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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/23/2012 in Posts

  1. 4 points
    Hello everyone, brand new member here. I found this site a couple months ago when I was given an aircraft tug. The gentleman that had it took it all apart but tossed the engine ! He says everthing else is there even the old nuts and bolts. Right now the greasy beast is on my trailer awaiting a good cleaning. I'll be going through the parts to see if anything is missing. He gave me two copies of the owner/operators manual. These were built by Wright-Hursey in Cromwell Indiana, not sure for how long but it seems they have closed down. I will post some pictures and would love any help in determining what tractor it is based on. I am not familiar with these tractors yet but with the communities help I hope to be ! Basketcase
  2. 3 points
    Tim, Years ago I was out brooming off the vehicles as they were left out all night and then started scraping my window and MJ came outside with a couple big cups of warm water and threw them on her windshied and started her car. I told her that she shouldn't do that cause the window will crack! That was 30 years ago and she's been doing it ever since with no ill effects. Im not sayin it can or cant, but I also think of all the car washes I see running in the middle of winter and I never see them have cracked windows. I will be carefull. Well as I said Ive been wiring. Yesterday I worked on the control box for the chucker. Tonight I did alot of wiring and Installed it I think it turned out pretty good. I took it for a spin when it was dark and my neighbor Dave accross the street lowered his blinds when I turned on the strobe and hit him with all 4 front lights. All I can say is they must be working. Next will be the chute control wires and the windshield washer setup. Terry did a super job on the Control Box Decal. I added the right lower Square switch which is the washer fluid button after the fact but being its close to the wiper switch it all coincides. Heres some Pics. ~Duke
  3. 3 points
    Wait, this is simple, All you need to do is cut his pecker off.
  4. 3 points
    Other than recovering with something designed for winter use (like snowmobile seat material as suggested) or maybe truck bed tonneau cover material, I think you're limited by the chemical composition of the vinyl. The polymers in lawn tractor seats just aren't made to handle cold, no matter how much you "condition" them. It's about temperature.... not how oily they are. For winter workers that crack....I use my universal seat repair kit. Stays pretty pliable and cost effective. Easily replaced when the repair wears out.
  5. 2 points
    I wanted to add some weight to the wheels on my D160 for traction the winter, will be adding chains also, so I took some measurements and cut some pieces of steel and started fabricating. This is what I came up with.Will hold up to 65# on each side and only sticks out as for as the snow blower is wide. Just something I threw together tonight. Seems to work. Hopefully I wont be snagging anything?
  6. 2 points
    Just thought I would show #1 of 5 trailers I will be building, this one has a few extras as for its the first one and he a good friend of mine.. also has torsion axles, built in work light on one side and strap compartment on the other side.
  7. 1 point
    We have collected paint recommendations for Wheel Horse Tractors. The color changed in 1990. 1955-1989 Wheel Horse Red - Valspar Restoration Series International Harvester Red (paint code: 3344) - GM #81 matched at an auto paint store - Rustoleum Regal Red (paint code: 7765-830) - Krylon Cherry Red (paint code: 2101) available at Wal-Mart - PPG Paint code --- PPG Wheel Horse Red DAR 4021 ALT H ---- DMR 478 149.4 ---- DMR 490 7.0 ---- DMR 451 286.6 ---- DMR 474 533.4 ---- DMR 475 507.8 ---- DXR 495 40.0 ---- DMR 499 536.4 Wheel Horse Linen - Duplicolor Wimbledon White (paint code: T205) (Autoparts stores) - Valspar anti-rust Gloss almond (Paint code: 21935) - Sherwin Williams - Controls Rust - Antique White (paint code 140-2486) - Rustoleum gloss Ivory (paint code: 249110) - PPG Wheel Horse Linen Beige DAR 8799 ---- DMR 486 8.0 ---- DMR 490 3.0 ---- DMR 487 19.0 ---- DMR 400 200.0 ---- DXR 495 20.0 ---- DMR 499 870.0 1990-2007 Wheel Horse Red - Toro Red - New (eBay and Toro Dealers) Wheel Horse Black Wheel Horse Silver (Pewter)
  8. 1 point
    I've been a member here for a about a year so I thought I better introduce myself. Got aquatinted with Wheel Horse when my dad bought a used 875 in the late 1960s. He and I both loved plowing snow and mowing with that tractor and I still have it. Added a B100 then 2 B 80 4 speeds and a B 80 8speed. This summer I added a stretched frame, late 60s 3 speed rat rod that I have been finishing up. I was putting the brakes on buying until a neighbor who was moving gave me a great deal on a very nice 856 (my wife's tractor). I am very fond of my Kohler K powered collection. Thanks for all the help on questions and the friendliness I've received at gatherings. Great site and group of people. I will post pictures when I am able.
