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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/29/2014 in all areas

  1. 4 points
    Picked this beauty up today for $600. Came with snow blower, mowing deck, snow cab and the hub caps. Good deal? Snow cab took a little abuse on the way home. Plastic windows were brittle and now gone. I really don't have the room for it. Anyone who wants it free and promises it doesn't end up in the scrap yard can have it.
  2. 2 points
    HI Guys, Thought I would finally put up some pictures of the rj I have been working on. I have had it together a few weeks, but today I finally manned up to put the decals on. lol. It still needs some stuff fixed on it, but it is complete and driving. I still have to fix my gas tank for it, borrowed one from my dad, and need to tear into the carburetor as it is leaking. The motor runs very well considering the only thing I did was paint it and put a carburetor kit in it. The trans make a little bit of a whine but it is not very much and the more I have driven it the quieter it has gotten, I'm very happy considering it was rusted solid....BAD. The only other thing I will need to fix is it the belt guard will not stop the belt so I have to start it in gear or grind the transmission...anybody have any advice on it? I'm running a NOS 29" belt with the correct pulleys but it has a repop belt guard. I am very happy with the way it looks though, here are some pictures of it from today. Thanks, Jake
  3. 2 points
    Just a humorous look at forum posting guidelines: http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/posting
  4. 2 points
    So this looks like another open ended thread. Sorry It's too cold to go out and I have way too much time on my hands.
  5. 2 points
    I love the tri rib tires. Makes my tractor feel like it has power steering.
  6. 2 points
    Yes , the New Forum has a good 'feel' to it with the variety of subject matter it covers and the world interest it is gradually attracting. There are still many more potential enthusiasts of old Horticultural Equipment etc who have yet to find it. It now exists as a very good alternative for some 'unsuccessful' UK & W/Wide Sites. Karl has done a good job of turning the old Forum around. I will continue recommending it as I have done. What I won't do is use it as an alternative to Euro Horse. I hope to be proved wrong that this Euro Section here will now suffer from lack of consistent use. lets hope not.
  7. 2 points
    Presuming you are working on / with a SUNDSTRAND or HYDROGEAR hyd unit: Either the nylon cam block is badly worn (never seen that happen) or the sides of the BLOCK that it slides in are worn out of shape. Here is a pic of what can be done....MAYBE. Using a bastard file on the block, bring both sides of the track into perfect square, filing on the BACK side ONLY. This will make the tracks a little bit deeper so, after squaring them, you'll need to CAREFULLY file off the TOP of the tracks. Don't file on either of the outside edges (SIDEs) of the track....this would worsen it by widening the gap for the nylon block to slide in. When done, the NYLON cam follower should neatly fit in the tracks and not wobble back and forth. It also has to be deep enough into the tracks so as NOT to be pinched tight by the two little clamps that hold it in place. It has to slide free up and down, but not side to side. Very tough to explain this.... I put a RED 'X' in the track that needs filing down. I have lots of parts shown in these pics and to contact me directly, send email to me at: daveoman@windstream.net
  8. 2 points
    I have a friend up in northern Minnesota. He said he went to get his car out of the garage the other night. Fired up the engine turned the lights on, said the head light beams froze to the back wall of the garage and pulled the head lights out of the housing when he backed out of the garage.
  9. 1 point
    i know the puriest will balk at this,,,i found a 401 at the dump.... My very first Wheel Horse,,Before knowing anything,I thought it was a minature tractor...i took it home in the shed...5 years later...i came across a 416 8 speed..no engine.... trying to be creative,,,i adapted the 8 speed to the 401,,,nothing welded...with no engine... i had a 2 1/2 hp briggs..restored.... it is almost complete...maybe this weekend.......what started my W/H habit was a visit..to ebay 2 years ago...i found a new hood.. 3 - 857"s 1 401 1-701 i was hoping to hear from others that made this 8 speed suburban....i will log pictures when the wheel are on
  10. 1 point
    Took the windolph out in the snow to pull logs.
