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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/17/2014 in all areas

  1. 6 points
    Wheel the police escort did not take place but I was the lucky one nominated to lead the caravan. The building was already loaded up on the trailer when I arrived and the guys were just strapping her down for the adventure. Once everything was secure the journey to its new home was underway...... Once we arrived to the school the guys didn't waste any time as the wind chill made it feel like 5 degrees out. The nice thing is that there were blocks for support already in place from the previous building that was removed. They drove up one of their backhoes to help maneuver the building in to place. The building had to be pulled past an existing concrete ramp and then pulled back to it. It isn't a perfect match as far as height is concerned but we will address that in the future. Here it is being maneuvered....... It is now officially home. The heater needs to be wired up and electric needs to be run to the building. We are almost back in business. Updates will be increasing again as progress on the building and tractor will continue. Stay tuned everyone!
  2. 3 points
    The reed goes to the outside and the drain-back hole goes on the bottom: Think of the reed as a check valve..... Crankcase vapor needs expelled, but outside air can't be allowed to enter or the crankcase will become pressurized. The excess pressure will cause the oil to be pushed past the rings and/or up through the valve guides where it is burned. It can also cause crankshaft oil seals to leak and possibly blow out. Each time the piston rises in the bore, the reed should close and vacuum is created within the crankcase. As the piston travels downward, the reed opens and some of the the air displaced by the piston is expelled. The vacuum cycle caused by the movement of the piston is what "powers" a pulse-type fuel pump.
  3. 3 points
    Nice tractor! As I have said a thousand times on this forum you cannot date a RJ on just one attribute... you have to take the tractor as a whole... just because it possibly has silver front wheel doesn't make it a sure thing 1955 model.
  4. 3 points
    I've gotten beer on a couple of occasions.......and honestly if my fingers were not always so cold....I'd have made a yeungling beer slushie to have why I plow. I guess that why I really need a hydro! And just have to throw in a comment since we have a little talk of football going around........here we go....guess who's going to the Super Bowl next year...black and gold baby? Steelers! AND IS it just me. ......or does anyone else think that using your horse to blow the neighbors trash into a circular target ring would make a great Olympics sport..........you could do single stage, 2 stage, men's and woman's competitions! Closest to the center wins....difficulty points being awarded for paper vs plastic.
  5. 2 points
    Its been 6 months I've been dealing with this guy and he finally decided to sell his little RJ35 .He's one of thoses tough guys that don't like to sell anything. The worst part about this tractor its been sitting outside wasting away. So finally we came up with a price and the tractor came home with me. Cool little tractor i like the cast iron steering wheel.This is nice addition to my collection.
  6. 2 points
    Interesting. Thanks for explaining that Terry. The picture you have above is exactly the one I saw out of the "service" manual.
  7. 2 points
    I had never heard of or seen a Wheel Horse until about 1985 or 1986. Pop was retiring and got it in his head he wanted a riding mower to use instead of push mowing. I went with him to look at a rider he thought he might buy which turned out to be a 1968 Lawn Ranger. I was immediately taken with the style and design of the little tractor that was setting out taking the weather behind the sellers house. The guy wanted something like $100-150 for the machine. I recall pop saying what if the engine is shot to me since it did not run. I told him so what, what if the engine was shot either rebuild it or buy a new Tecumseh to replace the one that was there. My logic was the tires looked good, the thing looked like it was built like a tank, I really could not see how there was anything seriously wrong with the machine. Pop bought it, repainted it IH red and I think Allis Chalmers cream, all with a brush. In spite of that it came out looking great. He did put a new Tecumseh engine on it, new belts, new choke and throttle cables, a new high backed seat for his bad back and it was good to go. Pop used it a few years then later turned it over to me when I needed to mow 3 acres a week which I did with the Lawn Ranger for a couple of summers. The LR started my affliction and I have since added three more WH tractors since then. Of course I still have the Lawn Ranger too
  8. 2 points
    In this 1963 brochure, they appear to be Linen Beige.
