it was from...but in the label on the package was a clue. "Reference Brian Marion". It's from Buckrancher!!! WOW!!! How did he know, this is just what the doctor ordered?? How did he know that only 1 in 6 people still have a VCR...and I am one of them?? Did he send them to me to rewind them?? I can't wait to get into watching them. Thanks Brian and Jo...this is great...worth it's weight in homemade wine in June. You have just saved a horse owner from insanity this season. Thank You!!!
  2. 4 points
    Bought from original owner and its still wearing its original paint and all the paper work was still in the tool box with mice nest over it add gas and it fired right up after setting for 9years
  3. 3 points
    that should keep you out of trouble for awhile
  4. 2 points
    How yall doin, I wus just thinkin today while I watched my dog tater eatin popcorn cernils. If you swaller a popcorn cernil that aint popped yet I do reckon that it culd pop inside you. If id did pop inside ill bet that could hurt. Not sure if its true. Yall post yur ideas here. By the way I just have to say a big yeeeeeeehaaaaawwwwww to Dale Earnhardt jr for wining the daytona 500. God bless Earl
  5. 2 points
    1961 551 was the only mid engine to to have the 2 piece tranny
  6. 2 points
    How big do they make Snuggies?
  7. 2 points
    We won't see Steve 'til spring.
  8. 2 points
    Sorry Mike. I'm in training to run a 5K race. I can't get near the donut shop , but if you like, I'll send some nonfat, strained Greek yogurt and a protein bar up for your next coffee break.
  9. 2 points
    Wow! where do I start.? First I didn't have the day off. Our lead mechanic is out sick until at least Mon. so I get to take his place. We have a new floor opening Tues. along with a complete bldg. just opened and have more issues then I could count. I noticed at coffee break this morning no doughnuts arrived from Maryland so that was a bummer ​ . Right leg has been bugging me for 2 weeks (it's hell to get old) and was really hurting by 2;00. I'm in the process of looking for some night vision goggles so the "Wood Nymph" can find his way at night in the back woods of South Mountain. I see "Nanook of the Midway" has chimed in. sittin in a lawn chair staring at an empty Soldier Field in 3 deg weather the site of one of the Packers greatest triumph's. What is it with you knuckleheads anyway? I see on the news they used a payloader on the shore of Lake Michigan in Chicago to breakup the ice so some boneheads can go swimming.I didn't know Dino's floated! What's up with that! Nice smiley Jim. Looks like me Steve and Craig!
  10. 2 points
    Well, Jim M of course is right about the temperature it takes to pop popcorn. Ya just can't argue with NASA, they're almost as sharp as the NASCAR guys. However Jim did forget one thing. Cell phones. Yes that's right, I said cell phones. So if Tater happened to swallow 4 cell phones and suddenly got wrapped up in a conference call, he could be in a world of hurt.
  11. 2 points
  12. 2 points
    They could make a killing selling those kits right now! A BIG DEMAND OUT THERE!
  13. 2 points
    Think they've all been taped over with Teletubbie reruns? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mcl6t1b_6nA
  14. 2 points
    If you are going to rewire a tractor and eliminate the connectors, I would HIGHLY suggest soldering all connections and heat shrink them. (preferably with the adhesive sealing heat shrink) Electric tape is not permanent (My father is an electrician, i have put my fair share of electric tape on things), and overtime will shrink and come off leaving a sticky nasty black goo. It also is not waterproof and will cause any wire nutted connections to trap water and corrode. Just my
  15. 2 points
    You can use the following jumper cable setup to perform some quick go / no go testing on a ignition coil based tractor. I soldered up just such a jumper arrangement to take with me when tractor hunting. This arrangement will bypass all bad key switches, ammeter connections, starter solenoid wiring etc. A few feet of 12 gauge wire and 3 medium duty alligator clips and you are all set. Setup the jumper arrangement as seen below. This setup supplies battery voltage to the positive lug of the ignition coil and makes ready for the engine to be able to crank. When you wish to crank the engine to attempt to start it, switch the alligator clip off the battery terminal of the starter relay and touch the alligator clip to the trigger terminal of the relay as shown below. The engine should crank as long as the alligator clip is on the trigger terminal. When (if) the engine starts, return the alligator clip from the trigger terminal back to the battery terminal of the starter relay. This move back to the battery terminal gives the alligator clip a safe place to "park" so it doesn't accidentally touch any grounded metal parts. When you wish to stop the engine, simply remove the alligator clip from the battery positive terminal. Power will be removed from the ignition coil and the engine will stop. Please consider this arrange temporary and use only until you rewire all the safety features back into operation. Do not leave the battery power applied to the ignition coil for extended periods of time if the engine is NOT RUNNING. Battery power applied to the coil without the engine running will likely overheat the ignition coil.
