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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/25/2013 in Posts

  1. 4 points
    As some of you my screen name Riley088 is after my daughter Riley who was born in 2008. Last year she decided to take claim of my 1077 that was in really nice original condition. Everytrhing on it worked the way it was supposed to with no issues so I felt safe with her on it .She loved taking around the yard with of coarse myself or my wife right with her. Torwards the end of last season she said "daddy i want you to paint my tractor this winter" I was thinking this will be a nice winter project. Then she said "daddy I want it pink" so off to home depot to let her pick out what color pink she wanted. the tractor was taken all the way down and the work began. It was a great one to do. She absolutly loves it and thats what makes it worth it. Enjoy BEFORE
  2. 3 points
    What another exciting night of tractor club! Club meeting #3 was a huge success! The kids were ready to work and get dirty, and that they did. We had a few club members absent due to previous commitments. Those that were in attendance did not disappoint. Breaking down the tractor continued tonight and the hand sanding has commenced. I am very proud of the kids for their patience and persistence. They are understanding that this will be a long, but rewarding chore. Hope you enjoy some of the photos from tonight!
  3. 3 points
    Well seeing as though it is not a $200 wheel horse I think we will let it ride..... but... If anyone here outbids me I will go straight to the top with it!, lol
  4. 2 points
    Well I have been tossing this idea around for awhile but put it on the back burner. Actually had it rekindled yesterday when a member messaged me about purchasing a 42" RD deck. We had the conversation that the tractors we love so much will be around for many years but the mower decks are getting to be like hens teeth. Those that have them want lots of money for scrap and sometimes we are forced to buy them because we need them and then spend tons to repair the rust holes and busted spindles etc. I'm seriously considering taking a 48" SD deck shell to start with, tearing it down and taking all the appropriate measurements and building my own version of it using 3/16" and 1/8" sheet steel. Cutting it with a plasma cutter and MIG welding it like the 60" decks that Dixie Chopper made for the 520's. I haven't decided if I will use the anti scalp rollers like the 60" or ones like the smaller 42" and 48". I think the smaller ones will be much easier to find parts for and I can make the brackets and weld them on the deck. Possibly moving to 42" SD and 42" RD decks once I get the 48 down and functional. I think they could be a huge success as the really would have nothing to do with Toro (so theres chance of copy-rite issues). They would be hand made and merely fit Wheel Horse tractors and allow us to keep using them for decades to come. Is there any input from the folks on here? Not really going to be a full time gig or anything but I think it would fill a void that will be upon us soon. Cost would probably be around $500 maybe a bit more but that would be with brand new spindles, bearings, and blades. I tried to buy a 48" deck shel about 7 years ago and it was $500 for just the shell. They haven't made deck shells in years so they will only go up in price I feel, if you can even find them. Throw some thoughts at me, good or bad, no worries. I wont be insulted unless you do it on purpose. I'm just gauging the public opinion. I'm going to do one for myself anyhow after the 416 is done and sold.
  5. 2 points
    And now the FLEX-SEAL comes in WHITE TOO! ... but WAIT! there's MORE! order NOW and we'll DOUBLE YOUR ORDER!... I wonder how many 'takes' it took to get that boat to float? My recommendation would be POR 15 coating. http://www.lmgtfy.com/?q=por+15
  6. 2 points
    go for it!!! my brother (Raider10) got a 1970 lawn ranger with no deck here in the UK and copied my sons. We managed to get the spindles and blades and pretty well fab the rest. To the layman it's original, for us it's a close copy and perfectly functional. Only pic I can find is here - wheels were turned out of a piece of nylon mark
  7. 2 points
    I bought sum at a local tractor show for 25 a price if there is any shows happening around your area its worth looking I'm in MO
  8. 1 point
    Pull at Washington Co fair. Starts with my son's girl friend on my C165 on far track Got a little dusty in the afternoon, 287 hooks down from last year but still a fun day
  9. 1 point
    Allright. I have read many an opinion regarding the Onan powered 416-8. I own one. It is a nice tractor. My Onan smokes slightly which doesn't bother me. What I am asking for in this thread is an education regarding this tractor. Why does it seem to be so highly regarded? It seems ordinary, as far as garden tractors go, to me. It doesn't do anything that my B-80 or IHCC 1200 doesn't do. I can't seem to " feel" the torque and the power that I read in other posts regarding Onan powered 416's. I am not wanting to pick a fight, I am wanting to be educated. I want learn to appreciate this tractor. Please help me out in realizing that my 416 isn't just a nice WH, but a tractor worthy of high esteem. By the way, please don't flame me because of I compared it to a cub! This may seem like a strange post, but I am serious. Thanks.
  10. 1 point
    I love mine just need a new block so I can I have it running my block was already 30 over k91 kohler
  11. 1 point
    This looks like a nice straight little tractor! I have a 401 as a well and i just love that little thing!
  12. 1 point
    only $2.5 million more but the extra 54mph are worth it
  13. 1 point
    well, looks like things have changed a little for us....... jeanine and kent will be coming down friday as well and we will be staying friday night somewhere down there. and we will be there all day saturday....... planning on being there mid morning friday....... looking forward to some relaxing after a stressful week at work filling in for the production manager......