  9. 2 points
    Thanks guys! What a fun day it has been. Headed back over to do some things and dropped off a storage cabinet and some other misc items. The kids are going to be floored when they return to school and see it. We just need to get electric run to the building and we will be ready to rock and roll. I honestly thought about getting a sign for the outside but decided against it so we are not advertising what is inside of it. So instead I purchased a decal from Terry and mounted it on some foam board to be able to hang it in the barn. Here are a couple of pics from the inside.
  10. 2 points
    Very nice to see the light at the end of the tunnel for the kids you have wanting to get to work on the C120! Your doing a great job with this tractor club Scot, Cant wait to see the expressions on the kids faces when they can stay warm working on a tractor! Keep up the great work Scot!!
  11. 2 points
    Got the new fuel line and tank hooked up today. cleaned the bowl , strainer, and jets. Put a pint of gas in and gave her a shot of starter fluid and hit the start switch. She fired up and ran rough for about 30 sec. , then smoothed out and purred like a Happy Onan. Plugged some lights in and she lit-em up. The Idle-matic setting even works. In this setting, If there is no load, a solenoid pulls the throttle back to idle speed. When the Gen. sees a load, the solenoid drops out and lets her go back to 3600revs. Bring on the power outages..... we got ONAN.
  12. 2 points
    For those of you that have been following along, today will be known as "D" day for the Harrison Elementary Garden Tractor Club. The new building is set to arrive this afternoon!!!!! The new 12x20 will have it's own police escort up to the new resting place. We will be working on getting it set in place and work will soon commence on the refurbish of the C-120. I will be sure to get some pictures and share this milestone with everyone!
  13. 2 points
    I caught Frank Deford on NPR the other day. He was talking about staying with the teams that you grew up with and keeping your allegiance to them. That is why I am still a Bears fan! Reminds me of my favorite Green Bay joke: " Do you know why Milwaukee doesn't have a professional football team? Answer - Green Bay would want one too."
  14. 2 points
  15. 1 point
    Hi all, I'm a super newb here, as in this is post one. I've looked around this fourm and this seems to be the place for all things Wheel Horse. Here's my question. I need a decent lawn tractor and my old farmer neighbor has this Wheel Horse tractor in his barn ( he bought from the original owner,his neighbor, another old farmer who became too sick to live on his own). Anywho, the tractor looks and runs pretty darn good for an older tractor. It would come with 2 42" decks (rear and side discharge) wheel weights, chains, and a snow plow. Being that I'm a know nothing...is $1000 out of the ball park? Plus I kinda like the old guy and he could use some help with money. Please let me know what you fine folks think. Hi I'm Dave!
  16. 1 point
    I am down to the nitty gritty on the K181S rebuild. What do you guys do for the first run. Bench test? Bolt it in tractor and go? I will admit this being my first rebuild/rebore I have this feeling of "what if". "what if" I didn't do this right.......etc, etc, etc. I fix crap for living but have always had this little bit of self doubt when it comes to anything the runs on gas although I seem to be able to get just about anything running again. I went by the manual, took my time.......but have this nervousness about the big fire up. LOL call me crazy I should be pumped right. Anyway........what should I do for "D" Day? Bolt it to a stand and let it rip with a rope? will the engine need to be ground to something to spark if not in the tractor? Can engine break-in be properly done on a stand? or is that better suited in the machine? Thanks for any advice.
  17. 1 point
    I have always wanted a 4WD diesel and I finally splurged and got one. This one was used (2006) with 398 hours. Hope to add a loader soon. Thad
  18. 1 point
    I've got a 312-8 and it's a great tractor. I think you'll be happy with this one. Price doesn't sound bad for what's included with it. I've sold the plow and decks for more than you're paying for the tractor with everything. Go for it!
  19. 1 point
    Wheel Horse is rock solid. Plenty of parts around and you are on the best forum around, there's nothing to lose!
  20. 1 point
    I don't really know...well, anything about Wheel Horse tractors, other than my internet study. Is this Wheel Horse a good model? I most certainly will update and thanks for the replies. I could use all the help I can get on this one.
  21. 1 point
    The man take good care of his equipment! I crawled all over this thing, no rust, started up first try after sitting in his barn since October and purred like a kitten. All the attachments are in equally as good of shape. No smoke when running either!
