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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/23/2013 in Posts

  1. 4 points
    Leave it to the very generous and thoughtful Terry Dennis to come up with a new logo for our garden tractor club! His creativity and generosity amazes me and I greatly appreciate his friendship! Here is our new school garden tractor club logo....... Thanks again Terry!
  2. 3 points
    No luck involved here this year Mike...DA BEARS are for real...Cleveland is going to break some hearts...Cincinnati already did ...Pittsburgh will not go 0 / 16...Green Bay is right where we want them. ...the wild card is Detroit and Baltimore, and DA BEARS play them both. I could throw the football if I had the protection that Cutler is getting. BTW...I wore my Cutler jersey in Pennsylvania, Maryland, Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin and Minnesota this year (while going to shows) and did not get tackled once.
  3. 3 points
    so... you suppose new gaskets have already been ordered? or still too soon? and I'll never complain about both the Vikes and Pack losing. Nice job Cincinnati, awesome job Cleveland!!
  4. 3 points
    The Senior and Lever are loaded up and ready. Both have been sitting for two years, but I put fresh gas in the tank and had the senior going with 1 pull and the lever in three. Good Lord willin', dad and I will be there Saturday morning. Travel safe folks, Steve
  5. 2 points
    I received a petition today from change.org to revoke the tax-exempt status of the NFL. I thought it was a joke at first that the NFL is considered a non-profit organization yet it's a $9 billion a year industry. I can't think of any good reason why they shouldn't pay federal corporate taxes like other businesses do. There's a link below if you wish to sign the petition to revoke their tax-exempt status. So far over 141,000 people have signed. http://www.change.org/petitions/congress-revoke-the-tax-exempt-status-of-the-national-football-league
  6. 2 points
    so... you suppose new gaskets have already been ordered? or still too soon? and I'll never complain about both the Vikes and Pack losing. Nice job Cincinnati, awesome job Cleveland!! I had to choose between watching the queens or the cheese heads.....packers game was more fun to watch since I would rather watch the pack lose, it was kinda tough to watch until the 4th quarter, vikes is just a big circus act I watch for the humor. I am still hoping they will send the vikes away before breaking ground for this new stadium that we get to pay for.
  7. 2 points
    Great to have all the updates on the tractors you guys are bringing. I just finished putting the lift bar we made and extended two inches this week at dad's blacksmith shop. This is heavy steel and actually lifts the front reel mower higher and better than the original lift piece that came with the mower! We are bringing four or five Wheel Horses. The 633 with the LMR-604 front reel mower (and its operational -maybe we will get a chance to show it working), the 1958 RJ with front cutter bar , a 1967 Lawn Ranger, a 1959 RJ with front tombstone weight , and I am not sure what else right now. Looking forward to this show and meeting old and new friends!
  8. 2 points
    Bet you could find some "change" there...huh? Yet another OUTRAGES Insult to everyone's intelligence! "Aren't you ready for some big ten football?"
  9. 2 points
    hopefully, i am coming down friday by myself with the tractors, 3 maybe 4, and havent worked out whether i will stay friday night or go home. saturday will be the three of us. i say hopefully as im filling in for my boss this week and have to juggle a few things at work to get the friday off. where theres a will, theres a way.........
  10. 2 points
    All summer I've been battling the carbs on the B60 and B80. They ran rough and only ran with about half the choke applied. I tried adjusting them a few times to no avail. They'd run ok for a bit then back to rough. Well the other day I bought a new battery for the B60 and when I put it in I decided it was now or never getting them straightened out. So I set the adjustment screws to bottom out counting the turns on both tractors, took them out, cleaned them, shot some Gumout carb cleaner in the holes and let it soak a few minutes then blew them out with air. I reset the screws to manual specs like I did earlier this summer on the first go-round. Then it occurred to me to tighten the mounting bolts. They weren't loose, but they did turn a bit. I think they were just loose enough t suck air and cause the problem I had. They ran beautifully when we mowed this afternoon. So when you get into carb issues, take a second and check the bolts and even periodically again to keep them snugged up. Made a huge difference on mine.
  11. 2 points
    Well, if all goes well i'll be bringing three of my original looking lawn rangers. they're nothing fancy , but they look OK. Hope to see you guys there! and Andrew will be bringing his tub cart to pull around..
  12. 2 points
    also put a straight edge on the carb flange to check for warp Brian
  13. 2 points
    Went and reserved a 6' x 12' u-haul trailer with a ramp. Still not sure what I'm bringing ,but I think this size trailer will work for what ever I can fit in it...
