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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/25/2013 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    Just weighing in, we do have members here at RS that are attorneys. While I've only been involved with an attorney or lawyer a few times in my life so far, both were positive. Reading beforehand & educateing yourself on the processes that will be involved are good ideas, but lets not assume all attorneys/lawyers are bad because some of us may of had bad expeirences.
  2. 2 points
    Thanks Andy, Pm and email received. Thanks Stephen, lol yeah she sure has evolved since I started the build. The belt was coming off at the belt tensioner and occasionally the rear trans pulley when the belt decided it wanted to be even more of a pain! Good thinking about the L shaped bit of metal, I'm hoping it won't be needed now but your idea is stashed away just in case it is needed. Thanks Brad. After Mondays fun and games with the drive belt jumping off too many times, the time had come to get it sorted (again) so I could enjoy all of the engines power without the belt jumping off.. Part of the problem is the tensioner pulley.. The small lips each side work just fine if your using a standard length drive belt, but a belt that's twice the length is a bit different and bounces around a lot more.. I guess you can guess where I'm going with this A spare pulley had some extra lip welded on.. Cutting the two rings of steel took quite a while to machine to size and shape.. Sorry about the blurred photo, my brain must of been having a bad focus moment! Andy (the good chap that he is) sent me a couple of WH belt tensioner photo's to give me a few ideas.. Thank you Sir, you inspired me to come up with this idea.. Simple really, a bunch of bearings bolted above the belt with a strengthening bracket behind.. Now I know it's starting to look like I'm getting a dexion fetish, but I wanted to see if the idea worked before cutting up good steel These bearings do not put any tension on the belt, they are just there to stop the belt jumping up and down so much.. While this was going on Pete was busy working on axe head number 2.. It's almost finished.. Soooooo.. With the drive belt sorted and Pete finished playing "mad axe man" for the day there was only one thing left to do... Yep, go for a drive It's made it this far.. I might of got a bit carried away taking photo's at this point.. A couple of action shots And of course..
  3. 2 points
    I have the same drug problem, I drug one home the other day too. LOL
  4. 2 points
    Tell her they are antiques and worth a small fortune. There are no lies there. Just don't tell her how small.
  5. 2 points
    Tell her you are storing them for your brother....worked for me for several years....of course my brother feeds his wife the same line!! :banana-linedance:
  6. 2 points
    A little prompting talking about his favorites.
  7. 2 points
    Thanks Massey, it sure was nice seeing her not in the shack Here's what you have been waiting for guys and girls.... But first.... And today's main attraction.. :D
  8. 1 point
    picked this up today, compared it to some pics on here and i think this is a wheel horse plow. it is similar to this one in the two pics below except for the attachment being a clevis hitch type and not slot hitch as in the pic. here are quite a few pics of what i have, looking for comments, opinions etc and if it is indeed wh, how do i work out a model number or manual for it? is the left bracket bent in this pic? i know the disc is bent and im thinking the bracket should look the same as the other side... should the lower part of the plow in this pic be straight. looks like some of them have a brace here. theres a hole for it but not sure where it bolts up to.
  9. 1 point
    Here's the next 2 http://youtu.be/VGBRaJ9QKiw http://youtu.be/3f1CBFY5tRU
  10. 1 point
    My grandson Trevor received this today-the Team runner-up rings are due in a couple months! Congrats again- This is the kind of stuff that makes the world still seem right- when all is going wrong around us!-Thanks-Al
  11. 1 point
    Well I was sadly awakened this week after a trip to a Lawyers office to have my Father-in-Laws Will probate action started. Make no mistake “THE LAWYER DOES NOT WORK FOR YOU†even though you pay $1500 minimum to probate a Will (In Ohio). Everything we did to keep the estate out of probate, the Lawyer added to raise the value of the estate. The higher the estate value, the more the Lawyer makes. If you close a family members account because the account had both your names on it, if you even mention it, the Lawyer â€ETHICLY†has to give this info to the court- you are taxed on it. If you privately settled part of a deceased family members estate, KEEP IT TO YOURSELF. Don’t even tell a Lawyer. If you give a child something, never speak of it outside the family. -------------------- This is only one experience with a Lawyer and do not expect this law to be upheld or be the same in all states. But be aware, ask questions first, and read up on the process, we didn’t. Please tell your children. Don’t give away the farm, you worked too hard for it.