  22. 1 point
    A few years ago I built a test rig which was basically an old chassis with a fuel tank and a bit of wiring, Used it a couple of times and decided it was easier to just bolt the motor back into the tractor it came from, hook up the gas tank and wiring that's already there and set up for that engine and run it on there. I usually start the motor before I bother to hook up the drive belt etc, get it hot, check for leaks etc. If it seems OK, I'll hook up the belts etc. When its cold I'll retorque the head, and take it for a ride. I usually run them a couple of times before I work them too hard.
  23. 1 point
    I watched NASCAR in the days of TNN doing the coverage, when the announcers knew what they were talking about and only when there was something to talk about. After the France family went for the big money and took the attitude of " we own it and half the tracks so we will change everything and anything at any time with no regard to what you have already spent for the last mindless change" I pretty much quit watching. The races now are IROC races with spec cars, half the talent and drummed up drama from the announcers. Off my now, .
  24. 1 point
    4" drive pulley...3/4 shaft diameter...
  25. 1 point
    Nascar hasn't been the same for me since guys like Junior Johnson, Bud Moore & Hoss Ellington got out of it. I remember chatting with Juinor at Martinsville waiting for the Busch cars with the howling V-6's to finish up, rooming next door to J.D. Mcduffie at Dover and eating pizza with Bud in the pits at Pocono.
  26. 1 point
    Sounds & Looks like you got all your bases covered for a good O/H
  27. 1 point
    The Electro 12 has Sundstrand 90-2046 hydro power unit and here is a schematic of it. You need to FIRST...determine the EXACT source of the leak. If it is the trans gasket, 1st to re-torque the bolts holding it together. If it isn't the trans gasket, check the axle seals...they may be leaking. Beyond that, check the pump seals. To split the trans case isn't a simple undertaking, although there are only a few gears inside it. ( It should NOT be necessary to take the differential apart.)
  28. 1 point
    Yes I do unless Bernie Kozar, byner and Mac come back! Lol
  29. 1 point
    If you look closely in the center of the picture (click to enlarge) you can see me and the 418 clearing the way to my mother in laws trailer. The horse had cleared all the way and I had come home when it broke. If it had died up there I would have been a very unhappy camper!!
  30. 1 point
    How do you say? Techy challenged.
  31. 1 point
  32. 1 point
    Agreed!! Here's me and my son.
  33. 1 point
    I'm liking Nascar season as well. Not too thrilled about plate races though. Kind of boring until the end. Then you realize that nobody can pass anyhow without help. 480 miles of wasting your time to race 20 laps. I've been to Daytona a couple of times, but the best tracks I've been to were Martinsville, Bristol, and Darlington. When the kids get a little older, am hoping to take them to see good racing like that. We had a party at my house back in the day when Earnhart crashed. We actually all cheered just rooting against the bad guy. Sad, and it changed Nascar for sure though. My wife, back then my girlfriend, picked Jimmie Johnson as a rookie, and has like him ever since. She got to meet him a couple of times with autographs as well. He and Chad are awesome together without question. People didn't like Tiger Woods or the Yankees for a while when they were winning either. It is history in the making though. I was a big Jeff Burton fan, but now I just like the racing.
  34. 1 point
    Gonna have to hook it to the Ford for a Tug of War!
  35. 1 point
    The 18 is running again…tire chains tomorrow…..finally…..
  36. 1 point
    Mine started with the first tractor my Dad ever bought, an 854 he purchased used on June 6th, 1966. I wasn't allowed to drive it until I was 10 years old (1970), but once I was allowed, man was it ever great! It was the first real responsibility my Dad had ever given to me and trusted me with. I loved mowing the yard and the sense of accomplishment I had when it was finished. I bonded with that simple, rugged and reliable 854 and it felt like part of me. My Dad traded the 854 in on a new C-101 on 12/29/79. I still have the C-101, and I purchased an 854 last year and restored it. Both of these tractors bring back so many good memories. I guess that's why I will always love Wheel Horses.