  11. 1 point
    While everyone knows, traction can definitely become at issue at times with the type and or amount of snow while pushing it of asphalt. I was given a set of 55lb each Craftsman rear wheel weights. These really made a difference with turf tires and no chains. Without the weights, the turfs were mostly a lost cause with anything more then 2-3 inches of snow, simply No Traction. I changed out to AG tires and what a night and day difference and this is on asphalt, but still limited when it came to 6+ inches of powder. I am not sure about the wet stuff yet because it been so cold this winter. I decided that I could not live with the black plastic look of the concrete weights, so I removed them and bought myself a very nicely finished set of older Bolens 48lb each weights. They actually looked so nice, I almost hated to take them out into the elements haha, but had to ask myself...is this a tool or a jewel. Just to ensure that I had even more then probably needed, I added 13 10lb plates attached via a hitch out back. I now have so much traction that if I am not easy, the front end will jump a little bit. Now, bring on the heavy stuff, just not every day.....Daddy does have to work too...!!!
  12. 1 point
    Larry, It could be a bad gas cap not venting properly causing the tank to go into a vacuum as fuel is drawn from it. Try loosening the cap and see how long it will run for. If that is not the problem, you will have to determine whether you are loosing fuel or spark to further diagnose the problem. I could be wrong, but after running for 20 minutes with the load of a blower on it even in subzero temps, I think the onan should be plenty warm enough that carb icing shouldn't be a concern.
  13. 1 point
    I will be accepting pictures until the second week of June. We will be working on a lot of stuff for the show right up until we have to pack the van.
  14. 1 point
    There is a company named Haggerty Ins. They specialize in collector cars, AG equipment and other types of collections. I have seen them advertise in Green Magazine as well as a few others. I have a few bigger machines that I collect as well as a couple of cars that are insured by them. They cover storage, transit both on road and trailered and show exposure. Rates are reasonable. Jack
  15. 1 point
    An 854 could have been ordered new with "cleat" (bar lug) tires. You can get two pair for the price of a pair of the Firestone T&C that Miller Tire sells - then you could have duals.
  16. 1 point
    Looking good Jake! Keep up the good work! Thanks for the birthday wishes too!
  17. 1 point
    i have them on a new build I'm doing right now........... don't know what they are like other than the great comments others have using them on various garden tractors...... i see the 15 x 6.00-6 is available here........ http://www.millertire.com/products/implement-tires/15x6-00-6/15x6-00-6-v61-hd-5-rib-4-ply/ not sure if you need to use tubes on them, the 16 x 6.50-8 size most recommend using tubes. the 6 inch ones are also 4 ply whereas the 8s are 6 ply. still managed to install them by hand but they are a little more difficult than 4 ply turfs.......
  18. 1 point
    It might be worth checking for bad pivot bushings or a bent/damaged direction control lever assembly - or even a bent and/or broken transaxle mounting plate or frame.
  19. 1 point
    Thanks so much, Glenn. I have learned SO much and I still have a lot to learn but I'm thankful for all the guys helping me out so much. Couldn't have done it without them. I appreciate the comment Glenn.
  20. 1 point
    Up here poaching in my back yard huh?
  21. 1 point
    hello zane, been following your project along. It looks GREAT. I started tearing down my 854 and as I get on with my project there are many things you did that I have learned from. So I just wanted to say thank you. Glenn
  22. 1 point
    guess we just have to wait and see how well young Billy controls his "urges" when he starts to feel inadequate about the size of his post count! will one more soul be lost to overuse of emoticons ? Will master Bill fulfill his destiny and overtake his father's large but lightweight count? Will the joys of a large post count be diminished as young Bill finally realizes it's not the size of your post count but how you have used them ? Stay tuned boys and girls.
  23. 1 point
    Sounds neet to me. I saw one a few years ago at a show in Ms. and as I recall he had the hood raised and it really looked pretty good, I would guess it was probably 10 horse.