  9. 1 point
    digatron makes some great gages. Temp, tach, ext temp, i could even get mph. dont forget oil press
  10. 1 point
    I have cedar siding on my house (My wife and I just like real wood) -- We have had this siding for 12 years -- Woodpeckers have been banging on some of the band boards over the years but nothing major-- Until this summer -- One has decided the wall right under the eve would make a great home -- It has made a 3 inch hole thru the siding, thru the wafer board sheeting, pulled out a bunch of the blown paper siding -- I guess it wants to spend the winter next to my closet -- Just a 1/2 inch of dry wall between me and the bird Needless to say, I closed the hole up, and the the woodpecker put another hole in the same spot, I closed it again, and the bird opened it a third time -- It takes the damn bird about one day to get back in Anybody got any ideas on how to repel a woodpecker, or at least keep them from wanting to live in my closet wall And for what it is worth I don't want to start learning how to bird hunt around my house
  11. 1 point
    Heres a few pic of the Bandsaw I built last winter, had to cut everything by hand because of course I had no Bandsaw, everything is off the shelf parts, have a vertical table that attaches, auto stop, air cylinder for feed control, homemade idler, angle cut from 0 to 70 degrees, quick clamp vice, 1/2 hp, 200 fpm,, will cut square within .025", have shields and covers, but not yet attached. Sorry, NO Plans, except my notes and whats in my head...
  12. 1 point
    Sorry Matt, couldn,t fit this in my house to make room for my tractors in the garage ...Which means I have to park my truck outside. Which is good because now my wife may let me build a yard barn in the back yard next year. which is really good so Denny doesn't have to store my tractors for me . It all works out some way or another....I hope.
  13. 1 point
    Well I collect several different types of garden tractors of course, everything related to Wheel Horse, paper work, manuals, signs and anything else with WH on it. I also collect old bicycles, mostly Schwinn's. Have a ton of old oil cans and gas related signs, 5 gallon oil and gas cans. Old matchbox cars, Hotwheels and 1/24th slot cars! Not to mention, old pencil sharpeners, wood rulers, wood planes and carpentry tools. I guess I am a collector of all things old and cool! LOL! Keith
  14. 1 point
    "Yes it costs about $4.20 a gallon, but in reality thats only about $2.50 extra a weekend of mowing for me" Pay now with Hi Test or pay later with regular.
  15. 1 point
    Brain K, just go to Hi Test, no ethanol in it, solves a lot of problems.
  16. 1 point
    So here's a crazy idea, guys.....how about we work together to make up a list of pulleys similar to the bearings chart posted elsewhere on the forum? Something along the lines of original part number/the tractor(s) it fits/where used, and dimensions. It may take a while, but this forum is a great and laasting resource. What do you all think, and Karl, if we can get it up and running can it be pinned? JMHO....... Duff :thumbs:
  17. 1 point
    I can picture the scene on the domestic front when you come in the house after sitting on a seat rubbed in used motor oil. :)
  18. 1 point
  19. 1 point
    I am almost ready with my R58. Engine is being ovehauled - back in soon I hope. (Picture to follow.)
  20. 1 point
  21. 1 point
    That is a big score... congrats I have an 8hp kohler and dream of the K341... Love the C series!!!!
  22. 1 point
    When I saw your picture,I had to go in my back yard and make sure no one wasn't sneaking around here.My junk yard almost looks like your junk yard.Wanna buy a few of mine???It's a shame I ran out of indoor storage space and so many of mine are starting to live outside.
  23. 1 point
    It is a diode assembly like the one shown below. It is essentially the RECTIFIER half of a RECTIFIER / REGULATOR system. My advice is to remove it from the tractor (it is not original equipment) and forget about it. If you were to hook up the AC leads from the stator to the terminals marked AC on the diode assembly, you would have over 20 volts of pulsating DC voltage available from the (+) and (-) terminals. There is no easy way to regulate this DC voltage down to the 14 VDC needed to safely charge a battery. If you were stranded on a desert island and need to charge batteries off this device, it could be done with constant supervision of the battery voltage.. The likely outcome of using this device is the battery will be overheated, boil over or explode. Long story short, for safety sake, remove it and toss it in your junk bin.
  24. 1 point
    If you don't want to kill it then you could always put a nice bird house near the hole and maybe it will use that instead.
