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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/22/2013 in all areas

  1. 3 points
  2. 3 points
    Is your B-80 outside in the freezing cold? If you have water in the transmission, it could be frozen. Also, is the shifter loose. If the pivot set-screw has worked loose. the shift ball may have dropped and you may not be hitting the shift forks. I would check for a frozen transmission first.
  3. 3 points
  4. 2 points
    if you buy an after market kohler or get a tractor with one in it ( a blue kohler ) be very careful and replace the starter bolts. i had one blow out and strip the threads. mind you the bolts only went into the first 2 or 3 threads. factory mistake. i put new longer bolts in and all is good.
  5. 2 points
  6. 2 points
    here is my tractor this is the 753 export model of 1963-1964 it is one that in the past the large pond is crossed I took him one year ago on an auction site I was quite surprised that something like this was for sale the is indeed the oldest horse in the collection after many inspanigen we found the wheel horse transport to belgium to come all the way from the south of france I think one of the best tractors that built them LIVE THE ROUND HOOD!!
  7. 2 points
    Here's one of my favorites! Factory original RJ58 with Front Cutter Bar! I bought it off an old timer and he said he'd have to have big money for it. I asked him how much we wanted and he said $75.00!! So I said I'd take it for that! Hehe! I loaded it up fast! It didn't have the Front Cutter Bar on it at that time. Keith
  8. 2 points
    ok gonna try this again i found this 416h setting outside under a tarp guy was gonna scrap it because he said it had electrical issues was covered with wet leaves and debree that got under the tarp 3 flat tires so i bought it loaded it up and brought it home put new battery in it and in 20 minutes had it running after i by passed the safety switch on the pto so i then went down bought a 8.00 switch put it in and cleaned it from top to bottom new wax job and here it is oh yeah he said he bought a real tractor a john deere at lowes said these foreign tractors are junk hey just telling u what he told me here it is
  9. 2 points
    When I got this C-175 I really just wanted the engine for another one I had already refurbished. It was a 200+ mile trip one way but I was going to a show up there closer anyway. When I got it home you know how it is a guy just hates to see a horse just sitting there with nothing to do. This is the Zebra tractor before and after.
  10. 2 points
    well i have a nomine my 654 has new short block and duals
  11. 1 point
    1st "new" topic I've done so excuse the mess. I just posted 5 pics to my gallery showing removal of my 854 steering wheel. I've been spraying (lightly) with Kano sili-kroil since 8/12 in case I needed it off. Used a 1" open end wrench under the wheel , a Craftstman 2 jaw puller, 1 1/4 in nut under the puller and a short 5/8 boxed in wrench to remove, came off like a charm. The secret was in the preparation.
  12. 1 point
    Drained a 4 speed transmission today on a tractor I recently got. Drained out 2 qts of gear oil and 1 qt of water. Yes, it needs a new shifter boot. Have you checked your boot lately?
  13. 1 point
    Hi all Firstly i would like to say what a great forum I am the proud owner of a 78 c121 which is in need of a tidy up but is a great matchine. Anyway just thought i would say hi.
  14. 1 point
    MY NEW HAT ARRIVED!! Linen Beige was my choice for this one. Its very difficult to take a face shot of yourself I discovered after like 8 attempts. this was the least scariest pic I was able to manage to get. (My apologies to anyone who was trying to eat while viewing this.) Mike.........
  15. 1 point
    I parted one out for VERY good money.
  16. 1 point
    Stick with a Bowtie Craig, you'll be happier. I have an 09 Silverado 1500 that I love. We've put 95,000 miles on it so far without even one trip back to the dealer for warranty work. Matt :flags-texas:
  17. 1 point
    Now that was way to funny !! Mike........... (still chuckling )
  18. 1 point
    I've come across a frozen transmission only twice, but in each case it was impossible to move the tractor or move the lever to "put it in reverse". First thing I would do is to check the set screw on the front of the gear lever ball. Then loosen it off to allow the gear stick to pull out of the trans. Looking down the hole into the trans you will see the two shift rails. The forward one is the one for 1st/Rev, and the rail will be over to the right side if it is still in reverse. See if you can gently pry this rail back to the central position with a large screwdriver (slightly rocking the tractor back and forward if necessary). Hopefully it will pop back into neutral and you can spend your time wondering why it got stuck in the first place. Check out the ball on the gearshift while it is out, and also the very bottom of the stick as well, looking for signs of obvious wear.