  24. 1 point
    I'm pretty sure I can talk my friend Doug into selling the whole piece of equipment to me. Might take a little time though, I just got to feel out the situation. His Dad is the person I bought my 416-8 from. Anyway, I'm thinking Wisconsin engine, tall & narrow AG tires on the rear, tri ribs on the front, pan seat and bare bones rear fenders............................................
  25. 1 point
    Heck I do technical support for specific machines manufactured by our company and only used in our own production facilities and I can't even get feedback from them after I give the plant a solution and we all work for the same company. Getting feedback on a post in a forum can be next to impossible, especially when the poster creates an account just to ask the question and never returns when they don't get an answer in 5 minutes.
  26. 1 point
    Making a Z bend is the EASY part...go to your local hobby shop (RC airplanes) and buy a pair of Z-bend pliers (HAN119)....sold by Horizon Hobby Inc, Champaign, IL.....will cost ya about 10 bucks but you will make perfect Z bends compared to a pair of needle nose pliers. Now you can guess what other hobbies I like to play with!!!...didn't someone say: ""the boy with the most toys wins"!!!!!?
  27. 1 point
  28. 1 point
    It looks like a pretty nice tractor. However, as others have said it may only be cosmetic. I have looked at many so called restored" machines ans all the owner did was paint everything. A clue to how good and meticulous the restore was is to look for over spray on parts that should not have been painted in the first place (tires, latches, etc), especially if you are going to pay top dollar for it. On the pix you shared, the fuel line is red. I have never seen red fuel line but maybe it does exist. Check carefully. Look for masking tape evidence over labels (like the Kohler engine label). If a machine of of this age was not taken apart, cleaned and primed before painting, you may be in for a surprise or two. Of course as others have said, you can put a lot of $ into fixing up a machine that does not look so good, but there is a lot of fun and satisfaction in doing it. Best of luck with your decision.
  29. 1 point
    The Bronco 14 replaced the Electro in 1971. I'd say your Electro is a 1970. (model # 1-7255)
  30. 1 point
    Price is up there but looks like a nice tractor, so you did ok, if you get rid of the cab don't forget the brackets still bolted to the tractor that go with it.
  31. 1 point
    The day i brought him home last may. And the apple festival this past October.
  32. 1 point
    Knowing what tractor you have would be extremely helpful.
  33. 1 point
    There were these three Eskimos in Alaska, and one time while they were at their local bar, they got to talking about how cold it was outside, and how cold their igloos were. They could agree on everything but whose igloo was the coldest, so they decided to determine who, indeed, had the coldest igloo. They went to the first Eskimo's igloo, where he said "Watch this!" and poured a cup of water into the air. Well, the water froze in mid-air and fell onto the floor. "Not bad" said the other Eskimos, but each maintained their igloo was colder still. So they went to the second Eskimo's igloo, and he said "Watch this!" and took a big breath and exhaled, whereupon his breath froze into a big lump and fell to the floor. "Wow, that's colder than mine! "said the first Eskimo. But the third Eskimo exclaimed his was colder still. So they ended up at the third Eskimo's igloo. He said "Watch this!" and went into the bedroom, threw back the thick furs, and retrieved one of several small balls of ice there. He took it, put it in a spoon, and held a match under it. When it heated up enough, it went "FFFAAAARRRRTTT". He won.