  37. 1 point
    now there is a man with an attitude ,, it couldn't be the exhaust shallowwatersailor makes 3. All we need now is a place kicker and the four of us could take them
  38. 1 point
    I have been doing my neighbors driveways this year (finally we have snow!) and I have gotten a pie, cookies, a desert bread, and two bottles of wine. My other reward is that my 80-year old neighbor has not fallen in her driveway, my 70 year-old neighbor has not had a heart attack, and I have had fun playing in the snow! Steve, we miss the Mexican restaurants out here as I I love Mole' con Pollo. There is also no such thing as an Italian beef sangwitch either - and especially dipped! Can't have an "Al's" so I would even settle for a "Portillo's." Instead it's somethin' with Cheese sauce.
  39. 1 point
    You Bores fans are all alike!! TBSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  40. 1 point
    " Do you know why Milwaukee doesn't have a professional football team? Answer - Green Bay would want one too."
  41. 1 point
    Gonna need that big ol' Cat if it keeps this up... put down a measured 20" overnight here.
  42. 1 point
    I'm tired of all this snow already, I don't mind the big storm's its all the little one's I'm tired of. I think its Steveasaurus's fault we are getting so much this yr.. He was complaining he had NO snow last yr. Rumor has it that this past fall he was caught in full head dress doing a snow dance with a bottle of Scotch in hand...
  43. 1 point
    I'm 99.7% sure your tractor is a 1963.
  44. 1 point
    Im ready to go…gotta make a fuel run tomorrow morning first thing but with 10-18 inches coming my way the 18 is gonna get its first major workout. I can't wait to get some time pushing the white stuff with it and give the Charger 12 a break
  45. 1 point
    Scot, thanks for all the updates. Cant wait for more. Glenn
  46. 1 point
    This should work for you Mr. Moto
  47. 1 point
    Sounds like you need to gather all the wheel horse owners within 100 miles of you with snow blowers to have a ground breaking snow blowing ceremony and make you a nice big open space.
  48. 1 point
    This is too absolutely COOL!!!! I wish I could re-enroll in elementary school (get an advanced degree?). I'm going figure out a way to work a Harrison Elementary Garden Tractor Club decal into the 1/25 scale Electro project.
  49. 1 point
    Well not much of an update to give but here we go........... I can honestly say that we have missed more school the past month than we have been here at school. North Central Indiana is having quite the nasty weather like so many of you are also enjoying. With all of the cancellations we are still hibernating and chomping at the bit to get the ball rolling again. This past Wednesday we planned to meet to work on a special project in the computer lab but unfortunately school was cancelled that day. We are planning to try and meet up this coming Wednesday and see what we can get accomplished. We have caught wind of a very special essay contest involving a B-80 tractor. The kids are going to work on a submission in hopes they can win in order to provide a machine for the club for next school year. The barn is almost complete. I have not had the chance to make it back down to see the progress or lend a hand lately but from what I am hearing the last thing to be done is having the floor painted a shop grey color. The lights are up, the heater is mounted, garage door is installed, siding is all on, insulated and painted walls, electric is all complete.........pretty much all done. Now we have piles and piles of snow where this new building is supposed to be located. We are hoping for a miracle to be able to get this thing up here. Please stay tuned and thanks again for following along on our journey!
  50. 1 point
    :dunno: I got more pics today!! And to answer some ?'s It will be hydraulic cylinders powered by the axle pump. I am going to use 12V hydraulic control valves and momentary switches to control the blade. More on this later on. As for the welds, most look great, but some don't. I should take my time more, but that's nice about steel, I can grind out the bird turds and redo it wright! I try to make them nice where they are seen. Ok for the pics This is the mount for the blade after finishing up the fab work. And with some paint on it Hydraulic cylinders installed, and cutting (wear) plates. And a tip I got from Nick's v blade about sidewalk cracks, the nose has a ramp to prevent me from kissing my XXX's on the wheel when I hit a crack or raised piece of cement. The springs installed I couldn't resist to install it on the tractor to see what it looked like Know I'm waiting for a shipment of fittings and hoses from surplus center. Should be here Wed. or Thur I hope! The next fun part is getting to the return line for the lift valve on the 417A. I need to tie into it for the 2 new valves, and run a new line to the filter. The hoses will have disconnects and a on-off switch under the hood so the valves will not operate when the blade is off. Trying to see what other implements I can make that could use the hydraulic ports that will be up front. Still more to come............
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