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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/21/2012 in all areas

  1. 3 points
    I think AMC built crappy Harleys during those years also. I guess AMC didn't make anything nice! The early to late 70's C series are some of the most rugged, well thought out, and simple designs of any GT I have ever seen or owned. Give me a C-100/C-120/C-160 with and 8 speed any day....
  2. 3 points
    Jim, I see you got your signs ready for the game this weekend! Hope you enjoy it.........12 p.m. Saturday!!!!
  3. 3 points
  4. 2 points
  5. 2 points
    the thing that hasnt been mentioned is pretty much all these "problems"are very easy to fix,a plate added to the frame,some steel for the newer steering,some welding and a bit of fabricating skills can repair almost any of these problems,thats a really nice thing about these tractors,easy to work on in general
  6. 2 points
    LOL! Just bored and playing around with my forum... I noticed in my profile, we have the ability to change our display name up to three times in a thirty day period? I don't know why, but it seems like you can reinvent yourself here every ten days here. Sounds interesting... so, I decided to see who's paying attention here on RS. Only you, Kelly, and Liz Taylor(at least that's what he was calling himself when he PM'd me...LOL!) ...that was JayinNC playing with the idea too... have commented so far...so, good eyes there tunahead Ed, nothing gets by you too. :eusa-clap:
  7. 2 points
    There are no weaknesses in Wheel Horse tractors just weaknesses in the operators... Actually I would have to say the annoying rattle in the transmission disengagement lever on early 80's hydros, The parking brake paw in the early sundstrands. Gear drive decks, need I say more.
  8. 2 points
    Hello Horsefixer, Your reply to my answer to the question appears to be rather coarse. You start by agreeing, but go on in the same sentence to re-describe my answer in a more general way. You use the term "Balanced" which would describe the effect of the weights relative to the center of gravity of the wheel and tire when rotating. This is Ok and refers to the Dynamics of the added weight when in motion, usually measured relative to one axis like the center of the hub or axle shaft. When measured relative to one axis (axis of shaft) on a balancing machine the CG is assumed to be at this axis. We also use Statics to determine the effect of the added weight on different parts of the tractor like the hub bearings at rest, or when the tractor is not moving. This is a simpler case and is easy to understand because any weight that is added outside of the CG will always place this force on the bearing. This is why I included the 2nd example of adding weight 5 feet outside of the CG, because one can observe this in their own garage. I will restate my original answer but add in my opinion of the weights that were added. "Actually, if the weight is added inside the wheel rim and is added exactly at the center of gravity (CG) then there will be no added force to the wheel bearings." Looking at the photos of the added weight it appears that the majority of the added weight is near the Centroid (CG) of the wheel and tire, therefore the added weight is not placing a large force on the wheel bearing at rest. Also, the weights appear to be symetrical in shape, therefore the wheel, tire and added weight is probably somewhat balanced and will not place very much dynamic force on the bearing when driven. This can be verified by having the whole assembly balanced on a machine. Good job 1maidenfan, Horsefixer, I hope you can accept my technical answer, if not please reference an ME book on "Statics". Gary
  9. 2 points
    Come on Jim.........this is fun isn't it? Urban Meyer has been on the recruiting trail once again..........things never change...........
  10. 2 points
    I just ask my wife. "SHE IS ALWAYS RIGHT PERIOD" So no matter how many ways I have to ask, I always get the right answer.
  11. 1 point
    My son wanted a fun tractor that he didn't have to worry about scratching but he wanted it cool and different from eveyone else's tractor. Most of the things that were done to it were his idea's, he has been getting his hands dirty working on it along side me. I'll let the pics speak for themselves of what we have done so far, we picked it up less than two weeks ago. The first picture it is riding on the back of my trailer the day we got it home. There are still quite a few things we are going to do to it, this is just a start. We might change the color of the rims, just not sure what color yet. He has named it Rusty in memory of our puppy we lost a few months ago.
  12. 1 point
    Hope you have safe travels and good quality time with your families and friends. Happy Thanksgiving to you all!
  13. 1 point
    :ROTF: You just typed it before anyone else got to it.
