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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/20/2014 in all areas

  1. 3 points
    I've posted these pics many times here on Redsquare, and these tires get my vote still after two years of use. They are the 10.5's mounted on the 8-1/2 wide rims so they sit flat. They dont rip up my lawn (unless you dump the clutch of course) and have been great these past two winters pushing snow with a 48" blade. I have a total of 75#'s of cast weights on each rim and keep the air pressure set low. I know your not into the looks of the tire but as an added bonus I think these look awesome! Mike............
  2. 3 points
    Firestone makes a 6-12 turf tire and I had an old set I let go of.There ain't many 6-12 tires out there other than ags so I'm gonna fly with these again!
  3. 2 points
    i just picked up this 551. gave it a bath and now to see if i can get it running (been sitting 5 yrs). hopefully it won't be to hard.
  4. 2 points
    Yours will be a surprise Steve. Yes Lola is just barely.
  5. 2 points
    I am reasonably sure that the H60 points are the same. I'll see if I can find my notes with more information.
  6. 2 points
    I think I have to agree with Kelly. I really love Wheel Horse tractors and I would still keep the ones I have to play with and cut grass but when I needed one for real work I would jump on the Kubota.
  7. 2 points
    Being honest I was not very keen on anything shown. Of what you showed though the Trac Chief was the least offensive to my eye. Personally, I always like the looks of older vintage or more period correct looking tires for my old tractors. When I do buy new tires for a machine (have not so far) I will stick with tires that look like they came on machines sold and used during the 1960's or earlier. That is a good looking tire to my eye.
  8. 2 points
    Not as fancy as some of ya'll's but it will get the job done Semper Fi
  9. 2 points
    Steve- I did a little "Googling" as you recommended-Look what I found-Pay attention to the 3rd paragraph-Seems Whiskey was a really big deal back then-Al http://www.emmitsburg.net/archive_list/articles/history/rev_war/whiskey.htm
  10. 1 point
    My d200 tractor is next on the lst for restoration after I've just completed a full nut and bolt restoration on my David brown 880. any advice greatly appreciated . Thanks James
  11. 1 point
    this is a mayfield merlin only 109 ever made between 1966-1968 the green is before i restored it
  12. 1 point
    Last year it was mugs for members. This year I want to bring personalized member magnets for all RS members who are coming to the show. There is no cost to you. All you need to do is reply to this post and we will personalize your Complimentary RS MEMBER BIG SHOW 2014 MAGNET and you can pick it up at the show. We hope to be located in the same area as last year. The Magnets are designed using Speedy the RS Mascot as the default design. You can also choose to use one of your pictures in place of speedy. simply email me the image you want to use after posting to this thread. Last years Mugs for Members campaign was a lot of fun and we look forward to seeing you all again this year. The designs below are preliminary and will have a few small changes. I will update with the final design soon. Just wanted t get an early start to this years MAGNETS FOR MEMBERS campaign.
  13. 1 point
    Hope I dont get stoned. I do about 3/4 mile of drives and usually split duty between the 310-8 and the B. I usually do mine and the neighbors with the 310 and the MIL's 2 with the B. But it was cold and windy so I just stayed on the B today and gave the WH a rest. Really didnt have much, bout 3 inches. The B doesnt do as nice a job because it has skids which are all the way up but thats OK. Wish we could get some heavy stuff here but not yet.
  14. 1 point
    Last fall I stopped at our local "bone" yard looking for a new set of wheels for my utility trailer. Got snooping around and found a nice 417-A sitting in his garage. He has a tiny yard that he push mows and has no use for it. I shot him a $200 offer and he agreed to it, and offered to hold it for me till I got through my back surgery and got back on my feet. He just call me and needs room.. $100 bucks takes it!!! I can't wait to get it home. I couldn't find a tag on it but it has the luvered hood, 1986? Pics are coming in the near future. :beer:
  15. 1 point
    Count me in Terry...I'm going!!! Nothing special for me...but I will have something special for you and Lola...if she is over 21...
  16. 1 point
    down load this link and it will show you how to adjust this cam plate. http://www.wheelhorseforum.com/files/file/1261-transmission-automatic-eaton-11-1100/
  17. 1 point
    It is still great that the information is here on Red Square to have the people and resources to figure things out...along with the since of humor...very cool. and it is free!!!
  18. 1 point
    I had a similar situation on a K241 I did a complete rebuild on. It ran perfect for weeks, then started to develop the same symptoms. I tried a different condenser, etc...and it would be fine for a while then start to spit and backfire after a while again...turned out I had simply wired the coil up backwards. It seems silly but they can run good like this for a while. I swapped my wires around and its been perfect ever since.