  19. 1 point
    Had the scanner fired up today and thought this would be of assistance: Full page from the manual: 62 to 64 tractor specs 001.bmp
  20. 1 point
    I know your pain Scott! When it's this cold the furnace runs 24/7. I picked up a pellet stove 5 years ago and cut my heat bill in half, the furnace never runs and no wood to haul or split. I like the hitch and will contact you after things settle down around here, or I'll be in on your next batch.
  21. 1 point
    I had to remove a stubborn steering wheel from a 40 year old 18 automatic. I probably used a quarter of the P B Blaster can over a couple months time. Didn't have a puller so I used a 1-1/16 or 1-1/8 open end wrench under the wheel and a hammer, hammered up at each of the 3 spokes one at a time about a dozen times per spoke turning the wheel only one third of a turn and another dozen hammerings per spoke untill the rotating of the wheel bottomed out then hammered rotating in the other direction repeated several times until I finally saw the space between the hub top and the shaft top was less, not much longer hammering and it separated. Wow was I surprised!!! Mark.
  22. 1 point
    Sweet Mother... I look at myself in a whole new light. :ychain:
  23. 1 point
    Another scary picture ahead...mine arrived today.
  24. 1 point
    Collect it for free and then post it on CL for $150... settle for a $100 and buy something else for $100/free. :happy-jumpeveryone:
  25. 1 point
    If you go down to the woods today.........eh? Yep, having done the drive on Friday and the lane down the side of our place on Sat .... it was play time in the woods on Sunday. . My daughter and boyfriend decided to have a go at building an igloo in the clearing. Boggy during winter and sheltered by the trees, there wasn't so much snow here but with a little WH help it was finished before dark. :)
  26. 1 point
    It was hard to tell... Thank you Sir. Hi Matt, it wasn't too cold yesterday, today it's just bl**dy freezing!! Thanks Andy, yeah I'm happy-ish.. Ta muchly Sir.. Sorry, there is no chance of the blade being finished or even started on while the white stuff is down... It's going to take a fair few weeks to build the blade, but I need to do the bodywork next.. Sorry dude's, I did plan to get it uploaded last night along with Part 44 of the build saga, but I was in no fit state to do or think about anything... Bl**dy dystonia gave me a right kicking!! Well, that was a whole bunch of slightly vague answers from me Truth be known, an old problem which I thought I had sorted came back to haunt me during yesterdays drive in the snow... The drive belt kept jumping off if I gave the engine too much gas!! I lost count of how many times I stopped and put it back on!! Other than that the drive went quite well, it would of been nice to of been able to use all the engines power and be a bit more er... adventurous with where I drove.. I hope to get the drive belt problem sorted once and for all today..... But I'm sure I've said that in the past :lol:
  27. 1 point
  28. 1 point
  29. 1 point
    Plowing 1/12/13
  30. 1 point
    I am very excited about this hitch. I can't wait to tow the log splitter around with it and then move the boat. My wife said she would take a video of me moving the boat with the WH, but that will have to wait until Spring. Too much snow here now and I plowed it in.
  31. 1 point
    I will post the pics of what this guy has and maybe you guys can let me know what it fits. Thanks again Commandomayo I will take you up on that adjuster if I do need it. Or go the route we spoke about earlier.
  32. 1 point
    great find! the green one looks a lot like a GILSON just seen one posted on CL in my neck of the woods.
  33. 1 point
    I'm thinking along the same lines as Rollerman..........
  34. 1 point
    Nothing like sneaking up on a Port-o-John with a trencher and giving it a nudge when the guy you are working with is in it. I miss those days. Sometimes the wind would take you for a ride down an icy street in a new subdivision. Drop anchor!! :woohoo:
  35. 1 point
    Some of my trannys had a half decent boot but I did have to replace the one on my C-81 and probably on my 414-8 once I flush the tranny. I got mine off ebay for like 3 for $15.