  34. 1 point
    I got 150lb on the back plus the wheel weights the front weights keep the front down with chains I have not been stuck in a while
  35. 1 point
    I put a single cylinder 10 HP Wisconsin in a 300 series. Its seems to have a lot more torque than a kseries. It feels more like a 14 HP Kohler. I don't run it much anymore because I'm afraid if I break something I'll never find parts. Those Wisconsin's are powerful though
  36. 1 point
  37. 1 point
    I'm an Insurance Adjuster and I would recommend you also look at the various show associations you participate in to see what the limits are of the coverage they offer you. If they have for example $250000 coverage for liability and you are sued for $1,000,000.00 you got a big shortfall that is on your shoulders. Your biggest concern at shows is Liability for Injury and allegation of Negligence. I know Canadian & US insurance laws are somewhat different but the principle of indemnity is pretty much the same, State to State & Province to Province but if you want your show tractors covered for loss you will likely have to insure them separately. Understand property value policies and liability policies are not the same. It is also important to know how values for the property policies are established. An Agreed Value Policy is more expensive but you know what you will get in the event of a loss. As was mentioned, theft coverage may not apply off premises so you have to decide what your expectations are, what premium is acceptable to you and how much risk you are willing to assume. Insurance companies will only cover what they are obligated to cover. The obligations are established by a contract. As was mentioned, do not assume, make the effort to determine for sure what is in that contract. Pay attention to limits and exclusions within the contract.
  38. 1 point
    smoreau, I don't know how many GT's you have or what kind of home-owners insurance you have, but I strongly suggest you talk to your agent so you know exactly what is and IS NOT covered. My homeowners will cover my "mower", but not a "collection" of tractors without naming each one specifically and at an added rider policy and expense. I recently contacted my agent about insurance for my GT's when I am at a show, and needless to say, I am not covered and he doesn't (or won't) have a policy that covers me. I'm sure some folks have insurance that will cover everything they own and pay 1/2 of what the next guy has to pay, but until you read it your policy I would be very careful. On the topic of insurance....Anyone belong to a club that is associated with EDGE&TA (Early Day Gas Engine and Tractor Association). They have insurance for their members. http://edgeta.com/
  39. 1 point
    Starbucks was serving coffee on a stick!
  40. 1 point
    I've been thinking about this since I bought one from a buddy this summer. Its just a 6.5 HP single cylinder though. I think I have a c-141 in the crosshairs.
  41. 1 point
  42. 1 point
    They are way to big to fit in a Wheel Horse unless you have a senior hiding some where. The twin cylinder THD is 22 5/16" tall and 22 3/8"long and 21" wide.
  43. 1 point
    I have a H/F 4x8 cheap azz trailer that I used for years & a set of these ti-fold ramps with chains to secure them to where ever you need to. I wouldn't even try to load a tractor on a pickup now a days for all the above reasons... but if that's all you got to use, please do it safely Great set up & safe...
  44. 1 point
    It's nice to know grandpa's Wheel Horse is still being used after he's gone.
  45. 1 point
    Had another 30 minute play/test drive Found another niggle too High speed chain shot And what happens under load in reverse, it needs a tensioner! Another short video http://youtu.be/QjlydTkam-8
  46. 1 point
    oooh yeah, about 3 hours worth. i think i ended up going over everything twice, and i did the side road and neighbors business car park and all the side walks and the other neighbors driveway and and and and........ video of #1 416H......
  47. 1 point
    I have pulled small stumps and logs with the B-100. Sometimes it's a fun ride with the front axle coming off the ground, but 3rd gear seems to work best for me. Maybe I'm lucky, and I haven't broken anything yet (me or the tractor). I always have chains on the turfs, and an escape plan if things don't go well. Years ago we were taking down trees and I had a rope tied about 40 feet up, with the other end hooked to the hitch. I thought I had enough rope to put me in the "safety zone", but I pulled the rope tight and kept pulling while the tree was coming down. The tree didn't go exactly where we had predicted, and I still have the dent in the fender pan to remind me that that was not a good thing to do. I believe there were a few "skid marks" elsewhere as well as I jumped from the seat while moving to exit stage left.
  48. 1 point
    Guess that makes her a keeper.
  49. 1 point
    So, the Vice President at work asked me to build her a cool cabinet, (she has the same taste in deco as I do). She wanted it on something with old style wheels like the first bench I made on top of this thread. i took that bench and built onto it. I only use hand selected pallets. So....Here is what she is gettin. She loves it! Now everyone wants to to make something similar for them. Not!
  50. 1 point
    my 308 has the 4 pinion 1inch axles,its been amazing and can push snow like theres no tomorow.
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