  14. 1 point
    WOW! They don't mess around. Those kids definitely work faster than I do. Made some great progress tonight.
  15. 1 point
    Here's a picture of mine with the air seal installed:
  16. 1 point
    I am still on track to bring my Pond walkers and some attachments. Wont be there until early Saturday morning, hope there will still be some spaces left.
  17. 1 point
    Here it is Craig. My Son made this a couple of years ago. Bait it up with corn, the bottle hanging down has some attractant in it.
  18. 1 point
    Sorry Taylor, missed this response and question. Here's a link to the restoration of a steering wheel done by a member a while back. .... hrmm.... can't manage to find a link to put in here right now. But there is a restoration kit you can get from Eastwood I think with an epoxy resin. That epoxy resin in the Eastwood kit is PC-7 which is really just another version of JB Weld. One will work as well as the other for this application. Also, essentially that Eastwood kit is for the most part going to show you how to rough finish the repair spot then sand to finish working down to very fine wet/dry paper to remove any areas that would show sand scratches prior to prime, then paint.
  19. 1 point
    Sorry Taylor, missed this response and question. Here's a link to the restoration of a steering wheel done by a member a while back. .... hrmm.... can't manage to find a link to put in here right now. But there is a restoration kit you can get from Eastwood I think with an epoxy resin.
  20. 1 point
    Gearing up for our third club meeting tonight. The kids will be ready to go in just over 40 minutes. More tear down will take place tonight as some of the others will be working on sanding some of the tins. Should be a blast! Can't wait to have them working away. I will try and remember to take some pictures again and post some up for the rest of you to enjoy!!!!! Thanks for following along with us on our journey!
  21. 1 point
    I can't keep up with the one I've got either.
  22. 1 point
    I plan on getting there early Friday morning, bringing my 701 and 857. Looks like it's going to be in the low 80's.
  23. 1 point
    I can tell you what I would do, but that does not make it right. I would fill the area with either JB Weld, or body filler then sand to shape. Once that is done paint the whole thing with rattle can satin black. I am not saying that is how a purist would do it, jsut how a guy with more time than money would get the job done. If that machine is running I would leave him in his working clothes, but that is just me!
  24. 1 point
    I am bringing my 702 and my 857. I am looking to get there between between 10:00 and 11:00AM Friday. Save me some of that Green Eggs and Ham they keep talking about.
  25. 1 point
    They're nice cars, but I don't think that I would own another one.
  26. 1 point
    I also take it off once a season for cleaning. I used POR15 2 years ago. A little does come off if you don't use the metal cleaner after you wire brush the deck clean. Last winter I cleaned what POR 15 was comming off, used the metal cleaner and coated the worn off spots. During the year I jack it up and clean off the loose stuff.
  27. 1 point
    Shubox, if you're looking for a Wheel Horse in that price range, PM me and I can hook you up!!!
  28. 1 point
    Someone needs to invent a GTB ... Garden Tractor Bidet ...
  29. 1 point
    1623 idler pulley replaced by Toro 92-7102 From my notes the 1536 bushing is 3/8" x 11/16" x 3/16". Have seen the 1623 pulley with a 1614ZZ bearing in it. #1623 OEM 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1991 1992 1993 #92-7102 OEM 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 1623 is also the clutch idler pulley for the transmission on the 856. Garry
  30. 1 point
    Filmed at West Point! Storylne: A man goes into his shed in his back yard getting ready to mow. The door slams shut! Suddenly, it reopens and an old pair of work boots come flying out and all that's in the shed are 2 roundhoods with menacing grills and a water heater! AHHHHH !!!!!!!!! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!
  31. 1 point
    Now that's some funny stuff right there Welcome back cotter.....I mean Uncle Buck.
  32. 1 point
    Ok:-) maybe that member have some information I might use to find out a few things about the engine and the tractor. Is it possible for you to do some "Matchmaking" ? ha ha ha:-) it's possible that although the number is close it isn't a GT14 model - I've never seen consecutive numbers to check though.... theres a GT14 up the road from me that's only a few away on both engine and serial btw I've done a transmission rebuild on mine as well as work on the brake, clutch and new 3 point linkage if you have any questions just shout! p.s. loving the alternator (generator) mounted instead of the battery - where does the battery live?
  33. 1 point
    Will you make an aluminum version too?
  34. 1 point
    As a bean counter for a tool & die shop from 1983 to 2000, I had a custom made STAINLESS STEEL liner made for my 48" SD deck in the late 80's and am still using it today. No rust on it whatsoever, and never will be...not in my lifetime, at least. I made a cardboard pattern with cut-outs, then trimmed the SS to fit inside the shell myself. The shop used their TIG welder to run full circle weld bead, just as a factory would. I've forgotten the gauge of the SS, but it is about as thick as a dime... Just my comment here....