  36. 1 point
    i picked up 3 last week $15.50 tax included. part #3577 support your local dealer.
  37. 1 point
  38. 1 point
    Next, I went about painting up the weights and got everything mounted. The end of the barbbell shaft was drilled and tapped for a collar that held the weights on. So I took advantage of this and used it to secure the weights on. That's all! Just thought I'd share it. Turned out pretty good and added 125 pounds to the rear end of my D.
  39. 1 point
    Of course, I've gotta submit the favorite "worker" currently in my collection, my one owner, original 653. Here it is a couple years ago, the day I picked it up from the original owner... http://www.wheelhors...ing the torch ...and a couple, more recent picts of it from this past year. :handgestures-thumbsup:
  40. 1 point
    well here is my entry for January tractor of the month It is my RJ35 which i bought from Mike Martino , i am currently waiting to have it shipped to UK , when i can gather some pennies together to send it on its long trip. There will be only two Rj 35s in Uk one of which will be this one and the other which is owned by fellow member Chris Sutton. I was delighted to be offered to buy this one from Mike Martino especially as we all know Mike from being the Author of Straight from the Horses Mouth , so it will make the tractor a special addition to my collection. This is my 4th tractor that i have imported to UK now , the others being my RJ58 653 551 suburban and now my RJ35 Round hood tractors are so rare in UK that the only way of ever being able to own one of these great little machines was to have one shipped over from US , but unfortunetly due to the Wheelhorse addiction i had to have another , so now my current roundhood collection now stands at 9
  41. 1 point
    Spend your money fixing the k181 (right) Not just good enough for now. If you cant do it pay somebody to do it. Theres no reason it shouldnt start almost immediately when you hit the key. Even the pull start 181s start on a half pull most of the time. Its a tough little engine to beat and simple to maintain. If its wore to the point boring and reringing isnt a option used blocks are not that hard to find.
  42. 1 point
    I just performed an experiment a couple of weeks ago. I had a transmission that I was going to tear into and fix anything that was wrong. I drained the oil (it was in good shape...not like yours). I turned the input pulley of the transmission in each gear by hand to determine if anything seemed amiss...it seemed OK. I then put in about a quart and a half of diesel fuel and ran the transmission on my work bench (using an electric motor with a fan belt). I ran it in each gear for about a total of 30 minutes, the speed of which I estimate to be around full throttle. I then drained the transmission and took it apart. The gears, bearings, shafts and casting came out clean as a whistle. There was still a small amount of sludge layered on the bottom of the casting...which wiped right out with a couple of rags. Of the 7 transmissions that I have opened in the last few months, this was the only one that did not have internal problems. The others have had broken or disintegrated bearings, chipped axle gears, chipped bull gear etc. I feel that if I had used the method above on these transmissions, I would have caused more damage and would have inferred more cost. As it is, these transmissions are "averaging" around $75 to $100 apiece to fix and replace broken gears and old seals. There is no labor included in this cost, just cleaners, rags, parts and oil. In conclusion, flushing does clean out a transmission, it also loosens everything and throws it around. It does not fix things that are broken or cracked. I still recommend splitting the transmission, if you really want to know it's condition. Only then can you guarantee yourself another 60 years of service. Kelly is right about members not feeling comfortable tearing down one of these transmissions, but I have been able to help walk people through the process by using posts, PMs e-mail and good old fashioned phone calls. Actually, I think the hard part of doing one of these trannys, is dropping it from the rest of the tractor, the second hardest thing is the cleaning of the inside...electrolysis (if needed), soaking gears and blowing and wiping down, wire brushing, etc...not really hard to do, but may be labor intensive. Putting it back together is a piece of cake and very satisfying. Taking that first ride on the horse when you are done...priceless. :)
  43. 1 point
    That is perhaps the funniest excuse I have ever heard! As you might have noticed by the age of some of these tractors in attendance here, they do not have an expiration date. If what you are stating would be an actual issue, we would only be able to have one tractor at a time and I know that ain't gonna float with me. In case you get it running/driving soon....... the current front rims look like the rears from a lawn tractor. (straight 3/4" keyed hub / no bearings) If they are, do not drive the tractor or the spindles will be damaged.
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