  14. 2 points
    I know it's still over a week away but right now Accuweather is forecasting sunny with a high of 83 degrees on Friday the 27th and sunny with a high of 80 degrees for Saturday the 28th for Jacksonville. I like that forecast.
  15. 2 points
    Club meeting #2 was a huge success! The kids were really in to it and were ready for the tear down process. We had our first bloody knuckle, dirty hands, and many . I have a great group of very polite kids to work with. Here are some pics of the many hands hard at work. Only one stripped out screw on the dash so far! That is a huge hurdle in itself. On to the pics.......
  16. 1 point
    So I was outside working on my parents house when I heard a rumble in the sky. Looked over to my left and this is what I saw. (turn the sound up and listen to the engines rumble wish the video did it any justice. pretty damn cool) There was a small "wheels and Wings" show at the local airport. (BVY for anyone interested) The main attractions were two bombers, a Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress “Nine O Nine†WWII Heavy Bomber and a Consolidated B-24J Liberator “Witchcraft†WWII Heavy Bomber. There was also a P-51C Mustang. Just got a glimpse from a distance.
  17. 1 point
    Welcome back actually! Mike.........
  18. 1 point
    In today's world, this is one of the best projects I've ever seen! Scott, my hat is off to you, sir! Duff
  19. 1 point
    Nice machine! Good Luck, Pickle! Take a Darvocet and look at the tractor in the morning!
  20. 1 point
    Careful with those 2 cups. If they get mixed it may explode!
  21. 1 point
    Very nice looking machine. Keep us posted with your progress.
  22. 1 point
    Good to know. I figured as much, but just wanted to be on the safe side. My 1054 "runs" but would love to have it done right. Thanks guys.
  23. 1 point
    Man do the Steelers blow. On the first fumble, I thought Rapistburger was playing "Smear The Bomber" the way he shoveled the ball backward so the Bears wouldn't kill him. I might have to go to Purple Chat ( Queenies fan board) for some laughs this week. Talk about a bunch of rubes! Keep playin the pull tabs!
  24. 1 point
    Even though I'm constantly looking for round hoods now, I can't resist the '74 to '77 B/C series. Anyway, when I picked up the tractors on Sunday, the C-120 appeared to have a decent engine and a bad transmission. So, I dragged out the battery booster this morning, got some power to the coil, purged the air out of the fuel pump, checked the oil, and powered up the starter. After about 30 seconds of cranking to feed the carburetor, she fired right up. Actually sounds very good. No unusual noises in the valves or connecting rod. Ran it long enough to try to engage the transmission. Nothing. I am a little suspicious of the parking brake lever though. It does not go all the way down, so later tonight when I have more time I will pull the belt cover and take a closer look at it. Over all, I am happy to at least have a good running K301S. No telling what I might turn this one into. Maybe a surprise is in store for the next WHCC show, hmm?
  25. 1 point
    Thank you Taylor. I spent a lot of time here reading up and learning all I could. I think it's a pretty good first effort. I learned a lot doing it and had a ton of fun. You have a great machine to start with and a whole lot of great helpful people here on RS. I bet your's is going to turn awesome! Looking forward to following your project.
  26. 1 point
    Jeff, Even if you grind off the rust, at the subatomic level it's still there. E-tank would remove it and then you start with clean metal. not sure if the rust encapsulation paints are any better.
  27. 1 point
    That is great! Really nice work Terry! Stick that on a shirt or a hat! I'd be proud to wear it and support the great thing Scott is doing with this club.
  28. 1 point
    Great resto Rich! Hope my 401 turns out that nice!
  29. 1 point
    I would think this would work, but be careful of warping due to the heat. Might try brass/bronze, or lead as a filler. The area I have most concern with is where the hood hinges to the frame in the front on my 312-8. I have a tone of rust there, none on the seam you mention.
  30. 1 point
    Well i was checking out my local craigslist and came across this little Rj Wheel horse. Nothing to exciting about it but it was a must have to ad to my collection.
  31. 1 point
    As a Packer Backer, Cheeze Head, I have supported them for years. Lived through the rough times when they could not make it out of the locker room let alone play a game. Live through some Super Bowl victories. Looks like we are back to trying to find the way out of the locker room again to play the game. Because so far they look like they are still in the locker room trying to find the field! SHEEEZZZ!