  16. 1 point
    Hi all! I'm sorta new to this site I have been here for about a month. I guess I'll introduced my self. My name is Ryan and I'm 15. I caught the wheel horse fever when I got my first wheel-work horse lt-1637. I am currently restoring my grandfathers GT-1142 he had bought it new in 83 from the wheel horse dealership I personally never knew as he passed before I was born. This tractor is going to be my senior project. I am going to keep this tractor as original as possible other than the motor that will be swapped out as the 11 hp Briggs blew because of low oil from my brother not checking it it will be swapped out for a 20 hp onan. That al I really have to say
  17. 1 point
  18. 1 point
    Hope you have a great day Mike!
  19. 1 point
    Wow! I'm not going to touch the rest of this thread with a 5 inch elbow or 10 foot pole!
  20. 1 point
    Naw last time tater made a log in the house I made the smoke deteckter go off cause he is scared to death of them things
  21. 1 point
    and if they were "Show" tractors...has anyone seen a matched pair of signed Broncos??
  22. 1 point
    I can usually get mine in the hole with one hand, sometimes no hands...........................................................sorry had to
  23. 1 point
    I showed the wife this today and guess what...she had never seen the "Giant Claw"...are you kidding me!! She will not be able to say that again. Burritos, Margaritas, and Snuggies...and the fire place Friday night. Life is excellent. You know...this has been a tough winter for all of us...good friends, good food, good stories, good shows coming up...the light is at the end of the tunnel, and the days are getting longer. I thank all of you for your support and friendship. Thanks Brian and Jo.. BTW...check out "Humanoids from the Deep"...Doug McClure...one of my favorite "B" movies...I think it is on U-Tube...you just have to check it out... "The Giant Claw"...is maybe the movie where it all started...WOW!!!
  24. 1 point
  25. 1 point
    How cool is that! Mike.........
  26. 1 point
  27. 1 point
    There isn't a thing in the world that would keep HIM out of trouble out side of a straight jacket!
  28. 1 point
    Since the Wheel Horse show last year, I have been receiving the Lawn and Garden Tractor Magazine. I was fortunate to meet Kate Goelzhauser, editor, in person as well as many others who I've known for years in the cyber communities. The latest issue has just arrived and immediately I noticed a beautiful article written by Scott Mehlberg, who I was also very fortunate to meet that same day. The article is about his annual meet and greet which has actually turned into one of the larger tractor shows in the country! On the back page is our very own Neil's now famous Stonehenge picture along with a short paragraph. Unfortunately for me I wasn't able to meet Neil at that show, but am really looking forward to this year. I encourage all of you to grab a subscription to the magazine, it can be found at http://www.lagtmag.com
  29. 1 point
    Golly Earl,,, you make sum good cents thar.... , I just hope tater will be Ok when he pops dem out his but..
  30. 1 point
  31. 1 point
    Yep... won't see Dino for awhile ...
  32. 1 point
  33. 1 point
    Do wood nymphs have birthdays?