  35. 1 point
    I would have to say me and my dads 308-8 is the little horse that could kinda the under dog of compared to it big bothers with magnum 8hp. but we work it hard when we got it someone tried to overhaul the motor and then left it sitting outside. now its back to work dad breaks it I fix it.
  36. 1 point
    That's what I did on my b-80 swap the 8 for a 10
  37. 1 point
  38. 1 point
    Another member here at RS has tractor serial number 807214. Garry
  39. 1 point
    Remember...tune in for next weeks episode... wait for it... "Invasion of the Techy Snatchers"
  40. 1 point
    looks like the opening credits to a Scy- Fi channell movie. "The Invasion of the Tecky's!"
  41. 1 point
    I like Mr. Miller. Price and prompt delivery. Take a peek-a-boo at their website. http://www.millertire.com/
  42. 1 point
    .........................Yes !, I have seen worse.............every time I bought a WH !........ You usually have to make them look great . Enjoy working on it.
  43. 1 point
    Hi there I'm from the UK and recently won at an auction a Wheel Horse tractor which I believe to be a 1960 Suburban. I have attached a few of photos which someone can perhaps verify for me? I had never heard of these tractors in my country so when I saw this up for sale i just had to buy it. My plan is to restore it for my, sorry I meant my kids, use........... I've had a good look over it and all seems to be there except the charge coil(?) which runs off the ring gear and is mounted just below the fuse board. Does anyone know the proper name for this part and where I might be able to find one as my chances of sourcing parts in the UK is next to none! I also think I may be missing the cover plate to the pull start. At the moment I just have an exposed pulley and a loose piece of cord to turn over the motor. Is this standard or am I missing something else here? The engine plate has the code H55A which having researched this is a Lauson engine, right? If any of you guys on here can help me with identifying my tractor and the parts I need that would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance. Andrew
  44. 1 point
    I have owned many of Kohler and Onan powered Wheel Horses. I personally think they are both great motors and the both have their pros and cons. I am confident that the twin Onan has more torque than the single Kohler however....most wheel horses handle the application (mowing, tilling, pushing snow, etc) where the hp or torque is not noticeable. I would think the only places you would even notice the hp/torque difference is in heavy snow with a 2 stage snowblower, or running a larger deck with thick grass....and going fast. I could also make an argument that a 310-8 or a 312-8 will do anything the larger hp models do....except on the think grass and snowblowing....just not as fast. Another small example is of the torque advantage is in stock class tractor pulling a lot of clubs use to allow any 16hp in the class (singles and twins). The Cub boys kept getting beat by a 416 (onan) which was held 1st place for two years...they decided to split the class because of the torque advantage. Here is my pro/con list: Onan Pro - full pressure lubrication....allowing you to mow hills and ditches with a better lubrication system....this is the best advantage for Onan in my opinion. - torque - a little better, but not a whole lot - smooth - very well balanced and low vibration Con - Valve seat issue - Onan's biggest con - Not very rebuildable - Expensive parts - Fuel consumption - smaller dealer network for parts & service Kohler Pro- Rebuildable - Easy to work on - lots of OEM and aftermarket parts and dealer network - Cons - splash lubrication - Kohler's biggest con - not as smooth (more vibration) Both are great motors with their own pros and cons......I prefer to have both 2 Onans (520-8 and 520-H) 4 Kohlers (C161-8, C161-8, 314-8, and C-165-8) and I have 2 K-341's sitting on the shelf just in case the right chassis rolls into the garage.
  45. 1 point
    One thing to consider is this tractor's engine might have already been replaced with a newer Series II engine.
  46. 1 point
    Leave it to the very generous and thoughtful Terry Dennis to come up with a new logo for our garden tractor club! His creativity and generosity amazes me and I greatly appreciate his friendship! Here is our new school garden tractor club logo....... Thanks again Terry!
  47. 1 point
    Great to have all the updates on the tractors you guys are bringing. I just finished putting the lift bar we made and extended two inches this week at dad's blacksmith shop. This is heavy steel and actually lifts the front reel mower higher and better than the original lift piece that came with the mower! We are bringing four or five Wheel Horses. The 633 with the LMR-604 front reel mower (and its operational -maybe we will get a chance to show it working), the 1958 RJ with front cutter bar , a 1967 Lawn Ranger, a 1959 RJ with front tombstone weight , and I am not sure what else right now. Looking forward to this show and meeting old and new friends!
  48. 1 point
    The Senior and Lever are loaded up and ready. Both have been sitting for two years, but I put fresh gas in the tank and had the senior going with 1 pull and the lever in three. Good Lord willin', dad and I will be there Saturday morning. Travel safe folks, Steve
  49. 1 point
    So, the weather improved so I headed up to the airport to see if I could catch them in action today. Got some pretty good videos and pictures. Here's a taste. Some of them are too big for photobucket. I'll get them up later. For now enjoy these. B-17. B-24 and the P-51. Video Clips: B-17 B-24 P-51 Pictures:
  50. 1 point
    Ideas are welcome. This new site will be a work in progress but Will offer much more wheel Horse related info. I will be able to add articles and videos to products showing products after install and helpful info about their use.
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