  19. 1 point
    Sounds like the cam came loose and spun around.its located under the seat. Had this happen to me a few years ago.
  20. 1 point
    Here was another "Baffler". I was using my 704 one day, had been running like a top when all of a sudden it started running crappy and died. I thought dirt got in the carb so I took it apart. Nothing found there. Turned out the kill switch wire had rubbed on the steering shaft and was grounding out the mag.
  21. 1 point
    The part # that I used on mine was Napa 7-01024.
  22. 1 point
    I have to agree....sometimes parts will check out ok on the test bench, but not work properly when in service. I had a mechanical float (mercury free) acting up and a pump would run constantly. Removed the float and could not detect any break-down in the wires or mechanical contacts. Everything tested fine. Re-installed the float and all looked ok for a couple of hours then it started doing the same thing....N.O. switch was staying "made" when it should be "open". Replaced with a new float and everything is working as it should.
  23. 1 point
    Lift the seat and looks at the mechanism just below the square hole in the rear fender. Is everything in that area clean? Dirt can build up around the speed control arm on the hydro unit and in the slots of the cam, limiting the travel. What is the model number of your 416?
  24. 1 point
    Pacer...glad you found it before you were going to replace that Kohler with a Techy... You will be glad you persevered to persevere. I can't tell you how close Squonk was to doing that.
  25. 1 point
    Right you are Chas, but I have driven on those roads getting to and from the show. Looking at it from Chicago, it is in the same neighborhood...very cool...and you can feel the history when you drive through the hills there. It still gets me that most of the old houses are "maybe" 10' off the edge of the road. God, a snow plow around here would throw snow and ice through the living room windows. Unreal... Want a death ride...ride with someone from that area (like MikesRJ) that knows the roads. I still have dirt on my lips from kissing the ground after that trip from the show to Dave's Tractor World one afternoon. Don't get me wrong...it was a good time and I would do it again. Buckrancher was riding with us.
  26. 1 point
    Wonder how many times it can be straightened before it gets weak? Probably an impossible question to answer (like how many licks to get to the center of a tootsie-pop). Mike...........
  27. 1 point
    Well, it would seam the mystery has been solved.. Thanks to Richards fine detective work a 14hp main needle is the same part number as the one that should be in the Magnum 16 engine.. So the funbared Main needle was the wrong one in the first place! The new needle got the engine running smoke free but not reving... Until today when I borrowed the spark plug out of my 312-8!! With the different spark plug the GT revs well sounds great and only bogs down slightly if I try to give her too much gas at once... I'm sure a tweak of the needles will get the GT running very well.. Yep... I'm a happy chap
  28. 1 point
    Actually Steve it was a bit south of the Big Show, I find it cool that George Washington brought his to the area I wonder if he had a hand in starting the Big Show ???
  29. 1 point
    Great reading Al..thanks. The area they are talking about in the end of that article, is where the Big Wheel Horse Show is located.
  30. 1 point
    Interesting...maybe everyone should recheck their specific model manual before just assuming it's OK to fluid fill tires. Learn something everyday...who knew? From my '88 520-H manual...
  31. 1 point
    Chains are avoidable for sure.You never see professional lawn care people or golf course maintance with them.There is an alternative for sure and your onto it!The best tire!
  32. 1 point
    well its just four weeks old! what happens every year is my boy that shares my workshop calls the scrapman in about christmas time to get rid of what he calls quote" all that crap you have been saving for the last year" so this year i beat him to it and made this it consists of these parts front and rear axle-electrac mower back wheels-wheelhorse bonnet-mayfield merlin mudgards (fenders)- 40gal oil drum engine-deisel-from a water pump seat /steering wheel-old fergi tractor it wiped the smile of his face when 2 differant people have tried to buy it from me for good money and i would not sell it, cos when we do shows over here we always get the anaraks over here who know it all well ime going to enjoy it this year when they scratch there head and say my grandad had one of those on the farm in 1908 etc
  33. 1 point
    I would use the GT2500 as the parts source to keep the C-85 running. At the very least you can always find a big block Kohler to drop in it at a later date and no parts to swap, other then possibly the PTO but I am not sure if they used a sleeve on these or a smaller PTO. C-85 has a much better looking hood anyways.
  34. 1 point
    Anybody interested in a good used Tecky ? I have a Prostrate Problem and have been wondering what caused it.
  35. 1 point
    ^ that is good vodka. i love rye, it's second to bourbon for me. (very close) in fact most of the bourbons i love are "high rye", meaning after corn rye is the next ingredient.