  32. 1 point
    Browns , any given Sunday Bengals, good defense that the Pack shredded Dalton doesn't impress Steelers old and got cheap, lots of good players left (Wallace, Mendenhal) Queenies suck and always have. The have Petersen and nothing else. Jennings signed the big contract and will be lucky to catch 30 passes Packers do what they always do. Score a lot, not cover anybody and shoot them selves in the foot and lose games they should win, (4 takeaways 30 straight pts., almost 200 yards rushing and still lose. How in the heck do you do that? ) Bears play horseshoe football the first half of every year like they always do only to blow it the 2nd half. Big diff this year offensive line is keeping Pussface clean. Loosing melton will hurt the D Lions will penalize themselves out of contention. And there you have it OH and how about SF!
  33. 1 point
    How about those Browns??? How about those Bengals??? How about those Steelers??? How about those Vikings??? How about those Packers??? How about DA BEARS??? What's up with DETROIT???
  34. 1 point
    I concurr with another member in that the FORK (or YOKE) on the Tach-o-Matic bar isn't oriented or locked in correctly. The fork MUST engage the small rod at the top of the mid hitch to stabalize the deck. For correct alignment, the FORK (on the 3/4" bar) should be tiltled slightly forward to engage the alignment rod. If not, then the deck will slop back and forth, causing the belt flopping that the user refers to. Furthermore, the belt should maintain tension when the deck is raised or lowered....this is the 2nd reason for the alignment FORK. Here is the alignment FORK (I call it a YOKE,,,either way).
  35. 1 point
    Great tip Jim! Makes me wonder how many people are overlooking such a thing now???
  36. 1 point
    I'm sure you will figure it out once your tooth stops hurting. Anyway, I just want to say thats a really nice 417 with the 48" Deck!
  37. 1 point
    I recently used one of the ebay kits - hundred-ish$ - refurbing a 1054. I couldnt run my engine, but the compression was weak and I decided on doing a kit. The contents of the kit looked quite good, the piston/rings/rod looked like any other I have bought and the gaskets were well cut and were very nice (I didnt get the valve kit) I was a bit apprehensive buying something like that but the engine ran great from initial start up, no hint of smoking or odd noises. I think Ive only got a couple hours on it so far --- but good so far.
  38. 1 point
    DUDE! Don't you know? That there's a Mustang.
  39. 1 point
    The tach-a-matic doesn't look closed fully. Is the 'forked' part strattling the rod properly? Something else is bugging me. The pic in post #9 looks like the belt isn't twisted wrong but the pic in post #8 looks like it is. The backside of the belt should be riding on the wider pulley of the mule drive.
  40. 1 point
    Didn't get a chance to follow thru the interchangability list, just shooting from the hip..(apparently in the foot this time) . Thanks for the straighting out.
  41. 1 point
  42. 1 point
    Hello, welcome to red square. Sorry for the time it took me to find this thread. I also have a 1970's Raider 10, sadly I don't have all the attachments you listed... The only attachments I have are a homemade cultivator and a snowplough, here's a few pictures of mine.... Before And After,
  43. 1 point
    ...............Or just avoid putting a WH GT14 on it
  44. 1 point
    That was a really relaxing video Ian & a real joy to watch & I love the backing track I bet you are sooooooooooo glad you didnt sell her .
  45. 1 point
    Thoughts: Minny- 4-0 start. Kill is a good coach. Could the Gophers be the real deal? Tough to tell as they haven't beat anyone significant yet. Upcoming game with Iowa will be the litmus test for them. Iowa- hawkeyes 3-1with the lone loss being N Illinois. They have come back from their horrendous 6 game losing streak from 2012. But Iowa will be Iowa. Right in the middle of the pack. The game with Minny is more of a test for the Gophers than it is for Iowa: no surprise if they win and no surprise if they lose: that just what Iowa does. Ohio State- 4-0. throwing 76 on Florida A&M is no shock. Guiton picking up where Miller left off is no shock. Defense pitching a shut out is no shock. Do you see where I am going with this? Wisconsin will be the toughest test for them yet but, the Buckeyes are en fuego. Nebraska- 3-1, with a single loss to UCLA, who we are seeing is no joke. They haven't really shown much. Beating who they are supposed to and getting "upset" by UCLA. They do have a nice October coming up: Illinois, Purdue and Minny. The game with the Gophers could be large IF the Gophers beat Iowa. Penn State- another 3-1 team. The 3 point loss to UCF doesn't really reveal anything about this team. Are they a surprise? I dunno. Are they better than we thought? I dunno. The schedule gets significantly tougher this month with an interesting game at Indiana and ending with back to back games with Michigan and at OSU. How these three games shake down will tell us more about this team. Wisconsin- 3-1 with humongous game looming at Ohio State this saturday for the Badgers. Gary Anderson is a good coach and he is proving it. Could the Badgers take the Buckeyes to ot again? Sure. Could