  34. 1 point
    on all my tractors I,ve eliminated all the safety switches and pin connectors .wired the tractors according to the schematic and they all run like a dream ,w no issues and no fires . I have kept one 312 all original bought it new from dealer. I,ve rebuilt about 12 tractors and one thing I,ve noticed from almost every tractor is the gauges are wired up wrong either the dealer mechanic or the shade tree man didn,t wire them correctly .found a lot of them had hot wires on ground post and ground wires on hot post guess they just thought that's how it works most had burnt out gauges and coils and motors running wrong. also remember if you eliminate the safety switches ,a lot of guys will just cut the wires and wire them together. that,s not how it works some of the switches are normally open and some are normally closed ,check the schematic and wire accordingly. if you want to be all original then use the connectors switches I find them a pain. the one connector that I usually don t eliminate is the one going to the key switch that one I usually keep or put a new one on rest goes in the trash I use wire nuts and good thick electric tape
  35. 1 point
    Good to know all is well with the 417. Thats a good machine with the 48" deck on it. I run a 48" on mine. Question, do you know yet how much you have invested in your overhaul? Very curious as there will come the day I want to freshen up my KT-17 series 2 and I'd like to have an idea how much to expect to have invested in parts plus machine shop work, plus whatever you have encountered.
  36. 1 point
    Oh my! I didnt think he ever got "old"....
  37. 1 point
    my 1276 dually Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  38. 1 point
    A new wiring harness can be built by taking the old harness off the tractor and laying it out on a "breadboard". Wire by wire, replace the old pieces with new wires and terminals of the same style. When you are finished, lift the new harness off the board and into the tractor.
  39. 1 point
    Looks to be sized perfectly for the Mrs
  40. 1 point
    This is Navajho White (mixed) at ace to match rusto navajho white.
  41. 1 point
  42. 1 point
    Found the 1994 illustrated parts list but only the 1993 and 1995 operator manuals Garry
  43. 1 point
    Solution to pouring thinner from a metal can without sloping it everywhere. Cut a hole In the side of a plastic quart container. Fasten it on with a rubber o ring. Presto, hands free operation.
  44. 1 point
  45. 1 point
    I got 2 of the first pic and they work very well. The 2nd pic I have 1 of and it's the best most comfortable tractor seat I ever used. It's endorsed by Fitz M'Tush and Mike Kiester!
  46. 1 point
    I bought mine from the Surplus center. I have a 416-8. What was hard to find was a seat with my odd size bolt pattern. I think it was 8 x 7 1/2 inches. Glenn
  47. 1 point
    I have a 520xi w power steering and a loader. It's got over 1000 hours and performs flawlessly. If this one is in perfect condition I'd say go for it. Still love my 314h and all my accessories. But the old tried and true lil red tractors don't hold a candle to an Xi. Good luck
  48. 1 point
    I wonder what the guy was expecting from it? I have a 520Xi with the 52" deck and I love it.
  49. 1 point
    Well Made some progress on resurrecting the damaged wheel. I brainstormed for a bit an came up with a plan my Dad and I could put into play. First I took the wheel and cut the busted stuff off it with a die grinder. The next step was to get it all steel shot blasted to bare metal. As soon as I get time I will throw it in the milling machine and mill it level. My Dad had a piece of schedule 80 1 1/4" black pipe. We put it in the lathe and bored it to fit a new heavy duty flanged wheel bearing and pressed it into place so the is no play. We turned it down a bit as well so that a factory grease cap will fit with no issues. This is as it sits now. Once we mill the wheel surface level we are going to fit the new "axle" assembly to it and weld it up. As you can see from the thickness its way above and beyond anything the factory ever thought of putting in. This is the damage before After shot blasting and removing the scrap with a die grinder
  50. 1 point
    AWESOME!!! Just hope I can pay for every thing ( for the ex, thx grant co courts ) and still keep all my horses! Apparently they mean more to me than my ex, so she said. That said...guess some thing are easier replaced.
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