  36. 1 point
    It's interesting that the C-85 would have the heavier tranny with 1-1/8" axles and an 8 pinion tranny. I had a C-111 one time and I think they were the same too - yet later models, like some 312-8 tractors, even with more hp had 1 inch axles and 4 pinion trannys. IMHO - if you buy the C-85, I'd use it as it and part with the GT2500. No mods required, no moving parts from one tractor to the next. I would also think the electrical would be different between the two tractors. With the C-85's stronger tranny, i think it would be no problem bolting in another engine down the road - but everything you have, i.e. implements, for the GT2500 should fit the C-85.
  37. 1 point
    The two tractors you have listed are different tractors. The C-85 is a 1983 8 HP Kohler 8 speed black hood. The GT-2500 is a 1981 11 HP Briggs & Stratton 8 speed. The wiring is completely different. The tractors are the same size as to height the tires may be different. the worst thing about the C-85 is the plastic rear fender, but the steel fender off the GT-2500 will fit it. The way I see it the transmissions are easier to change then the wiring if you are using one of the existion engines.
  38. 1 point
    Looking good Chas! Your attitude is top knotch my Friend. Glad we met up on Red Square. Keep us posted of your terrific progress
  39. 1 point
    well took a look into the transaxle today,and the shifter forks were out of line,i lined them back up and it shifts fine now, thanks for the help.
  40. 1 point
    Any day you get another horse is a good day! Besides, what fun is it if you can't work on it?
  41. 1 point
    Minor setbacks... You know you can't keep a good down.
  42. 1 point
    If I had that machine I'd be cheating often! Mike.......
  43. 1 point
    Some new picture with the loader. What do you guys think about it? Have not used the loader much yet but the snowblade a lot more...
  44. 1 point
    Ahh. That Tecky manual takes me back to my first vehicle to get me from Point A, (Mill Hall, PA), to Point B, (Beech Creek, PA). I was able to purchase at age 13........an 8 HP Tecky Powered chain drive, no suspension mini-bike brand new from our Western Auto store! I drove the 14 miles round-trip a couple of times a week to run with some friends. The only "legal" way there was on an abandoned railroad bed with the rail road ties still embedded on the track. That Tecumseh always started on the first pull, lasted me up to my 16th birthday and beyond and endured many sabotage attempts from my practical joke buddies including the oiling of the centrifugal clutch and governor disconnects. The down side is my prostate is larger than Rhode Island now and I need to blink three times before my eyes focus on anything! I won't put down a Tecky except for the POS's on most modern snowblowers.
  45. 1 point
    Okay I just don't know much about these yet. He wouldn't sell it but I did find this today and bought it. As 3 point on it and home made snow plow. 55-60?
  46. 1 point
    I smoked for over 45 years, most of those years 2 plus packs a day, and I can tell you no e-cig was going to help me quit. I liked smoking. Oh I tried a few times to stop but didn't last more than two weeks. You can try all the methods you can think or read about, and I hope one of them will help you quit, permanently. I do not condemn anyone for smoking and I don't preach about it, but I offer my sincere encouragement and hope for all who try to quit. Nothing works to stop you like being told you have lung cancer, a tumor the size of a baseball in your lung. It is a cold, ruthless shock to the system to hear those words, even though I really already knew. Suffice it to say that I was very lucky to be able to have surgery to remove it over two years ago and I'm doing ok. After the surgery my son got on chantix and within a few weeks was off both it and the smokes. Hoping my two oldest daughters will kick the habit also. My wife doesn't smoke at home or in front of me, but still has a couple a day. I offer encouragement to her. She was sure there for me. So use any method you can to quit smoking, and know that you can do it. I would love to visit this thread a year from now and see that all of you have stopped.
  47. 1 point
    Whew are these hubs pulling hard. Never moved since 77 I guess. Think I'll wait until tomorrow to tackle the other one. Got it soaking good.
  48. 1 point
    I would use the filter. The 1100 pump shares oil with the transaxle, where the 700 pump does not. Much more opportunity for contamination with the 1100 pump. Besides, if you "bit the bullet", you might as well protect the investment.
  49. 1 point
    Yep 417A is a nice machine, kinda partial to them myself. They are a grat worker. Yep Craig A for auto. they are better on the fuel than the 520 20Hp Onans Or 20HP Kohler Magnums Onans Power wins hands down, but it comes at a cost in fuel. The Kohler magnums are thirsty as the jetting on the carb is larger requiring more fuel to develope those 3 extra ponies so I am told. ~Duke
  50. 1 point
    now thats a great find for 100 bucks.the luvered hoods were 1986.the 417a is a great worker.
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