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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/15/2012 in all areas

  1. 3 points
    It's amazing how somethings seem to be timed perfectly. One year ago, RedSquare was hosted on a free service called Forumer. Forumer did have a charge for several services, chat and ad removal. Many of our members wanted to financially support RedSquare, and in turn the supporter program was instituted. One year ago, Forumer began to have severe performance problems and RedSquare performance was horrible. 20 minutes just to log in wasn't unusual, not being able to post, check PM's etc. We began to look for ways to get off of Forumer. One year ago, we successfully extracted the RedSquare data from forumer, but lost all PM's, email addresses, passwords and some pictures, but the testing continued. During this time, Forumer began to experience database problems, we established a temporary RedSquare (RedSquare Jr.) where we could continue to discuss "stuff". It became clear that we needed to get off of Forumer, and we did! Timing was perfect, getting a successful extraction of our data, having a supporter program in place which allowed us to purchase our own software and lease a system to run it on. On October 31, we will mark our 1 year off of Forumer. I remember switching the DNS entries and going Trick or Treating with my kids, checking my cell phone for issues, but there were few. So this will mark the one year where I say, thank you to our supporters. For those who are new here and wondered about the supporter program, there you have it. Bottom line is if we didn't have the supporter program in place, RedSquare would certainly not be where it is today. Today, the money received goes towards hosting fees, software licensing fees, skin costs, misc upgrade costs, forum development / testing software support. We also contribute to Childhood Cancer research If you are interested in becoming a Supporter of RedSquare, visit our store to purchase a package which best suites you. In addition to supporting this fine forum, you will receive additional forum privileges which include additional picture posting, PM's, special Supporter forum, and other perks. Finally, to our supporters who helped us through the rough patch, thank you!
  2. 2 points
    Well I finally was able to drag my Struck Mini Dozer home this weekend. Bummer was the tracks are stuck, the trans. is stuck, the engine is stuck and everything else is stuck! Maybe they should have called them Stuck instead of Struck! So I'll have to take a bunch of parts off it to get it oiled down and loosened up. I don't have time for all that right now. This machine has a lot of potential and it is way cool! Nice selection of frontend attachments too! A 48 inch Ripper Blade, a 48 inch Dump Bucket and a 54 inch Dozer Blade. Not bad for $250.00!! Pretty much stole it!
  3. 2 points
    Concrete and brake drums, works. Find drums at the junk yard to fit your rims. Nice lookin' D series Horse!
  4. 1 point
    The temperature dipped to 19.3 degrees (f) last night, so today I removed the mower deck from the 414-8 in preparation for the plow (another post). I have seen posts previously asking how to do this, so I decided to document the process: FIRST loosen up the mule drive, note to loosen you turn the knob clockwise SECOND remove the belt from the mower center pulley, this works best with the mower lowered. THIRD raise the deck and unhook the attach-a-matic holding the deck to the center hitch by pressing in the button and sliding the release lever over. Once unhooked, lower the deck slowly to remove the rod from the hitch. FOURTH Remove the front mule drive same as the center hitch ***CAREFUL*** as the mule drive will drop down, keep hands clear. FIFTH remove the pin holding the PTO engagement lever to the PTO spindle, then remove the rod and remove the belt. SIXTH slide the mower deck from under the tractor by first sliding the deck until the lift pin drops, then raise the lift lever and remove the deck the rest of the way and you're done!!!
  5. 1 point
    I have been looking for a while for a 552 with the correct H55 Lauson and found one last night and made the deal so I went to pick it up today this one also came with the same foot trip snow blade like the one I got on my 502 from smokinjoe. Previous owner said the engine runs great but has sat for a couple months so it may need a carb cleaning. I looked at the 552 tractors in the forum and all of the ones I see have a recoil starter and electric start but the one I picked up has a debris screen over the flywheel just like my 653 has...it this correct or should it have a recoil starter?? Now I can cross this one off my list, I almost have the full collection of round hood tractors from RJ35 to 854. Here are some pictures of the tractor and the fall scenery....the drive was great
  6. 1 point
    Looks Good! :handgestures-thumbupright:
  7. 1 point
    Great looking tractor,good your Son is enjoying helping!
  8. 1 point
    Green Crocs! Yikes, get him some Red Crocs stat! Or maybe put a coat of paint on them... B)
  9. 1 point
    Browns win!!!!!!!! Super Bowl here we come!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL
  10. 1 point
    so if lower head temp = higher carbon buildup and in the Onan, the front builds carbon faster, which stresses the rod in the rear cylinder is it arguable that the FRONT cylinder should be made to run HOTTER to match the rear head, Yes, belt guard vents MAY cool the rear cylinder, but will additional cooling only serve to accelerate the buildup in the rear head? What say you Goldilocks? Not too hot, Not too cold. Yes, but what is just right?
  11. 1 point
    Holly Crap the Browns WON A GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I didn't get to see it :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
  12. 1 point
    Well my mom is 65 years young and took her first ride on a tractor today! She actually liked it and I think we have her talked in to helping dad with mowing duties. I think with the zero turn with a 61" deck and this recently purchased 522xi with a 60" deck.......they might be able to get everything mowed in oh........15 minutes! Here she is.......
  13. 1 point
    That looks fantastic Scott! I really like them square hood short frame tractors!
  14. 1 point
    Especially since it's a Briggs!