they just fall into the meat grinder at the horseshoe and be spit out as ground chuck? No. They will give the Buckeyes all they can handle. We know who the Badgers are: good D, decent QB, and run,run run power football. Michigan State - 3-1 with the loss coming at the hands of a Notre Dame team that didn't want to win; and the Spartans still found a way to lose. Another close loss, shades of last season. Dantonio can coach defense but the rest of the team remains a question. Iowa, Indiana, Purdue and Illinois come up this month. Some teams would be salivating at this schedule, using a sharpie to mark w's on the schedule. My feeling is that the Spartans are using a pencil do draw question marks. Northwestern - 4-0 with the big test at Maine out of he way. Really, the wildcats have beat Cal and Syracuse showing us that they have some potential. Pat Fitzgerald is a very good coach and we all know how well he has done at this perennial doormat of a program. Are they in the caliber of the conference elite? No, but they sure as heck can surprise some and dominate others. We should get a real good feel for how good this team is after they get thru back to back games with OSU and at Wisconsin (2 teams that they didnt play last year) Indiana- 2-2 with losses at navy and Mizzou. This team is getting better but they won't turn the corner until they can play defense. With such a prolific offense they can and will score points. October brings PSU, MSU and Michigan. Could they possibly beat one of those teams? Sure. Could they lose all three? Likely. Until they can show that they have a defense, this is what its going to be like in Bloomington for the foreseeable future. Purdue- 1-3 with the lone win over Indiana State. In my mind Hazell was a reach and until he has a significant win and the team shows continuos improvement, he will remain that way. Purdue has reached what quite a few other B1G teams have: the plateau of mediocrity. No upset specials here, no dominating wins, an occasional, exciting close loss and an occasional win versus another team from the plateau. Illinois - 2-1-wins over S. Illinois and Cincy. Loss at Washington. The Fighting Illinin remain the landlords of the plateau of mediocrity. They hired a mediocre coach to run a mediocre program. They hired a mediocre OC (Cubit) who was mediocre at Western. From back to back bowls to 2-10 last season. I see a trend here. Game at Nebraska, followed by 2 home games against Wisconsin and Michigan State spell doom for the Illini. Which brings us to the luckiest team so far this season in the B1G: Michigan - 4-0 with a questionable squeaker at home against the Irish, another last night at UConn, yet another at home against Akron and the given blowout win against Central. Wow! This team is hard for me to figure out. Gardner is playing very well and he is no joke, but they seem to have a penchant for not finishing games and letting their opponent lose them instead. That will haunt them when they play the big boys. Minnesota comes to Ann Arbor this month as does Indiana. They go to Happy Valley between the 2 home games. Could the Wolverines come out of October 1-2? I think so. Unless they get their act together and play for a full 60 minutes the tides will turn as they face more upper echelon teams in the conference.
  46. 1 point
    Thanks Neil, yes it did look like we were going to head off to the village The engine is running quite well, I think the small diameter exhaust piping might be throttling the engine a tad. as nice as the M16 engine is, it would be nice to rebuild the original 14hp lump at some point and slot it back in where it should be... Another driving video for you all... This time we took the GT and 312 around the fields and up to the highest point we could get to to check out the view..
  47. 1 point
    Seat time is definitely the best progress you can make. Resto looks awesome.
  48. 1 point
    Hey, like deja vous... I remember a flying fortress doing a fly over the day we moved into the new house. You don't forget 'em when they're in your neighborhood.
  49. 1 point
    Update and evening everyone, Well I have now got a replacement 1" hub (£50) so was ready to reassemble but nervous as to how to proceed so thought about taking the other hub off to get the size of Woodruff key I needed. Only problem is that the good hub will not come off, even using a puller, so I am unhappy about forcing things, any advice please on reassembling with the Woodruff key? Is the Woodruff key that is in situ stopping the hub from sliding off, if so what must I do about it? Thank you for all and any help chaps, great forum, would be lost without it. Regards Rob
  50. 1 point
    Last night we had our first club meeting to cover safety, teamwork, expectations, academics, and the overall general process of the project. The kids had a chance to look over the tractor last night and search for things that need to be replaced or repaired. They did a pretty good job without having any prior knowledge to draw from. The time flew by and all of us couldn't believe that we had to wait until next week to start the project. Tear down will commence next Wednesday after school. Here is a picture of the kids around the tractor!!!!!
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