  25. 1 point
    Sounds like your puttin out bait. Maybe try a small pressure mat developed for the military. Cover the hole with it and when he bangs on it he blows himself to hell and back and there is nothing left to pick up. Kinda self solving and self cleaning! :ychain:
  26. 1 point
    I can understand the occasional up-shift. Sometimes you may want to go from 2nd to 3rd on the fly. I think you will find you can do this easier if you drain your old transmission oil, and replace it with something super slippery like LUCAS. This will help with shifting while in motion. Unfortunatly for us, Advance Auto does not sell " Liquid Tranmission Synchronizer In a Can".
  27. 1 point
    One of the neatest videos I've ever seen! http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=BFTj0hM3DHM
  28. 1 point
    sorry this is not a mirror pic, but this is what you call full! 3 rj's, about 20 tires, and about 10 motors sneaked into the back of a truck bed. ~Jake sorry this is not a mirror pic, but this is what you call full! 3 rj's, about 20 tires, and about 10 motors sneaked into the back of a truck bed. ~Jake
  29. 1 point
    Well they say the value of anything is what anyone is willing to pay. But that being said I'm sure not willing in most cases. But then when I walk by the line up at the box store at 3 grand a pop makes me think about that pile of plastic. And that reminds me of my good buddy (old wheel horse dealer) Accidentaly dropped a 13 inch pine on his favorite horse of course beat the hood out ,straightendup the steering wheel and was off and running. IIf this had been plastic he would still be sweeping up the pieces, and there really isn't much market for junk plastic !!
  30. 1 point
    ........................................ GATLIN GUN!
  31. 1 point
    Here's an easy trick. And it works for squirrels too. Get an Owl decoy. One that looks relatively real. Cover the holes when the portable jackhammer is out and place the owl on the roof close by so it is easily seen. Make sure it looks as real as possible (you may have to temporarily mount it). Then you move it to different locations, so the live invaders don't get used to it. After a couple of days,put it away for a day and then bring it out again. Just keep moving it around. I had a little pecker that loved the cedar siding on the dormers on my old house, he must have thought it was a giant bird house. The only drawback? It scares away songbirds as well, but after a week or so of doing this. You may be able to hide it for awhile. Bring it out whenever the problem starts. Good Luck Pat
  32. 1 point
    Lol if it is that troublesome you might as well shoot it. I know the people in my family would. You could try looking up bird repellants online. However if you plan on getting rid of the little rascal make sure it is not an endangered species. You could also get a fishing net with very small holes (even a butterfly net), and put it over the hole of the house at night while the wood pecker is in it, then with a flashlight shine it in the hole and bang on the siding. The little bugger should fly right out. Now the tricky part is getting him down to the ground. So drag the net slowly and carefully down the siding until your wife can slide a piece of cardboard between the siding and the net. After which you carefully transfer the net to the ground. Then to get him into a pet carrier, or some sort of box, however being a wood pecker, I would think that cardboard would not be a good option Lol. I would wear gloves, and carefully slide your hands into the net and cup the bird (hands positioned around each wing) and firmly but easy to not injure the bird transfer it to the container with holes or something so it can breathe. Afterward take for a long long ride. 45 mins plus! PS if you decide to do this, please have a third person with a video camera, I think it would be quite funny. Also, I have had many bird and parrots, this method does work, just take part in being careful not to hurt the bird. -Charles
  33. 1 point
    Hey -BK ........10-dash 4 on the Paul Bunyan Trophy being where it belongs! Oh and on those Dance Moves ya got there....... You Got Moves Like Jagger!! "GO BLUE" ~Duke
  34. 1 point
    Maybe a little Apple Pie would make me feel better about the Big Ten this year...the Rock & Rye is not working. :)
  35. 1 point
    That there is the stuff dreams are made of! Very nice! Matt :flags-texas:
  36. 1 point
    You might call that a "junkyard" ,others know that as "Wheel Horse Heaven". Great deal for ya and save as many as you can. :handgestures-thumbupright:
  37. 1 point
  38. 1 point
  39. 1 point
    Stop, select the gear that you need and go. You shouldnt need to shift on the fly. It is possible to shift while moving, but it is very easy to grind the gears. The most fragile components in the gearbox are the dogs that keep top gear engaged. It doesnt take too much to taper these dogs, and when that happens the gearbox will start jumping out of gear. On a six/eight speed you absolutely need to be at a dead stop to shift between Hi and Low ranges. Otherwise you WILL bend or break the shift fork.
  40. 1 point
    OMG!!! Now you've done it!! :violence-duel:
  41. 1 point
    Consider, she's mighty mighty...just lettin' it all hang out!
  42. 1 point
  43. 1 point
    It's a 1962 552, but the pics are cool Gotta get rid of that muffler though . . .
  44. 1 point
    Can you imagine cleaning a chicken pen with Dukes chucker?
  45. 1 point
    Wow that brings new meaning to $h!t hitting the fan
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