  15. 1 point
    I used to have windshield fluid in both tires but one started leaking. Ended up removing both tires and installing tubes to hold air. Now I can't add fluid cause if I let the air out the valve stem dissappears into the wheel. Then the only way to get to it is break the bead and start all over. I liked the weight but it rusted the wheels something terrible. I'm lucky I was able to save them. Now I think wheel weights would be my best course. But thanks anyway. Oh, and here's a pic or two of my D.
  16. 1 point
    Looks good Denny!! can't wait to see it done for power pioneer days next year!! And those rims look nice too . To me powder coating is well worth the money when it comes to painting rims. :handgestures-thumbupright:
  17. 1 point
    Looks great Scott! I think you may need to build some sort of temporary footrest for him, as I think its going to be awhile before he'll fit into the factory ones. I'm not going to let Danny see this thread, because if he does he'll be wanting a bigger tractor, or worse yet, he'll want mine! All joking aside Scott, that is a gorgeous 500 special! Matt :flags-texas:
  18. 1 point
    Zach and I turned some wrenches again this afternoon. It is very hit and miss for us to get a chance to work on his tractor. He is getting pretty happy about getting close with it. We are going to completely tear down the entire motor and do a refresh and take care of any needed issues. Have a H-60 to put under the hood.........hopefully after going through everything and taking care of it, then it will last. Here is Zach on his tractor.............
  19. 1 point
    Bears in first by default. De fault of the Packers and their coaching staff!
  20. 1 point
    DA BROWNS...THEY DID IT. :woohoo: :happy-jumpeveryone:
  21. 1 point
    Took this pic. Pulled off the deck to clean it. Put the deck back on and the threaded rod that connects the lift arm to the bell crank broke in half! :banghead:
  22. 1 point
    I finally got around to my own project this summer, finishing up the 867 I got this spring and she’s now running and driving very nicely. I fully rebuilt the K181 that was seriously trashed by the lower end of its dipstick falling in to the crankcase, replaced tie rods and steering support, re-sealed transaxle, added new seat, re-enforced the fender sheet metal to support my weight without flexing, and removed many decades of petrified grease. I am going to put new needle and thrust bearings in the RM367 mower deck over the winter as I tried it out and it was a bit loud. Not a show queen but I didn’t intend it to become one. I just repaired it enough to continue doing what it has seemingly enjoyed doing for the past 45 years, being a reliable worker. -Mark-
  23. 1 point
  24. 1 point
    Looks good, but you'll be amazed how fast that fills up.
  25. 1 point
    If the scotch brite pads are working for you then roll with it. I generally use 220 grit paper on an orbital sander. The last boat I restored I decided that I would try paint stripper on it. The boats original paint was totally trashed and just butt ugly. The stripper took everything off and there were no nasty side effects. I cleaned it real well with soap and water. I didn't paint this boat, I polished it out to a mirror shine. If I recall Lund boats aren't painted on the bottom, which is good. I don't use Zinc Chromate paint when I'm priming an aluminum boat. It is nasty stuff. I use Duplicolor green self etching paint like SOI recommended, its good stuff but its nasty enough also. The Rustoleum brand self etching paint is garbage. If the bottom of your boat isn't painted I wouldn't paint it.
  26. 1 point
  27. 1 point
    Here's some fall shots of my b80 and my dad's rj. ~Jake
  28. 1 point
    On my 161 there were 2 holes to mount the muffler support to on the engine cradle. Try using the hole closer to the center of the cradle. This will move the muffler over a little bit more and should help with your heat problem.
  29. 1 point
    Denny, those are casting date codes. One half of your case was cast on April 20, 1961 (D20%1) and the other May 18, 1961 (E18%1). Of course at assembly, those parts are all mixed and laying on pallets, so they don't have matching dates. Jason, Thanks for the info...... I have another question, The tranny that came with the tractor has a 1/4" npt fill hole and no date codes (it looked to be original to the tractor) and the one with the date codes, built in 1961 has a 3/8" npt fill hole. Do you or anyone else know which one is correct for this tractor? Just curious.
  30. 1 point
  31. 1 point
    701 looks awesome Denny! I'd love to see it in person some day.
  32. 1 point
    I've always wondered why we don't have a list of the remaining "active" dealers... and their contact information available here on
  33. 1 point
    I'd carve that ugly duckling up like a thanksgiving turkey to allow one of our 's to keep on working.
  34. 1 point
    Nice video. If I did my math right she was born in 1964 and I left in late 1963. Dang Man I've got Army Boots older than you guys. O and your wife looked as tho she was enjoying the tractor ride. Regards, Jim
  35. 1 point
    Craig, Weisbaden is not far from Bad K., We use to go there to the P.X. Wasn't Weisbaden H.Q. for the 8th. Division? I was in the Seventh Army. I know if you were in Germany you were a field trooper.
  36. 1 point
    Spent the entire 80's decade stationed there myself...Mainz, Weisbaden, and Stuttgart were my old stomping grounds. As a GI...I couldn't wait to leave, but now As a civilian federal employee, I'd love to go back. :)
  37. 1 point
    Just Got to a point on my 74 C-120 project where I want to set the Steering up. I have adjustable Rods. What Setting do you initially use for 'Tow In'?. I'm thinking it may need about an 1/8th of an inch to Track reasonably on smooth ground. Thanks in anticipation.
  38. 1 point
    Whoa........ it's gonna take a while to get THAT image out of my mind.
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