  14. 1 point
    And no one mentions the medical / mental problems? Scared to own up? Like some drugs, Wheel Horse tractors (WHA aka Wheel Horse Addiction) can be very serious (unlike the green 'n yellow thingys). WH "Got Dirt!" Most want more and more and more. "Honest Honey, this'll be my last Horse. I promise!" Haaaaaaaa! See your psychologist now! And a few bumps on the head from the Mrs. too! And now the kids want their own! Shame on Wheely Horsey for doin' this to us! How's 'bout gettin' up at all hours to fix this, tweak that? Red paint all over your clothing, everywhere! We've all been there! WHI (aka Wheel Horse Insomnia), y'all know that one! And, let's not leave out the cost of film. Printing all those pictures can be costly! Cost of travel, "Honey want to take a short ride? The (parts) tree fall colors (and a D series, shhhhhhhhh) are great!" 250 miles from no where! Fairs? Ha! Takin' the wee little ones to a WH jamboree, another tractor pull, a WH auction? Another set of (a few more sets is more like it) great decals from the Vinyl Guy? Forum members show all of the above ailments during their WH "careers." More Tylenol®? Not a chance, WH wheel weights! Yeah! Feelin' better already! Does your health insurance cover Wheel Horse Addiction (known as WHA). No? Whaaaaaaaa! "I'll be right back Hon! Runnin' to the bakery for coffee cake." (pickin' up more Regal Red at Home "Cheapo" really, lyin' again). Don't forget some RustOleum Crystal Clear........while you're there!
  15. 1 point
    DANGER! DANGER! Craig, I tried to warn you about being bored! :naughty:
  16. 1 point
    welcome newbie :ychain:
  17. 1 point
    I think AMC built crappy Harleys during those years also. I guess AMC didn't make anything nice!
  18. 1 point
    i only have one complaint eaton 700 hydro pumps in 516 & 518 tractors. when you bought these new they were over 4000.00 dollars & you arent suposed to use groung engaging implements. stupid! Jay
  19. 1 point
    And to think I have a buddy who works at a foundry and offerered to make copies of mine for $50 per set.... :eusa-think:
  20. 1 point
    Well I noticed also just figured you was having mid life crissis or something. :laughing-rolling: :laughing-rolling:
  21. 1 point
    Well, are you going to come out at some point?
  22. 1 point
    Craig, your saying I own an AMC? I'm crushed. Guess it's time to sell it off and find something older. :ychain:
  23. 1 point
  24. 1 point
    :text-yeahthat: See Jim, I told you.... -BK
  25. 1 point
  26. 1 point
    You know I'm just kidding...I've been house trained... and know who's boss.
  27. 1 point
  28. 1 point
    Totally Agree! :banana-tux:
  29. 1 point
    I have to believe you guys are gonna have a rough way to go!!! First and always a Hawkeye but then, secondly a Buckeye. I have lived in So. Cal for ten years but then moved back to Iowa for about eight mos.. I have been in Toledo now for about 28 years. I guess you could say it's legal for me to be a Buckeye! Besides that the Hawkeyes have to let Michigan win one now and then!!! Go Hawkeyes!!!! Go Buckeyes!!!
  30. 1 point
    #1 WHEELHO, huh? That's funny! Do we have to welcome you again every time you change your name? If "they" come looking for you, do we know you? :)
  31. 1 point
    Well you know I really don't know from time to time how many are out there. But (wild Bill ) told me years ago if you don't know then for sure your wife dont have a clue either. :happy-jumpeveryone:
  32. 1 point
    Here Buckeye. C'mon boy... Good dog! :ROTF:
  33. 1 point
    That's not a Buckeye, there's no tattoo! To laugh at others, you better be able to laugh at yourself. Not everyone can do it. :thumbs:
  34. 1 point
    Wow this thread almost seems one sided, favoring Ohio State. Wait until the Michigan fans get off work! :angry-nono:
  35. 1 point
    :WRS: AMC rules, 16HP Thumper, #1 Wheelho or what ever else you go by, just don't change your avitar or we will never know who you are. :ychain:
  36. 1 point
    Must've been that old school gas Jim...like they don't make anymore. Most of the mess I showed was just clutter after a summer of projects around the house...not as bad as it looks. All is back in it's place now, ready for this winters hibernation. That ol' hotrod of mine is always at the ready...stays registered, licenced, and insured. Just hafta push a couple of the little red guys out from behind it, and it's down the road we go. :thumbs:
  37. 1 point
    got the C-120 ready. Now it wont snow any here
  38. 1 point
    Whew...here I was thinking that you turned into a squirrel at midnight. :) :) And that is your AMC that you are standing on.
  39. 1 point
    I have to say I have a good one. Told her I'm getting our 9yr old a tractor for Christmas and her reply was " cool, he will be in hog heaven. He's such a little you." Found a built in reason to get more! :banana-tux:
  40. 1 point
    I have been looking for a chance to use this...Shorts bought this for me at Scott's M&G.
  41. 1 point
    :ychain: No I never finished that tractor, it's way in the back of the barn.
  42. 1 point
    you know every time I see the title, I just think, I do love big'uns on the front :ychain:
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