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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/23/2012 in Posts

  1. 8 points
    And for the record John, FOOTBALL or not, posting pictures and video's of people giving the finger MULTIPLE TIMES is NOT acceptable on this site and the members know this. No one is expecting a tea party with this post, but raunchy obscene posts are certainly out of line. By the way, the somebody who didn't like it is me, and like it or not this ALL MIGHTY is NOT going to allow posts like that on this forum especially one with 3000 views! I will say it again, the post is fine, the rivalry is fun, the Blue Sucks is okay, but the profanity is NOT PERIOD!
  2. 5 points
    I'll put it back. I'm not going to be preachy here, but what I saw last night does not belong here period, password protected or not. Web sites are rated, this one has a "Safe" rating which means that if a child wanders in there's nothing offensive. Those kids who wander here are often mine. We are not going to lose the "safe" rating because of this thread. While the poking and teasing and "this team" sucks threads are fine, obscene words or gestures are not, nor will personal attacks be tolerated. All of you know this already and I am surprised that this happened.
  3. 2 points
    You know, it's a proven fact that Michigan fans will do anything to help get a win against The Ohio State Buckeyes. They've been known to seek out Shamans, Witch Doctors, Horsefixers, you name it. Well this one fella got caught up in trying to get some Genie to help him get a victory for the Wolverines. The Genie told him he would have to do a Genie dance if he wanted a Michigan victory this year. It just so happens this little event was "caught on tape" as they say. Ya gotta check this one out for yourselves folks. It' just unbelievable how gullible some Michigan fans are. .....~`~~`~ http://www.jibjab.com/view/8oDBr-Z5ReyuF0hOvGkYMw
  4. 2 points
  5. 2 points
  6. 2 points
  7. 2 points
    Just tearned on the TV IOWA 7 NEBRASKA 6 "GO HAWKEYES"
  8. 2 points
    Way to go Steve, you have become Red Square's top prehistoric poster.
  9. 2 points
    Thanks Guys. Another day older and I don't think I got any smarter. Well it's off to work today and hopefully work on the 753 Saturday and Sunday.
  10. 1 point
    Recently refurbished after 25 years+ rotting in an old outbuilding (UK)- Redsquare Calender image from July 2011- And a frame taken from old Super 8 Cine Film of the Tractor the day it was delivered on 21 June1972-
  11. 1 point
    Well maybe instead of cutting I can just knock the grass down with this lowrider. Heres the first winter project out of the shop. I had a kt-17 thats been setting around and I couldn't ever see a good use for it being a grenade motor- until this idea popped up........ The whole tractor is built out of all left over parts that I have had around for years- no nice tractors were harmed in this build! Sorry I listed the pics in Reverse build......Just added some pics of the airfilter cover to the top of the pic list right side.
  12. 1 point
    just came back from seeing the LINCOLN movie. i took my mom & my wife & let me tell you this was the quickest 2 1/2 hours in life!. there will be many accadamy awards won by this film! highly recomended, 5 stars! Jay
  13. 1 point
    the only problem in having with the 520 is while running and working is that the throttle keeps falling down so i have to keep moving it up to keep the power up.There is no oil or grease on the pinion to the cable.Any low cost ideas on how to fix it ? Cut out a peice of hard rubber and drill a slot over the throttle bar to pin it up against the plate so it wont fall ?Any ideas ?
  14. 1 point
    Hey Guys- It's getting exciting for the boys ( and the Old men too). Wednesday they practiced in the LUCAS OIL STADIUM-then returned home, regular at home practice today-THEN- they take Buses to THE LOFTUS CENTER @ NOTRE DAME to practice Friday-WOW. Then they leave on Royal Excurstons Buses at 7am Saturday for INDY. If anyone had doubts about this Team wanting this victory-they shouldn't now. I know one thing-Indianapolis Cathedral better be ready for a WAR. These kids don't quit-the 3rd & 4th quarters are Theirs. This old Illini is getting butterflies-I think I have checked the oil, antifreeze, and tires on my car 3 times. -----AT 3:30 pm SATURDAY< EST> SAY SOME CHANTS FOR THE CAVEMEN! See ya on the other side-Thanks-Al
  15. 1 point
  16. 1 point
    What a cool "Mad-Max" lookin rig! Go fast?? Mike.............