  12. 1 point
    Not sure what she could do considering I never sold any of these and only made this one for my daughter... Worst she could do is write a song about me :laughing-rofl:
  13. 1 point
    I hope nobody copies your picture and shows it to Taylor Swift. :lol:
  14. 1 point
    On my D200 after all the penetrant an pulling I wound up cutting the shaft below the steering wheel. I put wheel on a press and pressed the stub out. I had the shaft welded back togheter and turned to true it up. Anti seize going back together. Marv
  15. 1 point
    My almond white gets mixed with dirt and looks perfect from across the garden. :handgestures-thumbup:
  16. 1 point
    I have some Yama-bond that is several years old and is still working just fine. Take a small amount and spread it on a piece of paper and leave it for 24 hours. If it cures I would think it should be fine to use. Your success with the penetrating oil proves that giving it adequate time to do it's work is the key. Too many people squirt it on and 5 minutes later are unhappy because it didn't work. Kroil will penetrate 1 millionth of an inch but it takes time and reapplication.
  17. 1 point
    TT, I think that will cause a tear in the space/time continuum.
  18. 1 point
    Last 2 days in the single digits and -15 deg windchill. Construction crew set up scaffolding to put up another stack for our new boiler room. Won't catch me up there!! Kitchen went through a record amount of chili today!
  19. 1 point
    Welcome to RS! If you are referring to a RJ the Briggs motor is not the original... Post a couple pics...
  20. 1 point
    Images came out to small to see, LOL Try it this way
  21. 1 point
    Why do we always end up in the same place Martin?
  22. 1 point
    I love to spend other people's money. I know you said you'd rather avoid diesel power because of the secondary fuel issue, but my experience has been that for things that sit around - like a winter-use tractor - diesel tends to be more tolerant to time than gasoline. I know there can be fungal issues, but I've had the same half tank of diesel in my utility tractor for nearly two years and she still fires right up during her monthly exercise routine. Anyway, a suggestion that would be my preference would be to get a subcompact utility like a Kubota box, Deere 2210, a new holland to, etc with a front end loader. Hang a two stage blower on the three point. Granted, you'd be blowing in reverse and looking over your shoulder, but you'd have the utility of the loader to deal with packed snow, icy crust, etc. And, that loader would get used about every day for something around your house. It would be your wheel barrow. Again, I like to spend your money. Stay warm up der, Steve
  23. 1 point
    Rube Goldburg at it's best.
  24. 1 point
    I can't imagine how long of "trial and error" that took to make that video. I showed it to my fifteen year old and he loved it. Thanks for sharing Jim. -BK
  25. 1 point
    Starter bendix sticking. Kohler service bulletin 153 issued 8/82. Electric starter drive grease part #52 357 01-S for starter splines. Works well & usually last for several years.
  26. 1 point
    A Pennsylvania Railroad T1 Steam locomotive: Fifty two T1 locomotives were built from 1942 to 1946. One of the most technologically advanced steam locomotives ever built.. they were fast and powerful passenger train locomotives.. but they were only used until 1952, when the diesel invasion made them obsolete..none survived the scrappers torch.. Scot
  27. 1 point
    mowerman, here's what I did with two slabs of bookmatched black walnut. Nothing is screwed together in the pics. Just sitting static in the photo room for pics for the owner..
  28. 1 point
    Congrats to the new band saw. I have a big older Delta one. Those CNC machines are really cool but, to me that is not woodworking as it don't take much skill to push some buttons and have the machine do the work for you...Guess I am just old fashion and prefer to do my work my and use my skills. Kinda like paying people to restore a tractor for you, LOL.. I didn't realize we had some more woodworkers here. I always got the impression I was the only one on here doing woodworking..I would like to see some things you all are making..You can find some of my stuff down in my signature links Kevin
  29. 1 point
    Well let me thank everyone here for the help. I finally got to close it out, yesterday. Of course, had I been smarter to start with this whole ordeal would have gone a lot smoother. When I originally disassembled the starter I didn't take the top end off (the retaining nut, spring and gear), I just removed the two long screws and pulled the cover and whole top end off. So, when I wanted to put it together again...no dice. It's almost impossible to reassemble with the cover (w/magnets) over the armature. Once I took apart the top end the rest was not so bad. I fiddle around with motorcycles and cars and often go to forums for help but this is by far the most helpful and informative forum I have been involved with. My neighbor came by when I was working on the Horse and asked me why I don't just buy new tractors and not have to deal with the repair. He doesn't know what he's missing. Truth be told, I have purchased new many times but none of them could hold a candle to the 2 Wheel Horses that I have. Hard to explain but they are just what a small tractor is supposed to be. Thanks again.
  30. 1 point
    the way i read your request is that you bought an h-60 on ebay....correct??? if so , does the engine have the charging system? there should be three wires coming out under the flywheel that goes to a circuit board with a fuse and two diodes. two wires are for charging and the other wire is for the points in the magneto sounds like you are going to add an 12 volt starter....does the flywheel have a ring gear?
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