  17. 1 point
    Awesome Bob, I thought Onan's were the grenade engines? Looks like your test driver has the smile of approval. :handgestures-thumbup:
  18. 1 point
    The symptoms of a my bad hydro were: 1: Lack of power 2: Tranny oil temp got high fast, mowing one slightly hilly acre on a 90+F day the temps would be almost to the yellow when done 3: Power dropped of dramatically with temp rise. It wouldnt hardly pull itself up a hill. 4: Speed not staying constant when going from down hill to uphill, not even close. 5: Lack of dynamic braking 6: Could push with push valve closed 7: Slight change in engine sound (bogging down) when under load. 8: Wheels would stop turning with TCL in full for/rev position and engine would only change tones slightly 9: Pressure test did not meet specs of manual ( cant remember exact readings) All of the above were after I had went through the hydro motor and lapped the valve plate. Before I went through the motor the symptoms were: 1: No power. It wouldnt even pull itself up a slight incline. Couldnt even get over roots that were above the ground 2: Hydro pressure test, could hardly make 25PSI at idle. Less than 350PSI on lift cylinder full extension test. 3: Heated up oil Very fast 4: No bogging down of the engine with TCL full for/rev and wheels would not turn under the slightest load (up an incline) I am pretty confident in saying that if the hydro motor valve plate shows scoring, then the pump will show it also. Mine had major scoring in both. In my original motor, the valve plate thickness after lapping was 0.147 inches. I didnt measure it before I lapped itbut the other 3 valve plates that I have measure 0.156. So I would assume that the original valve plate had been scored to 0.009 deep. Not to mention that the cylinder block was also scored, not as severly but still scored. I would estimate that the combined scoring would have been more than 0.012-0.014. By lapping just the motor valve plate I did regain some usefulness to the tractor. I have used it as my main mower for this season and I have used it with a homemade scarifier to groom my driveway. It was limited in its capacity by the damage in the pump. I wouldnot hesitate to pull the hydro motor off and lap the plate and block if I were having trouble with lack of power. At least you would regain some measure of usefullness. Hope I answered your questions, I can get carried away.
  19. 1 point
    The original wiring and pop rivits lasted for 35+ years right . Fix it right with the rivits and you wont have to deal with it for the next 35+ years. Mike.......
  20. 1 point
    guys, I just got back to the 'puter from Thanksgiving and realized I missed the Iowa-Nebraska game. On Friday, REALLY.???? Can I still pick the other ones?? IF so they are... MICHIGAN AT OHIO ST......................MICHIGAN MICHIGAN ST. AT MINNESOTA..........MINNESOTA ILLINOIS AT NORTHWESTERN..........NORTHWESTERN INDIANA AT PURDUE..........................PURDUE WISCONSIN AT PENN ST...................PENN STATE -BK
  21. 1 point
    LOL… I went to look at an 8 speed tranny that I was contemplating upgrading into my B-80…The guy was asking 90 bucks for it with new bearings and seals…He also had this bare-bones, but complete C-100 for sale for 325 which I tried to ignore. After realizing I’d need to make a few modifications to make the tranny work in the B-80…I figured why not buy the 8 speed tranny that came attached to the C-100… After a quick spin(it runs great)… I made an offer which was quickly rejected..It seemed the someone already had first dibs on the tractor and the seller seemed positive it was a done deal…So I passed on the tranny and left a standing offer for the tractor. Late today the guy calls me and says the deal fell through and the tractor is mine for the taking. Gave 300 for it…which at the time didn’t seem like a lot considering I was gonna pay 90 for the tranny. Picking it up this weekend. As I said I don’t really need this tractor…I have too many other interests to start collecting a herd of these things…Not sure what I’m going to do with it, except spend more time and money setting it up for plowing or snow blowing.. I guess this holiday weekend is a good time to give my thanks to all of you here on the forum for putting me in this situation..
  22. 1 point
  23. 1 point
  24. 1 point
    Well Looks Like I cant Depend On The COMPETITION!
  25. 1 point
    All early 953's with the Ross steering gear came with that steering wheel.
  26. 1 point
    Jim, I just got home had to get a few things. Well again it's good to see the post back. Duke, no more being silly. We don't need that. This is a fun thread and everyone involved needs to remember!!!That's my butt chewin' now on to more important things. My picks are as Jim has already done for me! There is only one game there Jim that I question and that is Wisconsin at Penn State. Penn State hasn't been that bad at home other than loses to O.S.U. and Neb. ahh what the heck, Jim I like your picks!!! Thanks GO HAWKEYES!!!!
  27. 1 point
    Amen. This is the way it should be. There is a place for most everything, and I also like to keep it clean here. Way to go Karl. And thanks for everything you do. Glen
  28. 1 point
    We now return you to your regularly scheduled program..... :ROTF:
  29. 1 point
  30. 1 point
    This is the best way I can think of to excercise off that big Thanksgiving dinner you just had. Try to take a few more laps around the neighborhood today. Pulling the kids adds resistance which will help you shed those extra pounds more quickly :)
  31. 1 point
    I also live in south west UK and i have the same problem . I have 6 tractors that have submerged under water . My garden is at the moment 4 feet under water ( photos will follow shortly) I am just about to give my wife a piggy back to get out to go to the shops to get some supplies for the weekend. The land adjacent to our land is a total lake Thankfully the house is just about ok but more rain is on its way so this time tomorrow i could be writing that we are under water in the house lets hope not eh
  32. 1 point
    Hilarious! I didn't think he actually mounted them until he drove into the pond. Listen to that 4-banger whine under the load... my goodness!
  33. 1 point
    Humm, looks like that hood has been stretched a bit?
  34. 1 point
    I'm doing similar, the 414-8 with a blade and a Toro walk behind snow blower. The cars stay in the garage this way!
  35. 1 point
    Bob, I think this bearing/bushing combo will also work on my SMS-425 sickle bar. Thanks for the info.
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